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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Personal opinion: next season's rewards are a pretty big letdown.


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  • Another companion that nobody needs.
  • Exceedingly unimpressive looking weaponry - particularly the firearms.
  • Probably the worst set of costumes in a season yet (yes, including the 'toaster for a helmet' Shadow Initiate's set that I have, to this day, never seen another person wearing).
  • Mounts that... just aren't even in the same discussion as something like the Shadowlight. And that's being very charitable.

I mean, I get that a) this is just my own personal opinion, and b) it's kind of a crapshoot as to how the stars are going to align with what the art team decides to do. But... jeez... I compare the blaster rifles to something like Evenfall and I'm just left shaking my head. How did we go from badass space assault rifles to pipeworks weapons that look more low-rez than ordinance the game launched with?

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I totally get you, it's no fun when a design feels like a letdown. I've actually not been a fan of the last couple of seasons armours, and I'm absolutely in love with these new ones. The lightsabers do feel kinda bland, admittedly. Just goes to show we've all got our tastes, I guess!

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Oh, I don't know. I rather like the new weapons (pink, yay!), and I can't wait to get the bedazzled (or whatever it's called) version of the new Odux mount. The other two are kind of meh, but I love the resplendent version! Same with the new mount (the colorful one). I'm not loving the armors, but I have to say that so far Amity is a huge improvement over Phalanx (or whatever). Sure, Amity doesn't speak basic, but at least she doesn't babble non-stop the entire time she is out. Her story (so far, only did the first part) is far better, too. That whole game thing with all the tired puns got super old super fast. I also like her customizations far more than I did in Season 3 (or 2 for Fen; neither were particularly good, imo).

I am also super happy that the new season began already! We didn't have to wait months and months.  Yay! Anyway, over all, I think it's great so far.

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Yeah, the weapons this season could pretty easily be random greens you get from a random kill, there's that much lack of anything to make them special. Very generic looking unless you happen to want the Barbie playhouse blaster rifle 😛

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I respect the opinions being expressed, but not the tone. It is so subjective to present as a fail. There are probably as many who aren't excited about this season's armor as there are ones who are. Sometimes a new armor may not be seen as cool by most and other times it is a broad hit. If you're not excited then look forward to GS5, but stating an opinion that essentially is saying the dev's work is trash is not accurate or constructive and just venting your personal letdown.

I have dismissed many sets that I thought different about later, so encouraging naysayers with each release to appreciate the variety.

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25 minutes ago, HypSpec said:

I respect the opinions being expressed, but not the tone. It is so subjective to present as a fail. There are probably as many who aren't excited about this season's armor as there are ones who are. Sometimes a new armor may not be seen as cool by most and other times it is a broad hit. If you're not excited then look forward to GS5, but stating an opinion that essentially is saying the dev's work is trash is not accurate or constructive and just venting your personal letdown.

OP went out of their way to present it as their personal opinion. It's fine if you like it, and it's fine that others don't, and they can have whatever 'tone' they like, and their opinions can be constructive or not, as they choose. Yes, it's subjective...what part of "personal opinion" did you miss?

I don't like the armor rewards, and you can cope or seethe but I still get to say it anyway.

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Weirdly, I'm kind of in the opposite boat. I've felt the armor sets for the previous GS were pretty awful, especially the first two seasons, but I like the armors this season. Headgear is pretty terrible, but that's nothing new. The actual sets look fine for something like a Jedi set, especially when dyed, always glad to see more viable Jedi armor set options. It actually has some nice synergy with one of the later dye rewards too, the pale gray/dark brown dye, I like that look. Not fond of the blasters due to the effects, but I don't mind the models themselves, and I actually like the lightsabers too. They're simple, but I like simple lightsaber designs so that's actually a plus for me. So I'm actually liking more of the rewards this season than most of the previous ones.

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I like the built-in tuning the weapons have (getting red hot after firing). Only a handful of weapons have that kind of tuning. The shape of the weapons doesn't look too bad, but I don't like the pink all that much. Same with the pink mount. It will be good for a valentine's day set though. :) I will use the first set of weapons more likely, except the lightsabers because the hands cover up most of the hilt. I do like the white and red mount. That will look good for republic characters, especially troopers.

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Just checked the vendor, the Odux versions are better than last seasons mounts and the house deco is nice.  I can see where everyone has their own tastes but its not anything bad over even that different from last season.

