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Which of the romancable companions would you want to date IRL?


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Not that I'm "dating" anymore...

Well, unfortunately none of these is really "romancable" but in my head-canon, they are:

And right now there is an age difference, as I am older than all of these guys. So, if their ages were "adjusted" to be closer to mine, then the following:


1 Theran Cedrax. But only if I didn't have to compete with Holiday.

2. Talos Drellik

3. The Chiss Ambassador


I tend to favor brains over brawn.

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The best people to date irl are the most boring companions: Iresso, Torian, Mako, or Elara. They have their own horrible backstories but they don't let it define them the way they do for Vette, Ashara, Kira or Jaesa.


It's interesting to see what other people choose. Risha is a cold-blooded narcissist from a whole family of them, obsessed with gaining power. The fact that BW allowed players to bypass her agency so she'll give up everything to be a scullion on a smuggler's ship doesn't negate that[1]. Theran (JC) is a self-absorbed p*rn addict, whereas Theron would happily lie to you for months and go behind your back to 'protect' you.


I'd personally favour Miss Spooky Eyes / Blondie / Miss Beniko, the Dark Advisor herself.


Lana is ironically one of the more stable choices, although her irl personality resembles a die-hard nationalist who approves of torture and state-sponsored massacres to protect the regime.


[1] I could write a whole thread on Risha. Whoever wrote her character did a fantastic job but forgot to provide reasons for her to be a good person / romanceable. Her arc makes sense if it depended on her being swayed by your influence like Morrigan or Alastair, but without that it's as irrational as Ashara's. Knowing what we do about her motivations, why would she not agree (or even contemplate agreeing!) with her father to kill the smuggler, especially one who disagrees with her and insults her all the time? Why would she throw away her entire life's mission to be the Smuggler's wife? Don't even get me started on her cringey return after KOTET.

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Dating .. Not so much for me. Heck .. I've been married for 48+ years and am VERY happy with keeping things just like they are. The romance is still there! ( HEY !! Don't let a little snow on the 'ol roof top fool ya !!) :D


Just the same .. to answer OP!


I still like Kira Carsen the best (using customization #4 for me personally). Aside from her probably Lana (without question one of the most loyal and trusting companions of all).


At least ... that's just how I see it!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Gotta go with Elara Dorne here. She's well-educated, got a lot of strength of character and a good head on her shoulders. All without the crazy baggage that force users bring.

Also she's really fun to tease about how uptight she is about regulations.

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Funny; you realize that she's older than Kira. Or Mako. Or Vette.


According to this, she's 21, the same age as Vette and Risha :eek:. The two youngest are apparently Mako (17) and Torian (18).


idk where the dude sourced this from but Nadia looks and acts way younger than 21, certainly younger than Risha. Mako's more mature than her.

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According to this, she's 21, the same age as Vette and Risha :eek:. The two youngest are apparently Mako (17) and Torian (18).


idk where the dude sourced this from but Nadia looks and acts way younger than 21, certainly younger than Risha. Mako's more mature than her.


About this, who's the oldest? Doctor Lokin? Sorry but i'm a bit curious

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