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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An update on the development of SWTOR


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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

*On-topic:  How long it'll be until we actually hear from original Broadsword Execs/Devs  themselves....? ( like Rob Denton )

Probably never or not more than just a pr letter he might not even write because Rob Denton is too busy with his new company Loric Games developing a new game for it.

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Yes, I'm angry about the bugs. Yes, I don't like the annoying gearing and currencies in the game. Yes, the game needs work, but we can't say nothing will change because something has changed. Whatever it means is still unknown. 

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1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

Yes, I'm angry about the bugs. Yes, I don't like the annoying gearing and currencies in the game. Yes, the game needs work, but we can't say nothing will change because something has changed. Whatever it means is still unknown. 

I would agree ... fair enough!

(There should also be accountability if things continue to be status quo as well).


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Agreed! The bugs have gotten way beyond the pale! I can't progress on Onderon or in the Shroud of Memory bonus chapter that I paid extra for! This is not good, or acceptable! But after the SoV FP taking FOREVER! They have done slightly better. But if they don't fix the Phalanx Quest within the month then I'll be salty.

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The one main thing that will guide how the game is developed into the future is the funding model that’s been negotiated with EA/Lucas/Disney for Broadsword to take the reigns. Something we will never know. 

Did Broadsword have to secure funding to buy out BioWare? If so, is the interest rate set in stone or is it variable?

EA are still the producer. So do they still get the same profit cut they received when BW was running things or did Broadsword negotiate a lower cut?

LucasArts/Disney still own the rights to SW & that means licensing fees. Does EA pay those as the producer or does Broadsword? If it’s BS, then did they negotiate a better deal than BioWare? 

How is the revenue determined & split? Is it a percentage of subscription charges & Cartel Coins? Is it one or the other? Has Broadsword negotiated a setup that is based on profit after or before costs & that’s assuming they bought the game from BioWare.

If they have negotiated it after costs, except for licensing fees (part of the costs), then they could theoretically reinvest the majority of the revenue back into development and say there isn’t as much profit anymore to pay EA large sums. Which would be a big win for the games future.

Obviously it could be the opposite and it could still be like it is now or Broadsword might bank the profits and/or pay big bonuses to executives or even funnel profits to other projects like BW head office has been doing 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Basically everything to do with this is speculation on our part. We will have to wait & see what happens over the next 12 months. Not 3 months & not even 6 months will be long enough to see. Because there is always at least a 6 month development lag from what’s been planned by the devs & when we get it. So we still have about 6 months of planned BW development to get through before we see Broadswords direct influence. 

I don’t think we’ll really start to see what the out come of this will be until early next year. And we won’t fully get a feel for those changes until this time next year. 


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Patience is a virtue. It is the ability that sufferers have that allows them to wait without stress and pressure. It is the courage to endure something without contradiction, whether it is a positive thing or a negative one. Only in the future will we see how patient the players/subscribers really are.

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6 hours ago, DIVAvonFarstar said:

Patience is a virtue. It is the ability that sufferers have that allows them to wait without stress and pressure. It is the courage to endure something without contradiction, whether it is a positive thing or a negative one. Only in the future will we see how patient the players/subscribers really are.

I fear patience isn't a commodity in great supply in a notable section of the player base who post on the forums.

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On 7/1/2023 at 2:21 PM, LJ_Gibbs said:

Again... the "wastes of money" you mention... have been in the works for a while... they are not going to just abandon them. 

So because they've already waste some money and time, they're going to continue to waste more money and time? That's like saying "I've already cut half my arm off, I might as well cut the rest off"

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1 hour ago, Traceguy said:

So because they've already waste some money and time, they're going to continue to waste more money and time? That's like saying "I've already cut half my arm off, I might as well cut the rest off"

Yes... you know why?  It's Star Wars.  Sheep have proven that they can make a ton of money by just giving us Cartel Market stuff more often than story content.... or any other content. 

It's not a waste... even in maintenance mode this game will make money ... there is eventually a point of diminishing returns.

