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3 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Did BS bring toons that were on closed servers to SV the moment it opened? As far as I know the answer is no. Hence SWTOR back toons not so much.

BS made Zero promises concerning the actuality of SV transfers. That fact means they did not guarantee transfers and they did not guarantee no transfers. It does mean they can do whichever option they want.


Is It possible to block these trolls so you don't have to put up with their nonsense ?

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30 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:


Is It possible to block these trolls so you don't have to put up with their nonsense ?

Messages yes. thread post… doesn’t look like it.

Say what you will, but bs isn’t obligated to give y’all transfers of any kind. If the server isn’t used enough then transfers are the least of the worries. Another APAC server will probably disappear.

it would be more productive to have y’all say “hey BS we want our transfers of X and X type!” then have a large group log on for like 15 mins then log out. After which have someone post “on such and such date and such and such time we people in favor of x logged on and logged out. That many people will use/leave the server based on your decision.”

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9 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Yup we have to pay for things we already have Earn'd/paid for and cannot get a lot of those back, because some want a fresh start feeling...
And somehow that's fair hahaha

That was Broadswords decision.

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My biggest issue with the economy still comes back to crafting. When servers were new the max crafting level was 400, and the top level for companions to craft was level 10, they have now both ballooned to 700 and 50 respectively. Without more credits on the server you can't max out your companions to do the crafting, an example of this is my top Biochem crafter is level 22 it takes 36 minutes to craft a purple stim, it takes 3 minutes just to craft a purple cell graft, compared to a level 50 which takes 13 minutes to craft a stim and a minute to craft the cell graft. This isn't even taking into account the cost of crafting, it costs 7k for a top tier (rich yield craft mission at lvl 50 a comp can craft this in 13 minutes on my lvl 22 companion it takes 35 minutes) but when servers were new a top tier rich yield mission was 3K, this may not sound much but when a million credits is a lot and the cost of gearing (tacticals etc) it's leaving people just broke unable to buy the stuff they need to play the game as they would on any other server.

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2 hours ago, MuskyBoy said:

My biggest issue with the economy still comes back to crafting. When servers were new the max crafting level was 400, and the top level for companions to craft was level 10, they have now both ballooned to 700 and 50 respectively. Without more credits on the server you can't max out your companions to do the crafting, an example of this is my top Biochem crafter is level 22 it takes 36 minutes to craft a purple stim, it takes 3 minutes just to craft a purple cell graft, compared to a level 50 which takes 13 minutes to craft a stim and a minute to craft the cell graft. This isn't even taking into account the cost of crafting, it costs 7k for a top tier (rich yield craft mission at lvl 50 a comp can craft this in 13 minutes on my lvl 22 companion it takes 35 minutes) but when servers were new a top tier rich yield mission was 3K, this may not sound much but when a million credits is a lot and the cost of gearing (tacticals etc) it's leaving people just broke unable to buy the stuff they need to play the game as they would on any other server.

It takes time to build things up from scratch.  That's "some" of the point (for a "fresh start server" anyway).  We're past 6 weeks since the start of this server, if you started on day one there's no reason at all you shouldn't have been able to CHOOSE to focus on crafting and getting at least 1 companion to 50, either by buying a token from the conquest vendor, or via gifts.

People are selling the legendary gifts for under 50k on the GTN, and they're 250k on the vendor.  That's a great sale.

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40 minutes ago, Darev said:

It takes time to build things up from scratch.  That's "some" of the point (for a "fresh start server" anyway).  We're past 6 weeks since the start of this server, if you started on day one there's no reason at all you shouldn't have been able to CHOOSE to focus on crafting and getting at least 1 companion to 50, either by buying a token from the conquest vendor, or via gifts.

People are selling the legendary gifts for under 50k on the GTN, and they're 250k on the vendor.  That's a great sale.

It costs 4 mill (the 10 k gifts) to to get one companion to 50 using the vendor on fleet, sorry I don't have 32 mill to spare for 8 crafters per crew skill (total 256 mill) and that's before the costs of getting to 700.

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28 minutes ago, MuskyBoy said:

It costs 4 mill (the 10 k gifts) to to get one companion to 50 using the vendor on fleet, sorry I don't have 32 mill to spare for 8 crafters per crew skill (total 256 mill) and that's before the costs of getting to 700.

It's a matter of what you focus on.

