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Imagine a new star wars MMO game

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Just an idea, but this game has been out for a very long time, im not trying to take it down or kill it, infact i have played since the beginning. This game has gotten so big i would like to think the package is completed. 


I think bioware should work on making a new Swtor esque game that would inherently have less buttons to press, and could be maps to a controller, providing console support increasing the over all player base / engagement. Keeping with the decision style game play of maybe I flush you out the airlock, maybe not? no I definitely air lock time. lets come up with ideas for the future post your ideas


I'm going to say lets flush out the high republic in a grand swtor esque fashion lets meet the people of the high republic and the sith, see the lands, and explore their time like we did for swtor. I don't like the current all in one story, unless you by coincidence add in job storys that explain why you might be there and the coincidence be strong making it feel more connected. SWTOR is cool Darooga's pleasure barge is gone :(. thats ok lets build another one!

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1 hour ago, xordevoreaux said:

Toss 200 million $ at Bioware so they can build another AAA title MMO, no problem. Games cost.

bioware proved they dont know how to run an mmo and the proof is the lay offs and f2p of 2012 in addition to 2m subs dipping within the first 2 years

Edited by GeneralGyro
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4 hours ago, Trancedzero said:

I'm going to say lets flush out the high republic in a grand swtor esque fashion lets meet the people of the high republic and the sith, see the lands, and explore their time like we did for swtor. I don't like the current all in one story, unless you by coincidence add in job storys that explain why you might be there and the coincidence be strong making it feel more connected. SWTOR is cool Darooga's pleasure barge is gone :(. thats ok lets build another one!

I agree. They should call the next big mmo 


Or SWG for short :rak_01:

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3 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Toss 200 million $ at Bioware so they can build another AAA title MMO, no problem. Games cost.

Don’t forget that was from 2006-2012. So with inflation, that number in todays money would be much higher. Probably closer to $300 million+

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5 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

That’s the direction Disney are going with movies & literature. 

They have no choice, the sequels are a dead end and swtor has chewed up the distant past. They could technically go Dawn of the Jedi era but it would look like a swords and sorcery game (more than it already is i mean)

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if Disney and their movies are going that way it would be years before a game gets done, i dont see why it wouldnt be a good time for EA and Bioware to work out a fun flesh out of what the high republic would be.

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Also, this game is the only active game where you can play a Sith in a Sith Empire.

Unless Disney spend time, money, and effort to "canonize" the Old Republic era, that's not gonna happen. The KOTOR remake is most likely canceled.

Let's face it, people love to play as Sith, and that's a big selling point of this game others don't have.

The High Republic has potential of being the background of a game, but you gotta be real creative to make something interesting, especially in a game. Fighting Nihil sounds.... boring and lack of a real sense of threat compared to the Jedi/Republic vs Sith Empire in SWTOR or Jedi/Republic vs Empire in Squadron and Jedi Survivor.

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so it could be like swtor now or maybe isometric like diablo? with decisions and yes everyone likes to play the sith agreed why not make a new villian like malgus and a story similar to the original movies your the chosen one. or add controller support simplify rotations,  and movement then ship this to consoles. 

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23 minutes ago, Trancedzero said:

if Disney and their movies are going that way it would be years before a game gets done, i dont see why it wouldnt be a good time for EA and Bioware to work out a fun flesh out of what the high republic would be.

They could just make a swtor 2.0 🤷🏻‍♀️

Make it 100 years into the future. Just long enough to seperate the current period. They could then use some of swtor’s history to close out some of the story arc & even add it as lore, similar to how they used parts of kotar in swtor lore.

This would allow them to build on a new engine with new technologies. They already know all the problems & pitfalls in & with swtors systems. This would be a fresh start & they’d already have a template & road map for what does & doesn’t work.

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4 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Toss 200 million $ at Bioware so they can build another AAA title MMO, no problem. Games cost.


I'd love to see a Star Wars MMO from Frontier (Makers of Elite:Dangerous) or from CCP (Eve Online)  That, or Star Wars Galaxies II. My imaginary new Star Wars mmo is most def a sandbox...or at least much more of a sandbox than what SWTOR is. If out of two Star Wars MMOs two are about freakin dialogue wheel spinnings, I'd scream.


Edited by Stradlin
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27 minutes ago, Trancedzero said:

so it could be like swtor now or maybe isometric like diablo? with decisions and yes everyone likes to play the sith agreed why not make a new villian like malgus and a story similar to the original movies your the chosen one. or add controller support simplify rotations,  and movement then ship this to consoles. 

