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Testing 64-bit on the PTS!


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17 hours ago, TalLura said:

in meantime try running it on steam if so you can at least play the game while your subbed. 

Alternatively try searching for client_settings.ini it may take a while to search find it but should come up if you search system on file explorer. 


If after going to C drive, User and its not under AppData check for a folder called Local settings , and inside that application data , SWTOR, swtor, settings 

Hope that helps 

under local settings i have 2 options "Installer and Launcher files " ..ive searched my pc for client_settings.ini and it shows NO such file found..i can't believe im locked out of my game just for adjusting the damn brightness ..been 1 week no response from the game and the "help" i received here isn't on my system ..ive deleted the game again (takes way too much memory for a program i can't use)..guess im done after 8 yrs as a member and many many $ spent on the game .. can't believe i just re-upped my membership and got to use the game 1 f'ing day..gotta love the customer help (That was sarcasm)

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1 hour ago, Trebor-droffig said:

under local settings i have 2 options "Installer and Launcher files " ..ive searched my pc for client_settings.ini and it shows NO such file found..i can't believe im locked out of my game just for adjusting the damn brightness ..been 1 week no response from the game and the "help" i received here isn't on my system ..ive deleted the game again (takes way too much memory for a program i can't use)..guess im done after 8 yrs as a member and many many $ spent on the game .. can't believe i just re-upped my membership and got to use the game 1 f'ing day..gotta love the customer help (That was sarcasm)

Try steam .

if you really want to play the game and cant on main launcher because of settings, install it on Steam. 

if you still dont want to do that, then im sorry. 

[you are sure you have hidden folders  and files visible ?}

we are all just players trying to help im sorry if none of our responses could be of use to you. 

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On 1/24/2023 at 8:44 AM, DWho said:

Managed to get a successful download today (no Error 961) however, still getting the blank server select screen whether the firewall is on or off. The patch download downloaded 8GB twice (twice in the launcher, the first 8GB takes it to 1/2 complete then the other 8GB took it to complete), followed by another 2 GB download. The first 8GB showed the download rate in the launcher but the second 8 GB did not. The final 2GB also showed the download rate in the launcher.

Note this is the normal SWTOR launcher not the Steam one.

Still getting the blank server select screen whether the firewall is on or off. Even tried doing the update with the antivirus turned off in case there was a file it was detecting as a virus. No change. Pretty hard to test the function of the PTS when no server is available to test it on.

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lol steam huh... i downloaded the app and it sent a email to confirm..fine an dandy..only one problem they don't ask for a name or password and then when you load the app it asks for one..tried reloading same thing..sucks to be Tech illiterate.sorry for snapping at people but ive paid for 6 months and my pc died,it took 5 months to get a new one..my subscription was reupped automatically in january..i got a new pc and played 1 friggin day and now im locked out of the game..VERY FRUSTRATING

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Initial thought is the load time is longer.  Not sure if that is by design and a known issue or not. 

When I get to the character selection screen there are no character to load nor any servers to play on.  So back to my normal server to play.

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20 hours ago, Trebor-droffig said:

i downloaded the app and it sent a email to confirm..fine an dandy..only one problem they don't ask for a name or password and then when you load the app it asks for one..

Some questions:

  • Which app sent an email?
  • Which app doesn't ask for a name and password?
  • Which name and password were you expecting it to ask for?
  • Which app are you loading that asks for one?

I ask these questions because there are two "apps" involved, Steam itself, and SWTOR, and it is in no way clear which one is which in your description here.

EDIT: If you're referring to SWTOR itself asking for a login, well, DC Universe Online asks for its own user name and password after I launch it from Steam.  (DCUO is the only other MMORPG that I have on Steam.)

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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On 1/27/2023 at 5:51 PM, DWho said:

Still getting the blank server select screen whether the firewall is on or off. Even tried doing the update with the antivirus turned off in case there was a file it was detecting as a virus. No change. Pretty hard to test the function of the PTS when no server is available to test it on.

Hi Jackie, any update on the blank server select screen issue? Is it related to the character transfer issue or is it separate? It's been a few weeks now with no feedback on whether progress is being made in resolving either issue. The client isn't crashing, just not populating the server select screen. Looking at the logs for both the PTS and the standard client, the main difference is a lot of DEBUG code in the standard client (a few of the steps also appear to be repeated in the standard client log). The last line of both logs is the same "INFO RemoteRenderer process shutdown complete. [Client.Shutdown](dx8_basic.cpp:OSShutDown:2622)" which I thought was logging out but the timestamps are not consistent with that. I have had no issues at all with the standard client but have continuously gotten the blank server list for the PTS iteration.