I started here focusing on two things.   Getting as many 80's as fast as possible as I could, and getting crafters leveled up.

Not character stories, not rep, not anything else. (well, maybe strong holds...and getting in a large guild that first week).

I had lots of CC that I hadn't spent from doing Galactic seasons on all the other servers, enough for 1 boost to 80 and 1 boost to 70 and some of the companion tokens when they went on sale over the holiday break.

It was worth it, espeically this last week with selling artifact spaceship upgrades via the GTN.

Do I have 8 companions max'd out at 50?  No.  I do have at least 1 on several of my crafters.  My biochem has 4, I think.

None of that cost RL money outside of the subscription cost.  Free CC from GS.

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44 minutes ago, Darev said:

It's a matter of what you focus on.

I started here focusing on two things.   Getting as many 80's as fast as possible as I could, and getting crafters leveled up.

Not character stories, not rep, not anything else. (well, maybe strong holds...and getting in a large guild that first week).

I had lots of CC that I hadn't spent from doing Galactic seasons on all the other servers, enough for 1 boost to 80 and 1 boost to 70 and some of the companion tokens when they went on sale over the holiday break.

It was worth it, espeically this last week with selling artifact spaceship upgrades via the GTN.

Do I have 8 companions max'd out at 50?  No.  I do have at least 1 on several of my crafters.  My biochem has 4, I think.

None of that cost RL money outside of the subscription cost.  Free CC from GS.

Not everyone has ton of CC's sitting around.  On top of that you sound like you have been server hopping for CC's not everyone has the time to bother doing that.  On top of that I'm saving any coins I have in case they charge for server transfers. 

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Wasn't looking to pick a fight, so to speak, only to point out that it CAN be done.

People choose for themselves how to play, what to focus on ,how much time to spend in game.

and I sincerely doubt I'm the only person to have accomplished it

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17 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Did BS bring toons that were on closed servers to SV the moment it opened? As far as I know the answer is no. Hence SWTOR back toons not so much.

BS made Zero promises concerning the actuality of SV transfers. That fact means they did not guarantee transfers and they did not guarantee no transfers. It does mean they can do whichever option they want.

Your posts seem to be intentionally vague and then change to suit your current argument.

At least to me


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5 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:



Your reply was essentially it wasn't me it was him, which was weird because I didn't accuse any one of anything nor ask a question. So I thought maybe you were going to elaborate. I guess not. 

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38 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Your posts seem to be intentionally vague and then change to suit your current argument.

At least to me


 My view points haven’t really changed I still want open transfers with only a credit limit. I just thought It’d be fun to point out a few things:

1.) BS has used specific language to avoid making any promises. This was done mostly likely to prevent legal backlash from a failed server (and the zero transfers with it) However they can (and implied through recent posts that they are going to) use their “vague” statements to modify how or if they transfer to fit whatever agenda they want.

2.) The 90 day server restriction has been around since like 2012. I’m Flabbergasted that people expect transfers to happen before that. It also boggles the mind that people are leaving the server until transfers are open. I’m mean they have said that population and community were metrics they are observing before deciding to open them. Are y’all so focused on instant gratification that you’ll let “your” server die? (To each their own it is just a game so the server isn’t really that important after all.)

Edited by AFadedMemory
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All players were given a choice to play on SV, or stay where they are, or do both. The Economy thus far has been the main focus of SV and will remain so until official decisions are made to change that.

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5 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

 Are y’all so focused on instant gratification that you’ll let “your” server die? (To each their own it is just a game so the server isn’t really that important after all.)

Yes, the entitlement is real and will prove what was really wanted.

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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

1.) BS has used specific language to avoid making any promises. This was done mostly likely to prevent legal backlash from a failed server (and the zero transfers with it) However they can (and implied through recent posts that they are going to) use their “vague” statements to modify how or if they transfer to fit whatever agenda they want.

Firstly, that has no basis in fact it's your opinion, yet you constantly say this like it is fact.


1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

2.) The 90 day server restriction has been around since like 2012. I’m Flabbergasted that people expect transfers to happen before that. It also boggles the mind that people are leaving the server until transfers are open. I’m mean they have said that population and community were metrics they are observing before deciding to open them. Are y’all so focused on instant gratification that you’ll let “your” server die? (To each their own it is just a game so the server isn’t really that important after all.)

