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Story Mode Uprisings overtuned?


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I just tried running the Story Uprising: Landing Party and me and my comp are getting wrecked by the first boss. I'm a Madness DPS in 331 gear and my comp is level 50 healing.


This first boss really doesn't feel like a SM boss. He's hitting for 25 - 30% of my health and my comp has trouble keeping up.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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Uprisings are tuned like Operations, so you need a group no matter what difficulty it is. Just like Story Operations, you can't do those solo. You have to get a group. It's the same for Story Uprisings. The only difference is that Story Uprisings, you can get away without a tank and healer because there are heal stations around, but they are designed for 4 human players. You might be able to get away with 2 humans + 2 companions, but again it's not designed for that. Some encounters might be too hard.
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I just tried running the Story Uprising: Landing Party and me and my comp are getting wrecked by the first boss. I'm a Madness DPS in 331 gear and my comp is level 50 healing.


This first boss really doesn't feel like a SM boss. He's hitting for 25 - 30% of my health and my comp has trouble keeping up.


Veteran mode uprisings are currently easier than story mode for some reason. We needed a healer in sm, but vet is fine with 4 dps. We didn't use companions, it was a group of four people.

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I yet again got baited, looked for a challenge and went in to check if it is really this hard and overtuned, but spoiler alert, it's not hard at all.


is me doing it, it's sped up. Almost all adds are one-hit, the bosses have a big health bar. Or I'm just doing no DPS, could've probably used a DPS companion.


TL;DR: if they are really "tuned" for a group of four they should massively buff uprisings. Massively.

Edited by ZUHFB
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Some of the SM Uprisings can be done solo if you have the patience for it, but personally I find them too slow / tedious solo or in some cases too punishing.


Perfectly doable in a group of 2 so you don't really need a full group. Just one buddy and you'll be fine.


They used to very soloable back when they were level 70 content, until at some point they upscaled them to 75 and now we have the current state of them.

Edited by waisting
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I yet again got baited, looked for a challenge and went in to check if it is really this hard and overtuned, but spoiler alert, it's not hard at all.


is me doing it, it's sped up. Almost all adds are one-hit, the bosses have a big health bar. Or I'm just doing no DPS, could've probably used a DPS companion.


TL;DR: if they are really "tuned" for a group of four they should massively buff uprisings. Massively.


Yes, Landing Party is the easiest uprising. That is definitely the one to solo if you're going to do that.


The final boss in ones like Divided We Fall, Done and Dusted, and Trial and Error... I would not even want to try those solo.

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I yet again got baited, looked for a challenge and went in to check if it is really this hard and overtuned, but spoiler alert, it's not hard at all.


is me doing it, it's sped up. Almost all adds are one-hit, the bosses have a big health bar. Or I'm just doing no DPS, could've probably used a DPS companion.


TL;DR: if they are really "tuned" for a group of four they should massively buff uprisings. Massively.


Maybe you should try with an arsenal merc, 320er green gear without augs and lvl 25 companion.... :o

Edited by Xhuuyaa
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Yes, Landing Party is the easiest uprising. That is definitely the one to solo if you're going to do that.


The final boss in ones like Divided We Fall, Done and Dusted, and Trial and Error... I would not even want to try those solo.


But he couldn't show everyone how "great" he is and how rubbish everyone else is, if he had taken something challenging instead. He is not even trying to be helpful to the OP, he's just posting to brag and troll.

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But he couldn't show everyone how "great" he is and how rubbish everyone else is, if he had taken something challenging instead. He is not even trying to be helpful to the OP, he's just posting to brag and troll.


Sure, thats why it's sped up 4x cuz I just want to brag with me soloing something literally easier than heroics, don't see how that is bragging. The only question I still have is how this:

Veteran mode uprisings are currently easier than story mode for some reason. We needed a healer in sm, but vet is fine with 4 dps. We didn't use companions, it was a group of four people.

can be true. I remember you saying you have experience in NiM raids in a post prior to this, maybe I am misremembering but if I am not then one of the two claims is fake.


I remember when I said that MM chapters were easy to solo because I did solo them at one point, but they really got buffed and they are very very difficult, well to solo at least. I just said something because it used to be true but isn't anymore, I do believe that this is the case here. Please don't make uneducated assumptions.

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Sure, thats why it's sped up 4x cuz I just want to brag with me soloing something literally easier than heroics, don't see how that is bragging.


Yes, it's obvious you don't see how.


can be true. I remember you saying you have experience in NiM raids in a post prior to this, maybe I am misremembering but if I am not then one of the two claims is fake.


I remember when I said that MM chapters were easy to solo because I did solo them at one point, but they really got buffed and they are very very difficult, well to solo at least. I just said something because it used to be true but isn't anymore, I do believe that this is the case here. Please don't make uneducated assumptions.


Please don't make up imaginary connections to fit your narrative. Where did I say I did uprisings with nim players? I didn't because I haven't. If you are going to attack me when I try to help the OP to understand why he was struggling, at least don't make up things or claim that I have said something I never did just to raise an argument. That's dishonest.

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I just read this, went on my Jugg, 330 gear... ZO-OM 50, working as intended. Its a group mission, it should be harder than 4 man heroics. I think its now more of a challenge than it use to be.


inb4 bragging, we aint all you. I click - dont use a macro mouse - and never really cared about going full rainman on a spec. You all should be better than me.

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  • 4 months later...

My 2 cents on current situation as DD + companion:

some uprisings can be hard killers to solo without tank or even tank + healer

Fractured and Done and Dusted which were considered among the easiest ones are now hard pass on 1st bosses: companions can't outheal nor tank them properly.

Landing party is still OK for solo

Edited by Hemistoren
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