Because any new game Disney makes now will be part of their Canon.

The current KOTOR/SWTOR era is Schrodinger's canon: it both exists (SWTOR is actively run by Disney) and not exists (it's made and released before Disney bought SW)

I don't think Disney has yet decided how to deal with it. Disney also need to consider whether the Sith in KOTOR/SWTOR is the Sith they want for their Canon, even though there's still a lot of space between KOTOR/SWTOR and the High Republic. It's never just a simple matter of making some new contents. But who knows, maybe we'll get SW: Vision The Game one day *shrug*

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Unlikely in the current climate. Star Wars as a brand is at an all-time low. Convincing anyone to invest a quarter billion dollars or more on such a project would be a tough sell.

The best we can hope is for them to develop a proper expansion. Not just drip-feed tiny content patches every three years with a redesigned gear treadmill. I think this game still has massive potential - what it lacks are resources and a proper vision.

Edited by bhoowy
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6 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

bioware proved they dont know how to run an mmo and the proof is the lay offs and f2p of 2012 in addition to 2m subs dipping within the first 2 years

I agree with you, not to mention even the current game engine is still a 11 years old Alpha state hero engine ducktaped together, and the game was costed 500 million dollar. (lets face it we all see its result) 

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Many games did the switch to F2P or died out. There were economic pressures and a change in players' attitudes around that time. A consequence of too many MMORPG games, the so-called wannabe "wow killers", that all launched around the same time.

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10 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

I agree. They should call the next big mmo 


Or SWG for short :rak_01:

Hear me out, let's call it.... Star Wars Galaxy: New Galaxies Expansion ! Or SWG NGE for short

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6 hours ago, YodaUnrea said:

I agree with you, not to mention even the current game engine is still a 11 years old Alpha state hero engine ducktaped together, and the game was costed 500 million dollar. (lets face it we all see its result) 

the only reason its even around is cause the cartel market saved it. thats the sole reason. its not cause its a good game or that its got a sizeable playerbase. nope, its purely cause of the money shop.

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11 hours ago, eabevella said:

Because any new game Disney makes now will be part of their Canon.

The current KOTOR/SWTOR era is Schrodinger's canon: it both exists (SWTOR is actively run by Disney) and not exists (it's made and released before Disney bought SW)

I don't think Disney has yet decided how to deal with it. Disney also need to consider whether the Sith in KOTOR/SWTOR is the Sith they want for their Canon, even though there's still a lot of space between KOTOR/SWTOR and the High Republic. It's never just a simple matter of making some new contents. But who knows, maybe we'll get SW: Vision The Game one day *shrug*

Alot of people may have thought of KOTOR/SWTOR but it was never a part of the Official Canon when Lucas owned Star Wars. Lucas wasn't willing to let anyone else say officially what was or wasn't Star Wars but himself. And I don't blame him for that.

Disney take the same view on that stuff that Lucas did. Non-canon.

Which really, is for the best, you can't have these mmos limited to that degree and needing to run everything they want to do past the Lucasfilm Story Group for permission on every little detail. THE LFG has already said, they look at this game, how Lucas did, a separate parallel Star Wars universe than can do as build as it wishes (within reasonable bounds of course)and can tell its own stories.

"I don't read that stuff, I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try and keep it consistent. The way I do it is they have a Star Wars encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it and see if it has already been used. When I said other people could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have TWO universes: My Universe and than this other one. They try to make THEIR universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions."

~ George Lucas Starlog Magazine Interview, 2005 - https://ibb.co/Km1CcNs


“There are two worlds here,” explained Lucas. “There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books."

~ George Lucas, Cinescape, 2002


"What George did with the films and The Clone Wars was pretty much his universe ,” Chee said. “He didn’t really have that much concern for what we were doing in the books and games. So the Expanded Universe was very much separate."

~ Leland Chee, Continuity Database Adminstrator for Lucas Licensing, SYFY WIRE Fandom Files #13 Interview,Jan.2018



"He [Lucas] only considers his movies and TV projects as his universe, and told the Clone Wars writers to only worry about those."