I haven't seen anyone asking for transfers early? unless I missed that one post, what I have seen and where this entire issue started was people wanting to expand on the limitations placed on server transfers just for this server, if those posts were not made this would be a non issue, because the added confusion would not be there.

It has nothing to do with instant gratification, that's just an obtuse argument, some people don't want to start new characters and legacies when they already have many they have been working on for years. Some want to play 7.4 content.
Many of us have many - many characters, yet you think that because we don't want to start new ones its somehow a gratification issue, I am sure you will come back with some "reason" it is for this.

Personally, I started some just to fill in time and I will delete them when I can finally move my characters over, I am yet to play 7.4 content on more than one character because my ping to US servers is over 300 and I get lag spikes upwards of 2K with many that disconnect me, this is a constant, the game really is unpleasant to play.
I pushed on for a long time regardless to get to where I am because I WANT to play this game, but it also resulted in some very long breaks.

Finally due to the confusion created many are waiting to see what happens because there is no clear direction., mostly caused by players demanding additional clauses to the transfer system, which in turn has led BS to make posts with their thought's, which has led to more confusion. Had those initial posts not taken place most of us would have merely waited the 90 days and put in the transfer.
So, I do not blame them for waiting. 
We have been messed around enough over the years. 

As a new regional server in a new region transfers should have been available since day one, if they did in fact want to see it populated, saying they should have been, is not the same as saying I want it early FYI, it's an observation, not a demand.

And just in case I did miss a post someone has said they want transfers early then...
Literally every other game I have been in where a new region opened, free transfers from day one of the new region were offered to that region's players for a limited time, so it's not an unfair expectation of players to have mentioned that, nor is it without precedence, Wow And FFXIV are two that spring to mind instantly, and it has little to do with profits/player numbers, it's a new region, not a new business model.

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1 hour ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Yes, the entitlement is real and will prove what was really wanted.

What we really want is to play our existing characters on our regional server, I don't know why that's hard to understand.
It has nothing to do with gratification and everything to do with the hundreds of ours and *0's of characters we have already built up in a lot of cases, so it's not an unfair ask.

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1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

Firstly, that has no basis in fact it's your opinion, yet you constantly say this like it is fact.

You should read their announcement. You'll see "based on review" language that doesn't specify what metrics they want/need to hit. That language was implemented for a reason.

1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

I haven't seen anyone asking for transfers early? unless I missed that one post, what I have seen and where this entire issue started was people wanting to expand on the limitations placed on server transfers just for this server, if those posts were not made this would be a non issue, because the added confusion would not be there.

It has nothing to do with instant gratification, that's just an obtuse argument, some people don't want to start new characters and legacies when they already have many they have been working on for years. Some want to play 7.4 content.
Many of us have many - many characters, yet you think that because we don't want to start new ones its somehow a gratification issue, I am sure you will come back with some "reason" it is for this.

Personally, I started some just to fill in time and I will delete them when I can finally move my characters over, I am yet to play 7.4 content on more than one character because my ping to US servers is over 300 and I get lag spikes upwards of 2K with many that disconnect me, this is a constant, the game really is unpleasant to play.
I pushed on for a long time regardless to get to where I am because I WANT to play this game, but it also resulted in some very long breaks.

I apologize if you feel I'm calling you out. I'm speaking to a group of individual with the mentality that SV is useless until transfers are open. (those feeling are often express with a desire for BS to open transfers already) I'm not saying that isn't a valid argument, but I am saying that if they don't use the server to some degree transfer may never open.

1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

As a new regional server in a new region transfers should have been available since day one, if they did in fact want to see it populated

Here are some facts to consider

1) BioWare closed many servers, old APAC server was among that. Why did they close them?

2) They have a 90 day server open policy for transfer. Why did/does that exist?

1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

And just in case I did miss a post someone has said they want transfers early then...
Literally every other game I have been in where a new region opened, free transfers from day one of the new region were offered to that region's players for a limited time, so it's not an unfair expectation of players to have mentioned that, nor is it without precedence, Wow And FFXIV are two that spring to mind instantly, and it has little to do with profits/player numbers, it's a new region, not a new business model.

I agree, generally speaking, that having transfers open on day one would most likely increase it's use and population. Hell if they charged for transfer it would make a quick buck too. However, that is a High Risk and High Reward scenario (not to mention more effort). If the server failed even when transfers were allowed they would have to deal with the backlash of unsatisfied transfer customers on top of merging and loss time and resources. Based on the fact that servers were/had to be closed needing/wanting to wait is not illogical.


