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TEST SERVER: Shae Vizla server feedback thread


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North America here. Server lag read at 200 to 250 ms on Shae Vizla, compared to under 20 ms on Satele Shan for example (and something like 100 ms on the European servers).  However, I did not notice an impact to gameplay in GSF or arena or flashpoint.  I didn't notice a dfference in loading times either or any other weird issues. 

Hope this helps!


Edited by Dlique
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  • Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?
    • Similar
  • Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?
    • Seem fine on every planets but the Lieutenant Xorem his missing on Ord Mantell
  • What region/country do you reside in?
    • Canada
  • Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
    • Satele 37,5 and Shae Vizla 42,3
  • Is grouped content working properly?
    • Yes
  • How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
    • Not alot of player on the server so it take a will to get a PVP or GSF match
  • Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
    • No
  • Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
    • No
  • Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?
    • Not with the cinematic but the screen go dark in the room for a codex entry in The Esseles Flashpoint
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Here is what I experienced from my time playing on the Shae Vizla server:


I'm playing from West Coast Canada, and my ping on the Shae Vizla server usually sat around 150-200ms compared to the usual ping I get on the Satele Shan server at around 70-120ms. Performance didn't feel too different from what I'm used to on Satele Shan.


I copied over my level 80 assassin from Satele Shan to do all of my testing.


I did a veteran run for Hammer Station, and a round of GSF as well. I didn't encounter any issues while running those.


I also did an arena match on the Rishi map and wasn't able to exit the area after. I tried using  the exit match button, emergency fleet pass, and priority transport to my ship. Nothing worked, and then I was eventually ejected from the area. The arena match itself felt fine performance-wise.


The only other minor issue I noticed was that special characters wouldn't display properly and would show as a "?" instead.


Overall, I didn't really encounter many issues, and the general performance felt pretty good on my end.

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Compared to an existing server, how is the performance? 
Server seemed stable enough though did encounter several lag like problem. Slow reaction to inputs, players rubber banding, enemies teleporting around. 

Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?
None that I noticed.

What region/country do you reside in?

Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
Ping on Shae Vizla was between 300-500ms. Ping normally on Satele Shan is around 100ms, ping on Darth Malgus around 50ms.

Is grouped content working properly?
Managed to run a vet FP, PvP Arena, and GSF via GF.

How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
Load in times after accepting seemed about the same as live.

Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
Didn't encounter any travel issues.

Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
None that I encountered.

Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics? 
Again, none that I encountered. Though I only saw two and we skipped pretty fast. 


Additional comments:
I'd really like to see a test with a cloud server in one of the existing regions I play on as it was hard to tell if the high ping was causing lag issues or if it was the server itself. 

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I'm from SA, East, so probably not the intended target for this test as APAC is very far. Still here it goes:

  • Quote

    Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?

    Compared to star forge. Twice+ as slow on input-->animation

  • Quote

    Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?

    Not in particular, haven't tested many places tho.

  • Quote

    What region/country do you reside in?

    South America, Argentina.

  • Quote

    Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.

    Star forge: From 180 to 230 most times.

          APAC: around 380 to 460 but regular spikes to 650+.

          That number makes skills take almost a second from pressing untill animated on average. Actually expected and i don't plan to play regularly with servers that far.

  • Quote

    Is grouped content working properly?

    Tested FP, Arena and GSF. All worked properly with the expected delays from my high ping.

  • Quote

    How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?

    Fast enough once accepted.

  • Quote

    Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?

    Not that i noticed

  • Quote

    Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?

    Nothing in particular to this server

  • Quote

    Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?

    Sorry, forgot to try those, my bad.

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Made a new char, and started on Tython.... 
Everything was smooth, (Response, loading and so on) except from a stuttering visual look, much like stopmotion visuals... 
Everything movable moved in tiny fragments, unless I was standing still. Then after a couple seconds the visuals went "normal"

I started moving, and the stopmotion was back. 

No other issues though.
I'm located in Denmark, Europe... 

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So, I will be answering for myself and my friend who was testing the server with me:

  • Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?
    • We both play on the Darth Malgus. And we both live in the central Europe (Poland). The performance gameplay wise was pretty similar. When it comes to the ping on SV we had around 320ms and on the DM we have around 55ms. My friend told me that she had some stuttering during the change between locations.
  • Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?
    • For me everything was fine, as it could be with fps mentioned above. My friend said, that the GSF was a bit laggy, and flashpoints were loading slower on SV than on DM. Also, for her, when she was entering some areas on Hutta and other planets, the grass was loading REALLY slowly. Even slower than on the DM.
  • What region/country do you reside in?
    • As mentioned before, we both reside in central Europe (Poland)
  • Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
    • Also, as mentioned before: On SV we had around 320-350ms, and on the DM we had around 50-55ms. I can also mention, that on SF I do have around 120-130ms.
  • Is grouped content working properly?
    • It was working properly. We even were able to get queue pop ups pretty fast. 
  • How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
    • My loading screen/time was a bit faster on SV than on DM. My friend's, on the other hand, had some delays. Also, she mentioned that the game crashed when she tried to 'exit area', and she had to use the manager to close the game manually.
  • Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
    • No, everything was working properly.
  • Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
    • Yes! We both were missing our companions in the companions & contacts window, also the UI wasn't loading properly on some occasion. Also, my friend reported to me, that when she tried to add some companions (Shae Vizsla, Paxton Rall, etc.) they were not applying to her character, and in conlusion, were not showing in the companions & contacts window.
  • Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?
    • We've encountered none. Everything was fine with those.
Edited by Myrtar
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Did a few days of testing on SV and here are my observations; My Region is Ontario Canada and I normally use the Star Forge server. 

