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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare, Just Give us back Mod-able Gear


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Todays very late and not very functional update to add Weapons to Outfitter, but not providing support for Combat Styles shows how ineffectual BioWare's management is as understanding their own systems and adding new features.


If we had Mod-able gear the problem we are experience with Weapon appearance, outfitter, and combat styles would be moot because you would just use the weapon you want and Loadouts would change it based on Combat Style.


Show you give a crap about the game and players and just revert all current gear to mod-able gear.

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Todays very late and not very functional update to add Weapons to Outfitter, but not providing support for Combat Styles shows how ineffectual BioWare's management is as understanding their own systems and adding new features.


If we had Mod-able gear the problem we are experience with Weapon appearance, outfitter, and combat styles would be moot because you would just use the weapon you want and Loadouts would change it based on Combat Style.


Show you give a crap about the game and players and just revert all current gear to mod-able gear.


1. Mod-able gear is coming with the new operation.


What is the problem with the combat styles ? As a sage it only allows me one lightsaber. Based off my combat choice.

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This post makes no sense. With modable gear you'd have to remove the hilt/barrel, mod, enhancement, tuning, augment, and crystal every time you want to use a different weapon. As of right now all u have to do is create a new outfit and u can use any weapon u want, lmao ur smoked out af bruh 😂😂
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This post makes no sense. With modable gear you'd have to remove the hilt/barrel, mod, enhancement, tuning, augment, and crystal every time you want to use a different weapon. As of right now all u have to do is create a new outfit and u can use any weapon u want, lmao ur smoked out af bruh 😂😂


Or you could have multiple modded weapons to freely switch between. Hell, that even was The Meta™ in 6.x - have one weapon with high Power and low Crit for level 75 content and one with low Poer and high Crit for level synced content.


It seems to me that the main complaint is when people want to use more than 8 outfits with both of their Combat styles.

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Or you could have multiple modded weapons to freely switch between. Hell, that even was The Meta™ in 6.x - have one weapon with high Power and low Crit for level 75 content and one with low Poer and high Crit for level synced content.


It seems to me that the main complaint is when people want to use more than 8 outfits with both of their Combat styles.


Then just switch the saber? Even if you'd care enough to do that it would still be faster AND less expensive than in 6.0, now stop clowning on the system everyone wanted.


You people are just looking for anything to throw at bioware because you can't give actual feedback. I use them on all my characters and haven't found ONE THING that doesn't work! "uuga buuga you have to mod the weapon b4 putting it in" Ah, really? How did you think it was going to work!? This was so obvious like I don't understand. EVEN IF you actually dislike that (because it just doesn't matter, actually its even better because you keep the crystal!) it is STILL an improvement from 6.0.

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1. Mod-able gear is coming with the new operation.

Moddable gear at the toppest tier for the NiM raider crowd. For the rest of us, no such luck.

What is the problem with the combat styles ? As a sage it only allows me one lightsaber. Based off my combat choice.

A single outfit can only have one weapon set (main for everyone plus offhand for dual-wield styles), so there is an unpleasant interaction with weapons-in-Outfitter and combat styles.

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Todays very late and not very functional update to add Weapons to Outfitter, but not providing support for Combat Styles shows how ineffectual BioWare's management is as understanding their own systems and adding new features.

Or maybe, just maybe, they do understand their own systems and their limitations, better than you do. 🙄

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*** UGH ***

Ya know ... the more I read about all of this the MORE I realize that my choice to NOT change combat styles or to implement most of this ... is BETTER for me. (Less to go wrong).


I think I'll just stand pat with that idea!


Now if we could get "mod-able gear" to simply work again: we're good to go! Nothing fancy! Just get stuff working again ... and please leave the bugs outside !

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This post makes no sense. With modable gear you'd have to remove the hilt/barrel, mod, enhancement, tuning, augment, and crystal every time you want to use a different weapon. As of right now all u have to do is create a new outfit and u can use any weapon u want, lmao ur smoked out af bruh 😂😂


No it wouldnt, its a return to pre 7.0 gearing...a thing many want. This new gearing system blows and was made for the minority, the elitists. One of the main reasons why the population keeps dropping. Yet another 1% in the last 3 days. Now only 300 away from the lowest population since Steams release and 500 lower than back in November. We lost players due to this garbage "expansion".