I won't lie, wanting SV to have normal transfer isn't an invalid argument. What makes this thread so entertaining is that both arguments have validity. Neither argument matters if the server is just gonna die though.

Edited by AFadedMemory
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I posted this on another thread, but I just have to post this on here as well: 

I would just like to add to what I said. My post above is what can BS do. But as players we can do our part. It gets my goat every time I go into the forums that there are players who say they will only go to SV once their is transfer. I'd like to ask these players--how does that exactly help SV? One basis BS will likely use in determining if and when transfer will be allowed is how active the server is. An active, thriving server shows to them that it is worth investing time and money on, and more likely than not will help them in deciding if transfer is worth it. An inactive server clearly isn't worth investing time and money on, and so what do you think BS will decide then? More likely they may not even push through with transfers at all, since the server isn't really that active. So you can see, for all those who still hold back and not get into SV, how such a decision is basically shooting the server in the foot.  And then you'll say but we need an APAC server, we can't stand lag in an NA server, blah blah blah but you don't do anything to even help the server. I'll just laugh when BS decides to close down SV because all those who are supposed to be on it, don't do so and then they'll just continue to whine on a daily basis on the forums why there's no APAC server when they did NOTHING.

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1 hour ago, Jarcen said:

. I'll just laugh when BS decides to close down SV because all those who are supposed to be on it, don't do so and then they'll just continue to whine on a daily basis on the forums why there's no APAC server when they did NOTHING.

Well I am playing lowbies on SV whilst waiting on transfers, so if its alright with you I'll continue whining on a daily basis while also propping up the server, but they will see no more money from me until I can play the characters I want to play on our regional server.
At least as far as market coins go, if I decide to re-sub again.

To be completely fair this was 100% on BS to begin with, upon opening a regional server they should have offered transfers immediately to those displaced players. 
Its no good blaming the players for BS's mistake, a mistake I might add other games did not make.


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1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

Well I am playing lowbies on SV whilst waiting on transfers, so if its alright with you I'll continue whining on a daily basis while also propping up the server, but they will see no more money from me until I can play the characters I want to play on our regional server.
At least as far as market coins go, if I decide to re-sub again.

To be completely fair this was 100% on BS to begin with, upon opening a regional server they should have offered transfers immediately to those displaced players. 
Its no good blaming the players for BS's mistake, a mistake I might add other games did not make.


I addressed the post on those people who come on here daily but aren't even on the server. Those are the people I find amusing. They're waiting for something to happen, and in the meanwhile they aren't playing on the server. 

Yeah, BS should've given an option for transfer to clear up any confusion, but we're here now so we have to make the most out of the situation, and as I keep saying I've moved ahead with my characters and legacy on SV. It still beats than simply being on the forums but not playing on it.

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On 1/8/2024 at 7:10 AM, ElariaSing said:

It is a shame how some APAC region players are so disrespectful of other region players and their help...

HARD FACTS::: If it was not for all the players from other regions participating in Shae Vizla server there would be no APAC server... we lost them once for a reason...

Disrespecting players who are trying to enjoy the experience and help the APAC region is totally unnecessary and rude... this goes for the In Game comments and behavior as well as the Forums... 

Players form other regions come here to help and try out the "Fresh Start" server... and have to deal with High Ping, Lag and a ton of limitations... something APAC region players know all to well from the past...

LOL, I'm disrespectful?? for stating how I FEEL about the behavior of NON APAC players on their views on how the APAC server should be, based on the HELP that was never asked for and we should PAY with our kindness by letting you have what YOU want on a server that would not be your home server? WOW, and I wonder how you feel, since I'm not allowed to have a different opinion.... for fear I may offend someone's ego.

You didn't come to APAC to help, you came here for a holiday, stop trying for the high ground, you got none.
The RE-OPENED APAC Regional servers for displaced APAC players. Should never have been a fresh-start, as if I put it in real-world terms, I would be banned.

NON APAC players seem to think you know our issues after what 1-2months, try only having bad ping for YEARS, with less quality internet, not the current improvements over the last 10yrs. Don't call me disrespectful, just because you want to feel better about playing with bad ping, ya not a hero. As if that the case we've been HELPING US servers for years then.

I was Generic, you attacked me...

Edited by Gabriaye
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