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SWTOR Central Network nails it with latest (possibly last?) YT vid


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I just wish at least one dev would make a post saying "We over promised, we messed up, and we're sorry."


Yeah, this hits hard dude. I lost all hope when they didn't manage to count to three for the... i don't actually know? 3rd time in a row? They should have given out Top3 to the Top3 Solo and Teamranked players per advanced spec that have 160wins or more - sounds easy enough right? Go to leaderboards, click on any advanced class, sort by rating, look for 3 people with 160wins+ give them Top3. Yeah, they actually can't do that. How - is - this - even - possible.


I honestly respect them for delaying the expansion 1 week before launch so they could scam a few more subs for those months. It's so shameless even Train would be impressed.


Also who are we to know what goes on in those content creator chats? He would know, we can't. I believe everything he said. He has no reason to lie, and if he isn't lying they are just as much to blame as the devs for not representing their communities PoV. I personally like the 7.0 changes, but A LOT of people hate them and apparently they didn't get represented by their content creators because they have to fear getting kicked for saying negative things.

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but A LOT of people hate them and apparently they didn't get represented by their content creators because they have to fear getting kicked for saying negative things.


This is the problem. Stop listening to Yes men. Who cares what this content creators say 95% of them put on a show for clicks and free promotion. There is a very few number of streamers/content creators that should be respected. The biggest one that comes to mind is Asmongold at least he is honest when he streams for clicks and upfront about manipulating things for views.


Smarter people then the influencers have already had detailed breakdowns to bioware about how to fix things. A little ex birdie from the swtor support team. Has already said that the support team didn't understand most of the systems in the game. Betting the devs are on the same page as him.

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I watched some of that video. It basically comes down to yet anther doom & gloom prediction from yet another rando. 🙄


It's getting tiresome. If you're that upset, quit and/or unsub. Meanwhile, I'll worry about the game shutting down when it actually happens, and then I'll just say "Oh well" and go to some other game. 🙂


In every single forum I see people talking about the REAL state of Swtor. You are always there to tell us your two cents Quaker. Dude people complain because they love the game and hate the state that it's in. If all of us doomsayers just cancelled our subs and quit the game for good like you suggest. This game would probably shut down in a year cause it's a lot of people who feel this way. Quaker they (bioware) laugh at you man, cause you keep them in business while they kick their feet up and do the bare minimum and only give you a small treat if you be a good boy for 6 months to a year.

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Bioware has the actual numbers to justify what they are doing. End game content isn't what makes this game money anymore. The cost to do that for a 10 year old game probably far outweighs the benefits of subs it would bring when the content locusts come and consume for a few weeks then unsub. Is it sad yes, but it's reality.


A lot of polls have been done on twitter/reddit that have significant votes, and the majority of player base play swtor for the stories and space barbie. The game is the most voice acted mmo of all time so it started with an incredible base to build off of. They rely on that and the cartel market plus new Disney content that stokes the fire for fans to play a star wars mmo. Player base jumped a good 20% when Kenobi dropped for example.


We all love swtor but the reality is bioware has a bare bones dev team (good news is rhat they are hiring more ppl) so what they can do is probably gonna be limited. I don't mind you guys complaining constantly I think you should, squeaky wheel gets the grease and we might get more content eventually, so good on you 👍👍 it's never gonna be enough to make this the go to mmo tho imo.

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A lot of polls have been done on twitter/reddit that have significant votes, and the majority of player base play swtor for the stories and space barbie.

that's the downfall of any consumer entertainment medium


catering to the select few hyperventilated enough


willfully shortened attention spanned enough


to create reddit and twitter accounts for likes, replies, tweets, retweets, reblogs.


There is an OVERABUNDANCE of consumer data on hyperventilation-online-population demographics who don't have a lick of care for their privacy or security of their data. if the trend in Hollywood and popular consumer entertainment is to follow the data, well the data is only showing social media activity, from the dummies who cough up their identity/privacy, of the people who can't turn off instant gratification long enough to allow brain cells enough time to activate.


easy identities to sample and sell


people who are near permanently plugged in to a matrix, for corporation to harvest


The people who can't remember the thing they tweeted out three minutes ago, and if it was an event, like a televised event streamed free online. They tweet about it one day, the day of the live show, they forgot to even tune in.


People like this see a movie, tweet about it, then forget about it.


