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Career Lv.75's at Mid-Level PVP- Exploit, or Working as Intended?


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Okay, well all of PVP has balancing issues but mid level, 45-79 has serious ones. The problem is that you will get players who are level 76 and have 320 gear, their tactical, etc and have them go up against a level 57 toon. This is why I really don't Q for PVP when I reach this level bracket until I hit endgame. The current balancing punishes low level players, and lets level 75 players with 306 legacy gear and their tactical get a clear advantage. I've posted on this topic before on this forum but it is a serious issue, Midbie PVP is basically the hardest one to Q for because no one wants to fight a level 78 Madness Sorc when their a level 54 PT. Bioware needs to Scale down the gear to an appropriate level, and in midbie PVP disable Tacticals. Lower level Players should not be punished for having to deal with an imbalanced mess. 

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On 1/3/2023 at 12:38 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

Midbie PVP is basically the hardest one to Q for because no one wants to fight a level 78 Madness Sorc when their a level 54 PT.

It is also the easiest one to earn these hard to get medals from as an 75ish level character.

It is so unbalanced I had to literally carry not one but 2 Arenas the other day, twice , back to back at level 79 as an Tele Sage. On my team in Arena #1 It was all level 70+ people on the enemy team, but we weren't too bad, at 2 70s and 2 near 70s. We were down 1. I loaded in after they were down 1. We fought the second round, it came down to a 1 vs 1, me vs the Sin, Hippiechic ( on a sin), full health.  I got the dub. Round 3, I had to kite to Valhalla, use the moist farmer tower things, stun, force push, barrier, heal, heal, heal, phase walk,  casting damage on the run, I was an wanted man. We won cause I knew how to kite properly (which is more than just running away, it is possible to dps while kiting)

Arena #2 I was the only 70+ character on my team, being teamed with level 50-ish snipers, Sins, and Sages vs 1 Level 70 Sorc, 1 level 75 Mara, and a level 68 Sage Hippiechick on a sage. Even though they had 3 on their team, our advantage was quickly wiped out by class composition, as not only was the sniper much lower level, but the Sniper class as a whole is terrible in PVP, nerfed into the ground, not to mention, I am the only one who is comparatively, ability wise, close to the enemy team. Our numbers advantage was quickly not so much an advantage. We won the first match after tunneling the sage, they didn't know what to suspect. Round 2, the team just completely broke down. They positioned and fought the enemy literally on top of my phase walk, they tunneled the underpowered Sniper while getting me chase by a mara, not a good time. Then, I had to coach them all the way through Round 3.  told them stay away from the phase walk. Our low level sin goes down after we tunnel the sorc to death, communication breaks shortly after. The sniper ends up 1 vs 1 against Hippie across the map while me and the sage are fighting the Mara. I know that if that sniper dies cause they decided to get in a 1 vs 1 with Hippie, we are screwed. I type quickly in chat while being below 12% with a mara at 50% in hot pursuit. "Target the same person, target the same person!!!!".  I manage to get away without dying. The sniper immediately a few seconds later retreats and chases the Mara with our other low sage. Hippie hesitates to join so they can heal, they don't want to risk it.  I'm healing, i'm throwing up protection barriers, knock back, stun, using the new arena's pillars to get rid of his line of sight and give my teammates a chance to catch up.  I am full on in Ranked mode in Midbies, anything less, we lose. Kiting while healing and dpsing, I phase walk to avoid death at 11%. Mara fights the sniper.Hippie catches up and blasts the sniper to death but the mara dies. I am off in the tent healing, with whatever I have, if I step out before this, we might lose. Not long after, combat drops, I join the fray, the sage on my team is low, Hippie is full. I try to save him but he dies, he/she should've been healing earlier, I could've said something but I had the very real immediate threat of dying, so I was a little focused on my survival, as at the time, they didn't need it. Then it's me 1 vs 1, Sage vs Sage in an kiting match that if I was recording, could be considered some good sage play.  After a nice fight, I won. Victory.

I wrote out that match to make a point. This below is the point. If not for my experience, skill, and having the same comparative high level abilities as the enemy team of multiple 70+, my team would've lost, it would not have been an competition. The Sniper was and would've been stomped out quite easily, and the the rest of us quickly to follow. No phase walk? Well i'm screwed. No Egrass? (Don't know how to spell it but it's the one where Force speed cleanses you of movement debuffs) screwed. The balancing and match making is just terrible. The excuse that players are making "Just lose and move on, it will be over quick" is terrible and does not justify having bad balancing or bad match making. It's the same as people who purchase or pre-order WoW expansions without even knowing what's really in it. It's the same as being content with something, never giving incentive to improve. Complacency kills. It kills games, it kills movies, it kills industries, companies, and people. I myself work and worked in an profession where complacency will kill you literally end your life, if you make the mistake of being overly comfortable, Food and Military. Your squad got complacent, now they're dead because they left the wire and were not expecting an ambush.  You got complacent, now the person with an allergy is dying because you eased up on food contamination and cross contamination standards.  As long as people are complacent with bad things in this game, this game will never improve, and it will die. 

On 1/3/2023 at 12:38 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

he problem is that you will get players who are level 76 and have 320 gear, their tactical, etc and have them go up against a level 57 toon.

On 1/3/2023 at 12:38 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

The current balancing punishes low level players, and lets level 75 players with 306 legacy gear and their tactical get a clear advantage.


Edited by Weswhitebore
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Does it even need fixing? Part of sub 80 pvp is it being a goof. You get decent xp for participating, you get a bit of a tease what your toon can do and when youre stomped at low lvl you get an incentive to lvl/gear up.

Balancing at 80 should be more of a priority.

