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I will not be playing this Galactic Seasons


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On 10/21/2022 at 2:12 AM, Alithia said:

And it is not for you to "have a clue" what others do with their money! Not everybody is broke and thinks $100 is even a considerable amount! One hour of my time is worth more than the GS3 unlock!

No one's persecuting you for doing goofy things with your money, calm down. I don't know why your assumption is that someone must be broke if they didn't throw money at what is clearly not an enticing deal when just playing the game would result in the same end, but that's not nice (actually reflects poorly that that's where this went first). Nothing wrong with having money and sense.

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I am playing it, however given the amount of group play, or things like SF as examples. The G.A.M.E event after spending an hour on it, I just gave up. Overall, if subsequent weeks are like this one, I'm not even going to reach level 50 by the end on my main account. Not even that far on my other account I subbed on for this event. It's one of my newer accounts so just don't have the number of characters to do the crafting or the higher end FP's. I subbed on the second account to get two of the companions I don't have.


I also think this is the real reason BW put most of the CC at the high end of GS levels, simply they know most won't get there, certainly not solo players or new players to the game. The reduced amount of CC is disappointing but the fact they put most of them towards the end is beyond disappointing. I will continue to sub on this account but won't sub on a second again at the same time for any reason going forward. At one time I had 5 subs going. 


The cartel packs? sorry but I don't believe that these are anything but limited to what you can get in them. So far as with season 1 & 2, I am getting the same weapons as I did then. One of the antique ones, I wonder how many of you also got one of the 4 of this weapon? one for each weapon type. Bronze items had a very large selection yet still getting the same items. Will see if this continues with the other packs if I get that far. On the few servers I got a different weapon, yes you guess it Starforged weapon with was the other one I got last 2 time. If I manage to get as far as the classic Armor set, what are the odds it will be yet another home or away huttball one? 

So far got to levels 4- 6 on various servers. Yes, am playing across the servers but as I am a solo player once I have done what I am willing to do, see no reason not to jump to a different server/account. BW also knew this is what players would do from the onset, in-fact did they not even mention this themselves on the first season? 


I do like the companions you get, but from a story point of view, for those after KotET story arc, it makes no sense that any character would give this droid the time of day, let alone go out and help. To much like Scorpio for any character to trust it. On that note, yes do like new companions, this particular one, not so much.


I agree with a lot of the negativity that has been put down for the same reasons. Overall, this compared to the last two seasons is a bit of a killjoy.

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its just your average battlepass to give players a grind to do along with some fun cosmetics as rewards, if you dont wanna do it then dont :)

edit: and only complaint is that you dont get ENOUGH of the currency you would otherwise need to buy with cash, heh

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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13 minutes ago, Eckrond said:

That is a lie.

is it? There are packs now too, and overall more rewards

the reason GS3 feels "meh" is not because of the rewards, the rewards were always garbage (except the CCs ofc) and well know they pretty much still are garbage. The true reason is that the system of galactic seasons hasn't changed at all. It feels like GS2, but again - and that is why GS3 is bad, tbh I don't even think it's bad. 

Now I have a reason to login once a week do the weeklies with my friends and then continue to do things in the game that are basically just a waste of time. Am I having fun? Yes, but not nearly as much as every tuesday doing the weeklies with friends.

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To be fair, it was needed to cut the amount of cc's in the reward tracks, as people gamed the system on as many servers as they could, to get max coins out of it. And they had to brag about it, leaving BW little to no choice but to change the rewards. So say thanks to the whalers who could afford all the server transfers and had enough credits floating around, instead of slapping BW for this one.

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30 minutes ago, MortenJessen said:

To be fair, it was needed to cut the amount of cc's in the reward tracks, as people gamed the system on as many servers as they could, to get max coins out of it. And they had to brag about it, leaving BW little to no choice but to change the rewards. So say thanks to the whalers who could afford all the server transfers and had enough credits floating around, instead of slapping BW for this one.

Respectfully ...  NO!  

If you are the developer, you choose HOW to get the rewards and WHAT those rewards are!  Some folks like the droid ... and that's fine!

Free stuff is still free stuff.  And I will use whatever I get and appreciate it!

That being said the simple fact is that another non-interactive droid (adding nothing really new to the game)  is just not that interesting.  IMO there really isn't that much of a reason to "work for rewards" particularly when the vast majority of it is pretty much the same old stuff (and pretty much in the same wrapper).