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Then just switch the saber? Even if you'd care enough to do that it would still be faster AND less expensive than in 6.0, now stop clowning on the system everyone wanted.


Stop whiteknighing and lying - you are not speaking for everyone and not everyone wanted this crap combat styles.

The old system worked fine for nearly 10 years, and none of my guild mates or other playerfriends ever requested combat styles,

Edited by Master_Morak
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Moddable gear at the toppest tier for the NiM raider crowd. For the rest of us, no such luck.


So we're pretty sure then that when they bring mods in they can only be had via NiM ops? It's a shame if so. Not expecting a higher IR than the content I run but would like to have better command of tertiaries to optimize stats.


The updated guides are all saying the same thing for DPS in 7.0 (same as 6.0) - accuracy at 110% and alacrity at 7.15-2% and rest in crit. The optimal Legendary Implants for some disciplines make this very difficult without needing accuracy and alacrity augments. Not sure about most of you, but based on 6.0 gearing, I crafted mainly crit augs because it was easy to hit accuracy and alacrity with the mod drops. It seems not only do I need to craft a bunch of the other mods now (42 alts) but will have a bunch of useless crit augs.


I hope they provide mods beyond NiM ops at some point, or at least provide tertiary options for the implants and weapons. If I could just replace one weapon or implant from crit to alacrity it would allow me to optimize and avoid the crafting.

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No it wouldnt, its a return to pre 7.0 gearing...a thing many want. This new gearing system blows and was made for the minority, the elitists. One of the main reasons why the population keeps dropping. Yet another 1% in the last 3 days. Now only 300 away from the lowest population since Steams release and 500 lower than back in November. We lost players due to this garbage "expansion".






They could have avoided this whole problem by just letting us keep what we already had and liked: fully moddable weapons that also allowed every playstyle to reach max gear quality.

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Todays very late and not very functional update to add Weapons to Outfitter, but not providing support for Combat Styles shows how ineffectual BioWare's management is as understanding their own systems and adding new features.


If we had Mod-able gear the problem we are experience with Weapon appearance, outfitter, and combat styles would be moot because you would just use the weapon you want and Loadouts would change it based on Combat Style.


Show you give a crap about the game and players and just revert all current gear to mod-able gear.


I was expecting a nice discussion/explanation why mod-able gear was a much better system because it offered to the player another way to customize and optimize their gear as they like. But no, just another rant about not being able to play space barbie... I swear BioWare could remove all the stats on gears and most of the player base would cheer at such a terrible change!

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No it wouldnt, its a return to pre 7.0 gearing...a thing many want. This new gearing system blows and was made for the minority, the elitists. One of the main reasons why the population keeps dropping. Yet another 1% in the last 3 days. Now only 300 away from the lowest population since Steams release and 500 lower than back in November. We lost players due to this garbage "expansion".




This. I came in a little under 2 months before 7 hit and the changes to the game were drastic enough to notice. While my experience in end game was limited as the lvl 70 I made via the token was only at 75 for a few weeks, what I can say clearly is that I do not like the current gearing system at all.


I started to play this game because I was told its great for casuals and was not like a few too many other games that felt like a second job. That is clearly not the case now and there is no chance at all for me to get close to the top gear in game which is now only for those who work for the game via doing OPS.


Sounds like a clear shift in who the developers are focusing on which is actually a little funny seeing as how low this games population is. Weird idea to make such a major change in the games basics with the games player situation.

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Then just switch the saber? Even if you'd care enough to do that it would still be faster AND less expensive than in 6.0, now stop clowning on the system everyone wanted.

You do realize that because we have no enhancements, we cannot control the tertiary stats on our sabers, no? So we can’t just “switch the saber”. Switch a crit saber with a crit saber and what do you get? Another crit saber! Instead we have to farm gear on an alt and find a set that has the tertiary stat we want and swap with that saber. Major pain. Tell me you are a masochist and I’ll believe you.


