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Everything posted by Desrao

  1. Bruh, I got burned hella bad. I bought cc thinking the collection unlock was guaranteed. Well I learned my lesson. That one’s on me, but I know what I’ll do in the future.
  2. If they were going to give us talent trees they should have created NEW utility to choose from and not split our utility. Jugg feels like I got shot in the leg now and I hate choosing between reflect and dash. having passives that cover different things is great, but I think new content needs to created to compliment new utility and different passives so we have a reason to choose, rather than an illusion of choice when it comes to the talents we select. Like this should be obvious, but in case it needs to be said, MMO players will optimize the fun out of everything, so LEAN INTO IT. Create different content or different encounter designs that present underused passives and utility a purpose as it is the most efficient and effective way to tackle it.
  3. I feel like the legacy thing is the main issue, and personally I find it weird that they’ve always been a per server thing. And I also think that it should be an option on character creation on a new server instead of having you pay for a transfer to get the legacy stuff over, it could be just a option “Do you want to start a new legacy on x server? Or do you want to keep you existing legacy?” I do feel like it’s a pretty messy situation on both ends regarding the new server, because had the intention been “Hey folks we want to launch a few fresh start servers..” then I think it’s pretty obvious what the expectations are, but if it’s supposed to be for folks that are suffering through some ungodly ping and correcting the slight against them all those years ago when they deleted the apac servers then I think those players in the region should get free transfers. I feel like there’s multiple reasons the server exists so they are stuck in limbo.
  4. Of course. When it appears in the PTS or an upcoming announcement I’m sure we all will fight it. Until then we will continue critiquing real problems that we don’t have to make up and be really childish and hyperbolic about.
  5. OR you are just wrong. Your incessant whining and rattling the alarm bells over color crystals makes your argument look bad, and has people who are generally against the over reliance on the CM to generate revenue for the game (like me) defending it. You are choosing a particularly stupid hill to die on.
  6. Nothing like coming into a 3 week old thread just to tell us you have no clue what you are talking about lol. But the sad part is the conclusion you draw may be somewhat true, but you hit every wrong reason to get there though. 1. BioWare is no longer the dev, although half of the dev team swapped to the new studio 2. Based on a former dev, EA wasn’t the one preventing the game devs from being able to work on the ideas they wanted to, that was BioWare 3. That same former dev, said that this is more than likely a better move for the game than it would be if it stayed. But I’d grant you that if they can’t turn the game around quickly then it will likely see the same end result. Id just say that I think a lot of what they are doing now will hopefully set themselves up for more streamlined dev work in the future.
  7. I’m not saying that the CM is good, just that it’s not pay 2 win. And I know that WoW devs have okayed gold for carry services in game but I’m not so sure it’s okayed by these devs. also I’m not the one to really care much in the first place. PVE isn’t competitive, I play for my own progression and wouldn’t pay for a carry. My biggest gripes for the CM are more in line with your last opinion, that it demotivates playing the actual game for good rewards. Like that’s the biggest tragedy with CM being so successful at funding the game up to this point. It’s a quick and easy way to get things that could be proper motivators for endgame and even mid core content. I’m also jaded by how absolutely atrocious the R4 set looks, but taste is subjective lmao
  8. That’s not being offered in game silly goose. That’s not what pay to win in the context of what we are talking about, that’s someone paying a third party and explicitly against ToS. Even if the launch of this game was 100% successful, no CM was ever added, and the game killed World of Warcraft, that type of transaction would be there.
  9. Lmao “Crystals are pay to win” is the funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile. Just stick with the cc to credits, credits buy augments argument next time bro, I disagree it’s pay to win but at least there was some logic there. Augments are not going to be the game changing thing you are making it out to be and every response since someone has said point to where this is pay 2 win has gotten progressively more dumb, but at least we are being entertained. The only way you are going to win in the hardest content in this game is by knowing how to play your class and the actual gear (not augments or crystals). And it’s even more true now that they nerfed some ops. FFS the first boss in R4 is a mechanics check first and foremost with a burn at the end. I can’t even imagine someone thinking that they are going to try to pay their way to the endgame. do me a favor, take a class you don’t understand how it works, put all gold augments and your best lightsaber crystals and tell me how far you get.
