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Testing 64-bit on the PTS!


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PTS 7.2 (2319.6.0)

Voss = Trees disappeared and effect missing!


Balmorra = Lightsaber bloom, - only outside missing


Corellia = Trees disappeared


Belsavis = Trees disappeared and effect missing!


Dromund Kaas = Trees disappeared and effect missing!


Alderaan = Trees disappeared


Flashpoint = I've 45 FPS, same server-live!
Only Move Background = 45 FPS
Non-Move Background = 60 FPS (Standard)

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10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

has nothing to do with it!

4294967296 = 32-bit

(long time(0) developer speaking)  Actually, no.  4294967296 doesn't fit in a 32-bit variable because to write that number (two to the 32 power) in binary, you need a 1 followed by 32 zeroes, i.e. 33 digits.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

4294817295 = SWTOR Maximal Credits

Maximum credits per character.  The legacy bank stores up to 100 billion, with an anomaly because you can go past it by up to 4294817294 credits if there isn't enough room for the full amount you want to deposit.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

It do have not real then it's ISO/IEC 8859 / ASCII can be 9.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999............endless, to maximal credits.
BioWare had done intentionally = 
By 32-bit has nothing to do.

The point the client is 32-bit does, indeed, have nothing to do with it, because nothing stops the programmers from saying that credits are stored in 64-bit variables (C/C++: unsigned long long or uint64_t).

But storing large numbers as *ASCII* is very inefficient, both for how much space they take up and how much time they take to process simple arithmetic operations.  One (US, short scale) billion stored as ASCII is ten bytes, as opposed to four if you store it in a binary format.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

4294817295 bits / 8 (1) = 536852162 bytes

I'm not sure of the significance of this observation.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

ISO/IEC 8859 / ASCII need 8 bits.
For number 9 is codes = 1011 1001
1011 1001 = 8 bits = 1 bytes = 9


  1. ISO/IEC 8859 and ASCII are different things.
  2. ASCII is a seven-bit code, and when stored in eight-bit bytes, it is normal to code the top bit as zero, so '9' (a character) is 0011 1001.

And if you want to store numbers in a decimal-representation format, at least use BCD to get two decimal digits per byte.

Example: 17634 (decimal) would be stored as 0000 0001 : 0111 0110 : 0011 0100, three bytes.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

It's meant nothing, only importat for the RAM!

More importantly, the time it takes to do arithmetic on the numbers.

10 hours ago, Unterlord said:

(1)  8 bits for 1 byte, 1 byte need 8 bits

that's only a convention(1) in modern CPUs.  Bytes (the smallest unit of addressable memory) have been other lengths on systems in the past.  (The longest "byte" I ever used was 60 bits, on a CDC Cyber that I used when I was a student.)

(0) In a couple of weeks, "long time" will mean "34 years".

(1) OK, backed up by ISO/IEC 80000-13, but a convention nonetheless.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb SteveTheCynic:


  1. ISO/IEC 8859 and ASCII are different things.
  2. ASCII is a seven-bit code, and when stored in eight-bit bytes, it is normal to code the top bit as zero, so '9' (a character) is 0011 1001.

(1) OK, backed up by ISO/IEC 80000-13, but a convention nonetheless.

The Beginning was zero, had you right.
My mistake.

It's codes.
by Windows had eight-bit codes it's standard.
Operating system other had four-bit codes, no idea!

ASCII (only America) and ISO (World International)
ISO had more lanugage this need 32-bit codes.
For 16-bit codes (COLOR by 256-bit)
For 8-bit codes (Language of numbering)
For 8-bit codes (ASCII)
Completed is 32-bit

<type: A (english = ASCII = standard); A (french = ISO-15 = enlarge)
<type:    (english = ASCII = standard): À (french = ISO-15 = enlarge)
<type: A (english = ASCII = standard); A (german = ISO-15 = enlarge)
<type:    (english = ASCII = standard): Ä (german = ISO-15 = enlarge)
both is same codes, but.... by Greek language had number ISO-7, not by 15!
ISO had 16 number.
Windows must input of numbering from 1 to 16 or zero!
One ''Zero'' from ASCII = American.

Lanugage = english
Numbering = 0 <-- ASCII
Described is not happening
Lanugage = german
Numbering = 15 <--- not more by ASCII, now ISO-15
Described is happening
Back to english, all failure language they must described to back 0 codes from ASCII
It's reverses other failure ISO language.
Letters are all gone, only empty letters, only spacing.

It's very complicated.

For 64-Bit still is 48-bit codes color yet.

various operating systems had various codes.
But by Windows is 8-bit standard.

