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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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Exactly what I was saying before.


The CHOICE to play the game or play the endless farmer.


As it was with hammer station before.


Someone consider capping the gear fast as funnier then actually play "normally" (meant not 1 only fp forever or a couple of bosses forever but follow story, random fp/ops and so on)


Personal opinions so there isn't anything to fight on I think.


1 thing I can say cause of personal experience.

I saw more ppl quitting cause they haven't anything to do anymore then quitting cause the gear upgrading was slow.

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7.0 is bad for most people regardless your play style.


If you are already a hardcore player, no one will wait for you to slowly gear up. You either grind Nefra like everyone else or get left behind. Good luck if you think that kind of grinding is braindead and boring.


If you are casual players, congratulations, you are ****ed. Solo and Vet FP players only deserve crap green gears with stats all wrong. SM players are pathetic weaklings who don't even deserve crap green gears beyond 322. Good luck getting a pop if you want to gear up with MM FPs as DPS, and good luck being a heal because the balance is a mess (haven't play tank yet in 7.0 so I can't tell). I'm not even sure whether the blue HM OPs gears are worthy of the time and effort put to be able to do them, but I guess at least the blue HM OPs gears are not completely crap.


So yeah, it's not fun for a great proportion of players across all play styles and we should stop arguing over who has it worse or who need what gear and who need-not because the one who should be accountable for this sorry situation that cripple most people's fun is Bioware.

Edited by eabevella
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I'm not in 330, i think my character with the highest IR is around 312.


I'm a filthy casual solo/story player, and that new gearing system is such a garbage system, i've decided to ignore it entirely, i'm going to play the content i WANT to play, and clearly not the content someone else think i SHOULD play.


I'll go back to worry about gearing my toons when i'll be able to do so while playing whatever i want, especially if i'm only allowed to get garbage gear for my playstyle anyways.

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I'm not in 330, <snipped>


I'm a filthy casual solo/story player, and that new gearing system is such a garbage system, i've decided to ignore it entirely, i'm going to play the content i WANT to play, and clearly not the content someone else think i SHOULD play.


I'll go back to worry about gearing my toons when i'll be able to do so while playing whatever i want, especially if i'm only allowed to get garbage gear for my playstyle anyways.

Yep. This is what makes the new system diabolical. My main is only at 324 through doing content which is tedious/annoying/not fun. Even my 324 rating makes a huge difference compared with 306/312 but it’s so hard to get there if you’re not interested in ops or other grouped content. The new gearing system is punishment for people who are story/solo/casual. With no more engaging story content (it’s mostly a series of unavoidable trash mobs to slaughter in flashpoints now with a couple of 2 min cutscenes pretending to be story), thousands of new breaks/bugs and the anti-altness of the game I’m beginning to consider whether it’s worth paying for this anymore.


Someone mentioned gear drops from the world boss. Really?! That’s the one group thing I do enjoy but have never had a level 80 gear crate or gear item drop for me from a world boss 🤷🏾

Edited by Sarova
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Yep. This is what makes the new system diabolical. My main is only at 324 through doing content which is tedious/annoying/not fun. Even my 324 rating makes a huge difference compared with 306/312 but it’s so hard to get there if you’re not interested in ops or other grouped content. The new gearing system is punishment for people who are story/solo/casual. With no more engaging story content (it’s mostly a series of unavoidable trash mobs to slaughter in flashpoints now with a couple of 2 min cutscenes pretending to be story), thousands of new breaks/bugs and the anti-altness of the game I’m beginning to consider whether it’s worth paying for this anymore.


Someone mentioned gear drops from the world boss. Really?! That’s the one group thing I do enjoy but have never had a level 80 gear crate or gear item drop for me from a world boss 🤷🏾


Completely, my main is only at 320 for most things which I bought outright, I have the Comms for upgrades (basically permanently at the cap) but without farming weeklies I am short on the aquatic matrix stuff you need, let alone only having a single legendary implant as I am short on tech fragments which I used to get in abundance and now that is slow going.


Solo gearing is nothing but a middle finger in 7.0

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You can't really farm gear then complain that you're already done with it.




The vast majority of my characters in in 320 with the occasional 322 item.

There's not natural, fluid gear progression like in 6.x. If you don't focus on 1 character and do targeted farming of specific content, it's very slow.

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Whats this 330 gear you speak of? I dont have a single character that has a single piece higher than 286, and thats a gun barrel my armstech made. I dont do ops, I dont join groups because most of the time they want people with this gear you speak of. I play the game solo 99% of the time, so where do I get gear in the 300's? Stop your whining and think about it from another players perspective once in a while, not everyone has 8-10 hours a day to play. Not everyone gets 7 days a week to play. Some of us have jobs and families and responsibilities that only afford us a few hours a day a couple times a week, where's our 330 gear?
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Whats this 330 gear you speak of? I dont have a single character that has a single piece higher than 286, and thats a gun barrel my armstech made. I dont do ops, I dont join groups because most of the time they want people with this gear you speak of. I play the game solo 99% of the time, so where do I get gear in the 300's? Stop your whining and think about it from another players perspective once in a while, not everyone has 8-10 hours a day to play. Not everyone gets 7 days a week to play. Some of us have jobs and families and responsibilities that only afford us a few hours a day a couple times a week, where's our 330 gear?