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On 7/2/2023 at 2:15 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Neither did Bioware when they firt got the contract. Gotta start somewhere.


Bioware DEVELOPED the game... know the code... know the ins and outs.  BS doesn't lol. 

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On 7/2/2023 at 2:15 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

So your saying they're gonna spend all that money on Cloud servers and Directx12, even though they know that investment is going to do nothing other than make them lose a lot of money because they already started some of it?


See my post above.

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20 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Like I said, I'm not judging. If it stinks, I'll say so. However, there's no evidence that it will and it might possibly get better. If that's naivety that's my business.

It is.... which is what we are trying to help with. 

You have the SAME people working on the game... LESS of the same people... and you think we are going to get MORE/BETTER?

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19 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I just don't understand the obsession with people screaming that the "game is terrible, the game is dead, nothing will change..." The game isn't in matinence mode, it's not dead, and while it needs a lot of work on all fronts a new development company might mightmight, might be a good thing. Jee whiz Batman of you hate it that much why keep paying to scream about it.

We vent because we want things to get better.... but we have been burned by these same people for so long.  We have to vent somewhere.  And people like you wanna come on here and ignore what we have got in the past and say "oh, this will be better this time"

We have cone onto this forums for YEARS.... reporting bugs... been playing on the PTS to give them feedback (which the summarily ignore).

If you have played this game as long as some of us have (some beta testers), there's no way you can have any faith things will be/get better.... new company or not... the same "big wigs" are still in charge. 

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18 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

** The other side is that there seems to be a new directive in the game.  Many see this as a stronger change than what has been displayed in the past.  This isn't the normal change of a handful of personnel...  BUT a MAJOR shakeup in the chain of command and those held accountable at the end of the quarter for how things are ACTUALLY running.


Again.... the same people are in charge. 

Just so I know who you think who is charge... who has the FINAL say what goes into the game?  Was it EA and now it's BS?

EA didn't sell it.... they just moved who is developing... They needed extra hands since they are moving THEIR people on to DA and ME.  They brought in an subcontractor. 

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@DIVAvonFarstar @JakRoanin and @WayOfTheWarriorx

Patience is always best a commodity displayed but not always discussed when placing others in a lesser light.  Other people have opinions that are equally valuable.  (As long as neither side is disrespecting others around them).  A LOT can be achieved with open discussions as long as they are civil (from my own perspective).

Problem is that all too often in this industry patience, understanding, and yes even cooperation are ALL values that are taken advantage of.   It's wrong when that happens ... but IMO this is where a LOT of people are at right now.  @TrixxieTriss (and a couple of others) ... may be correct in that it may be several months before this is ironed out and things are on an even keel.  I just don't think that the team has that long to prove themselves.  

If this seems a bit too skeptical it will just have to be that way.  I mentioned a couple of posts back how a few steps could be taken to help alleviate some of that doubt.  But there again .. it's unlikely that any of that will be done.  Heck ... they have repeatedly ignored their own threads requesting feedback from the community in the past.  And (like it or not) we're still essentially dealing with the same people.  Sooooo WHY would they change their way of doing things now?

If they will simply show me that they WANT to make the changes we need in this game and START doing it .. then I'm ALL IN.

For now (as I've stated repeatedly in this thread alone) ...  I'll just sit tight and SEE first hand what they are GOING to do!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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11 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The one main thing that will guide how the game is developed into the future is the funding model that’s been negotiated with EA/Lucas/Disney for Broadsword to take the reigns. Something we will never know. 


They brought in a subcontractor.  They needed a few extra hands since they were moving so many of their people over to DA and ME. 

So ... they hired a company to put up new drywall and paint the room after the majority of the work was already done (framework, molding, electrical).

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5 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

Again.... the same people are in charge. 

Just so I know who you think who is charge... who has the FINAL say what goes into the game?  Was it EA and now it's BS?

EA didn't sell it.... they just moved who is developing... They needed extra hands since they are moving THEIR people on to DA and ME.  They brought in an subcontractor. 

Exactly..  another subcontractor... still answers to EA.  Just another branch of the same company.  

