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New update not running on windows 10


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I am currently running windows 10 and my launcher is stuck on 6.36GB remaining and stops there.  After 10 minutes its still not doing anything so I guess I will wait for the devs to push an update for windows 10. 

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2 minutes ago, fiskin said:

I am currently running windows 10 and my launcher is stuck on 6.36GB remaining and stops there.  After 10 minutes its still not doing anything so I guess I will wait for the devs to push an update for windows 10. 

you do have sufficient free hard drive space ?

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20 hours ago, JackieKo said:

For those who are unable to play/log despite checking the AV/firewall, compatibility mode, and updated DX9, can you confirm if you are seeing the Bug Splat window AFTER clicking Play? Or if it doesn't show up at all? 

  I am not certain what the "Bug Splat window" is, but I have taken all of the steps required after six hours of troubleshooting to ensure nothing was missed. I updated my Windows 11, added the C++ Redistribution, uninstalled then reinstalled everything related to SWTOR, then downloaded the DirectX 9, manually installed it and unchecked the "Run the compatibility mode for:" box for both the DXSETUP and Star Wars - The Old Republic launcher/app, went into my firewall, clicked to allow the Star Wars - The Old Republic launcher, app, and DXSETUP. I log in and click on "Play". It opens up and continues to remain on the loading screen. I can hear what sounds like a mouse droid and whirring, but it remains on the loading screen. I was able to reach the Character Selection and Server Selection Screens once each. I adjusted the graphics while still in Character Selection and it then froze. I attempted to run the launcher again and reached the Server Selection. Unfortunately, the servers had just been shut down for the maintenance of the mail system and Tulak Hord armor issue, so I exited it. Before and after those two mildly successful attempts, the game has remained frozen on the first loading screen after clicking "Play" with the same sound effects since the update has occurred. Even before uninstalling and reinstalling the launcher/app just after it updated. I attempted to launch the game after it was freshly reinstalled to no avail, as well. My laptop also meets all of game requirements to run the game. When I use ctrl and esc, then attempt to close it, it remains on my screen. I have to log out or restart my laptop for it to close after it has been frozen on the loading screen. Is there anything I could have, perhaps, missed, @JackieKo? I had my father, a Cloud Architect who has 20 years of computer experience, review everything to be safe. But I would still, obviously, like to be aware of anything I am missing or did incorrectly to fix the issue.
  It seems the only time I am able to reach the Server Selection Screen is when the servers are down. Hopefully, the additional information I have added will help pinpoint the issue.

Edited by rquinnG
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Same as others. Worked fine pre patch. Launcher gives sound, click play button nothing happens. Win 10, have installed the DX9 link, unchecked (never was checked) compatibility mode. Very frustrating.

I even ran Win Update, which i was loathe to do, nothing. Firewall allowances are in place as is the anti virus. I even tried disabling them, still nothing

Edited by serethiaxxxx
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Hey there, I am on steam and when I pull up the game from steam I get the launcher. I log in. I press play and get the sound that goes along with it. The launcher closes. No game and steam says that the game is not running anymore. I have installed DX9, it is allowed through my firewall, I don't have the compatibility mode on, I have tried running it as an admin, tried reinstalling it and nothing has worked.

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For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D

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19 minutes ago, WilliamtheTiger said:

For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D

Which version of C++ Redistribution is this in reference to?


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4 hours ago, _Izanagi said:

Not to be the "works on my machine!" guy, but it works on my w7 64x, so the OS can't be the problem.


You ARE that guy... And so am I. Windows 7 Pro x64.

I wonder if it is because I installed the game from the original retail DVD and not from Steam or other cloud-downloaded installer?

Also of note, all the game files are still in the "\Program Files (x86)" folder (aka, the 32-bit programs folder), even though they are now 64-bit.

The game seems to run okay, as far as I can tell with {cough}all the servers offline{cough}.

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25 minutes ago, WilliamtheTiger said:

For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D

This was it!  This fixed the issue for me.  I only had up to 2017 C++ Redistributable.  After installing this, it worked to the point that I'm able to see the server listing.  And for those wondering, this is a legit Microsoft owned domain on the link.  I verified via Microsoft's support info.


Big thanks to WilliamtheTiger and OwenBrooks!

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35 minutes ago, WilliamtheTiger said:

For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D

Good find, I was thinking it might be something like that because it runs on my development machine but not on the other machine which doesn't have any development tools installed.

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17 minutes ago, Fenrirxero said:

This was it!  This fixed the issue for me.  I only had up to 2017 C++ Redistributable.  After installing this, it worked to the point that I'm able to see the server listing.  And for those wondering, this is a legit Microsoft owned domain on the link.  I verified via Microsoft's support info.