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On 3/28/2023 at 6:15 PM, AJediKnight said:
  • Another companion that nobody needs.
  • Exceedingly unimpressive looking weaponry - particularly the firearms.
  • Probably the worst set of costumes in a season yet (yes, including the 'toaster for a helmet' Shadow Initiate's set that I have, to this day, never seen another person wearing).
  • Mounts that... just aren't even in the same discussion as something like the Shadowlight. And that's being very charitable.

I mean, I get that a) this is just my own personal opinion, and b) it's kind of a crapshoot as to how the stars are going to align with what the art team decides to do. But... jeez... I compare the blaster rifles to something like Evenfall and I'm just left shaking my head. How did we go from badass space assault rifles to pipeworks weapons that look more low-rez than ordinance the game launched with?

Yeah ...  pretty much!!
I really haven't logged in a couple of weeks since I saw where most of this was headed!  I guess I need to just to make sure I have all of the 64 bit issues covered!  


I can't help but to wonder just how far away we are from hearing a postmortem???

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1 hour ago, OlBuzzard said:

Yeah ...  pretty much!!
I really haven't logged in a couple of weeks since I saw where most of this was headed!  I guess I need to just to make sure I have all of the 64 bit issues covered!  


I can't help but to wonder just how far away we are from hearing a postmortem???

It will keep going as long as people keep subscribing each season. I'm sure people will get tired of it one day (maybe this season?), but so far each season has been pretty successful.

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16 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

OP went out of their way to present it as their personal opinion. It's fine if you like it, and it's fine that others don't, and they can have whatever 'tone' they like, and their opinions can be constructive or not, as they choose. Yes, it's subjective...what part of "personal opinion" did you miss?

I don't like the armor rewards, and you can cope or seethe but I still get to say it anyway.

I understand and agree with your points and the OP's right to express their opinion. But I can also express mine. I just think some posters have to go to extreme language to express their dissatisfaction where a more constructive tone might yield better results with the devs on what they put out next. (like The-Kaitou-Kid above). If I am a dev I may be likely to dismiss inputs that are full of venom for venom sake. Again, each their own but that is my opinion.

Edited by HypSpec
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2 hours ago, HypSpec said:

I understand and agree with your points and the OP's right to express their opinion. But I can also express mine. I just think some posters have to go to extreme language to express their dissatisfaction where a more constructive tone might yield better results with the devs on what they put out next. (like The-Kaitou-Kid above). If I am a dev I may be likely to dismiss inputs that are full of venom for venom sake. Again, each their own but that is my opinion.

People have been polite and constructive for many years, and it makes zero difference. Bioware will make changes based on their own internal reasoning, not what any player thinks, no matter what 'tone' you have. imo unless they set up a thread specifically soliciting feedback, I doubt they're reading and thinking about what is said here, though the community manager may read it. Since they barely communicate to players directly beyond the kind of thread I mentioned, it's hard to say for sure. 

For many of us, the purpose of these threads is to vent, and venting doesn't need to be constructive, especially right after a major patch. It doesn't need to be nice. It needs to not break community rules, otherwise, anything goes. Players expressing frustration with the changes /= "venom for venom's sake" as you dismiss.

No one told you that you didn't have the right to express your opinion, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to assert that, but then again, not really sure why you felt the need to moderate the thread in the first place. But there will always be people in a community who think that policing their own will "yield better results"...for them. 

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I don't know what the sound effects are for the lightsabers. To me sound effects matter more than the hilt design. So I can't give an opinion there.

The blasters, especially the pistol, look great. I do have the EE-2 Rifle though, so everything is rather pointless compared to it.


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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

People have been polite and constructive for many years, and it makes zero difference. Bioware will make changes based on their own internal reasoning, not what any player thinks, no matter what 'tone' you have. imo unless they set up a thread specifically soliciting feedback, I doubt they're reading and thinking about what is said here, though the community manager may read it. Since they barely communicate to players directly beyond the kind of thread I mentioned, it's hard to say for sure. 

For many of us, the purpose of these threads is to vent, and venting doesn't need to be constructive, especially right after a major patch. It doesn't need to be nice. It needs to not break community rules, otherwise, anything goes. Players expressing frustration with the changes /= "venom for venom's sake" as you dismiss.

No one told you that you didn't have the right to express your opinion, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to assert that, but then again, not really sure why you felt the need to moderate the thread in the first place. But there will always be people in a community who think that policing their own will "yield better results"...for them. 

I get it, and understand the need to rant at times. Fair point.

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