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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Origin Stories?


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Hello, Bioware


I have a question, that many people including myself would like answered due to my suggestions in the suggestion box about new origin stories. Will we get to see new origin stories in future updates? I personally would love to see a Republic Senator origin story set inside the Republic Senate. I think some stories there will help flesh out what we have already seen in the Trooper storyline with corruption inside the Galactic Senate.

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Hello, Bioware


I have a question, that many people including myself would like answered due to my suggestions in the suggestion box about new origin stories. Will we get to see new origin stories in future updates? I personally would love to see a Republic Senator origin story set inside the Republic Senate. I think some stories there will help flesh out what we have already seen in the Trooper storyline with corruption inside the Galactic Senate.


That's an excellent idea!

Also, i would personally like an origin story focused on an SiS agent or Fifth Line Jedi.

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That's an excellent idea!

Also, i would personally like an origin story focused on an SiS agent or Fifth Line Jedi.


Yeah, SIS Agent. Great idea. Mind if I make that in the suggestion box? Alongside you, of course.

Edited by kyledll
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Hello, Bioware


I have a question, that many people including myself would like answered due to my suggestions in the suggestion box about new origin stories. Will we get to see new origin stories in future updates? I personally would love to see a Republic Senator origin story set inside the Republic Senate. I think some stories there will help flesh out what we have already seen in the Trooper storyline with corruption inside the Galactic Senate.

When you think to make a suggestion like this, you should probably take a moment to consider how much work is likely required:

  • A whole new 'prelude + 3 chapters' storyline needs to be developed
  • An appropriate 'Rishi' mission will need to be created as well
  • Nearly every vanilla world needs to be altered to make room for the new story (Ilum and one of the starter worlds can be left unchanged).
  • Five new companions need to be created, and you need to add their 'recovery' somewhere into the 'eternal empire' arc.
  • You need to add two new voicetracks for the new story (one male and one female), as well as most of the new companion (some companions might be 'non-speaking')
  • You probably need to add a new starship as well...

This is an awful lot of work for something most players won't really care about, and those who do want it will still burn through it too quickly for it to be considered a good 'return on investment' so I'd be shocked if new origin stories are ever added...


As for a 'Senator' story, I can see it kinda working in vanilla content (roaming the galaxy investigating some political intrigue) but it would probably fall apart after Chapter 3 until the Eternal Empire (why is a politician being sent to Ilum? Makeb? The Korriban Sith Academy?). Why exactly are you running flashpoints/operations/battlegrounds instead of doing, you know, your actual job? Why exactly do you bring an assault cannon to policy debates???

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When you think to make a suggestion like this, you should probably take a moment to consider how much work is likely required:

  • A whole new 'prelude + 3 chapters' storyline needs to be developed
  • An appropriate 'Rishi' mission will need to be created as well
  • Nearly every vanilla world needs to be altered to make room for the new story (Ilum and one of the starter worlds can be left unchanged).
  • Five new companions need to be created, and you need to add their 'recovery' somewhere into the 'eternal empire' arc.
  • You need to add two new voicetracks for the new story (one male and one female), as well as most of the new companion (some companions might be 'non-speaking')
  • You probably need to add a new starship as well...

This is an awful lot of work for something most players won't really care about, and those who do want it will still burn through it too quickly for it to be considered a good 'return on investment' so I'd be shocked if new origin stories are ever added...


As for a 'Senator' story, I can see it kinda working in vanilla content (roaming the galaxy investigating some political intrigue) but it would probably fall apart after Chapter 3 until the Eternal Empire (why is a politician being sent to Ilum? Makeb? The Korriban Sith Academy?). Why exactly are you running flashpoints/operations/battlegrounds instead of doing, you know, your actual job? Why exactly do you bring an assault cannon to policy debates???

Okay, good point. It would fall apart after Chapter 3. Maybe an SIS Agent would be a better origin story, any ideas of a counterpart to the Trooper if the SIS Agent takes its place?

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Don't forget to add one other thing to the costs of releasing a new origin story:

* Six voice actors for the player character.(1)

* Three voice actors for each companion that speaks "Basic".

* Modifications for almost *every* mission in the game, at least to add the correct "origin-specific" greetings. (What exactly would persuade Arcann to treat a captured Senator with even a trace of respect in KotFE Chapter I?)