Big thanks to WilliamtheTiger and OwenBrooks!

I am glad I could help, I thought someone else might have found this useful and it took me frustrating myself for a while (and a nap) to figure this out. So if I can save people time and energy by sharing my fix that is all the better. ^_^


10 minutes ago, LadyNashira said:

Good find, I was thinking it might be something like that because it runs on my development machine but not on the other machine which doesn't have any development tools installed.

Also thanks, part of me does not know why I did not think to just boot up the game exe from the files sooner. xD

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I'm in the same boat.  I have played on this ASUS G750 Laptop with 32GB RAM and Hi-End Graphics (at the time) since I purchased it in 2015.  Even now its still comparable with new hardware from a performance perspective.

Windows 10 Home 64-bit

Intel Core i7-4700HQ CPU 8 core 2.4GHz



I'm Overseas at the moment with just my laptop, but back at home in OZ my partner and I run 4 accounts on 4 different computers.  I cannot image the issues I will have on the older DELL with a 1030 card.

No way in this world am I upgrading to Windows 11 and I'm certainly not buying a new ASUS.

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5 hours ago, WilliamtheTiger said:

For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D

Didn't work for me on ASUS G750 (detailed in previous post) 

Noticed I have DX12 - cannot see the damn sense in having to downgrade Direct X though !!

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1 minute ago, lingburger said:

Didn't work for me on ASUS G750 (detailed in previous post) 

Noticed I have DX12 - cannot see the damn sense in having to downgrade Direct X though !!

you are not downgrading you are installing directx 9 files needed for the game

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7 hours ago, WilliamtheTiger said:

For those of you who are still having problems getting the game to pull up I have a fix and I hope it works for you too. Cause the game was not pulling up from the launcher I decided to use the exe file for the game straight from the folder. This pulled up an error that did not show up when I tried to launch through the launcher. It said a dll file was missing. Looking further into the specific dll file I found out that I had to reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution to get it. Essentially, go to this link https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe to install the setup and then run the set up. Next, assuming it worked for you too, run the game from the launcher and enjoy :D




I can confirm this worked for me also. Thank you!!!!

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At this point I'm getting the 0xc000007b error (despite uninstalling and reinstalling all of the Visual C++ redistributables through 2022 and updating DX9 multiple times), so hopefully updating my NVidia drivers and doing a reinstall of SWTOR might do the trick.

Edited by Eldarion_Velator
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I was stuck on the launcher until I tried downloading and installing the C++ files. I had already tried checking my antivirus/firewall permissions and compatibility settings (neither needed updating) and downloading the DirectX 9 files, to no avail.

But with the C++ update, SW:TOR is working for me again. Oddly enough, this advice is provided in the technical support thread on answers.ea.com ...

Common 64-bit issues - Answer HQ (ea.com)

... but it isn't included in the pinned thread on this subject in this forum. I think they should add it.

By the way, I want to thank everybody who suggested this advice. I am really grateful to be back in the game.

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I have the same problem as many here do.

Can't get past the launcher. Press Play. Nothing happens. 

Lots of suggestions on what to do have been made. I did check my compatability box. Was unchecked. 

I can tell you what I will NOT do. I will NOT dowload a bunch of programs just to make your game work. I will NOT mess with Windows defender. I dont have the neccesery skills or know how to do that. 

I pay for this game. The onus to solve this is not on me. It's on EA. A big corporation that behaves like an indie developer. Release a bug fix or give me my money back. 

You cant just take my money and then make me fix your misstakes when you screw up. I meet the minimun requirements and more to play this game.

This is like going to the store to buy milk. You pay for the milk. But the cashier doesnt give you any milk. Instead you're told you have to milk the cow yourself. 

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EDIT #2: Download now stuck at 8.79GB left. Starcraft 2 was a 40+GB file, so I know i have the free space this time. hope this get's fixed soon, have a feeling a lot of subscribers will be lost if this is an ongoing issue.


EDIT: Well, i feel stupid now, i ASSUMED i had enough space on my SSD for the update, but after uninstalling StarCraft 2, the update began downloading. I figured I'd get error  for not having enough space. If anyone is still having issues, maybe double check your memory just in case lol... Downloading now, will update tomorrow after i come from work to test it.


Update gets stuck at 34.44GB remaining. Windows 10, hardware can more than handle the game, no issues prior to the update.

It is already added to firewall

directx update changed nothing, can use both directx 9 or 12 with civilization 6 with no problem.

As soon as the download starts, it stops....

Edited by Mltimbs
Download not working again.
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