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Everything posted by jbuncher

  1. Follow up to my follow up - after making sure that both launchers/clients had unchecked any compatibility settings *and* making sure that the PTS "swtor.exe" file had "Run as Admin" checked (the regular launcher.exe already had "Run as Admin" checked), the server list populated and I was able to get in. Or, more accurately, I didn't see a server list and was able to select/create characters. Thanks to the devs & @JackieKofor getting around to posting about this. c To clarify - it wasn't *just* the compatibility mode. When all compatibility modes were "unchecked", I still got the empty server list (launcher was "Run as admin", PTS swtor.exe was not). Changing the PTS exe to "Run as Admin" fixed it. --Mop
  2. Tried that, didn't seem to work for me. Any other suggestions? Still have an empty PTS server list....
  3. @JackieKo, we *really* need some info about this. I'm starting to get nervous. I've been trying to log into PTS since it opened with the 64-bit client and *still* have a blank server list. I'm getting seriously worried that this update will roll out and I'll just not be able to play at *all*. We *seriously* need an update from the devs as to what could be causing this and how to resolve it. Some of us won't even have a *chance* to try to get the fancy "help us out on the PTS" mount since we can't even *pick a server*!
  4. Unlikely, I have an Intel processor and get a blank selection screen.
  5. Liked this post in the hopes of it getting attention. I can't help test if I can't pick a server! Again, no crashing, just.....a blank server screen and a very lonely-sounding mouse droid....
  6. Still getting no server to select 😕
  7. I *sincerely* hope that's an automated process.....
  8. All of the "it crashed for me too when I was transporting!" reports are funny to me, because that tells me it *didn't* crash then. It feels like some process on the server knew something was up, and is kicking people off as they transport so as to bring the # of logged in down to 0. For example, I was in a Vet Esseles FP and we had a *huge* lag spike for a good minute or so where the game was unresponsive. It eventually recovered and we finished the the remaining bosses in the flashpoint, but as soon as I left the flashpoint to load to fleet, crash. Makes me think we were doomed as soon as that lag spike happened. I don't have any experience in servers, programming MMOs, etc. but that seems more likely than everyone just happening to have a crash when they QT somewhere...
  9. I would *hope* there are people "on call" for situations like this, though. Probably will be a while yet, though. Get comfortable and be patient.
  10. Guess I'll go do laundry and clean the house and paint some minis. Hope it's up for raid time tonight.
  11. I that seems "normal". Doing every mission (which is what I normally do) gets you *way* over-leveled. The only reason you didn't typically get *too* over-leveled before they introduced the level-sync is because all the enemies you killed didn't count for anything since you were too over-level, and the missions granted less xp (since they were for a lower level). Level sync killed that, and there's not really a way around it. My guess is they've tuned it so that players hit 50 by the end of the class story if they *only* do those missions.
  12. I just wanted to add that I would occasionally get the Error 961 SyncTimeoutError, but when it resolved I was still presented with the empty server list. Probably going to stop trying to test until hearing from the devs that they think they solved the empty list issue, so we should try again.
  13. Dude, I don't want to pick a fight, but this is pretty awful advice. 1.) He said he got the empty server screen, not a crash, so he's at least loading the game. I can't imagine it would get that far if he's on 32-bit Win10 Pro. 2.) "Blocked by Firewall " might be true, but try being more helpful. If it's blocked by the firewall or Windows Defender, can you provide ports /etc that need to be opened? Or instructions on how others have circumvented the problem? 3.) "Reinstall Win10" is insane. Reinstalling an entire OS should only ever be done as a last resort. If anyone (dev or otherwise) on this thread has encountered the "blank server list" and actually overcome it, please help! Is seems as though there are quite a few of us and the issue doesn't seem to be getting addressed. What do you (devs) need from us to fix the problem! Let us know and we'll provide it! --Mop
  14. I think I got the new build (it updated something, at any rate) and I *still* have an empty server list. Is this being looked into, or are there other troubleshooting steps I should take?
  15. I also still have no server available to pick. Additionally, every once in a while at the launcher I get the following (only when trying to access PTS): "Launcher error: Code 961 - RepositorySync_Error_StallTImeout" Any help from Devs appreciated!
