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Why are there so many sith inquisitors?


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Seriously, this isn't even funny anymore. For two hours on Tatooine I haven't seen a SINGLE non-inquisitor, everyone are sorcerers or assassins. I'm a sith assassin myself and I'm getting closer and closer to rerolling. Seeing the same class over and over kills the fun of this game.
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All I see in WZs are 50 sorcs/mercs... Makes it impossible to kill anything when everything is a healer healing eachother :| Occasionally see a few marauders but those are literally the only 3 classes I see in WZs.


There are operatives too, but they are stealthed... The good operative, is the one you don't see :p

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All I see in WZs are 50 sorcs/mercs... Makes it impossible to kill anything when everything is a healer healing eachother :| Occasionally see a few marauders but those are literally the only 3 classes I see in WZs.


rise up to the challenge boy!


if you see through their stronghold and break them down regardless, you shall be the better man for it.


::inspiration-moving soundtrack plays in background::

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- kids like to play stealth rogues

- kids like to play mages. The most 12 yo idiots I met in wow were playing frost mages and jumping around in pvp.


Sorry but the class contains the 2 most fotm playstyles of all games.


Even though myself being almost 30, I have to say that I like Inquisitor playstyle, but also what is quoted is a fact.


I've seen in real life, watching how the drool comes from their mouths, ice lancing and ambushing lowbies

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All I see in WZs are 50 sorcs/mercs... Makes it impossible to kill anything when everything is a healer healing eachother :| Occasionally see a few marauders but those are literally the only 3 classes I see in WZs.


Actually had quite a interesting match like that last night on my Republic Char, literally maybe 4 or 5 people were DPSing on Voidstar, the rest were healing. We (republic) only won because we had a stealther go to the other side and pop open that door after we held the imps back the first round. Kind of funny and sad at the same time. Seeing all those people healing, healers healing a healer who was healing a healer who was healing a DPS. It was like a giant circle of heals, it was only game I never got the 25 kills medal.

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I think part of the problem is that the companions are not that well adapted to the different classes.


The sith sorcerer is a healer class and gets a tank. That's great for soloing.


The sith assassin gets the same tank also. Not so good, but people like the words sith and assassin.


Sith warrior gets a ranged dps? ***.....I'm thinking that if people had the choice between a tank and a healer companion in the beginning rather than just being stuffed with one that isn't useful half the time it would make things a lot easier.


That's just my thinking.

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