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Is it Time for a Big New Story Drop?


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Imagine a tiny story update that consists of  nothing besides playerchar and Lana Beniko chatting through two lines of dialogue.

"Sup Lana"

"Hey Commander"

That's it. Nothing more. These four words take work from 51(fifty-one!!!) different voice actors. That is insane when one thinks about it, truly. *

Devving story with full voiced PC VA is incredibly expensive and literal opposite of cost efficient. Your publisher feels these pushes are worth the effort and investment if you set out with hopes to create the ultimate wow killer mmo which would be most popular and most expensive game ever made. 11 years later when game is not killing anything but is rather in utter  survival mode, you see occasional baby steps at most, not big leaps.




* For sake of perspective, Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, the whole movie,  has 23 different actors with speaking roles. 


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1 hour ago, Toraak said:

Woah there. Many players of all subsets flit in and out of swtor, and that includes GSF, Ops players, PvP, and definitely story players. Claiming any one style of player doesn't compared to other is false. Everyone complains about lack of content no matter what game play style they are, and many in all area's leave for months or years at a time waiting for more of whatever content they're looking for.


I remember in 4.0 when they had the chapters coming out 1 at a time. The countless players that said I'll sub at the end to get them all and unsub again was many.

First, I wish people would stop implying that Story players don't want them to have PvP or OPS. That is NOT what we're saying at all. If anything the Story Group supplies the cash to give it to them!

Second, we've all agreed that the Format of the Zakuul Expansion is not good so why keep hammering that the STORY was to blame?

Third. I repeat what did all these MMO focused players do before they finished their class stories? Nobody answered that question.

Fourth, when has this game ever branded itself as anything but an immersive RPG for a Star Wars experience with MMO elements? When? Really, this game was created so the players can be people in the Star Wars galaxy. It's the whole point!

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39 minutes ago, Lium said:

There is only a skeleton crew supporting this game now at Broadsword, right?  How would they do all this stuff OP is suggesting?

They wouldn't ( and can't ) , hence why  i posted this--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/931976-is-it-time-for-a-big-new-story-drop/page/2/#comment-9785504

Obviously, in a perfect dreamworld,  EA would give Broadsword money$  to have, let's say, 8.0 Update to include:

  • massive STORY expansion ( like KOTFE/KOTET was but this time release it all at once instead of monthly drip )
  • major PVP revamp ( copy ESO's 24/7 Cyrodiil & Imp City zones , but combine with SKIES too like SW:Battlefront style )
  • serious  GSF development
  • complete CRAFTING overhaul
  • significant PLAYER generated  tools & instances ( for  Community to create their own missions, Ops, FP's, etc. )
  • total  GRAPHICS polish

*But of course most of that ^ can't even happen, since the original 'Hero' game-engine is so old & limited.

So sad tbqh,  considering this game with vaunted STAR WARS ip  is treated like  some forgotten trash compactor in "maintenance mode" . :(

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: OP still dodging lol so funny & obvious
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9 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

Devving story with full voiced PC VA is incredibly expensive and literal opposite of cost efficient. You can afford these pushes when you set out with hopes to create the ultimate wow killer mmo which would be most popular and most expensive game ever made. 11 years later when game is in survival mode you see occasional baby steps at most, not big leaps.

This is the question though. Does the game go down fighting trying to revitalize itself or do we just accept that it is in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is what Broadsword does, but there were all these people touting Broadsword taking over as developer as the start of some golden age. Nothing that is done with any of the group content has any chance at all of revitalizing the game, but a big story drop might prime the pump enough to get those other aspects of the game back on their feet.

If we are not going to even make an attempt to increase the game's population we might as well just go down the path of repeating the old content over and over and making new reskins for the cartel market, Forget about doing anything with the existing content and just focus on fixing the bugs so that when the game does eventually shuts down, at least it will be more or less bug free.

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22 minutes ago, DWho said:

If we are not going to even make an attempt to increase the game's population we might as well just go down the path of repeating the old content over and over and making new reskins for the cartel market, Forget about doing anything with the existing content and just focus on fixing the bugs so that when the game does eventually shuts down, at least it will be more or less bug free.