  16. The part I left *out* of the original post is that we've discussed moving to FFXIV (some guildies are already there) because a lot of our 6-month subs are lapsing soon. We decided to see what the devs do/say until the end of April before we jump ship. I know *changes* by then are basically impossible, but *communication* on fixing the gearing issues we've run into would be a start.
  17. Thanks! It definitely took a while to put together. I know this doesn't address all the issues in 7.0, and I know that some players don't run into these issues at all (already in 330 gear across multiple characters), but our guild really doesn't want to just farm GSF or Nefra or Dash'Roode, but when we try to farm what we're working on we get no real rewards for it. Definitely seem like something broke....
  18. Posting this in the hopes it will get some traction. TL;DR - Gearing via Ops alone is not really viable, and it should be (and has been previously). "Just do GSF/PvP/FPs/ MM Nefra / MM Dash'Roode" is not a suggestion that fixes this issue. Context: My guild is small (about 12 or so regular players), but we play regularly, and some of us have been playing together since the 2.0 days, but all have been subbed since 1.x. A few players (myself, one healer, and one other member) don't have a ton of time to dedicate to the game. We have 2-3 nights per week that we meet up to raid together for a few hours, progging several raids. We were working on HM Ravagers (got stuck at Master/Blaster) and HM Dxun (got stuck at Huntmaster) before 7.0 launched. We've cleared several other HM Raids (TfB, SnV, DF, DP) and some NiM raids. It's what we enjoy the most. I'll start by listing what aspects (if not implementation) that I *like* about 7.0 gearing: 1.) I *love* the introduction of separate weeklies for SM, VM, and MM Ops, with different reward tiers for each. This makes sense, and gives an additional incentive to run harder content. Thumbs Up. 2.) I like the idea of harder content dropping better gear. MM Ops should *definitely* have more rewards (other than bragging rights) over VM Ops, and VM should have better drops than SM Ops. 3.) I like the idea of being able to upgrade the gear you get from one difficulty of content to help you conquer the next difficulty up. Great idea. Now, here's how the specific ways these were implemented broke our progression. Currently, in 7.0, we can't play the game in the way we enjoy (focusing on clearing ops we haven't cleared yet) and get upgradeable gear in any sort of reasonable/guaranteed time. We know there is grind in MMOs, but the specific type of grind broke 7.0 for us in the following ways. 1.) Non-Ops mats required to upgrade Ops gear. Aquatic Resource Mats are required to upgrade Ops gear, and they (largely) only drop from Daily Areas, Heroics, and World Bosses. This means that, even if I *had* ops gear to upgrade (see next point), we need to find additional time to play to gather these mats. 2.) Upgrades are *extremely* rare drops from bosses, and "guaranteed upgrade" boxes require you to complete the entire op. This forces groups to complete content *they already can complete* rather than gearing up by playing content they're *trying* to complete. Deconstructing gear from bosses doesn't help mitigate the "have to complete the op" issue enough, because of the need for *other* mats (see point 1) to upgrade the gear. 3.) Gear drops from bosses are largely "side-grades" or equivalent to a piece you already have. My character has an overall iLvL of 323, but keeps getting 320 drops (because I have some 320 pieces). So, if a guild wants to prog an op, they don't get the rewards needed to upgrade their gear in order to progress (because the gear is rarely an upgrade, and because deconstructing the gear still doesn't address the mats issue in point 1). 4.) Even grinding ops that you *can* complete to get a "guaranteed upgrade" box is broken, because not all of the weeklies are available each week. For example, none of the "easier" HM ops are available this week (Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, or Explosive Conflict). The only ones available are Temple of Sacrifice and Dxun, which are 2 we were still struggling with in *max gear* at the end of 6.0. There's little hope we could complete many of these bosses, let alone complete the op, so we just kind of stagnated this week. If we went to clearing the SM Weeklies available this week, we're rewarded with *worse* gear (green vs. blue/purple), so that also doesn't help. 5.) Best in Slot (BiS) gear, at a given iLvL, is *only* available from Master Mode Ops. The gear with the optimal stat distribution ("purple gear"), is *only* available in Master Mode Ops. So, even if I got a mix of 326 "blue" gear from MM FPs and VM Ops, the stats are likely not good enough for MM Ops. This makes it *very* hard to gear by going through a "Story -> Vet -> Master" method. This has never been the case since 2.0, at least (I didn't raid in 1.x, so I don't know). Completing, for example, a SM Op gave you BiS gear (purple), but at a lower iLvL than a VM Op, and was sufficient to start working on the VM Op. 6.) Tying gear drops to a character's lowest iLvL rating of equipped gear stagnates progression. We've run some HM ops, and overwhelmingly we get no upgrades, because each piece that drops is either *equivalent* to what we have equipped (i.e., it's the exact same piece), or it's *worse* (a 320 blue drops for a slot that has a 320 purple). 7.) No way to mitigate RNG in terms of which *piece* drops. There currently isn't a way to "buy" gear in any of the Tiers (VM FP, MM FP, SM Op, VM Op, MM Op) to start out, you can only start out buying the low-level conquest gear. This means that you're entirely dependent on RNG to drop the correct piece (i.e - helmet, offhand, legs, etc.) to be able to upgrade. For example, when running a VM Op, I often will get a 320 blue belt to drop which is identical to the 320 blue Op belt I have, when instead I'd prefer an item to drop for a gear piece I have that either came from SM Ops or MM FPs, because the VM Ops piece will be more upgradeable. 8.) Non-moddable gear makes it prohibitively expensive to augment gear to get around all of these setbacks. One potential workaround (not solution) is to augment the low-level gear we have to bump up the stats. Since that augment slot is consumed when that piece gets upgraded, it's a *lot* of credits (and a huge hassle with the potential for accidentally throwing away augments during the upgrade) to stay augmented while gearing up. 9.) To add insult to injury, GSF and PvP give *way* better rewards for the time investment/difficulty, and let you gear *way* faster than Ops. Most of my group felt compelled to play GSF to get gear at a reasonable rate, but we don't enjoy that aspect of the game. Even those in full 326 purple PvP gear get stuck because higher-iLvL gear doesn't drop in VM or MM Ops when clearing individual bosses, again stopping progression. I'm sure there are more things that I'm forgetting, but this is already very long, and I want to at least propose some solutions to present to the designers/devs/etc. that will at least mitigate these issues (if not solve them completely). Design Principles/Guidelines for Ops Gearing ====================================== Overall, I feel like ops gearing should follow these principles: 1.) Most ops gear should be obtainable solely by doing ops. Maybe exceptions for Master Mode Ops gear needing other mats to get upgraded, but "gearing only from ops" should be the primary method that ops players can gear. It should also NOT be significantly faster to gear via GSF/PVP than via ops. 2.) Ops should be rewarding even when only some bosses are killed. This rewards players and groups for making progress week after week, and gives them improved chances of succeeding, rather than forcing them to grind content they've already mastered. This also encourages pugs to fill in when a member of the original group had to leave because life occurred. 3.) Gear rewards from different difficulties of content should differ only in the iLvL possible, NOT the stat distribution. Story Mode Ops should drop "purple" gear, but with a lower iLvL than Veteran Ops. (Currently, it's the worst of both worlds, lower iLvL *and* worse stat distribution). 4.) A group fully geared from a certain difficulty level should be *viable* in the next difficulty level. A group in full SM Ops gear rewards should have a decent chance of clearing *any* HM Op (or at least EV/KP/EC/TfB/SnV) in just that gear, particularly if they've done so before (so they know the mechanics). This works with #2 and #3, so that groups are viable to take on higher difficulty content, *and* their chances get better as they clear each boss. Concrete Suggestions to Implement to Mitigate the Issues ============================================ Implementing these will *help*, but not *fix* the issues with gearing. I've tried to make reasonable suggestions that (I think) could be implemented within 7.0, but I am not a programmer so I don't know how easy each of these is. I did try to keep them fairly close or adjacent to systems that are already in 7.x. 1.) All weeklies for Ops available each week for rewards (gear upgrade). They don't need to be in Group Finder (I understand wanting to help players looking for groups to find others by funneling them into fewer options), but pre-made groups *need* to be able to be rewarded for completing ops they can to help their progression. 