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The Future of SWTOR: Don't bother trying anymore


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7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I'm a casual, (mostly due to physical limitations) and during 6.0 I read the stats, I read the guides, and tried my best to make sure I had the right pieces. I didn't do amplifiers (too expensive) and it helped. Now, the gearing is too expensive, and it takes forever to get MODS. It's not right. Not all casuals just fobbed off without trying.

This was me also. While I didn't do amplifiers either, I most certainly looked at the stats on gear and mods to make sure I had the best set up I could get for the class, even as a strictly casual story player. Anything that wasn't optimum got either recycled to an alt or deconstructed for mats.

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11 hours ago, Toraak said:

This is simple truth. Most of the people that liked the 6.x gearing system weren't the ones looking at each individual armoring, mod or enhancements to get the correct ones for BiS. Once they had 306, they thought they had BiS regardless of how bad those armorings, mods, or enhancements really were.


Edit: They also weren't the ones worrying about getting the correct Amplifiers for each of the classes they play. Which may have meant needing multiple full sets with those same correct armorings, mods, and enhancements.

Don't bother trying. I had a discussion with him a while ago, my standpoint was casuals do not need BiS gear because there is no content requiring said gear, keybinds, reading a guide etc would increase dps by substantial amounts more. His standpoint was the because of his RL health issues he needs the gear to be able to clear story content, which I mean... sure it sucks but for real if anybody is wiping to story content gear is not an issue they should worry about. I'm 100% sure a companion could solo story.

I also think no causal would give a damn about gear if no player could ever reach BiS gear realistically, kinda like it is in WoW. If people want gear, they should work for it. Nobody deserves BiS gear for doing conquest, nobody should get it for doing HM operations. BiS should be the the reward for NiM content, PvP isn't a competitive gamemode anymore so it shouldn't drop from there either. That is the reality on how MMORPGs gearing SHOULD work. Its a slow process that takes the entire patch or expansion, its not a goal to reach its a goal to aim towards. 

No more handouts, in 6.0 gearing was not existent, because everybody got it for free. It wasn't a reward, it was a requirement - at this point just give everybody gear and be done with it. Nobody needs a system like 6.0.

But then the conquest gamers be like "we don't want handouts, we just want gear from conquest", well guess what - thats a handout.

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I'm fine with 7.0s gearing system. I wasn't around for 6.0 so I can't make any comparison, I just know I like this way better than 4.0

I dabble in all content without going too hardcore into it, HM Eternity vault is about the hardest content I do these days.

I don't need to min-max every point, nor do I really have the patience to do that. so 7.0s "get gear and tech frags from anything you do at endgame" system is perfect for me. upgrade a blue/purple, destroy it at H&Z and unlock mods as a shortcut for my other toons to skip over 324 greens. gearing done for all my toons.

My enjoyment is coming more from hearing Soa's epic voice lines on SM than from trying to gear up for NiM ops.

That said, I do wish craftables were more relevant.

and I do wish boss loot was more meaningful though. I hate the RNG associated with trying to get gear from a boss under a lockout, but there is always the satisfaction of getting SOMETHING shiny from a boss. they do need to do something on that front, either more gear, rare shells or decos, something.

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15 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I'm a casual, (mostly due to physical limitations) and during 6.0 I read the stats, I read the guides, and tried my best to make sure I had the right pieces. I didn't do amplifiers (too expensive) and it helped. Now, the gearing is too expensive, and it takes forever to get MODS. It's not right. Not all casuals just fobbed off without trying.

For me it was simply accessibility to items (and Mods) that allowed me to tweak my stats that worked better for me personally.  Not everyone utilizes the style or rotation when playing.  (Heck some folks don't even look for doing things in a certain order anymore).  But for me ... I find it extremely annoying when someone else tries to tell me HOW to play and HOW to gear my character in order for me to play the game correctly.

Good grief ... I can tell every time they start messing with the stats on WoW.  And that usually translates into finding another piece of gear to compensate.  BTW...  That stupid game has mastered the art of gating ... griding and getting people to chase after gear. The only difference is that this time around what I need ... I CAN GET !!  (Current status i-rating is 422 without doing raids.  Dishing out damage in excess of 180K is not uncommon for me personally.  And I don't even pretend to be that good at it).

SWTOR???  6.0 WHEN it first STARTED was pretty decent.  BY the END it was horrible.  The drop rates for actual USEABLE stuff was just ridiculous!!!  Hense the bombardment of complaints about RNG (both before / during / and AFTER the initial release of 6.0).  It was almost as bad (if not worse) than JUS on Ossus.  And for the record ... IMO there are MORE people who pay attention to STATS that some might want the audience at large to believe!  That is also one of the reasons so many ARE unhappy with 7.0 and following!  Having access to and the ability to EARN what I need to play a game makes a LOT of difference!!  (At least to some of us).

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13 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

For me it was simply accessibility to items (and Mods) that allowed me to tweak my stats that worked better for me personally.  Not everyone utilizes the style or rotation when playing.  (Heck some folks don't even look for doing things in a certain order anymore).  But for me ... I find it extremely annoying when someone else tries to tell me HOW to play and HOW to gear my character in order for me to play the game correctly.