(1) Yes, six. One male, one female, repeated for English, French and German.

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Don't forget to add one other thing to the costs of releasing a new origin story:

* Six voice actors for the player character.(1)

* Three voice actors for each companion that speaks "Basic".

* Modifications for almost *every* mission in the game, at least to add the correct "origin-specific" greetings. (What exactly would persuade Arcann to treat a captured Senator with even a trace of respect in KotFE Chapter I?)


(1) Yes, six. One male, one female, repeated for English, French and German.


Again, fair point, but we do need more origin stories to expand upon what we already have.

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They won't make any more origin stories. But they might make advanced classes / prestige classes. The same issue with origin stories pops up with prestige too: whatever they do they have to mirror it for both factions. They can probably get around it by making one force prestige class which can be reskinned LS or DS, and one tech prestige class generic enough to be suitable for any of them.


It's possible that they could make some kind of short story content around the new class(es) like an origin chapter you could do at any level, but the problem is that any story content they do on this is content and time and resources they aren't lining up to continue the endgame story.


Again, fair point, but we do need more origin stories to expand upon what we already have.


Er...no, we don't need it. This is a nice suggestion and one that has been proposed many times before, but we've had 8 class stories since launch, we don't need anymore, it's literally superfluous. We need bug fixes. We need a roadmap for what they're going to do and when. Your idea is akin to someone insisting that we need a new species unlock, and preferably Zeltron.

Edited by Ardrossan
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it wouldn't be problem if they don't speak basic, just need someone that can oink or snort like a pig, ,or quack like a duck.


and don't take that as being sarcastic, I'm just saying, they've done it already with the new companions.

I don't doubt they may need a voice actor , not every thing can be "snort, snort-oink oink"

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When you think to make a suggestion like this, you should probably take a moment to consider how much work is likely required:

  • A whole new 'prelude + 3 chapters' storyline needs to be developed
  • An appropriate 'Rishi' mission will need to be created as well
  • Nearly every vanilla world needs to be altered to make room for the new story (Ilum and one of the starter worlds can be left unchanged).
  • Five new companions need to be created, and you need to add their 'recovery' somewhere into the 'eternal empire' arc.
  • You need to add two new voicetracks for the new story (one male and one female), as well as most of the new companion (some companions might be 'non-speaking')
  • You probably need to add a new starship as well...

This is an awful lot of work for something most players won't really care about, and those who do want it will still burn through it too quickly for it to be considered a good 'return on investment' so I'd be shocked if new origin stories are ever added...


As for a 'Senator' story, I can see it kinda working in vanilla content (roaming the galaxy investigating some political intrigue) but it would probably fall apart after Chapter 3 until the Eternal Empire (why is a politician being sent to Ilum? Makeb? The Korriban Sith Academy?). Why exactly are you running flashpoints/operations/battlegrounds instead of doing, you know, your actual job? Why exactly do you bring an assault cannon to policy debates???

Not to mention class balance. The devs can't balance the existing classes and adding more would just make thing worse.

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They would also have to revamp the companions - add new dialogue - for any additional origin story, etc.

Although I'd like to see Imperial Trooper to balance Republic Trooper, and SIS agent to balance Imperial Agent.

(In an ideal game. I know it won't happen tho... it's like booking a vacation on Alderaan on BY 1.


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it wouldn't be problem if they don't speak basic, just need someone that can oink or snort like a pig, ,or quack like a duck.


and don't take that as being sarcastic, I'm just saying, they've done it already with the new companions.

I don't doubt they may need a voice actor , not every thing can be "snort, snort-oink oink"

In particular, the player character can't do that, as it would very quickly show up the extremely limited selection of phrases that non-Basic languages have in the game. (And if they wrote full dialogue, they'd need voice actors to record *gibberish* for all the stories. That doesn't sound like a thrilling job... Come to think of it, the work involved in making it linguisitcally sound would be terrifying.)

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What exactly is a Zeltron? Is there any in the game? Is it the same as Nadia Grell's species?

There's some speculation that Darth Rivix is a Zeltron, but it's currently not known what his species is.