2.) All non-Ops mats removed as requirements for Ops upgrades. This allows players to upgrade gear solely by killing Ops bosses. Another option is to reward (at a *very* good rate) all required mats from ops bosses (effectively turning non-Ops mats into mats you can get from Ops, with the added bonus that it would *also* allow you upgrade your FP and Conquest gear). 3.) Use a players *average* iLvL gear rating when determining the iLvL of boss drops. If a player is iLvL 320 or 321 on average, then drops should be iLvL 322 ( as long as that iLvL drops at that difficulty). This prevents cases where running content doesn't result in a reward, even if that reward is available as a drop (my sentinel still gets 320 drops in VM Ops because I have some 320 pieces, but my iLvL is 323, and yet pieces up to 324/326 can drop from VM Ops). 4.) Add a vendor to fleet so we can purchase "intro" Ops gear to mitigate the RNG of, for example, the correct piece never dropping. This gear could have worse stat distribution (say, high-endurance / low-power for dps) than the gear that drops from bosses, but it should be *upgradeable* into that gear, maybe at a higher cost (maybe going from purchased 320 to ops 322 takes more Hazardous Mats than going from ops 320 to ops 322, etc.). 5a.) Rewards for killing bosses should never be less than BiS for a given iLvL rating. That is, SM VM and MM Ops should all drop "purple" stat distributed gear, but SM is capped at a lower iLvL than VM, VM capped at a lower iLvL than MM. This is how it used to work with unassembled tokens. (To mitigate that RNG, you could use comms/currency that dropped in the op to buy the "high endurance/non-BiS" version of the gear to mitigate the RNG if you never got the "good pants" to drop, for example). 5b.) The "purple" gear in 5a can still have separate upgrade tracks. Maybe Purple SM gear can be upgraded to the equivalent of the minimum-level purple VM gear that drops, but the VM level gear that drops can be upgraded higher (say to what MM drops). I have other comments suggestions on the ability trees and loadout / combat style decisions, but the above changes would mitigate a *large* amount of the issues my guild is facing in 7.x. --Mop
  19. Replies like these aren't helpful, or even particularly true. Sure, devs can't satisfy all players all the time, most game populations are too big for that, but if design decisions cause enough "collateral damage" as you refer to it and they lose subs ($$$), then whatever team is overseeing the general design and direction of the game will respond to that. SWTOR has responded to player feedback before - When the Command gearing system was first introduced, *no* unassembled gear pieces dropped from bosses, and the RNG on gearing was so bad prog ops groups couldn't effectively plan out how to gear up. The devs added unassembled pieces back into the game to mitigate the RNG and to make ops a viable method for gearing, rather than just killing the opening mobs in Karagga's Palace. Update on this: my entire guild effectively unsubbed last night because the current state of the game makes it not possible to gear by solely doing ops, which is all the time some of us have available during the week. Even the ones that *do* have time to get on every day are frustrated by being funneled into GSF to gear effectively for Hard Mode / Veteran Ops content, let alone Master Mode. The vast majority of the drops we have received are for pieces that are *below* our character's iLvL and the *same* iLvL as another piece we already have, stalling gear progression. Devs - you *need* to make it possible to gear at a reasonable solely through doing ops. The current gearing system fundamentally broke the idea of "get upgrades as you down ops bosses, so you can better kill the next boss, so you can eventually clear the op". Making the "guaranteed" upgrade come at the *end* of the op funnels groups into farming content below what they want to prog, and if a "completeable" VM op isn't in the weekly rotation for that week, the group is just stalled. By making gear drops from bosses mostly *match* the iLvL of gear pieces the toons have equipped, ops groups that can't spend time farming PvP, GSF, and Daily/Heroic areas are effectively completely stalled. This, aside from all of the other bugs mentioned in my original post, is why most of my guild cancelled their recurring subs. We're hoping for positive changes so we want to pay again, but it's looking pretty dire....