  10. Weird that this is a sentiment. Or anyone would believe this as anything more of revisionist history. When the game launched over half a million (I’m being incredibly conservative here) left the game when all the game offered were *checks notes* The best story content this game has ever had. And the reason they all left was.. there wasn’t an endgame. The second big spike that happened was 4.0, and things looked up as there was a lot more endgame content to retain players and returning players had a backlog of it that was somewhat relevant. Then 5.0 hit another huge story drop, the introduction to rng loot box progression gearing (what a joke) and people didn’t stick around long enough for the devs to justify finishing their story lmao. so if you take that into consideration and think “man I know what the game needs! Just story”, you are beyond reasoning with. HOWEVER, I will say that at this point the game needs everything, a solid story beat to draw folks in and a robust endgame to keep them playing and interested. The issue I see is that the dev team is too small to deliver on all fronts simultaneously, and like was mentioned earlier in the thread. A big proper, traditional, tried and true PAID MMO expansion is the only conceivable way to deliver that. i have hope for the game, I truly do. I have wanted this to be my main game since it was announced, and I had to leave my home on Star Wars Galaxies. The problem is I think the game is too profitable for the amount of low effort it takes to keep it sputtering along so in a business sense why would you invest any more? Why take a huge risk to revive the game when it’s already making a ton for the little investment you put into it? (This is the part that I hope the Twitter thread 6 Mos ago where Chris Schmidt said that BioWare was redtaping any real progress from a passionate dev team was correct.) I’m waiting to see, but without a roadmap we are all left to speculate. (Which is probably more bad than it is good.) I have come and go and will leave again if they don’t provide a fun multiplayer experience that keeps me wanting to play with friends, and since I do that I am not as jaded as long time fans and subscribers that have been slighted for years now. ***Edit: I want to make sure I clarify, when I say “low effort” I don’t mean the devs. I mean the investment. Devs are as capable as their workforce, talent, and budget allow, and most of the factors that determine those things have to do with management and not the actual devs making the game. Too many idiots armchair dev and throw around “lazy”. Game devs deal with a lot more restraints and don’t get to just decide what they spend their time on, management does.***
  11. Had this happen to me the other night. Check to make sure you have all flashpoints selected. At one point I had someone join my group and I think it removed a couple that they were not eligible from so when I left the group I had all fps selected except 2. when you pull up the queue windo there should be a filter option, check that: if that’s not it and you are using the queue, you may need to put in a ticket.
  12. Gunnery and assault specialist guides are on YouTube for 4.0 not much has changed in your rotation in 5.0. A guy named Hellhog has guides for those classes
  13. Jedi Sentinel/ Sith Marauder Note that these Advanced Classes can ONLY DPS, so if you wanted to TANK or HEAL you would need to choose a different class.
  14. I'm relatively new as well. The system sucks for veteran players coming from someone who has played mmos and experienced endgame on other games I can say this system is pretty bad. But as a new player it might not be as bad for us considering all the content this game has to offer is new and fresh for us. By the time we are established in the endgame they will have 5.1 in place and it will be a little better if you want to start a new character. I personally have been playing all the class stories to find my "main". So far I really like the Arsenal Merc and the Vigilance Guardian play styles the most.
