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Everything posted by Turuce

  1. Ah, another player crying over the closure of SWG. It was an awful game buddy, even a pile of **** smeared across a monitor was more fun.
  2. What is your favorite class theme song? For me it's the smuggler, it's epic yet not over the top. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-125bHUv90&feature=related Makes me feel that even though I am technically a neutral character, I'm still fighting the good fight.
  3. Only place where this really makes a difference is four mans, as most other places you would have one of each class anyways.
  4. Corso is a little *****, go get im
  5. I don't like duel wielding pistols. I just felt it was too unrealistic so I rolled scoundrel. That said I love the cover system and shooting things from a ways. I suggest making dirty fighting more open and increasing the ranges back to 30 for some abilities.
  6. Anything besides body type 1 looks odd for a smuggler really. The whole point of having all the cool tech and dirty tricks is to be able to overcome much larger opponents who would normally have the upper hand. There is just something innately wrong with a really buff smuggler.
  7. I usually play healer so I'm not certain of the mechanic, but why not add it to the talented mez effect, since that could technically be poisoned (it's poison anyways)
  8. I have to throw another one in here, Nathan Zachary. In my opinion an even better embodiment of the "Smuggler" than Solo and Reynolds. Of course he is technically a pirate but we can let that slide. EDIT: Also, I have to do it. Since the plot of Final Fantasy XII is Star Wars with Chocobos, Balthier is essentially a clone of Solo.
  9. I have to be a bit cliche and go with Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi. The lyrics just fit so well with the character, right down to the steel horse (My spaceship in this case). As a bonus song I'll throw in Gypsy Road by Cinderella, just demonstrates my smugs wanderlust. How about you guys? -Also, the firefly theme fits quite very well.
  10. Same thing happened to me. If bioware wanted to provide the codex entry early they should give it the moment he is first mentioned. of course having a picture of Nok Drayan kind of gives it away though.
  11. "You can't take the sky from me" The theme song screams smuggler.
  12. I think the problem is that though wow launched with probably the same amount of end game content as TOR, most people playing it were inexperienced in how to play the game so it took longer to clear. Most people playing endgame content in TOR have had plenty of experience in similar mmos and can therefore clear it much quicker.
  13. Bytor Snowwalker (when I get legacy) If someone gets the reference I will be impressed.
  14. I've really enjoyed smuggler. Right from the get go your goal is clear, regain your ship. Bioware did a really good job of invoking a Malcolm Reynolds type figure.
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