That hyperconnected hypergratification seeking demographic, doesn't have any attention longevity. Longevity in what attracted their attention, they move on to the next tweet, the next day's refresh of content to swipe through a feed. New single line headlines to upboat for the next 24 hours, maybe post to leave their short attention cent.


they do what is currently seen as popular enough to do, no "mind of one's own," little to none consumer loyalty


constant need for social reinforcement, no time to think, no time for themselves


cater to people who are going to forget about your work 2s later


people who can't unplug, can't disconnect.









the full unplug, "let go" quote:

some people can't unplug. some people are permanently connected to the matrix. they don't have the option to let go or can't afford to see them selves even put down any or all media long enough so a brain cell has a chance to activate.

I met someone once, who always did the following at the same time

-computer monitor, probably reading, sometimes playing

- television on, watching

-radio on, listening

-singing music aloud, the current song on the radio

-typing on keyboard, drawing on wacom tablet


Multitasking all at the same time, but had some form or multiple forms of media active and playing while trying to do it all at once. No time to think. just fill space, fill air, fill time. consume. Leave no time to let a thought in.





I briefly mentioned it in the "Five Stages of SWTOR Grief" ..../showthread.php?p=10038870#post10038870

(I tried to recreate, reremember this quote from another day)


the full "offline time alone" quote:



nobody wants ONLINE ALL THE TIME,

, notification life. It's not healthy. You can't think. reflect. study, analyze, learn from. Online All the Time with all the hundreds of thousands, unread message icons, unread counter, constant visual stress-ual overload is incredibly degrading on mental and attention stamina. Give yourself a break from time to time. Be kind to yourself, most of all.







if star wars was made for a social media technology audience of the 1970s.

would the short attention spans of the media connected of that decade

have lasted 40 years later?


if star wars was about political, social issues specific to 1974

if star wars was about disco, or disco fever


would it have last 40 years later?








the majority of player base


only bioware should have that data, or papa EA


most players don't say a word as to why they're leaving, they just go.

most players don't say a word about what made them leave, they just go


I like to think we still live in a world where there are people who still haven't converted themselves to into a social media account.


some are even walking social media accounts

the walking social media dead


Edited by Falensawino
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Bioware has the actual numbers to justify what they are doing. End game content isn't what makes this game money anymore. The cost to do that for a 10 year old game probably far outweighs the benefits of subs it would bring when the content locusts come and consume for a few weeks then unsub. Is it sad yes, but it's reality.


A lot of polls have been done on twitter/reddit that have significant votes, and the majority of player base play swtor for the stories and space barbie. The game is the most voice acted mmo of all time so it started with an incredible base to build off of. They rely on that and the cartel market plus new Disney content that stokes the fire for fans to play a star wars mmo. Player base jumped a good 20% when Kenobi dropped for example.


If that were true, we would have more story content. They would not be gating gear progression behind endgame ops and FPs on the hardest difficulty. Yes, players always want more story. That has not been a focus for BW since KOTET (which was not a particularly good story). Idk what game you're playing, but it's not one where BW caters to story players and ignores endgame. This post would have made more sense at launch lmao.

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In every single forum I see people talking about the REAL state of Swtor. You are always there to tell us your two cents Quaker. Dude people complain because they love the game and hate the state that it's in. If all of us doomsayers just cancelled our subs and quit the game for good like you suggest. This game would probably shut down in a year cause it's a lot of people who feel this way. Quaker they (bioware) laugh at you man, cause you keep them in business while they kick their feet up and do the bare minimum and only give you a small treat if you be a good boy for 6 months to a year.


Are you seriously saying that you doom and naysayers are the biggest supports? Please. All you guys do is bring negativity, demands, and toxicity anytime BW does something. And even if Bioware does exactly what you want, you'd still find something to complain about. You guys are never pleased.


And as for quitting, the supposed mass 5.0 exodus of players didn't cripple the game, what makes you think all you doomsayers leaving will?

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If that were true, we would have more story content. They would not be gating gear progression behind endgame ops and FPs on the hardest difficulty. Yes, players always want more story. That has not been a focus for BW since KOTET (which was not a particularly good story). Idk what game you're playing, but it's not one where BW caters to story players and ignores endgame. This post would have made more sense at launch lmao.