  20. Really cool, could you post either a Lvl 80 comparison for Taris, or a Lvl 75 comparison for Tatooine? Agree with others and OP though, tertiary stats *should not be touched* for scaling. It used to be that the "%" you got in alacrity, crit chance, and crit dmg was based off of your character lvl (so, getting to 100% accuracy required more accuracy gear at lvl 75 than lvl 80), which makes sense. If it's getting *scaled* though, you can never be geared correctly when going down to planets. Mastery and Power should be scaled, and the other dmg stats should *not* be touched.
  21. Uh, no, I don't want them doing that. I saw last week that they had addressed it in the Dev Tracker, and I was happy they did so, but my point is that with proper internal checks, *this* sort of thing should never make it to live. If it's a one-off, sure, but there are a *lot* of instances of things similar to this that should have been caught with "proofreading", not even play-testing. I agree, 5.0 alt gearing was awful. The upside to 5.0/6.0 gearing, though, was that you at least got an item level equivalent to (maybe greater than?) your current iLvl rating. Right now, I'm 323, but 320 gear keeps dropping. I also disliked the type of RNG in 6.0 (I'm VERY glad that we don't have 50+ different types of enhancements to sort through to find the "good" one), but it still feels broken here. Yes, you get some mats, but having the guaranteed upgrade only come from actually finishing the op seems like bad design where prog groups are concerned. It's just not feasible (eg, way too slow) to prog an op and actually improve your gear by only downing a few bosses. Compared to prior patches in the 4.0 and earlier days, where downing a boss guaranteed a certain "Unassembled Token" of a given iLvl, which you *couldn't get* without doing ops at that level, so it was a guaranteed upgrade (as long as everyone in your ops group didn't already have it). Pre-4.0, you would also get comms that you could use to buy the "high endurance" pieces of that iLvl from vendors. I guess my main issue with the gearing comes down to "how is this supposed to work if I can't grind every day?" I don't have a lot of hours to play the game, I mostly raid 2-3 times a week with my guild. But now, I can't just do that. I have to complete weeklies for Daily Areas and complete other non-Ops Weeklies just to be able to upgrade my Ops Gear. I need to go into Starfighter and PvP, 2 game modes that have never appealed to me, and have a miserable time losing just to get gear at a reasonable rate to be able to contribute to my ops group's dps. I *can't* "play how I want" to get gear, it's just not possible. In no way is the current endgame gearing "Optimized for playing what you enjoy and rewarding you for it". To your other point, Ops gear only allows for higher-rating BiS gear than PvP for *Master Mode* level drops (yes, "left side" Rakata gear can sometimes drop in Veteran ops). Other than that, you're stuck getting at most iLvl 326 Columi gear with Vet Mode drops, and those *aren't* BiS, because the Rakata gear of the same iLvl (320, 322, 324, 326) that drops in Master Mode content is better. So, it's *impossible* to get any BiS gear playing SM Ops, and highly unlikely in VM Ops (only possible through left-side drops, and even then it can drop iLvL320 stuff, which is a LOOOOONG upgrade path). PvP/GSF gears you way faster and more easily given how quickly you can complete the weeklies, which gives not only a guaranteed upgrade but also a ton of mats to upgrade the PvP gear. Yeah.....I really don't see that as an excuse. If there's a particular skill combo that's breaking a particular encounter, you fix *that* encounter. You don't change the class which will, by default, change *every other encounter* in the game. This reminds me of back in......3.0? 4.0? (can't remember) when they increased the cooldown on all cleanses, which effectively broke some fights, so they went in and added a specific buff to those fights to restore the original cleanse cooldowns. The important thing to note is that this was done *before* the update went live. They identified a fundamental issue with their upcoming design, caught it, and implemented a fix before the update was released. That's how it should work. I get that PvP is rough to balance for, but yeah, there's gotta be a better way instead of continually making PvE a worse experience. My guild is PvE focused, and every time they make a change because of PvP, it really feels like we're getting the short end of the stick. Rather than 3 options at certain times in the tree, it'd make sense to have 2 options (but more frequently so we don't lose any abilities), and have the choice be between 1 PvE-focused skill and 1 PvP-focused skill. At least on the Watchman Sentinel, they're *most* of the way there (most tiers are between 1 PvE and 2 PvP), but there's 1 tier that makes me choose between 