~ Pablo Hidalgo

(There's are hundreds of quotes on the subject I've got, but this is just a sampling)

Lucas allowed those things to exist, but expressly stated them as being separate and not apart of his Star Wars and not in keeping with his vision. A lot of people didn't like that, because they spent money and time on those things and wanted them to be a part of real Star Wars and that's why a lot of fans of those things had a bone to pick with Lucas.

It's easy for me, because as far as I cam concerned, even though I did partake in a lot of the side things, (games, books, comics), for me I always saw it as "If it isn't Lucas, it isn't Star Wars" and I still do. But, not everyone feels that way.

That's why I think the Trxxie-baby's idea is the best one. SWTOR 2.0

If they do High Republic or anything canonical than that kills the potential to play Sith or Darksiders on the regular. And while not all MMOs let you play "the bad guys", if there is anything that is going to made as a substitute for SWTOR that doesn't allow for the ability to play Sith and Darksiders than many former SWTORers (myself included) will take a very dim view of the new game and it probably won't ever be able to bring all those players into the new fold.

Lucasfilm or its subsidiaries aren't involved in this game if they make High Republic than that would mean the game would be bound by canon, everything in it would have to be approved by the Lucasfilm Story Group which would slow things down in being released, the game makers wouldn't have creative freedom.

So things like "Lightside" Sith (which is a contradiction in terms, canonical speaking) couldn't exist, you couldn't have Lightsiders using Force Lightning, or Darksiders using Lightsider specs, Balance in the Force would be the canonical version as per Lucas (Disney uses his definition for that) which means not equal sides light and dark, but the absense of Darksiders.

In Lucas and Disney Canon it is people using the Darkside that causes imbalance in the Force. Lightsiders can't cause imbalance, The Lightside IS balance.

Also things like Clan Fett among Mandaolorians couldn't exist, because Lucas said Fett wasn't a Mandadolorian at all and Disney followed suit, save he's a foundling, which means no presense in the past.

Concepts like "Grey" Force users didn't exist in Lucas's Canon nor in Disney canon. And no, Bendu is not Grey, he didn't use both sides of the Force. Lucas ruled on the concept and Disney went with his view and have made many statements on the concept. No "Grey" in the Force.  (Which I personally think is quite possibly the stupidest concept ever. But, that's just my opinion. I know a lot of people like it.)

Plus, you wouldn't be able to 'head canon' as much in a canonically based game. Because the game itself, and elements in it will often state the impossibility of certain things. And I think the whole 'head-canon' thing is important to alot of players who want some room and freedom to define things more in keeping with their likes. But if the game itself was outright saying certain things, it would make that much harder to do in some players minds.

And there are tons of little things like this that would also being effected as such.

On the other hand, I get why some people might like the idea of going High Republic or canon, because it brings it in line with what they see on TV and in the books and comics, they can count on the validity of things in it, and they can interweave things from other media within it as well, where appropriate.

So people who have foundation/and like things like KOTOR and SWTOR and see that as "Star Wars" would be very disappointed and feel out of that element and feel.

And it isn't as simple as a mention. So for example, Revan's name being mentioned as the name of some Battalion at some point, doesn't bring everything related to him into that universe. Only what they do with it is valid.

It would be a very different feel, it wouldn't have any attachments to things in these games, and I don't think people with close ties to these games would find it much to their liking.

Now, if you're into Disney Star Wars (which I'm personally not), than you may like it. But if you're into the older material or a Lucas's canon diehard like myself, I don't think many of those kinds of people would. I personally wouldn't be interested in a High Republic game. The Lightsabers these use in that era alone would turn me off heh.

There is a lot to be said for the freedom of not being tied to canon brings this game. And as much as a canon die hard I am, it's not good for games. Freedom in story, the freedom to make new things up, the freedom to tell stories in the past is worth a lot because you don't have to worry about contradicting things as much.

I do complain a lot about this game not being in line with Lucas's vision and canon, but, I accept it for what it is, something separate from that, but still "Star Wars Esque" and a do still enjoy a lot of the stories.

Speaking only for myself, I would much rather see this game go on, or a SWTOR 2.0 that at least could keep the feel and not have to change everything that we've come to know and be accustomed to in this game.



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2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Alot of people may have thought of KOTOR/SWTOR but it was never a part of the Official Canon when Lucas owned Star Wars. Lucas wasn't willing to let anyone else say officially what was or wasn't Star Wars but himself. And I don't blame him for that.

Disney take the same view on that stuff that Lucas did. Non-canon.

