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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Upcoming Update of the Game Launcher


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2 minutes ago, Szob said:

Yeah, I am sorry for that mate. My Windows 10 on my laptop works fine, but I do not want to play on a much slower computer when I have a dedicated gaming PC, even though the laptop is 8 cores with a decent NVidia and loads of RAM. It still runs slower than my i7 desktop. Now I have 2 copies of the game, 1 standalone and 1 from Steam, neither of them working.

Hope someone from BioWare/EA will do something about this and soon... because it is definitely started when this 'super-major-duper-launcher' came out ...

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7 hours ago, SAM_KOTOR said:

Hope someone from BioWare/EA will do something about this and soon... because it is definitely started when this 'super-major-duper-launcher' came out ...

Yes, indeed. Only my launcher problems started in early September. Now I know they were randomly se;lecting people to test the new launcher. Aparently, I was one of them and one day the laucher started to give me 206 error, but there was no mismatch between my game client and the server.  My launcher never updated and when they bumped up the game version on the server, I got into troubles and all I can do now is log in and do some dailies.

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9 minutes ago, Szob said:

...Only my launcher problems started in early September...

Actually, I think it is possible that mine started around the same time - I was out of the game for about a month and was back only a couple of days ago - launcher updated (or just tried to?) itself and then I discovered that I can't run the game anymore...

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13 hours ago, Szob said:

Yet, when I was installing the Steam version, the game description says Windows 7 in system requirements. Windows 8, 10 and 11 is not even mentioned there. So, why mislead people?

Sysreqs are always an "at least" thing.  Think of it as "Windows at-least-7" rather than specifically WIndows 7.

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On 10/14/2022 at 2:57 AM, Enki said:


Delete the Bioware install, add SWTOR to your STEAM library, download from your library in Steam, and launch with your current account.
Steam version has less bloat in the files too.
I thank my brother for this fix

Just throwing in my 2 cents here... I've been trying to get past the Launcher all day - running SWTOR through Steam is the only thing that has worked. I know that doesn't work for everyone but I figured I'd mention it. Further details below if anyone cares to read.


I've only been playing for about a month. Haven't had a single issue until now. Today I got a brand new PC and couldn't get the game to move past the Launcher all day. Tried re-installing, running every version of compatibility mode, running as admin, and turning off anti-virus. Go figure...

If it matters the only difference between my 2 PCs is my new one has a better GPU/CPU (not an i12 so the Alder Lake thing isn't the case) and I'm now on Windows 11. I think that is the real issue here. New launcher doesn't mix well with Windows 11.

Anyway, best of luck to everyone out there. Wish I had an actual fix.

Edited by Outer_Rim_Merc
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Ok, so I understand, that problem with instalation, when window with info Host_IEVersionFail is opening is beacause I have old version of Internet Explorer? I have SWTOR_setup.exe file for instalation o th game on my disc, so why we need IE to instal game? I never meet for years person who use IE. It's not even a joke, its one big comedy. Why we need now IE? A few weeks ago we didn't need IE XD After few days of unsub, im happy with my unsub. This game is 10+ years old, so everything should be easy as @#%!, so why things like installation or log in are so problematic (so much that people need to reinstal game or make change things in system, antivirus, firewall and so on?)

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I don't use IE or edge so I don't care; but why we should take care for IE or MEdge when its time for instalation? We are using swtorexe file. I instal SWTOR a year ago and have no problems, now at begining of instal i have window with info Host_IEVersionFail, and someone post that this is about IE problem.

Edited by Kepaks
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Just now, Kepaks said:

... "but why we should take care for IE or MEdge when its time for instalation?" ...

Have no idea, TOR is definitely not a web app :)
Regarding IE:

On June 15, 2022, the desktop application of Internet Explorer 11 reached end of support for consumer versions of Windows 10, now redirecting to Microsoft Edge,[60][61] marking the end of its existence. On LTSB and LTSC editions of Windows 10, Windows Server 2016Windows Server 2019Windows Server 2022Windows 8.1, Embedded editions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Windows RTWindows Server 2012 R2Windows Server 2012Windows 7 ESU, Embedded editions of Windows 7 (with ESU), Windows Server 2008 R2 ESU and Windows Server 2008 ESU Internet Explorer will still be supported until their own end of support dates.

