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Best Smuggler Dialogue Lines [Possible Spoilers]


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Best lines ever is female "wedding" speech. :D

Possibly, already mentioned here...


Poor good Corso...:o


As for worst - I'm still unsure was it "Can't say sorry" to Rogun at Nowhere or that 200% bs about "rare herb for the sick grandma" to the security guy while smuggling away off Hoth Risha's SIS friend. Possibly, some better\worse are yet to come (I'm just finishing Voss)

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When talking to Tookreek for the first time in the bar, fast forward through some of the dialogue. If you stop spacebarring through the dialogue just as the Weequay is about to speak, the ugly Weequay will say 'HEY PRETTY FACE' in his creepy voice while zooming into the screen at rapid speed like how you would expect things to jump out at you in a horror movie. Scary but hilarious as hell.



Helped the Teraans get their holochip and I get to talk to the pretty lady. Your companion knows its sexytime so they put out their line of dialogue before leaving the room. Of ALL the things he could say ("I'll leave you two alone, I don't want to be a third wheel, etc"), Bowdaar says:


"I want to climb a tree before we leave. I'll be back..."

Edited by Mapex
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While speaking to the Imperial Admiral on the holocomm in Maelstrom Prison, I got my new favorite Smuggler line.


"You Imperials are all the same. It's always kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. Just for a change, why don't we settle this with an insult contest? I'll even let you go first."

Edited by EricDuckman
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I didn't choose the same option when i did a gunslinger so when I was playing my new scoundrel and I got asked to join in space combat, I selected to choose my own name:


"I want to be called crackerjack...hmmm that sounded a lot better in my head."


Just the way the fem smuggler delivers it makes it so much more funny.

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Not per se a Smuggler line, but Corso's.

On Taris, before heading off planet, I stopped by Beryl to say hi and bye. After some flirting, we were heading off to ah... sample her wine.

What does Corso say?


"I'll just er... go count the Rakghouls".


Made me laugh hard :D still smile thinking of it

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when tasked in Illum with confronting a sith master and apprentice.


"They're not the kind of sith that's been physically corrupted by the dark side are they? You know how their skin gets all wrinkled and grey and gross?





pretty much sums up why I at least stay neutral with all my characters.

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I keep reading how great the female voice actor is but I can't get over the fact it's Lil/Phils voice from Rugrats. I noticed in as soon as I made the character and did the opening thing, had to delete it right away because I couldn't think of Lil/Phil little babies being... bad ***.
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I keep reading how great the female voice actor is but I can't get over the fact it's Lil/Phils voice from Rugrats. I noticed in as soon as I made the character and did the opening thing, had to delete it right away because I couldn't think of Lil/Phil little babies being... bad ***.


then you have deprived yourself of something awesome. i was planning to roll both a male and a female, but after hearing both voices, i had to make two females. the line delivery of the male voice just did not have the same effect.

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Trymbo: Don't--Don't stand there. That spot is reserved exclusively for my gundark friends. You're clearly not a Gundark, your ears are too small.


Listen, do you smell that? There's a pot of Alderaanian stew bubbling. But how could I smell it all the way on Ord Mantell?


Smuggler: I'm betting you're completely insane.


Trymbo: Insane? What? How--how dare you--oh, now I'm smelling Bakuran Cloudberries. BY the stars, those--those would taste awful in an Alderaanian Stew.


Hmm... I do recall a man saying to expect a stranger coming for my chemicals. You seem pretty strange. Was he talking about you?


Smuggler: You're inhaled a lot of chemicals haven't you?


Trymbo: Did my Wife tell you that? She's been dead 20 years now, don't listen to her.


People havne't had much luck getting my chemicals. Know why? Those ugnaught assassins in the woods attack everyone who visits me.


Smuggler: Just had that thing over Captain Crazy.


Trymbo: How dare you! I'm a Colonel!


What you really need is a precision teleporter, but a former assistant crashed my prototype into the sun.


Good luck friend, if you should explode please feel free to come back and tell me about it. Everyone else has.



This whole conversation had me going *** the entire time with a few good laughs as well.

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