Good grief ... I can tell every time they start messing with the stats on WoW.  And that usually translates into finding another piece of gear to compensate.  BTW...  That stupid game has mastered the art of gating ... griding and getting people to chase after gear. The only difference is that this time around what I need ... I CAN GET !!  (Current status i-rating is 422 without doing raids.  Dishing out damage in excess of 180K is not uncommon for me personally.  And I don't even pretend to be that good at it).

SWTOR???  6.0 WHEN it first STARTED was pretty decent.  BY the END it was horrible.  The drop rates for actual USEABLE stuff was just ridiculous!!!  Hense the bombardment of complaints about RNG (both before / during / and AFTER the initial release of 6.0).  It was almost as bad (if not worse) than JUS on Ossus.  And for the record ... IMO there are MORE people who pay attention to STATS that some might want the audience at large to believe!  That is also one of the reasons so many ARE unhappy with 7.0 and following!  Having access to and the ability to EARN what I need to play a game makes a LOT of difference!!  (At least to some of us).

IMO a better system is having 1 type of gear (no green/blue/purple sh*t, just 1 color), with pieces like the ones you found from the 7.1 mod vendor. All contents drop gears up to the same i-level except none-legacy NiM raids (Gods, Dxun, R4) which drops the highest i-level stuffs. So 340 for none-legacy NiM raids and 336 from everything else. Keep one currency that drops from completing ops bosses/cq points done/fps bosses so that people who have bad RNG can still buy specific pieces from a single vendor.

Basically 6.0 gearing system with 7.1 mod pieces and 1 currency to reduce the pain of bad RNG. You don't have the mess of different "types" of gear of 7.0, it provides a simpler and easier way for the majority of players to get decent, uniform gears, and you still keep something for the special 1% people.

Then again, this method is too efficient and not enough grindy to cover up the fact that the game has almost no new contents to justify any form of gear grind. Even though I think a more direct and simple grind will encourage more people to want to try new stuffs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In case someone out there hasn't realized yet, EA no longer has any incentive to finance the development of this game beyond the CM. The developers at Bioware aren't the problem, they just don't have the resources to do anything with the game anymore. As such, SWTOR is no longer a "game" but an online dressing room facilitated by an interactive novel. That's all it is. SWTOR is a TikTok account where you show off your CM purchases, and that's all EA needs it to be. This game will go nowhere and any announcement from Bioware is PR for the sake of their own jobs. EA has done what it's done so many times. It's sucked Bioware dry and left nothing but bones.

SWTOR is dead. Bioware is dead. EA has bled both dry, and now neither have a future. All this talk about gearing, ability pruning, content, is all meaningless when the project that is SWTOR has been abandoned to the dogs. Any further update to this game, you will be disappointed with.

Edited by RorrschachTM
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2 minutes ago, RorrschachTM said:

In case someone out there hasn't realized yet, EA no longer has any incentive to finance the development of this game beyond the CM. The developers at Bioware aren't the problem, they just don't have the resources to do anything with the game anymore. As such, SWTOR is no longer a "game" but an online dressing room facilitated by an interactive novel. That's all it is. SWTOR is a TikTok account where you show off your CM purchases, and that's all EA needs it to be. This game will go nowhere and any announcement from Bioware is PR for the sake of their own jobs. EA has done what it's done so many times. It's sucked Bioware dry and left nothing but bones.

SWTOR is dead. Bioware is dead. EA has bled both dry, and now neither have a future. All this talk about gearing, ability pruning, content, is all meaningless when the project that is SWTOR has been abandoned to the dogs.

maybe you not know it yet or have miss it.

but bioware has notting to do anymore with this game at all.

since there are not in controle anymore since this game has been move to a 3th party that is not from EA at all.

so then you know that.

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29 minutes ago, RorrschachTM said:

In case someone out there hasn't realized yet, EA no longer has any incentive to finance the development of this game beyond the CM. The developers at Bioware aren't the problem, they just don't have the resources to do anything with the game anymore. As such, SWTOR is no longer a "game" but an online dressing room facilitated by an interactive novel. That's all it is. SWTOR is a TikTok account where you show off your CM purchases, and that's all EA needs it to be. This game will go nowhere and any announcement from Bioware is PR for the sake of their own jobs. EA has done what it's done so many times. It's sucked Bioware dry and left nothing but bones.

SWTOR is dead. Bioware is dead. EA has bled both dry, and now neither have a future. All this talk about gearing, ability pruning, content, is all meaningless when the project that is SWTOR has been abandoned to the dogs. Any further update to this game, you will be disappointed with.

Nothing like coming into a 3 week old thread just to tell us you have no clue what you are talking about lol.

But the sad part is the conclusion you draw may be somewhat true, but you hit every wrong reason to get there though.


1. BioWare is no longer the dev, although half of the dev team swapped to the new studio

2. Based on a former dev, EA wasn’t the one preventing the game devs from being able to work on the ideas they wanted to, that was BioWare 

3. That same former dev, said that this is more than likely a better move for the game than it would be if it stayed.

But I’d grant you that if they can’t turn the game around quickly then it will likely see the same end result.