We? We who? Players can't fix anything. Its not our job and even our input has always been ignored. What your stating is exactly what has been going on for years, except the fixing of  bugs which has never been nor will it ever be considered let alone be made a priority. The future is all MM and CM sells.



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Some of the biggest issues we see now in SWTOR is reflected in threads just like this one.

**  While @DWho is partially correct ... there is more than just one issue to look at.  KotFE / ET was excellent in its story / content ... but in several other areas frankly nearly killed the game
****Abandoning ALL companions from the vanilla without any warning until we logged on for the new XP.
****Overall game mechanics
****The heavy grind fest 
****The gearing system
****Slamming shut the lid on all 8 class stories so severely that a large part of the population that still posts on this forum board today no longer believe that is possible/feasible to even think about restoring them.

**  There is a lot more to SWTOR than JUST a story OR even JUST PvP or JUST NiM / OPs.  Without a balance of the core values in this (or any other MMO for that matter) ... the game will continue to suffer and bleed away customers.

** The CM is waaaay too important to this game.  Someone does need to give a LOT more consideration to ... well you know .. the ACTUAL SWTOR GAME !!  Remember that??  Fun??  Abandoning it would be a mistake.  BUT devoting so much resource to the CM while neglecting the rest of SWTOR is not reflecting well upon the GOOD intentions that the rest of the team might be working hard on.

** The GS series has to offer more than just a favorite item provided for either one small group or another group.  If the GS series is not overhauled, I personally won't bother with it again (and something tells me that I'm not alone).  

** For me personally (my OWN observation) ... Biggs is only partially correct.  SWTOR WAS:  a story driven MMO (But is currently hurting).  IT NEEDS GOOD PvE balanced difficulty levels (face rolling alone won't cut it ... and NEITHER will overly tuned areas without access to proper gear).  Yes there are some things that need to be addressed.  There are a LOT of things that need to be addressed.  
As for a new class... IMO that would be a super idea (since that was mentioned) BUT to be perfectly candid about it I don't see that happening.  I mean sure it would be super nice.  But I have not seen ANY indication that there was the kind of commitment in the last 4 years to even BEGIN that sort of a project.  

For now ... it seems like we're in a struggle to see SWTOR survive.  While it is true that survival is important ... seeing SWTOR actually being ALIVE and kicking would be much more desirable.   IMO there is a massive difference between the two.

For whatever it's worth the idea of a new MAJOR story line like KotFE / ET series is correct.  BUT NOT if we leave behind the rest of SWTOR.  It would be worthless if the gearing system,  PvP , OPs, GSF, and GS series (just to list a few) were not given the immediate attention and work that is needed.

This game still has the potential.  Frankly that is ONLY because of its heritage:  Star Wars.  Any other game would have flatly died by now!

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Asking for a major story drop is not the same as demanding PvP and OPS be dumped. There should be new warzones. There should be new OPS. They should improve all the Class Performances, but all of that should be within the framework of what this game is, a Star Wars RPG. That's it's major selling point. 

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

This is the question though. Does the game go down fighting trying to revitalize itself or do we just accept that it is in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is what Broadsword does, but there were all these people touting Broadsword taking over as developer as the start of some golden age. Nothing that is done with any of the group content has any chance at all of revitalizing the game, but a big story drop might prime the pump enough to get those other aspects of the game back on their feet.

If we are not going to even make an attempt to increase the game's population we might as well just go down the path of repeating the old content over and over and making new reskins for the cartel market, Forget about doing anything with the existing content and just focus on fixing the bugs so that when the game does eventually shuts down, at least it will be more or less bug free.

Imho there really is no pitch here to sell.  Trying to make devs or community convinced of people wanting more story content  is bit like trying to make people convinced water is wet. Everybody knows this already. Most people here want more,  faster and better story.  Most people want continuation on Class stories. Devs  know. They've known this for 11 years. They've known this since before game was even released. They'd like nothing more than be able to do this. They can't, and haven't been able ever since it became evident swtor never holds 2-10 million people playing it like WoW or FF does.

We keep speaking of "story" here  but that doesn't quite nail it either. That isn't all of what most people here want. Notable portion of swtor's remaining players consists of people who do not want just story, they want story delivered by fully voice acted PlayerChars. They want this more than they want more story content. Every so often somebody asks if BW/Broadsword should let go of PCVAs, in case that resulted in larger and meatier story updates. At least on these forums, these questions are always met with anger and declarations of people rather seeing SWTOR dying than ever dropping PCVA. People want to hear their characters talk.  To many here, this is much more important than getting more  frequent&larger  drops of story content. 