I mostly pvp (unranked), so naturally I’ve been grinding 326. The annoying part is that augments and crystals are currently not applying stats in warzones (known issue). This has been the case since at least 7.0.1 and there was no fix in 7.0.2. The problem is, because we have no mods, the 326 gear forces us into a cookie cutter tertiary stat distribution that ends up with very low crit. In pvp, because there is so much downtime (especially as melee - chasing people all over and often being out of 4m range), alacrity is often not so useful. It’s better to hit hard when you get the chance. Meaning a 1.4 or 1.3 GCD is less important than high crit chance and supercrit. So what I ended up doing is omitting the 326 pieces with alacrity, or greater than 105% accuracy, in favor of 306 pieces with crit enhancements. I’ve seen a significant improvement in warzones running zero alacrity. That’s right, I see better performance with LESSER gear rating. All because we have no enhancements and no control. The longer term solution is that I’m working on farming some Force Healer pieces for my dps sets, targeting specific pieces that have crit so that I can swap out my 306 and get the boost to mastery and power that comes with the higher 326 rating.


I can only guess why mods/enhancements were removed. I’m assuming this was the quickest and easiest way to get 7.0 released. There are a number of things with 6.X that were not broken that were “fixed” with 7.0, including mod removal. The “fix” ended up breaking everything. 7.0 is like a case study on the old axiom “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” The devs spent a lot of time changing things that didn’t need to change and are still dealing with the fallout. Imagine if all that energy could have been focused someplace else.

Edited by teclado
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*** UGH ***

Ya know ... the more I read about all of this the MORE I realize that my choice to NOT change combat styles or to implement most of this ... is BETTER for me. (Less to go wrong).


I think I'll just stand pat with that idea!



Yes, yes it is lol. I'm never switching combat styles. I don't want to have to go through loadouts and have to change my OUTFIT too when changing combat style.


The reason I don't think we'll get mods is because if they give us back mods, we'll be able to pick our stats so they won't be able to make Ops gear better.

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I mostly pvp (unranked), so naturally I’ve been grinding 326. The annoying part is that augments and crystals are currently not applying stats in warzones (known issue). This has been the case since at least 7.0.1 and there was no fix in 7.0.2. The problem is, because we have no mods, the 326 gear forces us into a cookie cutter tertiary stat distribution that ends up with very low crit. In pvp, because there is so much downtime (especially as melee - chasing people all over and often being out of 4m range), alacrity is often not so useful. It’s better to hit hard when you get the chance. Meaning a 1.4 or 1.3 GCD is less important than high crit chance and supercrit. So what I ended up doing is omitting the 326 pieces with alacrity, or greater than 105% accuracy, in favor of 306 pieces with crit enhancements. I’ve seen a significant improvement in warzones running zero alacrity. That’s right, I see better performance with LESSER gear rating. All because we have no enhancements and no control. The longer term solution is that I’m working on farming some Force Healer pieces for my dps sets, targeting specific pieces that have crit so that I can swap out my 306 and get the boost to mastery and power that comes with the higher 326 rating.


I must say that I'm mostly the same, mainly playing unranked pvp because honestly, it's the only challenging "solo" content. I couldn't agree more with you with the issue about the total uselessness of augments and crystals! Not only you cannot customize your gear, getting 326 gear is pretty easy and fast, so you quickly end up with nothing to upgrade, there is just no reward anymore to continue to play. Even if it's extremely slow and grindy, having the chance to upgrade your gear with the gold augments for instance could be something you could still try to achieve over time, that would be a very small reward that personally would give me additional incentive to continue to play (and pay for the subscription obviously).


Very interesting that you go all crit, I thought about doing the same but since every guide seems to say that you need at least the alacrity to get 1.4 gcd, I trusted the expert... I have to try that!

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You do realize that because we have no enhancements, we cannot control the tertiary stats on our sabers, no? So we can’t just “switch the saber”. Switch a crit saber with a crit saber and what do you get? Another crit saber! Instead we have to farm gear on an alt and find a set that has the tertiary stat we want and swap with that saber. Major pain. Tell me you are a masochist and I’ll believe you.


? I meant cosmetic saber, you just change the outfit? It is still cheaper to change the outfit then it was to change the mods.