As I said in my initial post the base of the game has hundreds of hours of story and with KOTFE/KOTET/Revan expansions it's easily another hundred hours or more. And when the latest swtor thing comes out there's no competing mmo so ppl flock back to this. They've stopped investing so heavily in voice acted story but there's already a good 8 years there. Plenty for new and old players who've since forgotten the story, to keep playing or to come back and revisit.

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In every single forum I see people talking about the REAL state of Swtor. You are always there to tell us your two cents Quaker. Dude people complain because they love the game and hate the state that it's in. If all of us doomsayers just cancelled our subs and quit the game for good like you suggest. This game would probably shut down in a year cause it's a lot of people who feel this way. Quaker they (bioware) laugh at you man, cause you keep them in business while they kick their feet up and do the bare minimum and only give you a small treat if you be a good boy for 6 months to a year.

See my post in the "Stages of grief" thread about 'perspective'. You expect me to get all twisted up like you, over a simple $15 a month game when there is war, inflation, death and destruction in the real world to worry about.

I play SWTOR to get away from that crap, not to invent more of it. 🙄

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Are you seriously saying that you doom and naysayers are the biggest supports? Please. All you guys do is bring negativity, demands, and toxicity anytime BW does something. And even if Bioware does exactly what you want, you'd still find something to complain about. You guys are never pleased.


And as for quitting, the supposed mass 5.0 exodus of players didn't cripple the game, what makes you think all you doomsayers leaving will?


Not everyone has been complaining all this time. This is really the first time I am not thrilled with what they did. I normally try to find something but this time I can't and the main reason I haven't quit is because of my guild. If they stop playing, then I will close the guild and leave as well.


So, in this situation, some of the "naysayers (as you eloquently put), may be customers that have played for a while and this could be the first time they are truly unhappy so I would not lump everyone in one category.

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Bioware is a liar. It is a liar. It will lie to confuse us, but it will also mix lie with truth to attack us. So do not listen. Remember that, do not listen. :eek::confused::mad::(:csw_deathstar_un:


Nothing in his video was incorrect. He could've continued for about another 2 hours about broken promises, forgotten announcements and all the other lies we've been told. Nothing he said was mixed up, nothing he said was wrong. He is probably the only content creator out there right now who is actually representing the resentment felt by the community, didn't they even kick aviriia for doing the same thing?

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I don't get the outrage for 7.0.


I can give you my perspective: 6.0 added very little but the game was fun to play. 7.0 added very little but made many things (scaling, gearing, leveling, UI) much worse, at least for me.

I was happy when they delayed this "expansion" and I stand by what I said: I would be much happier if they threw it into the garbage where it belongs and left 6.0 systems in place.

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BW's priority seems to be finding new ways to leak cash into core game systems. Galactic Seasons is a shameful indicator of where they're going:


Content paywalled behind monetized grinds, with mobile-style timers, on top of our subscription costs. P2W GS content already includes gear upgrade mats and companion leveling.


There's no sign EA intends to pull up from this death spiral.

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P2W GS content already includes gear upgrade mats and companion leveling.


P2W? How is it P2W? There is not a single thing I didn't throw away from season rewards besides the tokens.


Time gating? Have you heard of the word "Weekly" before? It's actually quite a common thing!


Calling seasons boring, stalling out subs and reusing old content is fine. But P2W? Lmao

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P2W? How is it P2W? There is not a single thing I didn't throw away from season rewards besides the tokens.


Time gating? Have you heard of the word "Weekly" before? It's actually quite a common thing!


Calling seasons boring, stalling out subs and reusing old content is fine. But P2W? Lmao


Selling gear upgrade mats and comp leveling is pay-to-win. Period.


As for time gates, a weekly can be re-attempted. GS's gate is a hard cut-off, to drive cash sales. Night and day difference.

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Nothing in his video was incorrect. He could've continued for about another 2 hours about broken promises, forgotten announcements and all the other lies we've been told. Nothing he said was mixed up, nothing he said was wrong. He is probably the only content creator out there right now who is actually representing the resentment felt by the community, didn't they even kick aviriia for doing the same thing?



i was pointing that at bioware. its a excerpt from the exorcist movie.


sam is an awesome content creator.

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Selling gear upgrade mats and comp leveling is pay-to-win. Period.


As for time gates, a weekly can be re-attempted. GS's gate is a hard cut-off, to drive cash sales. Night and day difference.


Yeah god damn, those companion upgrades... you really stand no chance in story content without them.