MMO that leans on creating new fully voice acted  story based content is a massive catch-22 and polar opposite of cost efficient in multiple ways.


Takes 48 different actors to have Playerchar say a single word. This is crazy. Massive investment. What does that investment buy? Create a tiny nice super expensive 15 mins lasting story droplet and 25 mins later, people are done with it and ask for more. That's not a great look in terms of longevity. 

Meanwhile, stuff with almost infinite longevity gets little to no attention. Galactic Starfighter is nearly a "forever game" for anyone who ends up liking it. Yet, it goes completely neglected by Bioware. This is crazy.







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55 minutes ago, DWho said:

This is the question though. Does the game go down fighting trying to revitalize itself or do we just accept that it is in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is what Broadsword does, but there were all these people touting Broadsword taking over as developer as the start of some golden age. Nothing that is done with any of the group content has any chance at all of revitalizing the game, but a big story drop might prime the pump enough to get those other aspects of the game back on their feet.

If we are not going to even make an attempt to increase the game's population we might as well just go down the path of repeating the old content over and over and making new reskins for the cartel market, Forget about doing anything with the existing content and just focus on fixing the bugs so that when the game does eventually shuts down, at least it will be more or less bug free.


1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

They wouldn't ( and can't ) , hence why  i posted this--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/931976-is-it-time-for-a-big-new-story-drop/page/2/#comment-9785504

Obviously, in a perfect dreamworld,  EA would give Broadsword money$  to have, let's say, 8.0 Update to include:

  • massive STORY expansion ( like KOTFE/KOTET was but this time release it all at once instead of monthly drip )
  • major PVP revamp ( copy ESO's 24/7 Cyrodiil & Imp City zones , but combine with SKIES too like SW:Battlefront style )
  • serious  GSF development
  • complete CRAFTING overhaul
  • significant PLAYER generated  tools & instances ( for  Community to create their own missions, Ops, FP's, etc. )
  • total  GRAPHICS polish

*But of course most of that ^ can't even happen, since the original 'Hero' game-engine is so old & limited.

So sad tbqh,  considering this game with vaunted STAR WARS ip  is treated like  some forgotten trash compactor in "maintenance mode" . :(


(Both of ya!)

Edited by OlBuzzard
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a big time story drop.

i wane see that first more if its going to happing since after 7.0 with there little 1 hour mini story drop i have lost my trust more with it if we get a good big long story drop again like we always got in the past and not the crap we got last time.

and there need also to stop droping the mini story line's missions also after each update more since that has become also a joke more since its better there can focus on fixing other things this game still has like the bug problem there need to do something against it.

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1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

Imagine a tiny story update that consists of  nothing besides playerchar and Lana Beniko chatting through two lines of dialogue.

"Sup Lana"

"Hey Commander"

That's it. Nothing more. These four words take work from 51(fifty one!!!) different voice actors. That is insane when one thinks about it, truly. 

Devving story with full voiced PC VA is incredibly expensive and literal opposite of cost efficient. You can afford these pushes when you set out with hopes to create the ultimate wow killer mmo which would be most popular and most expensive game ever made. 11 years later when game is in survival mode you see occasional baby steps at most, not big leaps.





IMO we are not looking for an answer that will satisfy everyone!  The answer might not even seem realistic (from almost any stand point of view).  BUT when posing "that sort of question"  (What do players want) ...  IMO a major story development (which is what has defined SWTOR since the beginning) would seem to be an appropriate next step.

The point(s) I have made in my post (whether realistic or not ... or directly requested or NOT) is more of a reflection of what has been overlooked in conjunction with the OP as well.

Soooo much potential.  And yet has been sold for a quick $$$ and (what seems to be) a thumbed nose to the rest of us (or at least it seems that way).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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8 hours ago, DWho said:

You are completely wrong here. Without significant story to draw in players, the MMO parts fail (we haven't had any significant story since KotET and the game population has continued to collapse even though they have added MMO content almost exclusively). You can't blame story for the continuation of the collapse when there hasn't been any in 7 years..