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4 hours ago, DWho said:

Hi Jackie, any update on the blank server select screen issue? Is it related to the character transfer issue or is it separate? It's been a few weeks now with no feedback on whether progress is being made in resolving either issue. The client isn't crashing, just not populating the server select screen. Looking at the logs for both the PTS and the standard client, the main difference is a lot of DEBUG code in the standard client (a few of the steps also appear to be repeated in the standard client log). The last line of both logs is the same "INFO RemoteRenderer process shutdown complete. [Client.Shutdown](dx8_basic.cpp:OSShutDown:2622)" which I thought was logging out but the timestamps are not consistent with that. I have had no issues at all with the standard client but have continuously gotten the blank server list for the PTS iteration.

Liked this post in the hopes of it getting attention.  I can't help test if I can't pick a server!  Again, no crashing, just.....a blank server screen and a very lonely-sounding mouse droid....

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8 hours ago, DWho said:

Hi Jackie, any update on the blank server select screen issue?

all I can see is it don't like AMD processors

I see a server selection with:

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


I  see a Blank server selection with:
Processor    AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor              4.00 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

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18 minutes ago, Achnaattwo said:

all I can see is it don't like AMD processors

I see a server selection with:

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


I  see a Blank server selection with:
Processor    AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor              4.00 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

That's interesting because I have seen issues with some AMD processors and some 64-bit applications. When I upgraded my computer I specifically went looking for one with an Intel processor. The one I am seeing the blank server list for is an Intel Processor

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz (8 cores)

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On 2/2/2023 at 3:45 PM, Achnaattwo said:

all I can see is it don't like AMD processors

I see a server selection with:

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


I  see a Blank server selection with:
Processor    AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor              4.00 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Unlikely, I have an Intel processor and get a blank selection screen.

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Initial thoughts

First load on character seems to be a bit long, though that might be because it was transferred? Subsequent loads seemed normal (SSD)

Everything else seems fine, ran around for a bit, spun around like crazy, did not notice any performance drops (though admittedly, everywhere I went to was empty due to me not playing during American times, so I could not test out much in way of stuff exploding around me)


PC specs:

  • Intel i7-9700K
  • 48GB RAM
  • RTX2080
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ok finally got back into the game..2nd day of play on my sub since since august :(

finally got the steam account to work.for some odd reason it wasn't sending me a link back to steam to finish..but after 3 tries i got it to work,and a 10th download of the game (about 20 hrs of loading ,unloading,reloading) seems to be working fine..it still refuses to allow me to get into my account without steam..just a pain having to go through a 3rd party to play..i want to thank everyone who tried to help i got a bit testy but it was pure frustration nothing personal..anyway thanks people

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2 minutes ago, Trebor-droffig said:

ok finally got back into the game..2nd day of play on my sub since since august :(

finally got the steam account to work.for some odd reason it wasn't sending me a link back to steam to finish..but after 3 tries i got it to work,and a 10th download of the game (about 20 hrs of loading ,unloading,reloading) seems to be working fine..it still refuses to allow me to get into my account without steam..just a pain having to go through a 3rd party to play..i want to thank everyone who tried to help i got a bit testy but it was pure frustration nothing personal..anyway thanks people

OK, no problem.  And thanks for coming back to let us know that it's fixed, and how you fixed it.

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Hi there.

Just to let you know.... I have an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8086K CPU @ 4.00GHz   4.01 GHz, and I also cant see a server on server select. That being said, what is with the 32 (!!) Gb download today?? 

Skip that, it is 38 Gb in what looks like 2 patches... that means I have to do something else, as I have SWTOR installed on a 118 Gb SSD, and with 2 installs of the game, there is no room to download 38 Gb extra 😡

Edited by MortenJessen
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53 minutes ago, MortenJessen said:

Skip that, it is 38 Gb in what looks like 2 patches... that means I have to do something else, as I have SWTOR installed on a 118 Gb SSD, and with 2 installs of the game, there is no room to download 38 Gb extra 😡

Except that:

  • It probably isn't actually downloading 38GB extra, but *verifying* the existing installation that occupies 38GB, and not actually *downloading* anything.  (When the new launcher was released, I had exactly that, and I used the Performance tab of Task Manager to watch how much actual traffic was happening, which was basically none.)
  • Even if it *is* downloading everything, it doesn't do it in a single big huge lump, but in smaller pieces that replace the existing files step by step, so you wouldn't have what amounts to a third installation on your disk.