Which really, is for the best, you can't have these mmos limited to that degree and needing to run everything they want to do past the Lucasfilm Story Group for permission on every little detail. THE LFG has already said, they look at this game, how Lucas did, a separate parallel Star Wars universe than can do as build as it wishes (within reasonable bounds of course)and can tell its own stories.

"I don't read that stuff, I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try and keep it consistent. The way I do it is they have a Star Wars encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it and see if it has already been used. When I said other people could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have TWO universes: My Universe and than this other one. They try to make THEIR universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions."

~ George Lucas Starlog Magazine Interview, 2005 - https://ibb.co/Km1CcNs


“There are two worlds here,” explained Lucas. “There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books."

~ George Lucas, Cinescape, 2002


"What George did with the films and The Clone Wars was pretty much his universe ,” Chee said. “He didn’t really have that much concern for what we were doing in the books and games. So the Expanded Universe was very much separate."

~ Leland Chee, Continuity Database Adminstrator for Lucas Licensing, SYFY WIRE Fandom Files #13 Interview,Jan.2018



"He [Lucas] only considers his movies and TV projects as his universe, and told the Clone Wars writers to only worry about those."

~ Pablo Hidalgo

(There's are hundreds of quotes on the subject I've got, but this is just a sampling)

Lucas allowed those things to exist, but expressly stated them as being separate and not apart of his Star Wars and not in keeping with his vision. A lot of people didn't like that, because they spent money and time on those things and wanted them to be a part of real Star Wars and that's why a lot of fans of those things had a bone to pick with Lucas.

It's easy for me, because as far as I cam concerned, even though I did partake in a lot of the side things, (games, books, comics), for me I always saw it as "If it isn't Lucas, it isn't Star Wars" and I still do. But, not everyone feels that way.

That's why I think the Trxxie-baby's idea is the best one. SWTOR 2.0

If they do High Republic or anything canonical than that kills the potential to play Sith or Darksiders on the regular. And while not all MMOs let you play "the bad guys", if there is anything that is going to made as a substitute for SWTOR that doesn't allow for the ability to play Sith and Darksiders than many former SWTORers (myself included) will take a very dim view of the new game and it probably won't ever be able to bring all those players into the new fold.

Lucasfilm or its subsidiaries aren't involved in this game if they make High Republic than that would mean the game would be bound by canon, everything in it would have to be approved by the Lucasfilm Story Group which would slow things down in being released, the game makers wouldn't have creative freedom.

So things like "Lightside" Sith (which is a contradiction in terms, canonical speaking) couldn't exist, you couldn't have Lightsiders using Force Lightning, or Darksiders using Lightsider specs, Balance in the Force would be the canonical version as per Lucas (Disney uses his definition for that) which means not equal sides light and dark, but the absense of Darksiders.

In Lucas and Disney Canon it is people using the Darkside that causes imbalance in the Force. Lightsiders can't cause imbalance, The Lightside IS balance.

Also things like Clan Fett among Mandaolorians couldn't exist, because Lucas said Fett wasn't a Mandadolorian at all and Disney followed suit, save he's a foundling, which means no presense in the past.

Concepts like "Grey" Force users didn't exist in Lucas's Canon nor in Disney canon. And no, Bendu is not Grey, he didn't use both sides of the Force. Lucas ruled on the concept and Disney went with his view and have made many statements on the concept. No "Grey" in the Force.  (Which I personally think is quite possibly the stupidest concept ever. But, that's just my opinion. I know a lot of people like it.)

Plus, you wouldn't be able to 'head canon' as much in a canonically based game. Because the game itself, and elements in it will often state the impossibility of certain things. And I think the whole 'head-canon' thing is important to alot of players who want some room and freedom to define things more in keeping with their likes. But if the game itself was outright saying certain things, it would make that much harder to do in some players minds.

And there are tons of little things like this that would also being effected as such.

On the other hand, I get why some people might like the idea of going High Republic or canon, because it brings it in line with what they see on TV and in the books and comics, they can count on the validity of things in it, and they can interweave things from other media within it as well, where appropriate.

So people who have foundation/and like things like KOTOR and SWTOR and see that as "Star Wars" would be very disappointed and feel out of that element and feel.

And it isn't as simple as a mention. So for example, Revan's name being mentioned as the name of some Battalion at some point, doesn't bring everything related to him into that universe. Only what they do with it is valid.