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1 hour ago, Anyaka_Jedi said:

Does it even need fixing? Part of sub 80 pvp is it being a goof. You get decent xp for participating, you get a bit of a tease what your toon can do and when youre stomped at low lvl you get an incentive to lvl/gear up.

Balancing at 80 should be more of a priority.

I both Agree and Disagree, Endgame definatly has balancing issues that need to be addressed. But the problem is I do enjoy PVPing and during my grind to max level I like to get some matches in, But for reasons I posted its not as enjoyable as endgame, I feel that If a level 54 started and got immediatly faced with a premade of level 75+ toons they might be discouraged from playing.

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if you think it's unbalanced now you should've have seen how it was a year/one and a half ago, they literally put lv 10-74 in one bracket lmao.

OT: mid- and lowbies have never been balanced at all, i always see them as a "learn your class" experience and what your class can do .

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I just want to add more to this topic, I recently played a Voidstar match on my level 71 AP PT toon, I'm not great with this spec but i'm not terrible. This match was so one sided, the other team had players in legacy 306 gear and some even had 319 gear. All of them running tacticals, while few of my time were even close to level 75. 

If you want to see how bad it is here is the other teams scoreboard. https://imgur.com/a/1U4CWRC 

The dude who got 45 kills, did not even die once. This is how broken mid level PVP is, at least before the level 80 cap increase, everyone was in this, now its players swapping their 306 gear with gold augments, to bully and stomp over the lowbies. 

Before people say, "oh its always been that way." fair, but low end pvp bracket level 10-44 I believe, you cant put up a good fight and everyone is more or less on equal ground. Midbie is just rewarding players who have 306 legacy gear and their tactical and they Q just to farm lower levels. 

Again, Just because I Q for PVP doesn't mean that it should give clear advantages to higher level players. 

It's like if there was a 400 Gear rating with platinum Augments, and they forced everyone who is level 80 who Q's to go up against them. And those who had the 400 gear rating had 200K more health, and deal twice as much DMG as the level 80s. 

Basically the issue lies in this. 

  1. Tacticals give a clear advantage to those who are higher level 
  2. 306 Gear with gold augments should not be allowed, It should scale them down the range to 200-230, alongside scaling them down to level 70, and lower levels to 70. 
  3. Those who run 306 have vastly superior stats (Like 100K more health) and can deal way more damage.  

I like PVP, I like a good match, but Midbies is an absolute mess because of these issues, It's why midbie PVP is dead most of the time, People don't want to Q, just to face some ranked sweat who transferred his 306 gear to an alt along with his tactical to stomp over newbies.

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It can be pretty bad mostly because the level 75 set bonuses are so overtuned compared to anything else. It's tolerable in warzones, but mids arenas are a total joke. Either you get the irating 306 level 75s on your team or you don't, and that's how wins are determined too often.

Edited by waisting
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On 1/14/2023 at 5:26 PM, waisting said:

It can be pretty bad mostly because the level 75 set bonuses are so overtuned compared to anything else. It's tolerable in warzones, but mids arenas are a total joke. Either you get the irating 306 level 75s on your team or you don't, and that's how wins are determined too often.

Big facts, once somebody from the enemy team gets that tactical it makes all the difference.

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14 hours ago, Weswhitebore said:

Big facts, once somebody from the enemy team gets that tactical it makes all the difference.

Yes, and now when pvp is fully F2P, and highest level for F2P is 75, they can play on level 75 forever without a risk of leveling up and losing their set bonus. like subscribers will. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 12:57 PM, Weswhitebore said:

Big facts, once somebody from the enemy team gets that tactical it makes all the difference.

Tactical is a big part of it too for sure. But I am starting to feel that the level 70 and 75 set bonuses should just not work in pvp. I'm fine with the 306 modded gear with optimized stats, it's just those added bonuses from the sets are way too unbalanced.

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There is an elegant solution to this problem if BioWare are willing to spend some $ to fix it.

Turn the Lowbie bracket into a lvl 1-80 learning queue. 

From lvl 1-80, everyone in the learning queue gets boosted to lvl 80 with maximum cookie cutter stats & they choose their ability build when they queue. Arena & Objective pvp for this bracket are in the same queue. There are no premades allowed.

This gives people lvling up or new to pvp a space to learn & practice for when they are ready to do max lvl pvp seasons.

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During Warzone PVP and Arena's, I have noticed a significant number of Level 75 players that never graduate from Mids to Endgame PVP.  Even after bringing one toon through mids to endgame, then playing through with another, I saw some of the same Level 75's with their full bonus gear entrenched in Mid-level PVP.  They roam Mids leveraging probably the biggest handicap in the game against less equipped players to inflate their own ego's (however small). They NEVER leave. My opinion is that the tiered-pvp brackets are broken to begin with, due to ridiculous discrepancies in stats and abilities between lvl46 and 79, but the fore-mentioned issue is the icing on the cake.  Why on earth that hasn't been addressed, I cannot fathom.  It appears to be the biggest hack without actually having to hack.  Is this the way it is intended to work?  It would be novel if success in PVP could be primarily based on player's skill.  

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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On 1/17/2023 at 3:34 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

Yes, and now when pvp is fully F2P, and highest level for F2P is 75, they can play on level 75 forever without a risk of leveling up and losing their set bonus. like subscribers will. 

Yes, this is the problem.  It was a problem even before PVP was once again F2P, honestly.

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4 hours ago, RaulTheConquerer said:

Also, this is somewhat not related to the topic, but I created the current topic, "Career 75's at Mid-level PVP", so how does it show that Sentinalmasterww is the author of it?  I don't post much and am unaccustomed to how this forum operates.  Thanks in advance to whoever can explain this.

Yeah, I'm literally lost, Maybe the Bot or the Moderator merged the topics because they were similar.

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