3 essential PvE skills (my 4-second stun, useful in DP, a quick movement skill (Mad Dash), and a clutch defensive cooldown that's been present since at least 1.5). I really think they wrecked the balance in....4.0?....when they got rid of Expertise and merged PvE/PvP gear. It's created a ton of problems (making PvE players go to PvP to gear, making PvP balance affect PvE balance, etc.). Anyway, the point of my original thread was to provide another perspective from someone who is almost always *positive* about the game, but has serious concerns that there's not enough guidance internally to really make things happen. I almost never post in the forums, but I've always found things to enjoy, or at least appreciate design-wise, with each major update of the game. I always try to give the devs the benefit of the doubt, and was optimistic for 7.0 right up until I tried actually gearing a character. I didn't play on the PTS, but I followed all of the posts and the discussion my guildmates who *were* on the PTS had, I certainly didn't go into this blind. I knew there would be issues. My main cause for concern, again, is that there doesn't seem to be good enough internal checks on a lot of *basic* things, which in the end causes devs to need to go and fix those things rather than fixing more esoteric long-standing bugs or building/testing new content. It's great that they're dealing with these rather than ignoring them (the implant colors, the set bonus level requirement text, the ops queueing requirements, etc.), but they shouldn't *have* to deal with them now. --Mop
  22. Keith, Jackie, & the SWTOR Dev team, I know you have heard and responded to a *lot* of complaints, and I appreciate how you've done so thus far. I wanted to add yet another account from someone who has been subbed continuously since 1.5/1.6 (can't remember), and has been extremely disappointed, and quite frankly sad (to the point of seriously considering leaving the game) with the 7.0 Update. I'm not going to address the Story, as that seems fairly subjective, the amount of new content, various complaints about difficulty, or other similar items. I know there's plans to drop things throughout the year, and that's great. I really just feel like the *mechanics* of this patch, and what (to me as an outside observer) looks like a chronic under-resourcing of the game, are pushing me to not play. Bugs that I can't understand how they go through ======================================= 1.) Basic Checking for Consistency - For as long as I can remember, Green mods are alacrity, Red is crit, and yellow is accuracy. There was one patch where this was briefly messed up on one tier of gear, but by and large this is how it's been. With this update, however, the Legendary Implants completely throw this out the window. There is *no* consistency, which is maddening. The fact that something like this even got through makes me seriously wonder about any sort of internal checks / standards that exist. I feel like that's something that should just be on a checklist: "do mods have the right colors?". How was this missed? 2.) A similar issue occurs with tertiary stats on gear pieces when upgrading. When upgrading (for example) a main hand (Columi Pummelers), the tertiary stat *changes* from crit to alacrity. Why? Even if I wanted to spend the gobs of credits it would cost to augment each pieces of upgraded gear, the fact that the tertiary stats *type* changes on *the same piece* as you go up in item rating makes it incredibly frustrating to augment correctly, as you're always swapping out augments each time a piece gets upgraded. 3.) Character abilities - Why do a large number of my abilities *not* show up in the "Abilities" window? As an Annihilation Marauder, the following are present in Character Sheet -> Combat Style -> Ability Tree, but NOT in Character Sheet -> Combat Style -> Abilities or the standalone "Abilities" window: Devious Wounds, Swift Demise, Blood Guard, Pulverize, Bloodlust, Juyo Mastery, Hemmorhage, Hemmoraghing Smash, and Juyo Form. These are all passives, yet they only show up in 1 of the 3 places to look for Abilities? How is this possible? It made it incredibly frustrating when I was trying to figure out which character abilities survived the massive pruning in 7.0. 