Onslaught was the best xpac story since SOR imo. I really disliked the story in KOTFE and KOTET and I don't think I'm alone there. As for the other stuff you're saying, I assume you just don't play a lot of other MMOs... Do you know how much story the most successful MMO on the market (WoW) has versus this game? The story in one WoW xpac feels effectively like the same amount of story content in one patch for this game. This game is clearly not focused on MMO content and is almost all story. Have they even made a group dungeon in the last 3 years? What is there like two new operations in that same period?

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14 minutes ago, SoyElSenado said:

Onslaught was the best xpac story since SOR imo. I really disliked the story in KOTFE and KOTET and I don't think I'm alone there. As for the other stuff you're saying, I assume you just don't play a lot of other MMOs... Do you know how much story the most successful MMO on the market (WoW) has versus this game? The story in one WoW xpac feels effectively like the same amount of story content in one patch for this game. This game is clearly not focused on MMO content and is almost all story. Have they even made a group dungeon in the last 3 years? What is there like two new operations in that same period?

FFXIV and WOW both have a lot more story per expansion than SWTOR has had post KotET (2+ expansions). 7.0 has barely 3 hrs of story including all the sub expansions and most of that time was the broken flashpoint 7.0 launched with. Clearly you don't play many MMO-RPGs. The bomb that was Anthem had more story in it than SWTOR had since KotET and it wasn't even an RPG.

MMO-RPG = story based MMO which would be why it is supposed to have lots of story. Nature of Progress and R-4 Anomaly were both launched in the last 3 years (Nature of Progress in late 2019 and R-4 Anomaly in mid 2022)

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35 minutes ago, SoyElSenado said:

Onslaught was the best xpac story since SOR imo. I really disliked the story in KOTFE and KOTET and I don't think I'm alone there. As for the other stuff you're saying, I assume you just don't play a lot of other MMOs... Do you know how much story the most successful MMO on the market (WoW) has versus this game? The story in one WoW xpac feels effectively like the same amount of story content in one patch for this game. This game is clearly not focused on MMO content and is almost all story. Have they even made a group dungeon in the last 3 years? What is there like two new operations in that same period?

Group dungeons? Do you mean flashpoints? In the last 3 years, they added 4 flashpoints: Spirit of Vengeance (6.2), Secrets of the Enclave (6.3), Ruins of Nul (7.0), and Shrine of Silence (7.3).

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1 minute ago, ThanderSnB said:

Group dungeons? Do you mean flashpoints? In the last 3 years, they added 4 flashpoints: Spirit of Vengeance (6.2), Secrets of the Enclave (6.3), Ruins of Nul (7.0), and Shrine of Silence (7.3).

Ah, I see. I thought he was talking about operations but I see his last sentence specifically says operations as a separate thought

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9 hours ago, DWho said:

Not kidding at all. It was the biggest influx of players since launch by far. You clearly hated the story and that colors your opinion of it's effect. The reason they cut KotET short was the bellyaching of group players that they didn't get enough new content and that ruined KotET as a whole with the rushed storylines and cut content.


It didn't retain players well, which is true but it doesn't change the fact that the biggest increase in the game's population occurred with a big story drop. We have focused on non-story content now for 7 years and are we better off now than we were then, I think not. The focus for the last 7 years has been a failure and it's time to go back to something that at the very least will bring in new players

You can't retain players you don't have and no other content in the game has shown any indication it can bring in new players.

yeah, this is the biggest truth i've seen on this forum in awhile, funny thing is people didn't hate KOTFE/ET as much as they hated lack of a MMO element in the update, from story perspective KOTFE/ET was amazing at least to me, characters were well made and story was (more or less) pretty fun but the update lacked any MMO aspect and that put a shadow on otherwise great story, but i think its clear to everyone this is story focused game since pretty much its launch, as someone above said this doesn't mean MMO aspect should be ignored but lets be honest....its mostly story focused game and thats what they've been focusing and will focus on, if they were to suddenly go full MMO their most hardcore fans would probably go away.

i see a lot of complaints that stories are short nowadays, what i see people constantly want is another DLC of KOTFE/ET size, not for game to go from story focus to MMO focus.

