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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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I've played table top RPGs (yes, Star Wars too) for over 20 years. This game put the RPG back into MMORPG, and I love it.


But we each have a right to our opinions, so I sincerely hope the people who do not like SWTOR will soon get another game they enjoy more. I for one will keep playing this one for as long as I have fun doing so.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.



I love the story and leveling. I happen to find it quite fun. If not excellent.


However, what PVP actually occurs (it's fairly non-existent) is utterly terrible.


Leveling, though? The best I've ever seen. Raiding and PVP are awful, however. Kind of a hit or miss with this game. In certain situations, it's amazing. Other times, it's the worst I've seen out of an MMO in years.


A mixed bag, I guess.

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I agree with OP, mostly.


Short version, I'm having a lot of fun in SWtoR, it's "my kind of MMO" as it were.


Are there things that can be improved? Sure.


Are there systems that probably should have been in place before launch, as expected by a 21st century MMO? Sure.


But none of these shortcommings are deal-breakers, and their absense doesn't detract from the over-all game play, for me.


I didn't get into LotRO until it had been out for a year, and when I joined, it was the "perfect MMO" for me at the time.


I wonder how SWtoR will look in another year, I bet Bioware sweetens it up pretty quickly with some more MMO / Group friendly tools, like Instance Finders and stuff...

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I'll add another positive mention to the OP. I'm having a blast. Love so much about this game. I need some help getting better at playing my class, but I'm having fun with the storyline. (About to ding 29. Have plans for a bounty hunter alt and eventually a Trooper and Jedi Knight alt.)


That is one of the many things that makes SWTOR so awesome. It makes you want to try out all the classes because you know each one has a unique and immersive story. Unlike other MMO's where its the same journey of mind numbing grinding to reach the end-cap so the "real game" can start.


SWTOR is indeed a Gamer's Game -- and it begins at level 1.

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That is one of the many things that makes SWTOR so awesome. It makes you want to try out all the classes because you know each one has a unique and immersive story. Unlike other MMO's where its the same journey of mind numbing grinding to reach the end-cap so the "real game" can start.


SWTOR is indeed a Gamer's Game -- and it begins at level 1.



I'm not an altaholic, so the fact I'll play both sides says something about how enjoyable the story portion of the game is.


But once I level an Empire and Republic side character, I'll cancel.


Should take me a couple of months. I don't regret my purchase for two months of playtime. Lots of other games to play. I think I played DA:O for about a month, so it's pretty much par for the course for me when it comes to Bioware games.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


1. Some do some don't. Jedi ones are not that great. Really I felt more involved with the old Paladin quests in WoW then the first few planets character story lines here.


2. There is more but it is still fairly superficial. There is not real deep character development or at least I have not found it.


3. MMOs start at cap, this game does not change that. Single player games start at 1 though.


4. ROFL. Ya ranged >>>>>>>>>>>>> melee. No it is not balanced and was a complaint in the beta as well.


5. No, it is for most classes button smashing for some more complex just like another game.


6. Companions = Pets. Do you mean they have some additional "life" to them with the additional interaction quest wise? That I can agree at least.

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Ive played mmos since pre tram UO..... this is the funnest ive had in an mmo since then.... of course nothing will ever compare to pre tram UO.....


... and others have other mmos that no other mmo will ever compare to because you don't lose your mmo virginity twice.

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TOR is an mmo designed for the lazy


If you are not Amish, you don't get to call anyone lazy.


Electricity is for the lazy.


Computers are for the lazy.


Not growing/raising your own food is for the lazy.


Not building you own house and furniture is for the lazy.


I don't get how people reaping the rewards from modern society can call not having to do repetitive menial tasks in a game lazy.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.



I agree. Game is just what I've been looking for.

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- No incentive for open world pvp, other than ganking low levels.

- Unfinished engine - force medium graphics

- No guild hall

- No guild bank

- No guild based rvr

- Issues with the GCD still remain

* Trooper and Jedi Sentinel have the most known issues.

- Raid frames in warzones are constantly broken.

* At times the limit of 8 players exceed and brings in even more, then you see 10 vs 8 games.

* HP do not always update properly on the raid frame, it keeps it up at max hp, while I see a ally dieing from a gank.


Personally I am waiting for open-beta to end.


this all you can do is complain about the small things cant be happy huh.... I don't want to be you then :)

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Agree with the OP.


Sidenote: Anyone have an explanation as to why the vast majority of whiners seem to be December 2011 forum handles? December saw a relatively low amount of pre-orders compared to July/Aug/September so it's not based on quantity of pre-orders.


Just seems that if the forum handle is Dec 2011...the post will likely be negative :D


See this thread as an example....four Dec 2011 posters, 3 of those being negative. Only 1 of the 4 trying to be constructive.


Has gotten to the point that I usually skip the replies by the Dec 2011 crowd instantly and scroll down to ANYONE with another signup date be they positive or negative.


Actually if you were one of the Decemberists like me you would know that they had to separate December into a few days to get us all into EGA. We had a million page Decemberist thread going. Howd you miss it??

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I haven't had this much fun in an MMORPG since DAoC launched. I love it. I haven't played WoW since 2006, so maybe all those features that WoW has that everyone is complaining about this game not having is irrelevant to me?


My most recent MMORPG has been LoTRO and AoC.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Apart from the PvP part (I don't play PvP, can't comment on it), I absolutely concur.


I'm especially pleasantly surprised by the combat system. My hotbars are chock full of abilities, my keybinds are maxed out, and yes, I do need to know every ability, I need to use them, and know when to use them in order to succeed.

I have been playing for 15 years now (around 10 online), and I still felt challenged by the levelling process. It's been a blast to get to 50, and I will absolutely do it again and again.



I haven't been this enthusiastic about a game since I took my very first steps in Quake.

Edited by Muesliac
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