4.) Why was I able to queue for Operations at lvl 75, which is what was listed, but not allowed in the op? We spent a good 30 minutes one night trying to figure out whether the bug was in the queueing or with the level requirement text. 5.) Why were all of the 6.0 set bonuses listed as requiring level 75-79, yet they stopped working at level 76? The above items, to me (again, not a dev), that seem like things that *absolutely* should have been caught. These aren't items that interact with a huge number of other systems or a large number of "live possibilities" like the bug on the Malgus fight on Nul. All of them, with the *possible* exception of number 3, seem like they come down to mere proofreading, or checking to make sure that things are consistent (e.g. "Hey dev#1, go through and check that each item slot in each class set is consistent in which tertiary stat it has as the item rating increases", "Hey dev#2, go through and make sure that all item icons are consistent with our style guidelines", "Hey dev#3, can you make sure that none of the sentinels combat styles are listed as "ranged", because that'd just be nuts"). The fact that *so much* stuff like this was missed makes me very worried for the game, and extremely frustrated and pessimistic. Changes to Incentivized Behavior ================================= 6.) Gearing is, frankly, tragic. This feels like the worst of all worlds comparing 5.0/6.0 and pre-5.0. When I run ops now (story, veteran, or master), *most* of my drops are items that have an *equal* rating to the item already in the slot. *IF* the op is deemed to be one of the ones that has a weekly available, and IF we complete the op, then I might get *one* upgrade. I play this game for group ops content, and some group flashpoint content. Gearing through these routes is *agonizingly* slow, and you're only likely to get an upgrade *if* you complete the weekly. So much for working your way through harder content and being rewarded as you progress - only ops that you can FULLY COMPLETE now reward your group. This makes us just farm ops that we can already complete. What's the point in that? 7.) Ops & Flashpoints are way to slow compared to Starfighter or PVP. Why would I bother to run ops now, if on nearly every boss we down the piece of gear I'm rewarded with is identical to something I already have? I can just go suck at Starfighter for an hour or so to get my 4 matches in and boom, upgrade. Again, *why* is this behavior preferable to people running ops and content they want, and gearing by progressing ( which, *by definition*, means that you're stuck on not clearing the op for weeks at a time). Class Changes ==================== My main has always been a Watchman Sentinel / Annihilation Marauder. While the live version is better than the first version that was on the PTS, you have still removed *far* too many abilities. I now have to choose between a defensive cooldown , a movement ability, and my 4-second stun? *EACH* of those was critical, often all in the same boss fight, but now I just get one? Why? There are 3 blank spots on my bar for abilities that I would definitely use, each of which were extremely useful. Why did these have to go away completely? Was there *NO* way to roll some of these into other abilities? All of this adds up to one thing - I'm really not having fun in the game right now. Not because of lack of story, not because there's no new op, not because companions are over/under-powered, but because update 7.0 seems fundamentally broken, and everywhere I look in this patch I see evidence that the dev team is severely under-resourced if it can't get some of these things right (particularly the "proofreading" items). I have very little hope that all of the issues will be addressed, and if they *are* (yes, I've been reading the patch notes for the PTS and all the Dev Tracker updates), it means that time on those is taken away from *other* bugs that have yet to be addressed despite being around for years (Why is it that there are several enemies, such as the Huntmaster on Dxun or Carbonizer Droids in Jarg/Sorno fight in Karagga, that I get told I'm "out of range" for when standing right next to them as a melee class? Why can the game not sync the visual of where these enemies are with where the engine thinks they are?). Anyway, I just wanted to post this and let you know that I'm removing my credit card from the payment system. I'm not trying to yell at the devs or make you feel bad, but to let you know that this update really makes me sad/disappointed, and I'm genuinely spending more time being frustrated in 7.0 than having genuine fun. I sincerely hope things turn around over the months I have left on my sub so I want to put my payment info back in. Kind Regards, --Mop
  23. I haven't tried this on the PTS, but this is a game breaker for me. Having to choose between offensive abilities and mobility (Transcendance / 2nd Leap Charge / Gap Closer / Force Camo) is insane. The Watchman Sentinel is a high mobility / high dps Dot spec. I've played it since 1.5, and it's *always* been like this. Just.........why would you do this? I understand wanting to give choice, by why are you *culling* abilities we already have, some of which have been integral to the class builds since nearly launch? There *can't* be a way to do this well for all 24 specs, certainly not by the time of launch. I'm fairly certain this will be the end of my subscription. *Please* do not wreck the classes like this! --Mop
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