I'll still make up my own mind as things progress!  IMO either extreme (criticizing the team or being overly optimistic) has issues!  But that's just me.  Other opinions can and WILL vary!  Neither is more valued over the other (particularly since none of us have the new V8.0 crystal ball).

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6 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

@DIVAvonFarstar @JakRoanin and @WayOfTheWarriorx

Patience is always best a commodity displayed but not always discussed when placing others in a lesser light.  Other people have opinions that are equally valuable.  (As long as neither side is disrespecting others around them).  A LOT can be achieved with open discussions as long as they are civil (from my own perspective).

Problem is that all too often in this industry patience, understanding, and yes even cooperation are ALL values that are taken advantage of.   It's wrong when that happens ... but IMO this is where a LOT of people are at right now.  @TrixxieTriss (and a couple of others) ... may be correct in that it may be several months before this is ironed out and things are on an even keel.  I just don't think that the team has that long to prove themselves.  

If this seems a bit too skeptical it will just have to be that way.  I mentioned a couple of posts back how a few steps could be taken to help alleviate some of that doubt.  But there again .. it's unlikely that any of that will be done.  Heck ... they have repeatedly ignored their own threads requesting feedback from the community in the past.  And (like it or not) we're still essentially dealing with the same people.  Sooooo WHY would they change their way of doing things now?

If they will simply show me that they WANT to make the changes we need in this game and START doing it .. then I'm ALL IN.

For now (as I've stated repeatedly in this thread alone) ...  I'll just sit tight and SEE first hand what they are GOING to do!


Although for me... my sub runs out in September.. and I just can't, in good conscience, give them $15 a month until they give me some worthwhile content... fix things like the absurd difficulty of SM Lady Dom, etc.

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11 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The one main thing that will guide how the game is developed into the future is the funding model that’s been negotiated with EA/Lucas/Disney for Broadsword to take the reigns. Something we will never know. 

Did Broadsword have to secure funding to buy out BioWare? If so, is the interest rate set in stone or is it variable?

EA are still the producer. So do they still get the same profit cut they received when BW was running things or did Broadsword negotiate a lower cut?

LucasArts/Disney still own the rights to SW & that means licensing fees. Does EA pay those as the producer or does Broadsword? If it’s BS, then did they negotiate a better deal than BioWare? 

As you say, it's unlikely we'll ever know the answers to these sensitive financial questions.  However I look at the situation and see the entity that collects revenue from players hasn't changed.  It's EA.  So I think it's likely that EA pays the licensing fees to Lucasfilm Games and pays Broadsword based on whatever was contractually agreed upon. 

I think it's highly unlikely that EA sold SWTOR to Broadsword.  That does not make sense to me since EA is still the game's publisher.  And even though I have no experience with contracts between publishers and game developers I have a hard time believing Broadsword paid EA for the rights to take over SWTOR development.

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3 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:


Although for me... my sub runs out in September.. and I just can't, in good conscience, give them $15 a month until they give me some worthwhile content... fix things like the absurd difficulty of SM Lady Dom, etc.

Mine runs out on Aug 1.  I may change to a 30 day sub (as opposed to the 6 mo that I use to do.  I'll see where we are at by the end of January.  

BTW... here is what I suggested in another thread that might help get folks to believe that BETTER days are ahead.   I admit that it not conclusive or the best list.  BUT IMO would go a long way to helping build a bridge between the player base that exists now and the future of SWTOR (copy and pasted)

** BUG SQUASHING should be at the top of that list (or at least close to it)
** The next GS series (are we up to 5 now for the NEXT one??)  A note to the team.  One of your staff started a post that was answered quite well.  IMO that is a good place to start.  There is no reason that couldn't be done in such a way that some old fashion fun be found along the way.  I personally thought that was one of the reasons for play SWTOR.  It use to be!!
** Some long-term goals shared with the community then set some short-term REACHABLE goals along the way that will encourage others to stick around.

In any case... best of luck to all of us (including the team).  

Somehow ...  I don't think this is over just yet!


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