I  saw no real difference in performance between the two and noticed that both servers seemed to have the same ping rate (an average of 225-250) As I started a new character, I did not get a chance to travel beyond the capital world. 

Group content worked okay.  The quickness of entering a WZ/Arena/GSF  depended upon the number of players on,  the time of day and if I was on during the week or on the weekend (I found the best time was on the weekend mid-morning EDT)  I found that there was no lag in each of the PvP events I participated in. 

In terms of concerns/issues, I saw a couple of them. When I opened up the Victorious Trailbrazer Uniform set, it was originally missing the bracers. When I relogged on a day or two later, the bracers appeared in my inventory.  I also noticed that I could retrieve another items from my collection which were accessible through my SF legacy but I kept getting a request to set up a legacy on the SV server.  I was under the impression that this was not possible between two different servers. The other issue I noted  that during the Black Talon cutscene determining the fate of the Captain, some of the conversation had players heads cut off.  

Before I sign off, I must say that the idea of having an APAC server is wonderful. I know a couple of players who live in that region and this can provide an option for them to play SWTOR and not necessarily worry about the difference in time.  Hope this information is helpful.

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Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?

Overall performance was substantially enhanced due to much lower latency (generally 38-42 ms cf 240-360 on North American servers). Occasionally ping was 38-59  :csw_speeder:  which is still amazing speed for Straya, meaning no lag in abilities, much more enjoyable content - especially PVP and GSF. Both very enjoyable at such low latency, but not at usual lag on NA servers.

What region/country do you reside in?

APAC - Australia (outback Queensland)

Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.

Generally 38-42 ms cf 240-360 on NA servers (see details below).

Is grouped content working properly?

Yes, smooth as silk, no glitches.

  • FP popped within 5 minutes (Tuesday, 9pm AEST). Essels FP completed on Veteran with full group. No glitches for me. One team mate saw me upside in an elevator, one other had weird graphics when loading. Ping was 38-59 during the FP. Usually 260-320 (plus DCs) on Satele Shan. Team mate from UK ping was about 400 (much worse for them), from Bangladesh 150 (usually 200+). 
  • GSF did not pop at L80 over 4 days (at various times, usually evening) until Saturday evening (about 10.30pm). Full compliment of players. Game as smooth as silk, no glitches. Ping was 37-42ms.
  • PVP did not pop at L80 over 4 days (at various times, usually evening), did pop for lowbies (L10) Saturday evening (Arena at about 11.30 pm). 3 vs 3 round 1, then 4 vs 3 round 2 and 3. Game as smooth as silk, no glitches. Ping was 37-42ms. South African team mate had ping slower than 400ms.

How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?

No delays accessing GSF or PVP once the que had popped.

Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?

No. Levelled a Trooper to L10 on Ord Mantel (sniper discipline) through story, planetary and heroic missions - no glitches or bugs at all. Chose a second discipline - no glitches. 

Completed Space Mission Fondor Escort with no bugs.

Improved ping made all missions and content smoother than usual.

No problems travelling to worlds via map, or to strongholds.

Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?

No noticeable loss of assets etc in UI.

Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?

No issues with visuals, sounds or cinematics.

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On 4/21/2023 at 2:25 AM, jordanrogers said:

got logged off alot 

Sounds like it's an issue on your end I live in Kansas in a rural area and had no issues. I was one of the original testers for this game and APAC ran smoother then the original test servers. I wish they would restart Ebon Hawk, Harbinger, and Bastion with the APAC settings.

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Will Bioware bring back this server? I actually enjoyed it since the ping wasn't too bad and I didn't find the load time to take forever. 
Curious to know if Bioware will have it return in the next update?

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I'm a bit late to the party, forgot to post. Had a very positive experience with SV. Definitely want :)

Compared to an existing server, how is the performance?
        Massive improvement.
    Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?
    What region/country do you reside in?
        Australia (East coast)
    Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.
        Averages: Satele Shan 280, Shae Vizla 15
    Is grouped content working properly?
    How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?
        Population too low to tell. Did one flashpoint, all good, didn't manage to get into a PVP group.
    Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?
    Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality?
    Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics?
        Just some weirdo pat moonwalking around the Lower Wilds on Korriban.

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