It would be a very different feel, it wouldn't have any attachments to things in these games, and I don't think people with close ties to these games would find it much to their liking.

Now, if you're into Disney Star Wars (which I'm personally not), than you may like it. But if you're into the older material or a Lucas's canon diehard like myself, I don't think many of those kinds of people would. I personally wouldn't be interested in a High Republic game. The Lightsabers these use in that era alone would turn me off heh.

There is a lot to be said for the freedom of not being tied to canon brings this game. And as much as a canon die hard I am, it's not good for games. Freedom in story, the freedom to make new things up, the freedom to tell stories in the past is worth a lot because you don't have to worry about contradicting things as much.

I do complain a lot about this game not being in line with Lucas's vision and canon, but, I accept it for what it is, something separate from that, but still "Star Wars Esque" and a do still enjoy a lot of the stories.

Speaking only for myself, I would much rather see this game go on, or a SWTOR 2.0 that at least could keep the feel and not have to change everything that we've come to know and be accustomed to in this game.



Actually, Disney claimed every multimedia thing they make "canon" of the same tier, unlike Lucas and the EU system.

(I said claimed because a big criticism among fans who are actually into Disney SW stuffs other than the movies and D+ shows is how Disney claimed every media is treated with the same level of canon importance but the fact is they don't care about or can't maintain a solid canon. TV show writers can ignore comic/book establishments that were published before and it hurt those relatively few hardcore fans who actually supported their comics and books - don't claim every media is equal if you can't be fair. At least Lucas/EU clearly told you there's a canon caste system.)

I was not talking about Lucas canon nor the EU canon tiers. Whether we like it or not, Disney is the legal owner of SW now and Disney gets to decide what is canon and what is not. What I was referring to is how Disney seems not very sure about how to deal with KOTOR/SWTOR and their canon status.

To me, it looks like Disney is debating whether to canonize the iconic KOTOR trilogy because KOTOR/SWTOR is huge and unique in their world building, and very importantly, the history and origin of the Sith (SWTOR codex lists a lot of the early Jedi vs Sith wars). If Disney make anything new related to KOTOR/SWTOR, it means they also have to include that giant piece of history into their canon, which means they'll have little room to write about the early Jedi vs Sith stuffs which will certainly bring them huge $$$ if done right.

We already saw on the SWC that Disney is about to make a Dawn of the Jedi show/movie/thing. What it tells me is that Disney wants to write their own Old Republic era stuffs, and they certainly won't make a game in that era before they're sure what and what not to canonize. Tbh, I can see Disney canonize KOTOR due to it's popularity but leave SWTOR firmly in the Legends department because SWTOR covers too much of the ancient timeline Disney is interested in.

Edited by eabevella
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30 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Actually, Disney claimed every multimedia thing they make "canon" of the same tier, unlike Lucas and the EU system.

(I said claimed because a big criticism among fans who are actually into Disney SW stuffs other than the movies and D+ shows is how Disney claimed every media is treated with the same level of canon importance but the fact is they don't care about or can't maintain a solid canon. TV show writers can ignore comic/book establishments that were published before and it hurt those relatively few hardcore fans who actually supported their comics and books - don't claim every media is equal if you can't be fair. At least Lucas/EU clearly told you there's a canon caste system.)

I was not talking about Lucas canon nor the EU canon tiers. Whether we like it or not, Disney is the legal owner of SW now and Disney gets to decide what is canon and what is not. What I was referring to is how Disney seems not very sure about how to deal with KOTOR/SWTOR and their canon status.

To me, it looks like Disney is debating whether to canonize the iconic KOTOR trilogy because KOTOR/SWTOR is huge and unique in their world building, and very importantly, the history and origin of the Sith (SWTOR codex lists a lot of the early Jedi vs Sith wars). If Disney make anything new related to KOTOR/SWTOR, it means they also have to include that giant piece of history into their canon, which means they'll have little room to write about the early Jedi vs Sith stuffs which will certainly bring them huge $$$ if done right.

We already saw on the SWC that Disney is about to make a Dawn of the Jedi show/movie/thing. What it tells me is that Disney wants to write their own Old Republic era stuffs, and they certainly won't make a game in that era before they're sure what and what not to canonize. Tbh, I can see Disney canonize KOTOR due to it's popularity but leave SWTOR firmly in the Legends department because SWTOR covers too much of the ancient timeline Disney is interested in.