Mean time... back to grinding for gear for my alts.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 😴

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6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

is it? There are packs now too, and overall more rewards

the reason GS3 feels "meh" is not because of the rewards, the rewards were always garbage (except the CCs ofc) and well know they pretty much still are garbage. The true reason is that the system of galactic seasons hasn't changed at all. It feels like GS2, but again - and that is why GS3 is bad, tbh I don't even think it's bad. 

Now I have a reason to login once a week do the weeklies with my friends and then continue to do things in the game that are basically just a waste of time. Am I having fun? Yes, but not nearly as much as every tuesday doing the weeklies with friends.

5 packs which doesn't make up for the value, and wouldn't even if it were 10 or even 20, just like me offering you $20 or $20 in scratch-offs makes a big difference if there's thing you could use the raw currency value for.

But again, even if it were 20 packs, or a whole hypercrate, it's also the lack of communication about the change that's very frustrating as well.

5 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

To be fair, it was needed to cut the amount of cc's in the reward tracks, as people gamed the system on as many servers as they could, to get max coins out of it. And they had to brag about it, leaving BW little to no choice but to change the rewards. So say thanks to the whalers who could afford all the server transfers and had enough credits floating around, instead of slapping BW for this one.

Sounds pretty odd to be that your attempt is to be fair to the multi-million dollar company that is doing just fine and not the thousands of players that weren't participating in the practices you mention here yet have to deal with the lack of reward and communication or preface regarding it.  Maybe re-evaluate your perspective on fairness.

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6 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

To be fair, it was needed to cut the amount of cc's in the reward tracks, as people gamed the system on as many servers as they could, to get max coins out of it. And they had to brag about it, leaving BW little to no choice but to change the rewards. So say thanks to the whalers who could afford all the server transfers and had enough credits floating around, instead of slapping BW for this one.

There's no "gaming" the system.

People play to get to 100 GS levels on 5 servers either:

1. Spend 5x the time grinding it..

2. Spend CCs/ big credits for server transfer and buying levels through 5 servers.

There's absolutely no "gaming the system" for doing 1.

If a person is allowed to buy the levels in 1 server, they're allowed to buy in 5 servers. "Whales" either spend real life $ to afford it, or grind in game contents to earn credits, or buy from credit sellers. The former two are totally legit. People spend $$, people get things fast, simple as that. As for the last one, the blame is on credit sellers and the inaction of Bioware, not the GS system - Bioware should simply close off the buying level option if they don't want people doing it the fast way.

Instead of doing that, Bioware cut the CCs reward in half. Well, no point for me for playing on multiple servers except the ones I've already invested.

I got to level 8 on 5 servers and get the 200x5 CCs, now I'll just stick to SF and SS. Good for my eyes, so thanks Bioware lol

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I'm blasé about GS3 other than it gives me something to do rather than the same old, same old. I couldn't care less about another companion other than getting another couple of level 50 for my crafters. I'll likely not get the achievement which doesn't bother me either. The drop rate for the GAME modules is poor, and I doubt I'll do enough weekly crap to make up the difference. As for the cartel coins, I guess we're lucky they give us any at all. They could have replaced everything with packs.

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On 10/20/2022 at 6:31 PM, OlBuzzard said:

My objection is the subject that it's centered around.  It should be noted that this is not a "tantrum" ...  but it a serious demonstration of my total disappointment in the theme of this particular GS.  Again ... yet another companion that we do not interact with??  Really.  Sooo  are  special abilities available for this one that a normal companion does not have?  If so, this throws up yet another red flag...  Companions (with NO interaction whatsoever) and moving the general audience toward PREFERING this sort of addition to the game.  (It's cheaper this way ...  one and done no VA  stuff ... etc ... etc.  No longer needed in the story after the initial release.   Might as well tie an amulet around my neck and do away with the companion altogether (gets the same job done).

Is the next step buying one of these special companions on the CM with special abilities???   I just have to wonder if this is where SWTOR is headed. While I do NOT believe that we are there YET (not even close) ... IMO this is definitely a good question to ask.

While there are some things in this season that might be worth it ..  I WON'T be messing with this companion.  I have yet to collect the others.  That is my choice!  I don't regret it!  I strongly disagree with so much of this game now being attached to some form of gambling.  I genuinely hope I'm wrong that this is where things are headed.

And NO, I don't expect very many to agree with me!  But I did want to express my disappointment in this theme behind the GS3.

I will continue to play the game as I normally do.  Whatever I get ...  I'll collect!  The rest ...  totally scrapped (on my part).

Not really impressed with the droid other than her back story and being an Eternal Empire droid. I already had scorpio and glad she shacked up on Iokath.