Edited by Unterlord
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3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

The Beginning was zero, had you right.
My mistake.

It's codes.
by Windows had eight-bit codes it's standard.
Operating system other had four-bit codes, no idea!

I never said anything about four-bit codes.  That would be rather pointless, since 0-15 (all you can get with four bits) is barely enough to encode decimal digits with some control code points left over.

These days, most of the world uses UTF-8 or UTF-16 if it's necessary to go outside the 7-bit ASCII range.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

ASCII (only America) and ISO (World International)

ASCII is usable anywhere that uses just plain standard (i.e. without accents or other diacriticals) letters and symbols, so British people who don't mind spelling naïve, rôle and blessèd incorrectly can use it unless they want to talk about their own money, which requires the £ symbol.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

ISO had more lanugage this need 32-bit codes.

The main 32-bit coding for characters these days is Unicode in UTF-32, which essentially nobody uses.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

For 16-bit codes (COLOR by 256-bit)


3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

For 8-bit codes (Language of numbering)

You lost me.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

For 8-bit codes (ASCII)

ASCII is a 7-bit code.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

Completed is 32-bit

Completed *what*?

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

<type: A (english = ASCII = standard); A (french = ISO-15 = enlarge)

No.  The representation of 'A' is the same in English and French.  And ASCII is only a "standard" in specific American uses.  I'd  also like to point out that various American companies over the years have used different representations of characters, for example:

  • IBM mainframes use EBCDIC, which is a sick and bizarre coding where the code points for the letters are not 26 consecutive values.
  • Control Data Corporation's Cyber mainframes used a weird 6-bit encoding.
3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

<type:    (english = ASCII = standard): À (french = ISO-15 = enlarge)
<type: A (english = ASCII = standard); A (german = ISO-15 = enlarge)
<type:    (english = ASCII = standard): Ä (german = ISO-15 = enlarge)
both is same codes, but.... by Greek language had number ISO-7, not by 15!
ISO had 16 number.
Windows must input of numbering from 1 to 16 or zero!
One ''Zero'' from ASCII = American.

Those ISO standards have, in essence, been made obsolete by the rise of Unicode.

3 hours ago, Unterlord said:



3 hours ago, Unterlord said:

Lanugage = english
Numbering = 0 <-- ASCII
Described is not happening
Lanugage = german
Numbering = 15 <--- not more by ASCII, now ISO-15
Described is happening
Back to english, all failure language they must described to back 0 codes from ASCII
It's reverses other failure ISO language.
Letters are all gone, only empty letters, only spacing.

It's very complicated.

For 64-Bit still is 48-bit codes color yet.

various operating systems had various codes.
But by Windows is 8-bit standard.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

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On 12/25/2022 at 1:18 PM, Unterlord said:

Corellia = Trees disappeared
Alderaan = Trees disappeared

From the Original Post:


Known issue: Trees and foliage as they will look broken or be completely invisible. Upgrades are being made with the modeling software that builds these environment assets which is why they will not appear as functional during this phase of testing.

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On 12/25/2022 at 11:26 AM, MortenJessen said:

Am I the only one that constantly has to (re)download (the same) 2-3 GB every time I chose the PTS option in launcher??

Nope. Every time I swtich between Live and the PTS (usually several times a day), I've a little 1 GB Update to wait for. For both versions. ^^

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On 12/23/2022 at 9:29 PM, MortenJessen said:

In jedi temple on Tython, if you dont angle your self perfectly, you cant climb the small stairs to the side areas. In the live version it happens now and then, on pts it seems to happen all the time.

I had this problem with both Female Body Types 1 & 2. Neither could ever walk, nor run up the first step ringing the main Temple hall. Always had to make an awkward jump. Both were able to walk or run up the top step eventually, but only after a lot of twisting and turning to find a sweet spot.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb SteveTheCynic:

ASCII is a 7-bit code.

Completed *what*?

What for what?

8-bit + 8-bit + 16-bit = 32-bit
Or, 8-bit (alpha channel) + 24-bit (truecolor) = 32-bit
What that need coding processed.
This I mean.

BIOS is mainchip on mainboard, there is Unicode order!
CMD can be enter and rewrite commands.
ASCII is Basic from America on ca. 1970 year (I don't have know)
ASCII can too 8-bit codies by Windows, but 7-bit codies cannot by Windows.
Today is already spread, only Basic from BIOS.

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4 hours ago, Unterlord said:

BIOS is mainchip on mainboard, there is Unicode order!
CMD can be enter and rewrite commands.

I know what they *are*.  Why did you say they were equal?