If you have 1Gbps fibre, and can actually fill that link (usually, SWTOR won't get even close to doing that, but I have seen WoW do it), you'll get 952 "decimal" (1000x1000) Mbps of download rate, which in "binary" (1024x1024) megabytes, is a hair over 113 MBps.

(Note: B for bytes, b for bits...)

At that rate, 38 binary GB takes almost six minutes to download.  For SWTOR, it would easily be six or seven, or even more, times that.  On ADSL2+, on a good day, you might get 2-3MBps, so the "download" would be on the order of four hours.

Are you actually seeing that sort of figure, with your upstream link (the fibre/DSL) humming like it's about to catch fire the whole time?

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It was a complete re-install of the pts. I had to remove the installation I already had, to install the new one 😡 It did download 38 Gb, and my f drive ( the SSD with swtor) sent me warnings that it had reached its limits and no more room was available, so I deleted the pts install that I had and started over. 

As an aside, I have a 1 Gb fiber connection, it only took like 8 mins to download the install, and a further like 20 mins to install it, so not that it was a problem, I just find it weird that I had to re-install the entire thing over, since I cant find any notes that says that my (now previous) version is (was) different from the new one....

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1 hour ago, MortenJessen said:

As an aside, I have a 1 Gb fiber connection, it only took like 8 mins to download the install, and a further like 20 mins to install it, so not that it was a problem, I just find it weird that I had to re-install the entire thing over, since I cant find any notes that says that my (now previous) version is (was) different from the new one....

I played PTS after the 64-bit client was made available but not since Jackie Ko announced a new PTS version on 2023 January 20.  I definitely downloaded a good chunk of data today, as expected per the info Jackie Ko provided, and my Star Wars - The Old Republic installation folder now shows as 111 GB in size.  I forgot to check what it was just prior to downloading the updated PTS 64-bit client today but a couple of months ago it was 97.7 GB.

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I know that about the version from the 23rd of January. I already had that one, as I spent the entire last weekend playing it 😜

What I suspect (read; I hope, because that means it was not me who screwed up), is that since I am now no longer a paying subscriber, but reduced to using playtime card, due to EU bank law (thanks BW/USA for NOT having incorporated that yet 😡), me no longer having acces to PTS (only paying subs has, or registered playtime users) until I had re-affirmed my self as a "sub", I simply, when going from sub to playtime user, had to start over. Because that happened since, and a launcher repair showed no problems with the install. But now it works fine.

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6 minutes ago, Achnaattwo said:

I'm jealous,  if I'm lucky , . . I'll get a 1.2MB, but on average I'm 718KB 😔

so it takes a while to update

I had the same before upgrading to fiber optic. When working from home I am generally moving files that are multiple GBs in size from the host server ( a cloud server) to my local drive to work on (Mass Spectrometer data files are huge). My speed is generally limited by what I am connected to. I see download rates much higher than the SWTOR launcher displays on "good" systems but can see pretty low ones if the server I'm connected to is limited in some way (as Steve says, at times you do not get the full benefit of the bandwidth)

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Char_Ell:


I played PTS after the 64-bit client was made available but not since Jackie Ko announced a new PTS version on 2023 January 20.  I definitely downloaded a good chunk of data today, as expected per the info Jackie Ko provided, and my Star Wars - The Old Republic installation folder now shows as 111 GB in size.  I forgot to check what it was just prior to downloading the updated PTS 64-bit client today but a couple of months ago it was 97.7 GB.

47.6 GB = SWTOR PTS with Steam
52.3 GB = SWTOR Live with Steam

Edited by Unterlord
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On 2/5/2023 at 5:04 PM, MortenJessen said:

What I suspect (read; I hope, because that means it was not me who screwed up), is that since I am now no longer a paying subscriber, but reduced to using playtime card,

The playtime cards make you a paying subscriber.  You paid for them, right?  They give you all the other subscriber benefits, right?  

If so, you're a paying subscriber.

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