I would have preferred like a black prototype Skytrooper or one of the golden heavy skytroopers from the alliance. It kind of looks like bumblebee and if they wanted go go the droid route with GS3. Been asking for one of these for a long time.

But yeah, this season is kind of meh and PH4-LNX will just be another deco in my Zakuulan themed stronghold. And I want her off my ship along with Fen Ziel. Tired of forced companions on my ship and not being able to place a companion of my own choosing.

Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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10 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Mean time... back to grinding for gear for my alts.

Why, that is not how the gearing system works at all.

3 hours ago, eabevella said:

1. Spend 5x the time grinding it..

It was actually never intended that people can obtain the CC rewards on all 5 servers. They said a while ago in GS1 that the CCs should only be granted once per account and level. With this hyperinflation buying 1k CC for a transfer, just to then buy more CCs for credits which are basically useless anyway since hyperinflation. 

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27 minutes ago, ZUHFB said:

Why, that is not how the gearing system works at all.

It was actually never intended that people can obtain the CC rewards on all 5 servers. They said a while ago in GS1 that the CCs should only be granted once per account and level. With this hyperinflation buying 1k CC for a transfer, just to then buy more CCs for credits which are basically useless anyway since hyperinflation. 

Well, then they should fix it by making GS account-wise instead of cutting the CC rewards to half (per 1-100 lv track). The hard CC currency is pretty much why people are looking forward to the GS. But Bioware let the "mistake" ran for 2 seasons... typical.

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18 hours ago, MortenJessen said:

To be fair, it was needed to cut the amount of cc's in the reward tracks, as people gamed the system on as many servers as they could, to get max coins out of it. And they had to brag about it, leaving BW little to no choice but to change the rewards. So say thanks to the whalers who could afford all the server transfers and had enough credits floating around, instead of slapping BW for this one.

Nah, it wasn't needed.

People didn't need to spend money on transfers to get CC from all 5 servers.

I've had alts to grind up on all 5 servers for a long time, just had to play them once/twice a week to get the 200CC

It was a great system.  Do conquest in my own private guild on each server and earn CC while doing it.  It worked wonderfully for GS1 and 2.   So much so that I even had a few people on the German/French servers who wanted into a guild specifically to tag along, which is fine for me.

I'd much rather have the RAW CC than packs.   I'd much rather have the RAW CC basically every week than packs or bundles or the double puke yellow dyes that someone thought would be a good idea.

To put it in another perspective.

For GS1 I BOUGHT CC and unlocked everything on day 1.  I had enough CC left over to unlock everything on a 2nd server.  I had enough CC left over to get to maybe level 20 on a 3rd server.

For GS2 I did the same thing.

For GS3, I'm choosing NOT to because of two reasons.  The change to the CC rewards, and the general lack of appeal for the other rewards.


Also....while probably 99% of characters over level 50 (where reputation kicks in) have unlocked their personal ships, where you turn in the GAME drops with the new droid, I have a significant number of alts, over 50, that I've leveled via Heroics and haven't even bothered doing the story on the first two planets with...so...no personal ship.    It's not a HUGE deal, I can always turn the stuff in with other toons, but I feel it's an oversight that should be addressed.

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7 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Why, that is not how the gearing system works at all.

It was actually never intended that people can obtain the CC rewards on all 5 servers. They said a while ago in GS1 that the CCs should only be granted once per account and level. With this hyperinflation buying 1k CC for a transfer, just to then buy more CCs for credits which are basically useless anyway since hyperinflation. 

Where exactly was this stated?  Do you have a link?

People, including me, had this figured out during GS1 and weren't exactly quiet about it.  If it was truly not intended, they had plenty of time to fix it before GS2, which they didn't.

I think they were just surprised at how many MORE people did it in GS2 and it cut into sales.

I still have *many* CC between my 600/month "free" and what I have left over from GS2.  CC, at this point in the game, with credit inflation being so crazy, are far more valuable than anything else as far as an in game currency goes.

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On 10/25/2022 at 1:44 AM, ZUHFB said:

Why, that is not how the gearing system works at all.


I deleted out what I originally answered.  You would still find fault with it!  And you're NOT going to like this one!!

BUT !!!

Umm ..  yes it is!  

Some examples of each set of gear is as follows:

Jedi: Pummelers

Smuggler: Targeter's

Commando: Boltblaster

It not possible to upgrade those items if you are using them on the wrong characters.  Items received in those green bags are all too frequently the same item over and over again and are NEVER above what you are wearing.  Upgrading is done ONLY when each character is wearing the correct outfit designed for that character.  Anything less than 330 (when attempting to get gear for alts) is pretty much a wasted effort).  It should be noted that sometimes when what we get in those green bags is so pitiful (which is most of the time) it is simply frustrating.  