  15. Go to Dulfy and if a class I mentioned piques your interest look up the class guide it usually has rankings of air, single target dps, defensive cooldowns and what not
  16. Hey, I'm also new to the game.. been playing for about a month now. I've scoured the internet for a guide like the one you described. I've yet to find one either. But in that time I have read individual class guides and collected a lot of information on the subject. So first off there are 4 main classes and their mirror counterparts Each class has an advanced class that's permanent. Jedi Knight/ Sith warrior - can be pure dps (Sentinel/Marauder) the specs I am familiar with are: Carnage/Combat which is a burst Melee DPS Spec Annihilation/ Watchman which is a dot heavy spec. The third I am unfamiliar with unfortunately and it's the weakest of the three in terms of maximum dps output - can be a hybrid tank/dps (Guardian/Juggernaught) Vengeance/Vigilance is the dot/sustained dps spec Immortal/ (forgot the Jedi spec name) is the tank Focus is another burst dps (forgot the sixth name Bounty Hunter/ Trooper -Can be Healer/ dps RANGED (Mercenary / Commando) Innovative Ordinance/ Advanced tactics is the dot spec Combat medic/ bodyguard is healing Arsenal / Gunnery is the burst dps spec and currently has great sustained dps capabilities too -Can be a Tank/ MELEE dps spec Not familiar with this one as much, the pyrotech and plasma tech are the dot ones Smuggler/ Agent Like the BH and Trooper the advanced classes determine whether you are melee/ranged I know that gunslinger/sniper are ranged and Operative/ Scoundrel are stealth/melee classes Sith Inquisitor and Consular are also split between ranged caster and melee The melee tree has a stealth spec that is obviously named (you will know when you see it) The assassin/shadow are melee and have a tank spec The Sorc/Sage are ranged and have a healing spec Sorc/Sage The Lightning Sorc/ Telekinetic Sage is bursted ranged dps The Madness Sorc/ Balanced Sage are dot based self healing dps The Corruption Sorc and Seer Sage are the healing trees I still don't know some of the specs but I hope that helps
  17. You do realize that asking for it to be removed is feedback. Whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant. Musco is asking for feedback and they are providing it. You, however, are impeding on that process.
  18. You must access it through the chapters portion of you menu, should be right under galactic command. You also have to be lvl60+
  19. Kira is MIA You can use a 4.0 guide for your rotation, you'll have to look over the 5.0 changes on the main page to kinda fill in the blanks afaik the VIGILANCE spec is mostly unchanged in regards to rotation. A few abilities have changed names and animations but other than that it's the same. 4.0 guides can be found on Dulfy.
  20. No, it's someone upset that's there's no meaningful progression. Progression raiders and anyone who does the hardest content the game has to offer need better gear then what they are getting. With RNG there is literally no way to PROGRESS effectively. Multiply that by 8 individuals to gear up for the content and you begin to imagine why that's frustrating. People who continue to pidgeon hole legitimate criticisms of the GC system are not even making any valid points, you effectively putting words in their mouth and dismissing them and that's not good for the game, the community, or (if you care for the longevity of the game) yourself.
  21. They are also increasing cap gains for uprisings and flash points. Veteran uprisings are getting something like 80% biff.
  22. Hey, I'm a new player. I have a lot of content to get through before I am as fed up as some of the veteran players may be, so I have a reason to want to play and explore the game, HOWEVER, the current endgame gear progression being tied to RNG is wrong. You see if players are playing progressively harder content the rewards need to scale with their ability to progress. When you tie that to RNG it hinders progression at no fault to the player. The best way to fix this problem is to keep GC, RNG can be exciting. But there still needs to be a way for progression Raiders to get gear from killing raid bosses and keep their progression going. I really don't understand why their couldn't be both. Progression raiders don't play for loot, they play to be challenged, but they won't stick around if they can't get geared up for those challenges in a meaningful way. OP I honestly do not feel like you are helping this game out in any way by trying to shut down players with legitimate criticisms no matter how much of a minority you think they are. It is obvious that's it's not just a handful of people that dislike the system, whether it's a minority or a majority I don't know, but I promise you it is significant enough to matter.
  23. I play on ebony hawk and some planets are more populated than others. I'm new as well I'd be more than happy to level new characters with you as I've not done most of the stories yet. I'm half way done with inquisitor sand almost done with with warrior. I've only completed the Jedi knight.
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