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Everything posted by bhoowy

  1. To be fair, the current 7.2 content questline content is more challenging, but in the worst way possible. Too many mobs which literally spawn every few steps. Fights are boring, long and repetitive.
  2. Many games did the switch to F2P or died out. There were economic pressures and a change in players' attitudes around that time. A consequence of too many MMORPG games, the so-called wannabe "wow killers", that all launched around the same time.
  3. Unlikely in the current climate. Star Wars as a brand is at an all-time low. Convincing anyone to invest a quarter billion dollars or more on such a project would be a tough sell. The best we can hope is for them to develop a proper expansion. Not just drip-feed tiny content patches every three years with a redesigned gear treadmill. I think this game still has massive potential - what it lacks are resources and a proper vision.
  4. You are correct; my assumption that one multiplier will work for the whole 1 to max journey is perhaps optimistic. There are so many sources of XP that it is impossible to prime the player's level to be in tune with their questing. Also, anything beyond class stories' levelling is all over the place and likely with many, many complications. E.g. later expansion, the content was designed with fast levelling in mind. This is why I think having a single, simple multiplier is probably the best. It just needs to prevent over levelling. Since it is an optional item, if a player feels they fell too far behind - they can simply take it off and run some FPs to catch up.
  5. It does not need to be perfect and no sense in overcomplicating. After finishing DK 0.55 ratio still holds true. As NPCs and missions give more XP, the XP requirement for each level also grows. Ultimately only the devs know how their game works internally; we can only speculate.
  6. It could be as simple as adding a multiplier to incoming XP. For example, on the brand new character on a brand new F2P account without any XP bonuses, I got to level 18 after finishing Korriban and The Black Talon FP. Since at this point "ideal" level would be around 10, we could do 10/18 = 0.55. Pseudocode: function multiplier() { if (hasBlackAcuteModule) { return 0.55 } if (hasWhiteAcuteModule) { return guildBonus + legacyBonus + boostBonus } return guildBonus + legacyBonus + boostBonus + eventBonus } function experience(incoming) { return incoming * multiplier() } This is just me speculating. I do not know how easy or complex it is in the game engine. But it could be just a one-liner. Deriving a good enough multiplier is pretty simple, as I showed above.
  7. Well, the whole point is that it would make the game feel closer to what it was at the launch with minimal effort. For levelling would do the side content and story flashpoints. Though you may have a point, I think all bonus series were relegated to max-level content, right? This issue comes up a lot on the forums. Making WAM generally available is the simplest solution. Adding a more potent version of it is the next best thing we could realistically expect.
  8. WAM vendor is only available during Double XP Event. I also believe you suspicions are in error. I fully agree with the OP and I also find the game tad dull. I posted a suggestion to make WAM vendor permanently available here: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929608-white-acute-module-availability-outside-of-2xp - I think this is the only realistic hope we have.
  9. Some of us like to level at a slower pace - a solution often being suggested is to use White Acute Module. However, the vendor is not available outside the Double XP Event. Please add this vendor outside the event and perhaps add the vendor to starter planets as well? Bonus points if you also introduce a Black Acute Module, which would: Reduce XP gain roughly to "vanilla" level Ignore event XP bonus Ignore the guild XP bonus Ignore subscriber XP bonus Ignore all Legacy XP bonuses Thanks.
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