Id just say that I think a lot of what they are doing now will hopefully set themselves up for more streamlined dev work in the future. 

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2 hours ago, RorrschachTM said:

In case someone out there hasn't realized yet, EA no longer has any incentive to finance the development of this game beyond the CM. The developers at Bioware aren't the problem, they just don't have the resources to do anything with the game anymore. As such, SWTOR is no longer a "game" but an online dressing room facilitated by an interactive novel. That's all it is. SWTOR is a TikTok account where you show off your CM purchases, and that's all EA needs it to be. This game will go nowhere and any announcement from Bioware is PR for the sake of their own jobs. EA has done what it's done so many times. It's sucked Bioware dry and left nothing but bones.

SWTOR is dead. Bioware is dead. EA has bled both dry, and now neither have a future. All this talk about gearing, ability pruning, content, is all meaningless when the project that is SWTOR has been abandoned to the dogs. Any further update to this game, you will be disappointed with.

i know others have already pointed this out but dude....bioware isn't even company that owns them anymore, if you're going to be critical at least keep up with the actual game you're talking about lol.

tl;dr of this entire thing you wrote is "idk whats going on with this game but end is nigh!" becuse thats cool to say nowadays.

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Mandalorians are nice and fine, but Sith literally shoot lightning out of their finger tips. There is a power difference.

Especially since our character isn't just a regular Sith. Our Darth Nox just recently took down Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorian .  So some stray padawan and some stray mando?

Really?    You don't expect Han Solo could have taken down Palpatine, do you?

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I have to laugh a little at this, not because you don't have a couple valid points, but since beta people have been ringing that death bell and years later... they are still here. Still going strong. The smart thing is the story and the events, the need is just more real end game content like some ffxiv goodies. I think if this world makes it another 10 years this game will still be here. Hope they listen to fans. This new company "seems" to care about the fans and the game so I am hopeful for it.

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On 10/20/2023 at 2:36 PM, sharpenedstick said:

No improvements to a horrendous gearing system. Somehow someone thinks 99 currencies and Hyde and Zeek are good systems, and they are a professional game developer. I wish my employers had no performance standards too.


well said. harsh...but true.

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On 10/23/2023 at 7:46 PM, xxSHOONYxx said:

A very pve focused player and loves KOTFE?
The same KOTFE that as "pve" did not add a new operation and the player base went 3 years without a new operation (if you count tyth release as a full operation)? that did star fortress and uprisings that are so "fun" that barely no one does? :jawa_confused::jawa_confused::jawa_confused:

KOTFE = BW saying, "yeah. we give up. we can't maintain end game ops to save our lives. so we're going to dole out 3 hours of story content 20 minutes at a time every 3 weeks until that becomes too demanding for us and we just trade wet farts in the bathroom stalls."

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On 10/21/2023 at 10:51 AM, OlBuzzard said:

My own observations:  (some will like ... others will find contemptable)
** These people are not professional actors ... presentation was much better this time.  Please note that this comment does not mean that I approve of all of their content.
** Regardless of what each of us think about what was in (or absent from) the live stream DID tell us what their priorities are (and will probably continue to be).  It's up to each of us to decide whether or not we think those efforts are enough to keep us interested.  I for one see some positive.  I also see reasons (Plural) for concern.  
** For example:  the GS series still leaves a LOT to be desired (this time I hope you enjoy the dark side ... since it's something to embrace right up front).  AND if a player is primarily engaged in PvP ... OUCH!  There was some passing statements made but nothing that was clearly definitive.  
** Malgus fans??  (Never mind)
** Several updates that seemed promising.  The updates on some of the textures:  I have noticed some improvements.  Will that be true of all of them?  IMO some of that is subjective.
** Screen shot winners.  Congrats to those finalists.  
** I-rating increase.  That's cool.  As long as we have access to it I'm tired of all of the gates and the confused mess it takes to sort out where to find what (and who has it).  I've seen worse in this game ... but that doesn't justify making this series a royal pain in the ...  tail feathers!

Bottom line:  I'll still make up my own mind.  I do have a clear-cut view of where the new (old) priorities are at.

I wouldn't count on 8.0

are you trying not to use the bulleted list option in the posting box? or did you not know about it? it makes making sense of your post a whole lot easier.

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On 10/27/2023 at 3:48 PM, Toraak said:

This is a matter of Opinion. 7.x gearing system is far from perfect, but the 6.x gearing system was pure ****.

give me marshmallow soft (6.x) to schizophrenic (7.x). that said, I did not like 6.x. but if you're going to create a system where everyone can get top gear for their chosen activity regardless of skill, the straightforward manner of 6.x is far preferable to the convoluted 7.x. gearing in 7.x isn't difficult. figuring out how to gear in 7.x and for which content is like trying to get undying on a new raid during your first run on the PTS. it's just stupidly complicated and leads to all manner of ill-equipped ppl ruining the experience for those who are geared. and then they take it out on the noobs with no clue how to gear. or find what is optimized for which content. it's just a mess.

Edited by krackcommando
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