I mostly pvp (unranked), so naturally I’ve been grinding 326. The annoying part is that augments and crystals are currently not applying stats in warzones (known issue). This has been the case since at least 7.0.1 and there was no fix in 7.0.2. The problem is, because we have no mods, the 326 gear forces us into a cookie cutter tertiary stat distribution that ends up with very low crit. In pvp, because there is so much downtime (especially as melee - chasing people all over and often being out of 4m range), alacrity is often not so useful. It’s better to hit hard when you get the chance. Meaning a 1.4 or 1.3 GCD is less important than high crit chance and supercrit. So what I ended up doing is omitting the 326 pieces with alacrity, or greater than 105% accuracy, in favor of 306 pieces with crit enhancements. I’ve seen a significant improvement in warzones running zero alacrity. That’s right, I see better performance with LESSER gear rating. All because we have no enhancements and no control. The longer term solution is that I’m working on farming some Force Healer pieces for my dps sets, targeting specific pieces that have crit so that I can swap out my 306 and get the boost to mastery and power that comes with the higher 326 rating.


If alacrity is not that useful, just take less of it - stop thinking so much about the gear. And the farming pieces stuff, while I think that your criticism is valid it get countered by having combat styles since you can just change to the class needed, most of the time at least.


I'm not saying you should go to 0 alacrity, just take idk 400 less. Until you feel comfortable, having the exact alacrity value is MASSIVELY overrated


I can only guess why mods/enhancements were removed. I’m assuming this was the quickest and easiest way to get 7.0 released. There are a number of things with 6.X that were not broken that were “fixed” with 7.0, including mod removal. The “fix” ended up breaking everything. 7.0 is like a case study on the old axiom “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” The devs spent a lot of time changing things that didn’t need to change and are still dealing with the fallout. Imagine if all that energy could have been focused someplace else.


I dunno, I raid NiM and do ranked almost every day and I don't really care if its modable or not because the difference is so small... I just like that I don't have to grind 9x mods, all of which have to have good values. Now I just read the piece name and think "yep, I take that". I think not modable gear is overall a massive improvement because it is easier to understand and just more chill, also I think its cooler bc you wear a piece of gear that has stats, not a shell with mods inside. But it's just my opinion and I also understand yours :)


Also: My augments do work in PvP, are you sure yours don't?

Edited by ZUHFB
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They could have avoided this whole problem by just letting us keep what we already had and liked: fully moddable weapons that also allowed every playstyle to reach max gear quality.


This. I probably wouldn't have un-subbed, even with all the problems of 7.0, if the gear had remained fully moddable and I wasn't being forced into certain content to get top gear lvl.

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No it wouldnt, its a return to pre 7.0 gearing...a thing many want. This new gearing system blows and was made for the minority, the elitists. One of the main reasons why the population keeps dropping. Yet another 1% in the last 3 days. Now only 300 away from the lowest population since Steams release and 500 lower than back in November. We lost players due to this garbage "expansion".




Yup what gregordunbar said ^

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No it wouldnt, its a return to pre 7.0 gearing...a thing many want. This new gearing system blows and was made for the minority, the elitists. One of the main reasons why the population keeps dropping. Yet another 1% in the last 3 days. Now only 300 away from the lowest population since Steams release and 500 lower than back in November. We lost players due to this garbage "expansion".




Ur not comparing apples to apples tho. Sure, after two years of playing 6.0 you had spare armorings/barrels,/hilts, enhancements, and mods coming out your ears. Can't compare that to two months in to 7.0. This system is easier to gear, takes less time, and is more convenient with loadouts and weapon skins. In 6.0 with modable gear I spent the majority of my time staring at the 75,000 piece of gear that would drop and then having to reverse engineer it for tech frags, as opposed to playing the game 😂😂

Edited by Samcuu
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This post makes no sense. With modable gear you'd have to remove the hilt/barrel, mod, enhancement, tuning, augment, and crystal every time you want to use a different weapon. As of right now all u have to do is create a new outfit and u can use any weapon u want, lmao ur smoked out af bruh 😂😂


I don't want to create new outfits, I like the outfits I have. I want to be able to use the lightsaber I want with the outfit I want no matter what combat style I am using. Mod gear with loadouts would make that work, the current system doesn't.

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Or maybe, just maybe, they do understand their own systems and their limitations, better than you do. 🙄


They clearly don't or they would have given us a functional system that works with combat styles, outfits, and loadouts. Mod-able weapons on top of what they did would have done that.

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