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How do you deal with the cringe fest that is story after base game with non force users?

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Lemme explain.  Also quick reminder, this is just my opinion, not the absolute truth,

After the base class stories, as all of you know, all gets unified into one single story, but that comes with some hard detriments, due to the direction of the story (again, in my opinion) non force users, get involved/trapped in a series of events. that simply for them don't make any sense whatsoever, and even less with bounty hunters/smugglers.

I won't go into details because of spoilers, but for the people that know, hopefully they understand what I mean and where I come from with this. 


So, due to this reason i'm left wondering, what I should do with non force users classes? just do base class story and that's it or go through the cringe fest of the expansions with them just to see a couple of companion re encounters? doesn't seem very worth it to me.

So that's why i'm here making this post and asking this question. Any opinions on your approach with post game story with non force user classes?

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I sometimes do iokath to get Quinn, then skip to Ossus.

Kotfe/et is a slog for me even on force users.  I really don't think of any of the storyline post Ziost as 'the story'.  My actual story characters have their stories end at either Corellia or Ziost.

Post Kotfe/et storyline is alright, but it's so generic that it's not really worth bothering to take multiple alts through.   Imperial/Repuplic/Loyalist/Sabateur /Dark/Light all ultimately end up doing the same things.

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Done them all with all classes, there's a couple of chapters that make sense for specific classes. Like a chapter with Aric Jorgan makes sense to have the trooper there, the mandalorian darvannis chapter, and more recently Ruhnuk.  Agent has even more with his comps being plot active too. The only one that's a bit difficult is the smuggler, but the game does provide unique dialogue for the smuggler where you can actively question and make fun of the fact you are involved in this story, so is pretty self-aware. It also works if you romance a char of those arcs. So, for example my smuggler doesn't get much out of kotfe/kotet but because I made him romance Lana, then that makes for the unique experience I'll have, is why I never repeat romances. The only story I skip is Makeb, hutt cartel because is very irrelevant to the game story and no decisions move over to future expansions. But I mainly play story because I like defining my chars and helps shape them up their personality a bit with some of the major decisions there. 

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I just don't go there with tech toons.

The game should have gone with 2 stories. One for Force Users, one for Tech users. The one story we got condensed in less chapters, then some of current chapter removed and placed in a paralel story for Tech users becoming an alliance general / contractor.

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There really should have been a separate set of story for tech classes. A smuggler should not be catching the attention of valkorian or becoming the supreme commander of the alliance. The smuggler should have their neck cracked in 0.0245923333e+74 seconds when facing Valkorians children.

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On one server I've taken all the classes most of the way thru (with exception of the Ruhnik. Others no.

What I'm doing for the others is taking only 4 characters thru it. One DS and One LS each for both Rep/ Imp, who also double as one loyalist and one saboteur.

Don't know how much I'll finish before they change studios, or if they will trim servers or go AWS.  

But then I'm a completionist, I try to do all content or at least try it. I still haven't completed the Space Heroics, or even completed one quest of the swoop event, and I rarely do GSF.  Uprisings I mostly haven't completed because I rarely find a group.  only 2 or 3 characters have finished Macrobinocular or Seeker Quests, and I haven't done all the OPs in story yet.  All other I have most achievements on planets (except for PVP) and reputation to Legendary for all but the most recent Galactic Season, Ruhnik, and the aforementioned Swoop Races. Still working on trying to get thru Master FPs, and doing Chapters in Vet/Master mode.

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I only played Kotfe/et with my two mains. I skip Kotfe/et for all other toons except to lock a romance.

On my agent main, I write my own fan fiction and have him work with my other main JK as co-commanders, so problem solved - the agent deals with all the non-Force related military stuffs while the JK deals with all the Force bantha poo-doo. An Agent-JK LS alliance actually works well to fit the Kotfe/et theme and provide vital context for major NPC like SCORPIO. Guess I'm lucky that at least my two mains fit the narrative.

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The story after Makeb (or arguably Yavin IV) is near unplayable to me on any class, so I usually go from there and skip directly to Ossus and spacebar/ignore the rest of the story until I'm caught up. I really, REALLY wish there were a Vanilla/fresh start server where I didn't have to intentionally avoid post 3.0 content. Tech users only are more laughable once you get to KOTFE.