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8 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

One idea I've been thinking about for a while is some sort of story mission developing Odessen. Now, since we've been there seven-ish years I find it hard to believe that with all those people within a relatively small area did not 1. Start paring up and procreating! (unless Dr. O sterilized everyone) 2. Bring their families with them. 3. Have a massive influx of refugees who stick around.

So, why not start developing the planet. As a Republic Loyalist you can have tension as to keeping in environmentally balance al la Voss or Alderaan or turning in into a city planet like Corellia or Coruscant. 

As a Dark Side Imperial you could set up a planetary powerbase to challenge the Emperor.

As an Independent you could make a totally unique place. 

odessen has actually changed in recent update, there are minor but visible changes to my imperial loyalist playthrough, really the faction you picked is the one that takes over (such as change in odessen admiral) and thats pretty much what Odessen is for me now, an imperial military base, (OBVIOUS SPOILERS) i did already defeat emperor and now it serves empress but it is pretty much what you described, i think that your exact suggestion is taking fruits but its just slow as are all updates for this game, we'll be lucky if we have another KOTFE/ET expansion both story and size wise.

Edit: made two posts becuse i couldn't properly edit and quote you on previous one for some reason

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45 minutes ago, ThanderSnB said:

Group dungeons? Do you mean flashpoints? In the last 3 years, they added 4 flashpoints: Spirit of Vengeance (6.2), Secrets of the Enclave (6.3), Ruins of Nul (7.0), and Shrine of Silence (7.3).

Aren't those all "story-solo" flashpoints though? I haven't played shrine of silence yet but the rest of them all are pretty clearly instanced story content as opposed to true "mmo" dungeon experience like the old group flashpoints (hammer station etc). Anyway, my general point is that they really have not done a whole lot in the way of MMO stuff in this game.



4 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

odessen has actually changed in recent update, there are minor but visible changes to my imperial loyalist playthrough, really the faction you picked is the one that takes over (such as change in odessen admiral) and thats pretty much what Odessen is for me now, an imperial military base, (OBVIOUS SPOILERS) i did already defeat emperor and now it serves empress but it is pretty much what you described, i think that your exact suggestion is taking fruits but its just slow as are all updates for this game, we'll be lucky if we have another KOTFE/ET expansion both story and size wise.

Edit: made two posts becuse i couldn't properly edit and quote you on previous one for some reason

I noticed that too actually. However for me at least, ironically the flags changed in the non-instanced area but in the instanced area it's all still the alliance flags and republic soldiers walking around...

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6 minutes ago, SoyElSenado said:

Aren't those all "story-solo" flashpoints though? I haven't played shrine of silence yet but the rest of them all are pretty clearly instanced story content as opposed to true "mmo" dungeon experience like the old group flashpoints (hammer station etc). Anyway, my general point is that they really have not done a whole lot in the way of MMO stuff in this game.



I noticed that too actually. However for me at least, ironically the flags changed in the non-instanced area but in the instanced area it's all still the alliance flags and republic soldiers walking around...

idk did you do Voss story yet since you said you didn't do voss fp, but within voss instance story there is a change, you walk with rivix and there are notable changes in everything that go to pretty much fully imperial base but yeah non instanced areas like odessen spawns is still alliance flags and republic soldiers since that area is for everyone and i don't think that'll sadly change just like how for example Emperor statues will never really be changed or removed from DK, as thats area for every story instance, from new players to us that finished everything.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

FFXIV and WOW both have a lot more story per expansion than SWTOR has had post KotET (2+ expansions). 7.0 has barely 3 hrs of story including all the sub expansions and most of that time was the broken flashpoint 7.0 launched with. Clearly you don't play many MMO-RPGs. The bomb that was Anthem had more story in it than SWTOR had since KotET and it wasn't even an RPG.

MMO-RPG = story based MMO which would be why it is supposed to have lots of story. Nature of Progress and R-4 Anomaly were both launched in the last 3 years (Nature of Progress in late 2019 and R-4 Anomaly in mid 2022)

The difference is those other games haven’t been put into maintenance mode or sold off to a maintenance company with half the amount of people they had before hand.

They are also 10x-100x larger with way more income because they don’t give away content for free.