And, more generally, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zeltron/Legends


EDIT: and no, Nadia is a Sarkhai.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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They won't make any more origin stories. But they might make advanced classes / prestige classes. The same issue with origin stories pops up with prestige too: whatever they do they have to mirror it for both factions. They can probably get around it by making one force prestige class which can be reskinned LS or DS, and one tech prestige class generic enough to be suitable for any of them.



Honestly i am not so sure they would have to mirror classes now with combat styles. since they may make neutral alignment combat styles where they only have to make 1 if they pick force users the tech users are really no big deal with 1 there but force users would have to be 2 if they do it alignment based. otherwise they could make the unlocks for them basically once you complete full origin story maybe + whatever i doubt they would add anything beyond origin stories as a requirement but they could. They have already talked about 8.0 is the soonest they are thinking about doing more combat styles it is something they are flirting with.


They have wanted to do more classes for awhile but with the limitations of the origin stories they would have to hire voice actors across the board, storyline writers and a lot more for that. Then you look at what else the old system required to do those you had to have mirror classes of the origin story than mirror advanced classes then mirror specs within so effectively you were looking at just for adding 1 class back then you would come out with 2 origin stories 4 advanced classes 12 specs thats a lot of time they would had to put in which was not going to happen. But under the new system it is now designed for adding new combat styles to the game with a lot more ease.


To the original poster we are not going to ever see more new origin stories added to the game. I would be entirely shocked if that ever happens they would rather invest their money into the storylines that exist going forward with maybe come call backs here and there to the origin stories. The reasons being as what i stated above all the work they would have had to minus the combat styles now. They have what going forward 6 stories they are doing at the moment though 4 of them are very similar with it being Republic loyalist, Republic Sabotuer, Empire Loyalist, Empire Saboteur, the mandalorian civil war thats starting and the Malgus. really where would they effectively have time to do more origin stories at?

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In particular, the player character can't do that, as it would very quickly show up the extremely limited selection of phrases that non-Basic languages have in the game. (And if they wrote full dialogue, they'd need voice actors to record *gibberish* for all the stories. That doesn't sound like a thrilling job... Come to think of it, the work involved in making it linguistically sound would be terrifying.)


ah, I was looking at it wrong, I wasn't thinking of a new playing character, just NPC's


And again, they wouldn't need a voice actor for a made up language that really has no linguist sound

I used to see what I heard and what was in the dialog we read, a lot of same sound, Then again they could have a very small vocabulary and it's in the context how it's used to determine the meaning, but we can't read Context

Okay what ever, it'll take a lot more then a couple sentences to get across what I'm getting at.


If they say "gooping goblem glibbling globen" and we read " the Horses are on the track" then they say "gooping goblem glibbling globen" then we read " the roof is on fire", and it goes on with "gooping goblem glibbling globen" and the text reads " this is not my house, this is not my beautiful wife" and so on and on, any one can do that no need for voice actor.


Like I said I read into it wrong, and thought it was a whole new story, not a new character to play. Yeah That's a lot, and Voice Actors are needed

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Plus for new origin stories they would have to make new dialogue for not only every planet's class story, but new dialogue options for planetary quests, planetary side missions and exploration missions (except for the ones you pick up at terminals). This would include Makeb, Rishi, Oricon besides the vanilla planets.

It would be possible but not without a whole lot of work and Money. Which I honestly don't think they have the resources in staff for.

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What exactly is a Zeltron? Is there any in the game? Is it the same as Nadia Grell's species?


A sweaty nerd fantasy. Whenever there's a thread about new species, Zeltron always pops up, even though it's literally just a pink/red human, usually hot pink hot woman. The Exchange boss on Telos in Kotor2 was Zeltron. And yes, they always claim to need to make a Zeltron character. Desperately. :rak_03:


Honestly i am not so sure they would have to mirror classes now with combat styles.


I suppose they could make a Teras Kasi adv class that any force user could play. I was thinking more along the lines that players would be annoyed if there wasn't something like that but with swapped animations for Empire / DS, but maybe not.

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Whenever there's a thread about new species, Zeltron always pops up, even though it's literally just a pink/red human

Usually it pops up precisely *because* it's just a recoloured human, and therefore substantially easier to build than e.g. Kel Dor.


EDIT: well, and the sweaty nerd fantasy part, probably.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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