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On 6/8/2023 at 5:57 PM, LancelotLegend said:

Lemme explain.  Also quick reminder, this is just my opinion, not the absolute truth,

After the base class stories, as all of you know, all gets unified into one single story, but that comes with some hard detriments, due to the direction of the story (again, in my opinion) non force users, get involved/trapped in a series of events. that simply for them don't make any sense whatsoever, and even less with bounty hunters/smugglers.

I won't go into details because of spoilers, but for the people that know, hopefully they understand what I mean and where I come from with this. 


So, due to this reason i'm left wondering, what I should do with non force users classes? just do base class story and that's it or go through the cringe fest of the expansions with them just to see a couple of companion re encounters? doesn't seem very worth it to me.

So that's why i'm here making this post and asking this question. Any opinions on your approach with post game story with non force user classes?

Uhh.. all my NFUs ( non-Force users) scratched their heads and said " umm ok , let's see where this goes, maybe there will be .. a bounty somewhere along the way? .. a plot for the agent to uncover? .. some precious cargo for the smuggler to.. smuggle?

But there wasn't. 

Plus all the nauseating "moral choices" and " save X cause they are cute and sexi and maybe, just maybe you will need them to do that thing they did again, even if there are at least 5 others who can do the same thing ". Plus the omnipresent LB, it felt like we had to ask for their permission to scratch our.. noses . 

Don't get me wrong, my FUs enjoyed it . 

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It is unfortunate that the majority of players in this Fantasy game lack the necessary imagination to get over this and simply play the game without trying to relate it to reality.

Edited by denavin
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On 6/9/2023 at 8:37 PM, para_cosm said:

The story after Makeb (or arguably Yavin IV) is near unplayable to me on any class, so I usually go from there and skip directly to Ossus and spacebar/ignore the rest of the story until I'm caught up. I really, REALLY wish there were a Vanilla/fresh start server where I didn't have to intentionally avoid post 3.0 content. Tech users only are more laughable once you get to KOTFE.

Yup, same. To me, Makeb was the last true part of the vanilla story because it was built for all classes and companions gained influence. SoR was a transition period that had some elements of the class stories but increasingly more elements of what we now think of as the post-kotfe era: mute comps, story written for force users, class story stripped down to flavor text, 'Commander', Lana and Theron completely replacing class-specific comps, and poor writing. SoR is decent only in comparison to what came after it. 

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21 hours ago, denavin said:

It is unfortunate that the majority of players in this Fantasy game lack the necessary imagination to get over this and simply play the game without trying to relate it to reality.

Is not about relating to reality, is about how much 'fantasy' sense it makes for each person. Sure imagination is key, but it does have it limits. As some people said, they can make it work with a comedic touch, like being in a parody. Sadly for me, Kotfe looks more like a bad parody, not a Mel Brooks one.

Also, IMO even for Force Users kotfe is a little too much.

2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

SoR was a transition period that had some elements of the class stories but increasingly more elements of what we now think of as the post-kotfe era: mute comps, story written for force users, class story stripped down to flavor text, 'Commander', Lana and Theron completely replacing class-specific comps, and poor writing. SoR is decent only in comparison to what came after it.

I agree with this. For me the silent comps is a disapointment. To the point you can flirt (and cheat) with Lana/Theron in front of your loved one and they don't do sh*t. They are just static background like playing story with shae/nico or other a reward companion, they just stay there looking at you.

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On 6/8/2023 at 3:57 PM, LancelotLegend said:

Lemme explain.  Also quick reminder, this is just my opinion, not the absolute truth,

After the base class stories, as all of you know, all gets unified into one single story, but that comes with some hard detriments, due to the direction of the story (again, in my opinion) non force users, get involved/trapped in a series of events. that simply for them don't make any sense whatsoever, and even less with bounty hunters/smugglers.

I won't go into details because of spoilers, but for the people that know, hopefully they understand what I mean and where I come from with this. 


So, due to this reason i'm left wondering, what I should do with non force users classes? just do base class story and that's it or go through the cringe fest of the expansions with them just to see a couple of companion re encounters? doesn't seem very worth it to me.