Microsoft recommends Internet Explorer users migrate to Edge and use the built-in "Internet Explorer mode" which enables support for legacy internet applications.[62]

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13 minutes ago, -Fabien- said:

Launcher is a web interface ... on angularjs

Well, didn't know that. At least this shed some light on that from dev.log:
11/05/2022 13:35:28 CONSOLE - ERROR - TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLoginSpecsHash' of null
    at LoginService.login (
    at m.LoginController.$scope.login (
    at fn (eval at compile (
angular.min.js:227:83), <anonymous>:4:206)
    at f (
    at m.$eval (
    at m.$apply (
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (
    at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (

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So im to the point of pulling my hair out on this issue. Me and my husband are subscribers and our computers had the game already installed when new launcher came out and besides some minor glitches in the beginning we can load in the game fine as of today - no problems.

However, my dad wants to try the game to play with us. he made account ( free for initial) so can load the game to check the game out onto his computer that is an acer about 1-2 years old.  . We ensured the antivirus was turned off. He logged into his account on swtor.com and went to download game and downloaded the file there. He executed the file and the launcher asked him to log in. Once he logged besides having to agree to terms, it downloaded all the files and when it was done he presses play it greys out and does nothing., we have reinstalled 2 times cant get repair option as it sees no problems - even running it in admin mode doesn't work. 

We even tried to install it on his older computer it is a asus, that is 3-4 years old - and same issue even with trying to reinstall - no antivirus on -  he runs the same antivirus we do and has problems and we dont have problems so dont think it is the antivirus  - the only thing in antivirus is the launcher since it cant open up the game which tells me the launcher isnt seeing the game files - - we even tried turning on the antivirus  adding the swtor.exe as allow in the antivirus and still problems - I think the launcher cant reach the game files.  - only differences we are subs he is not yet and he is installing new vs we already had installed game with new launcher came out- so what is the PROBLEM??????? is it because he is trying a new install versus already had the game? a file missing? Because he installed it free to play not subscriber - just throwing things out there. If we don't get this fixed he wont want to mess with it and play the game and we will have to go somewhere else to play together.

Is there a file we can download the old launcher so he can play the game at least - cant find anywhere there is a problem and the antivirus is turned off. 

Please respond asap

Edited by Mysticle
updated steps tried with and with out antivirus and showing the launcher just cant get to game files
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On 11/2/2022 at 6:08 PM, Szob said:

What system are you on? Windows 7, 10 or 11? I got Win 7 Pro and I am thinking to go steam, but if it fails I will have no way of going back since the installer does not work either. I do not need Windows 10 with its constant forced updates on my gaming PC.

Sorry, been unavailable, I'm on win 7.

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17 hours ago, -Fabien- said:

Launcher is a web interface ... on angularjs

So that’s why I’ve been getting the edge_elf.dll missing error message since the launcher update, even though the dll is installed exactly where it’s supposed to be.  Did BioWare create a web-based launcher that doesn’t use the default installation of the MS components?

Edited by Advocatis
Found the actual file name when the error message popped up.
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On 11/5/2022 at 1:53 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

Sysreqs are always an "at least" thing.  Think of it as "Windows at-least-7" rather than specifically WIndows 7.

Really? Preach to the guy who own a computer since 1984. I know what system requirements are. But why write Windows 7 on Steam when it clearly does not work. The few users who are still on Win7 can neither install nor run this game anymore. They should at least change the sysreq to Windows 8 or something.

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On 11/5/2022 at 10:51 AM, SAM_KOTOR said:

Maybe IE stands for Edge, cause correct me if I'm wrong, but IE was finally discontinued and replaced by Edge, according to MS :)

No, it stands for IE. IE executable is often used by programs to access the Internet. Lots of viruses and tojans use it, so it is better to remove it in Windows 7 and ealier versions. I removed it long ago and never had any issues with my Win7 PC.