I don't mind working at anything (in RL this is what I do every day).  At age 70 I still do my own maintenance around the house including: lawn work, land scaping, painting and remodeling the inside of the house, and designing and building some "live edge" furniture.

IMO this new system is little more than the old JUS system with a new wrapper around it!  At least we get to upgrade some of what we get.  I suppose that is a little help.  But it's just sooo frustrating to get 5 (literally) of the same item on the same day (particularly when I only have only 3 smuggler characters for example).


I'm really not trying to fuss at you!  BUT what I've just stated is really what is going on!  And I suspect that there is a reason or design behind this system.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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On 10/22/2022 at 1:51 AM, juliushorst said:

To their credit the new companion gives you two quests so the two of you can bond a little. Still I was a little disappointed that this is the only Gemini unit that for some reason doesn't speak Galactic Basic (English, that is).

I'm still trying to figure out what language the droid is speaking. I have no clue.

Now if they had implemented something like the Zakuulan or Old Zakuulan, this would have got my attention and maybe made sense seeing this is where the droid was coming from after serving ages with the Eternal Empire. Right now it just sounds kind of like a twilek dilect or something.

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4 hours ago, Darev said:

Where exactly was this stated?  Do you have a link?

Get used to taking anything ZUHFB says with a grain of salt, they have been notorious on these forums for years because they just say blatantly false things; I recall them claiming the Swoop Rally achievements we attainable while the Dev's bug tracking post flat out acknowledged it was impossible to get them.

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On 10/20/2022 at 8:45 AM, illgot said:

2000 CC total this season and 5 Cartel Packs. You can sell those packs for 300-350 million each. Probably 400 million by the time the season ends.

Shame the the packs from GS3 are legacy bound until you open them. Yes the items you get can be sold, but the packs can not. They did that for a reason too. And that is very big IF you get something gold or platinum out of those packs.

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4 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

It not possible to upgrade those items if you are using them on the wrong characters.  Items received in those green bags are all too frequently the same item over and over again and are NEVER above what you are wearing.  Upgrading is done ONLY when each character is wearing the correct outfit designed for that character.  Anything less than 330 (when attempting to get gear for alts) is pretty much a wasted effort).  It should be noted that sometimes when what we get in those green bags is so pitiful (which is most of the time) it is simply frustrating. 

Actually that is, again, simply not true. You can upgrade Targeter gear on a Marauder, just display all instead of for the spec only - I do not know why they never change this would be huge QoL AND EVEN IF that wouldn't work you could still upgrade it on your sniper, all the tokens are legacy bound. Farming multiple sets is at the very best extremely optional and not at all needed nor how the system was intended to work. Never mind a solo player does not need to worry about combining gear sets since BW took care of giving them an absolutely fine distribution of stats. I think you're massively overthinking this system.

If you want gear for another spec all you need is main hand, offhand and implants. That is how the system works and farming gear for alts, while I respect the grind, is simply not needed. I would recommend checking swtoristas gearing guide for easy modable gear, will save you literally months of time.

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49 minutes ago, Eckrond said:

Get used to taking anything ZUHFB says with a grain of salt, they have been notorious on these forums for years because they just say blatantly false things; I recall them claiming the Swoop Rally achievements we attainable while the Dev's bug tracking post flat out acknowledged it was impossible to get them.

Then how did I get them?

I am very obviously not going to look for that post, but I do remember reading it. Maybe I'm wrong but pretty sure that was in a post at the end of S1 or begin of S2.

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14 minutes ago, ZUHFB said:

Then how did I get them?

I am very obviously not going to look for that post, but I do remember reading it. Maybe I'm wrong but pretty sure that was in a post at the end of S1 or begin of S2.

Well, that would prove your statement one way or the other.   Beyond that, it's just an opinion.

I certainly don't remember them saying anything close to it.

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22 hours ago, Darthmoriquendi said:

Now if they had implemented something like the Zakuulan or Old Zakuulan, this would have got my attention and maybe made sense seeing this is where the droid was coming from after serving ages with the Eternal Empire. Right now it just sounds kind of like a twilek dilect or something.

I assumed it's Huttese because that's the unofficial underworld language :)

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1 hour ago, akdonkey said:

Did I read these posts correctly? It cost 2000 cartel coins to buy the entire season out? Thats not bad, I usually buy it with credits when I have that option to catch up.


You did not read them correctly. It's still the same cost to pay your way through the season (100CC per level), but you now only get 2000CC as rewards throughout the season instead of 4000. 

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