4 hours ago, Unterlord said:

ASCII is Basic from America on ca. 1970 year (I don't have know)
ASCII can too 8-bit codies by Windows, but 7-bit codies cannot by Windows.
Today is already spread, only Basic from BIOS.

ASCII(1) is a 7-bit code.  It defines representations for letters, numbers and punctuation, with code values from 0 to 127.

Anyway, I think this discussion is going nowhere.

(1) American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

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7 hours ago, Devolvio said:

I had this problem with both Female Body Types 1 & 2. Neither could ever walk, nor run up the first step ringing the main Temple hall. Always had to make an awkward jump. Both were able to walk or run up the top step eventually, but only after a lot of twisting and turning to find a sweet spot.

I have only used body type 2, so I will have to make a body type 3 to see if it also happens on that. 

And now for something completely different...

I know this issue was supposed to have been fixed in a patch years ago, but bodies of dead enemies floats all around you or disappears into walls:



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Have been running around different planets and the only issues that noticed are the missing trees known issue and longer load time on some planets like Hoth and Voss.

Memory usage in task manager seems to be around 1 GB higher staying at slightly below 4 GB, compared to the 32-bit version where it's at slightly below 3 GB.

Seems to work just fine at this time for me, haven't encountered any crashes.

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On 12/24/2022 at 7:09 AM, MortenJessen said:

And now I am no longer able to get to PTS any more... 


And in case you wonder... Nothing happens when you press OK, and cant select and get into the server...

I installed PTS last night and I got a screen just like your screencrap, but I simply clicked on "OK" and then clicked on the server, and it loaded fine. (Windows 10, Windows Defender)

Btw, I forgot to transfer a character before installing the PTS, so basically all I've done so far is to 'start a new character'.

I will transfer a character and do more 'exploring' before making any judgements, but so far things look nice. 🙂

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I also still have no server available to pick.

Additionally, every once in a while at the launcher I get the following (only when trying to access PTS):

"Launcher error: Code 961 - RepositorySync_Error_StallTImeout"

Any help from Devs appreciated!

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18 hours ago, jbuncher said:

I also still have no server available to pick.

Additionally, every once in a while at the launcher I get the following (only when trying to access PTS):

"Launcher error: Code 961 - RepositorySync_Error_StallTImeout"

Any help from Devs appreciated!

I've this error with french language too

switch english language is OK

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Ok. Update from Ord Mantell; Trooper story. There is no obvious game breaking bugs. Quests works, and on this planet I have had no problems with quest npc's being either invisible or missing. Aside from a few graphical issues with the environment and dead bodies, Ord Mantell is working nicely. BUT, for the love of God, give me the old map system back. The new map is psychological torture inside the large area that is the Separatist volcano base. No amount of zoom makes the quest markers NOT disappear in ones menu bars. 

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42 minutes ago, MortenJessen said:

Ok. Update from Ord Mantell; Trooper story. There is no obvious game breaking bugs. Quests works, and on this planet I have had no problems with quest npc's being either invisible or missing. Aside from a few graphical issues with the environment and dead bodies, Ord Mantell is working nicely. BUT, for the love of God, give me the old map system back. The new map is psychological torture inside the large area that is the Separatist volcano base. No amount of zoom makes the quest markers NOT disappear in ones menu bars. 

The new map is great, but guess is everyone's choice. You can still use the old map though, it's on a shortcut think by default it was "alt + m"

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20 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

The new map is great, but guess is everyone's choice. You can still use the old map though, it's on a shortcut think by default it was "alt + m"

The main problem with that old map thingy, is that its mini map function is bugged as hell. At least on PTS it is. So between two evils....

Edit. It is STILL a bug, I should not have to have that problem. So solutions like using old map system is irrelevant, as the new system has a bug. Bug pointed out.

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1 hour ago, MortenJessen said:

I will let the image tell its own story.

Your link didn't work for me for some odd reason.   Any chance you can explain or type out exactly what it was showing? ( bug wise )

*Unless you're talking about THIS:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925873-map-revamp-feedback/?do=findComment&comment=9735892  ...other post by you recently?

Edited by Nee-Elder
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59 minutes ago, MortenJessen said:

No sorry. It is a hairstyle gone massively wrong with clipping trough the cloth.

ahhh ok,  well  those types of  ART department 'clipping' issues aren't likely to ever get fixed unless/until  SWTOR replaces the out-dated 'Hero' game-engine.

But of course that's a topic for another thread. ;)

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5 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

BUT, for the love of God, give me the old map system back. The new map is psychological torture inside the large area that is the Separatist volcano base. No amount of zoom makes the quest markers NOT disappear in ones menu bars. 

The old map's default keybind is Alt+M, but can be changed to be whatever you prefer.

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