You can upgrade IE7 to IE11 like I did and the installer starts, BUT it does not manage to download the game on Windows 7. Who knows why.

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13 hours ago, Mysticle said:

Is there a file we can download the old launcher so he can play the game at least - cant find anywhere there is a problem and the antivirus is turned off. 

Please respond asap

Best to simply copy the entire game to an external HDD and copy it onto your father's laptop. I did it and it starts the launcher, but naturally on Windows 7 you get file verification error code 986. But if you copy from Windows 10 to Windows 10, it should work in theory.

Now, if you do not want to wait 30 mins to copy 50Gb of data, copy everything except for assets and movies folders. These folders account for most of the size. This way, you copy the shell of the game with the launcher and when you start the launcher it should verify the assets and upon not finding them, download them. I tried it and it works. I just copied the launcher shell with bitraider and when I started the launcher it downloaded the entire game immediately. Good luck!

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Guys, upon reflection, the current issue with the launcher both on Windows 7 and 10 stems most likely from the old certificates installed in the system. Linux users seem to be dealing with this since last year.

This is my conclusion, since Steam reports Certificate authentication error on Windows 7 when launching the game, while if I copy the entire game via external HDD from a working copy I pass the initial login, but then the launcher fails the file verification stage reporting error code 987: RepositoryFileCheck_Error_Metafile. This verification is most cases is also based on a set of certificates and it fails, most likely due to expired, missing or removed certificates. Most likely the dev team either moved to new certs, which may be missing in the older operating systems, or they use older ones, while the OS removed the invalid ones. Either/or or both.

In any case, this should be a simple fix by simply writing which certificates should be installed in the system in order to 1st install it, 2nd launch or update the game.

I really do not know why nobody from the dev team is installing a Virtual Machine Windows 7 or older Windows 10 and debug the issue and fix it. Linux users report that adding required certificates to Linux solves the issue.

It seems they do not have enough devs to deal with this problem.


Edited by Szob
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Just get windows 10 like how is this so hard. If you're all so insanely smart and doing IT longer than I've been alive you should know that there is no update for Windows 7 anymore, thus existing insecurities in the software could get exploited and will never be resolved. 

If people really want to not support microsoft anymore because they are wearing tin foil hats than just get Linux. Please, you want to fix the game for an OS which isn't even supported by the company that made it anymore.

Edited by ZUHFB
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52 minutes ago, Szob said:

Really? Preach to the guy who own a computer since 1984. I know what system requirements are. But why write Windows 7 on Steam when it clearly does not work. The few users who are still on Win7 can neither install nor run this game anymore. They should at least change the sysreq to Windows 8 or something.

(Irrelevance: I've owned computers since 1982.  Don't try the "I've owned a computer since a long time ago" thing unless you're 100% sure it's long enough to be impressive.  Impressive would be 1974...)

Are you 100% sure that it works on no Windows 7 installation at all, or is it maybe just yours (and LordBritain's) that don't work?

But as @ZUHFBnotes, why are you refusing to update from a Windows version that went End-of-Extended-Support three years ago?

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Another day has passed, and from my certainty that someone from BW would ever read this, another small chunk splintered off - each day a bit larger chuck than day before :)
Soon we start to fight each other for what is better - use outdated W7, new W10/11 or just stop using Windows at all and start with Linux instead. But the game should work fine on any OS which specified in requirements, and it is just a bug which should be fixed - that is what we have paid for.

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Why don't you guys just switch to steam. the game is free download it saves all your characters just save you ui files and you can transfer them over. Pluses steam still updates the game alot faster than the new launcher and it will automatically install it.

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4 hours ago, -Fabien- said:

@JackieKoFor users like me where nothing happens after press button ... the problem would not be that there is only one "swtor.exe process" versus two ?

No, that would be a symptom.  The second process doesn't start until some time (not sure how long) after you press "Play".

4 hours ago, -Fabien- said:

what triggers the second ?

It's almost certain that something in the first process launches it at some point after you press Play.

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