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14 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

As a matter of interest. Are there any other games that give you this sort of penalty for DCing OR leaving pvp matches? 

Sure, CS:GO has a leaving penalty. Not an MMO obviously but ya. HOWEVER, you’re given multiple minutes to reconnect after a DC so you don’t have momentary DCs giving you a long lockout timer like in SWTOR. 

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penalties are fine and history shows us, that we needed them. the problem we have is, how they are working rn.

at the moment the match counts as a match in that moment you confirm with pressing the join button.
if you get your infinitive loading screen and need to relog, because of a game bug since months, you get
your penalty. if you are disconnected to your character menue, you will get your penalty, too. also a bug
known and not fixed since months. the problem here is, that you will be thrown out of the match, if you want or not.

so even if you would be back in time, it doesn't matter. also in 90% of the time it wouldn't change anything, 
but may give your team a better chance if you are thrown out maybe 30s later, not immediatly. because the
next in line, joining your former position would spawn dead and won't help the team at all. 

the system would be way better with a running timer to come back. that you have a dc at all,
no matter what's the reason here, is punishment enough for your team.


but at the same time, even if we had such a system in the past, they deleted options to vote out players
who don't contribute to a game at all and just waiting until the match ends and there is also no punishment
for players who just stuck at the start of a match. 


so at the moment the most people who get a penalty are the ones who want to play,
but get them because of bugs. 
and players who sabotage matches won't get any penalty at all. 


and no! this has nothing to do with premades vs solo players. just to prepare the upcoming comment.

Edited by fabsus
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2 hours ago, fabsus said:

penalties are fine and history shows us, that we needed them. the problem we have is, how they are working rn.

at the moment the match counts as a match in that moment you confirm with pressing the join button.
if you get your infinitive loading screen and need to relog, because of a game bug since months, you get
your penalty. if you are disconnected to your character menue, you will get your penalty, too. also a bug
known and not fixed since months. the problem here is, that you will be thrown out of the match, if you want or not.

so even if you would be back in time, it doesn't matter. also in 90% of the time it wouldn't change anything, 
but may give your team a better chance if you are thrown out maybe 30s later, not immediatly. because the
next in line, joining your former position would spawn dead and won't help the team at all. 

the system would be way better with a running timer to come back. that you have a dc at all,
no matter what's the reason here, is punishment enough for your team.


but at the same time, even if we had such a system in the past, they deleted options to vote out players
who don't contribute to a game at all and just waiting until the match ends and there is also no punishment
for players who just stuck at the start of a match. 


so at the moment the most people who get a penalty are the ones who want to play,
but get them because of bugs. 
and players who sabotage matches won't get any penalty at all. 


and no! this has nothing to do with premades vs solo players. just to prepare the upcoming comment.

These are the problems right here with the time out ^ 

It’s negatively affecting too many due to bugs or disconnects. 

I think it’s draconian as it’s setup at the moment. I know BioWare are making changes, I guess we’ll see if they are enough soon. 

If they can’t get it to work or be fair, I think they need to put a halt to it till they can.

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