So that's why i'm here making this post and asking this question. Any opinions on your approach with post game story with non force user classes?

Many years ago, not long after KotFE happened, loads of us fed back about putting all characters into a force-based story, cancelling our class companions and all the general nonsense that went with the Kotfe malarky (the plague of SKYTROOPERS 😭).  We were basically told tough.  Many just permanently quit or quit then returned after BW did their big fact-finding/why did everyone leave mission (which you can read more about in this thread).   We have either non-force users in a force-based story, or force users in a shooter story. Yes, we had Ilum, Hutt Cartel (RotHC: Makeb), Oricon (Sith gone mad) and Shadow of Revan (SoR: Rishi/Yavin 4) however, all of those were excellent stories.  

I think we're stuck with these one-size-fits-all stories until the game goes maintenance mode or is shut down. They are no longer immersive or expansive.  Take today's story update:


I was ready to continue the Malgus story, but all we got was 5 minutes of Mando tantrum throwing, Sith threats, minimal Rivix (not fair!) various cut scenes, and that was just Empire side.  I haven't and probably won't bother with my alts Republic side I'm so sick of Shae Vizla and her tantrums, missing Arcann, restrained Malgus (he should be out there causing chaos) and why was the new story only 5, maybe 10 mins long? I was disappointed, especially after all the livestream hints that it would be a big story update

Anyway, back to your original question on what to do with a one-size-fits-all story: skip it OR play it once for "reasons" (e.g.wanting at least one character to be fully complete with the story) OR just make 10,000 alts and replay the brilliant class stories and maybe the after stories up to the end of SoR. I am the latter.

Edited by Sarova
I may be stupid
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47 minutes ago, Balameb said:

I agree with this. For me the silent comps is a disapointment. To the point you can flirt (and cheat) with Lana/Theron in front of your loved one and they don't do sh*t. They are just static background like playing story with shae/nico or other a reward companion, they just stay there looking at you.

lol I'm playing ME3 and constantly have to remind myself that this is the same studio--in name only--that had comps call you out on 'cheating' even when you weren't technically in a relationship with them for an entire game. To go from that level of detail to this is a pretty stark contrast.

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After playing the new story on a couple of different characters,


it is only fully enjoyable if YOU DON'T KILL ANYONE IN THE PREVIOUS STORYLINES (or skipped and received the default choices for republic or empire).  This is why the main and returning characters/companions in KotFE/KOTET should not have had kill options.  If you are a story player, don't skip.  If you don't care & have killed everyone, the new story will be much faster 😆


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On 6/8/2023 at 5:44 PM, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I sometimes do iokath to get Quinn, then skip to Ossus.

Kotfe/et is a slog for me even on force users.  I really don't think of any of the storyline post Ziost as 'the story'.  My actual story characters have their stories end at either Corellia or Ziost.

Post Kotfe/et storyline is alright, but it's so generic that it's not really worth bothering to take multiple alts through.   Imperial/Repuplic/Loyalist/Sabateur /Dark/Light all ultimately end up doing the same things.

Same, Kotfe/Kotet is the worst part of the entire expanded universe (incl. every type of media), I just skip it and remove it from headcanon

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2 minutes ago, GuigeekRhadamant said:

Kotfe/Kotet is the worst part of the entire expanded universe (incl. every type of media)

It's bad, but I think there's some stiff competition for "worst part of the expanded universe." I will never understand the obsession with "SURPRISE THIRD PARTY BEYOND DARK SIDE AND LIGHT SIDE" they're obsessed with, though.

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8 minutes ago, jedimasterjac said:

It's bad, but I think there's some stiff competition for "worst part of the expanded universe." I will never understand the obsession with "SURPRISE THIRD PARTY BEYOND DARK SIDE AND LIGHT SIDE" they're obsessed with, though.

Well, there's the Jedi Prince series but it was so bad, it was downgraded and labeled as "Infinities" 😂

But yeah, they think it's so cool to be neither good nor bad because "NoT eVErY tHiNg iS bLaCk Or wHiTe yOu kNoW?" 💩

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