You have to buy the expansions & you have to sub. So they have way more money & resources to throw at developing their games than swtor has since it went f2p model.

That’s has always been swtor’s problem & the biggest mistake that EA made. ALL expansions should have been paid expansions & F2P should have been locked to vanilla content unless people paid for the expansion. Subbing $15 for 1 month to get an expansion is minuscule when you compare what WoW & FFXiV have to pay. 

SWTOR can never have the same amount of content as either of those games with such a terrible business model. And they can’t do it without the staff either. Comparing them is ridiculous. 

Many of us, for many years have been saying we’d pay for an actual proper expansion & subscribe if they did it right. Sadly, EA has never wanted to upfront the development costs to test it & now never will.

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11 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Many of us, for many years have been saying we’d pay for an actual proper expansion & subscribe if they did it right.

Sadly, EA has never wanted to upfront the development costs to test test it & now never will.

For once, we  AGREE  almost verbatim--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/931976-is-it-time-for-a-big-new-story-drop/?do=findComment&comment=9785537


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14 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The difference is those other games haven’t been put into maintenance mode or sold off to a maintenance company with half the amount of people they had before hand.

They are also 10x-100x larger with way more income because they don’t give away content for free.

You have to buy the expansions & you have to sub. So they have way more money & resources to throw at developing their games than swtor has since it went f2p model.

That’s has always been swtor’s problem & the biggest mistake that EA made. ALL expansions should have been paid expansions & F2P should have been locked to vanilla content unless people paid for the expansion. Subbing $15 for 1 month to get an expansion is minuscule when you compare what WoW & FFXiV have to pay. 

SWTOR can never have the same amount of content as either of those games with such a terrible business model. And they can’t do it without the staff either. Comparing them is ridiculous. 

Many of us, for many years have been saying we’d pay for an actual proper expansion & subscribe if they did it right. Sadly, EA has never wanted to upfront the development costs to test test it & now never will.

Yeah ... no kidding.  A LOT of us have said something similar to this for a long, LONG time now.  For the record ... I just sprung for $90 (US) for the next XP in WoW.   I had actually let it lapse for a couple of months to see what would happen in SWTOR.  And (unfortunately, unless something changes) ... the handwriting is on the wall.  The days have been numbered and are found wanting.

I would gladly give up purchasing one of the new St. Croix 7'3" Heavy / Fast rods I've been watching for, in order to pay for a new XP IF (and only if) we got the real deal! (I'm watching 3 of those rods to replace 3 older ones that are ready for replacement).  

BTW ... IMO OP still has a valid point.  The story is more or less the foundation for the rest of the activities that are connected to a new story / section.  So ... yeah!  It makes sense to want to see the step begin to unfold.

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9 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

The story is more or less the foundation for the rest of the activities that are connected to a new story / section.

Yeah, new story is needed along with everything else. But I just don’t see it happening in the manner that Dwho is wanting.

Honestly I think we would all like it to happen. But like you & most others have said, there is a tonne of other stuff that also needs addressing too.

Sadly I just don’t see them having the resources to do both. And I think some of that stuff is just as important to fix before pushing forward with a big block of story.

I mean, PvP is not in a good place at the moment & it wouldn’t take much to make it more acceptable to the masses. Then they could spend a year doing story or making Ops or story flashpoints, etc.

My gripe isn’t that I don’t want story (I do want story), it’s that I’m sick of them doing a half baked job on development of PvP (or any part of the game) & then abandoning it while it’s got still got problems to work on another part of the game. I just want them to fix the problems before moving on.

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25 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

BTW ... IMO OP still has a valid point.  The story is more or less the foundation for the rest of the activities that are connected to a new story / section.  So ... yeah!  It makes sense to want to see the step begin to unfold.

This so much this! By all means have OPS and PvP and whatnot but give us Star Wars The Old Republic! Give us the universe and let us explore, quest, and make our Sagas!


My gripe isn’t that I don’t want story (I do want story), it’s that I’m sick of them doing a half baked job on development of PvP (or any part of the game) & then abandoning it while it’s got still got problems to work on another part of the game. I just want them to fix the problems before moving on.

Well how can they get resources without getting people to play and stick with it. For that they need to give people STORY and let them be SW's characters. That's what makes this game sell.

Edited by JakRoanin
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