Gear upgrade mats? Which one exactly I don't remember throwing that garbage away? Galactic seasons P2W... you can't even win in galactic seasons! Don't think I've heard anybody say something this stupid ever before.

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Yeah gosh darn, those companion upgrades... you really stand no chance in story content without them.


Gear upgrade mats? Which one exactly I don't remember throwing that garbage away? Galactic seasons P2W... you can't even win in galactic seasons! Don't think I've heard anybody say something this stupid ever before.

For FlatTax, anything with a *way* to pay real-world money (e.g. to buy Cartel Coins and use them to complete GS ranks) counts as P2W even if there is another way to do it.


I would say that paying in any way (CCs or credits) to complete GS ranks is a form of Pay-To-Lose, since completing them by gameplay gives you more stuff (because of all the CQP and other things you earn while doing the gameplay).

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SWTOR has been going down the drain for quite a while now. It wasn't off to the great start from the beginning, but it wasn't something unfixable.

Unfortunately, the new patches only added more bugs and sometimes, at least partially, made the gameplay worse(of course, there were improvements; before 7.0, I considered the SWTOR UI and inventory to be one of the best in MMO, especially after the crafting bag addition). Mostly, the latter ones. Also, over the years the game has amassed a fair share of visual, non-game breaking bugs, fixing which the devs just gave up. Two in particular come to mind: companions not opening mouths after Makeb when you click on them(a funny thing about this one is when you have another player near you with the same companion as yours, this player's companion will open his/her mouth instead of yours) and consulars saluting instead of troopers in the character creation screen(other classes also had messed up class animations in the character creation screen, but this one was just the most memorable to me).

It's also upsetting how companions over the years got reduced to just basically a bunch of dummies with mostly the same skills and stats.

Vitiate family drama and the following expansions(which made Knights of X expansions seem like a pretty good and lengthy content) were underwhelming and not quite the what the majority of fans were expecting, I think. Architecture on post "Knights of" planets was good though(I liked Zakuul too). Especially the Jedi architecture on Ossus. Props to the ones that made it.

The 7.0 is just the last nail and the most awful patch ever. The UI/HUD changes, bad character creation screen/icons(who the hell thought that the new, placeholder-tier class icons are better than the old ones or that the new character creation black screen is an improvement to the old one?) and the gameplay changes, which almost no one asked for. The mediocre +-20 minute story content(if you don't count running from one place to another and beating up enemy NPC, which takes between one or two hours). The game was actually made worse. The patch didn't just bring nothing new or added some minor improvements. It actually was a major downgrade. Plus, some content got cut out again(this time, in form of class abilities).

The game could use more cartel market stuff, yet over the last years it wasn't updated much. More armours, weapons, decorations, animations, etc. More character creation options, such as new hair, complexions, faces and so on. People would buy this gladly.

Humans got some very minor upgrades(hair and complexion) in 7.0, but other races were left completely untouched.

It's like the devs or EA(maybe both?) don't want money at all. Just silently wait until the game will die. I don't think I've ever seen a game as mismanaged as SWTOR. With a proper direction this could be one of the most popular MMO in history, but instead, it's a half-dead game that's being kept alive mostly due to the fact that it's Star Wars and it has an enjoyable old story content. That's pretty much it. Though I suppose there are also pvp, starfighter and the end game dress up. But I think people return mostly to replay the class stories.

Anyway, if this game wasn't Star Wars, you can bet that it'd probably be dead by now.

Edited by Ai_no_Kishi
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It's like the devs or EA(maybe both?) don't want money at all.


It's mind-boggling... Due to the Obi-Wan Show there were many new or returning players... This could have been a huge opportunity, because there is an interest in Inqusitor-like weapons or armor sets, droids, Obi-Wans mount, decorations and so on. Everyone knew this show was coming 6-12 month in advance. But they didnt manage to get out one new thing.


Now the usual apologists will say thatt the can't do that because of copyright aso... but thats not true. There were very similar Mando armor sets an decorations, even a Lil (but empty) Yoda craddle. Maybe with 7.1 we get a Fenec Shand like armor set. But 6 month after the Boba Fett show ended.

Disney literaly print money for them, if they would do the bare minimum to capitalize on that.

But like its said, it seems they don't want money at all.:confused:




btw. one of the easiest ways to make money, would be to increase the useable hooks on strongholds.

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