Well Disney is free to do whatever they want now, that's true.

As far as the "canon-teirs", that's very misunderstood. That actually didn't have anything to do with canon. Lucas only acknowledged his direct works as canon.

The tiers were used as a filing system for the holocron database. They were essentially search engine filters. The creator of the tiers and Pablo Hidalgo talked about how those tiers were misunderstood by fans.

"I think people over emphasize the importance of the canon level. The intent of the canon levels was, as the main intent was 'if someones looking for the ships from a film, they can than use those fields to check for them only in the films,and thus seperate that from what was in the EU. So we can look at it case by case. I think there is an over emphasis of what those fields mean and what they represent."

~ Leland Chee

"That 'level of canon' thus helps in terms of bookkeeping. Those 'canon levels' are for the holocron."

~ Pablo Hidalgo

ForceCast #273: The Galaxy Is Reading - Interview with Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo, 2013

Starts at about the 1 hour mark so 1:00 - 1:02 mark



"The G/C/S-level canon stuff is a construct specifically for the Holocron. Non-Holocron users would have no idea what this stuff even means and I would say most of the people who use the Holocron don't use the field, instead looking specifically to the source of the material. Individual entries are not broken down by canon level." 

~ Leland Chee 2005



Disney can make whatever they want canon, that's true, but they can't contradict what Lucas established either, and they seem pretty keen on not overturning anything Lucas set down, so if they did make some of that stuff canon, it is safe to say they would have to change some stuff about, and I don't think that would go over very well with alot of fans of that stuff. I think Disney knows that, because people like Pablo Hidalgo and Dave Filoni, they've been with the IP since Lucas and worked closely with him, and they have both said post Disney that they are reluctant to use some of that material because changes could upset some fans.

I'm sure they will probably end up, as they have done in some cases, cherry picking from it, and using things from it, but I doubt highly you will see that in mass. Like KOTOR is now canon. I don't think that will happen, too many things contradict established canon. But, yeah, I'm sure they will probably use things from it. I think that's a safe bet.

They will undoubtedly change some of the things they use though, this has already happened. I think they will limit the amount they use, not wanting to piss off old fans of that material.

I think like we've seen in the High Republic, Disney will probably want to make their own Old Republic, cherry picking aspects from the old material, and giving some nods here and there. A name, a place, a character, a ship type, things like that.

But, they are free to do whatever they want, so anything is possible.

As far as MMOs go, I'd rather the developers have a free hand in things like SWTOR does and not have to be answerable to the Lucasfilm Story Group and need to get approval from them for everything. Better they can build their own universe version and let players be able to have more available player character archetypes.

That's why I wouldn't like to see a new game set in the High Republic. Than no one can play Sith. That works for a story and in canon, but it doesn't work well for enjoyment in a Star Wars Themed game.

I wouldn't be happy with a new Star Wars MMO if I couldn't play Sith and the Darkside, but, that's just me.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Hmmm ... just throw this out there:
** SWTOR:  RENAISSANCE  (a continuation of selected part of SWTOR with the lapse of a few years)
** SWTOR:  INSURGENCE   (a fresh start with new characters / stories / while utilizing perhaps a few key planets as a starting point 150 to 200 years in the future from the current SWTOR time line).

...  nah ....[/wads paper up and hits a perfect bullseye in the wastebasket]

Well... Maybe at least the story lines might work!

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2 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Hmmm ... just throw this out there:
** SWTOR:  RENAISSANCE  (a continuation of selected part of SWTOR with the lapse of a few years)
** SWTOR:  INSURGENCE   (a fresh start with new characters / stories / while utilizing perhaps a few key planets as a starting point 150 to 200 years in the future from the current SWTOR time line).

That works. I wouldn't mind that at all. Still keeps an attachment to this game, we can still play things we are familiar with, but there can definite changes in look and feel, and naturally the state of the galaxy at that point. Kinda in line with what the Trixxie-Baby said just with a slight change in the state of the timeline.

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Swtor 2 has been floated around for years but I gotta say, I'm pretty skeptical. Consider the incredible amount of work this game was in vanilla. People may have complained about lack of endgame and all the missing QoL stuff, but that's because they put so much effort into small details in the class stories. Compare that to the story drip content we get now. I fully believe that the original team could have made a swtor 2 set a century after Illum or something, but I don't believe this team would be able to give us anything more than Onslaught: the game, even if they had adequate funding. 

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