You know you get full 320 by doing conquest yes? That is doable by soloing. If you do GSF maybe one hour a day, you get full 326 in a month or two. You also get a ton of mats to upgrade by doing heroic, daily alone too. I don't agree with OP but I also don't agree with you. My bf barely plays and he's 324-326. Saying it's hard to get to 320 is ... Idk ... strange.

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I run an ops team and can say for several of the team members, this system doesn't work either. Just as there are those who don't want to run operations content, I have those who only log in to play on raid nights and don't want to do gsf/pvp or run around doing heroics. So they are getting the drops in operations, but their gear rating isn't increasing and they are falling behind those who log in an do all the content to gear quickly.

But releasing the new tier without new group content again was a mistake. This game can only take people re-gearing to clear the same content only so many times.


“Never half-*a s s two things, whole-a s s one thing.” - Ron Swanson

Edited by Jamtas
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We're all in 330 Rakata from easily farming Nefra, Dashroode, WrithHorror.


These fights are EASIER than healing a veteran flashpoint without clicking koltos.


Atleast in 6.0 I had to put in some effort by grinding MM fp ques and actually being responsible for my outgoing heals/dps.


You tried, but yea.....you didn't take the necessary steps needed to actually lock best gear behind difficult content.


A massive waste of time and resources. You (Bioware) need to hire a 3rd party consulting company for how to run an MMO at this point, you've clearly lost all employees who can critically think about how it feels for the player in-game.


I don't even know what to think anymore, you guys are all over the place with decisions. An entire expansion of crap we didn't need.


Hi. I don't know about other players, but my characters do not have 330 rakata gear because a.) i do not have time to play and b.) got exactly 0 interest in NiM operations.

As far as i'm concerned, i liked the gearing system in 6.0 - armor sets for every class, obtainable in exchange for tech fragments & credits or craftable.

No, i am not complaining about not having 330 Rakata gear, i'm perfectly fine in 326 noble decurion :)

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The drama here is the grind to 330 is tedious but doesn't feel rewarding, you can just farm the easiest group content and have top tier gear, then you kill harder bosses without any reward (beside credit from mats). All previous NIM operations back then in previous expansions at least give you something cool like flashy outfits, mounts, titles, and tokens to trade for specific gears that you feel rewarding after killing a new boss.
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Finished the new savage tier in ffxiv waiting for new content just came back to check out the update, People still raid the same old raids from years ago? And now are getting the best gear from old content kek? :D:D:D:D:D Edited by Skummy
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Not playing operations so can't say if they are easy or not, and there are loads of players that don't play Ops too.


So we are all well behind the 330, atm my best is 321.


I think the difference is between people who MUST have best gear and endless farm whatever content required (being it Ops or gsf that they never cared before) and people who simply play the game and "normally" increase their gear while playing.


The only chance to stop farmers is make content semi-impossible or totally kill the drop rate.

Both the things will create way more mad ppl then the whole 7.0 failure.


It's not so easy to find a good way to address the thing for people who play 24/7 with strong guilds/teams and casuals that simply wanna have fun playing but ofc deserve some gear improvement on the way.


I like playing ops for fun, but now that SM ops drops nothing if you have 226 gear, then even SM ops are pointless to play.,

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I actually understand your point. I am not keen on farming 330 gear that way though.


I have a question; if you have 330 gear and go back and do a hardmode flashpoint, do you get 330 drops or just 226 max? If i cant use a 330 character to do flashpoints so i can gear my alts, then I am not going to waste my time with Nefra runs.

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I actually understand your point. I am not keen on farming 330 gear that way though.


I have a question; if you have 330 gear and go back and do a hardmode flashpoint, do you get 330 drops or just 226 max? If i cant use a 330 character to do flashpoints so i can gear my alts, then I am not going to waste my time with Nefra runs.


All content has a ilvl cap for the drops.


If you gear up into 330 and go do a VM FP you will get the maximum gear that VM FP drops which is 324.


If you walk into a MM FP it will be 326.


The only place you will get 330 drops is wearing 330 in a MM operation.

Edited by Gyronamics
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You know you get full 320 by doing conquest yes? That is doable by soloing. If you do GSF maybe one hour a day, you get full 326 in a month or two. You also get a ton of mats to upgrade by doing heroic, daily alone too. I don't agree with OP but I also don't agree with you. My bf barely plays and he's 324-326. Saying it's hard to get to 320 is ... Idk ... strange.


Not even 320 gear, he/she cant even get above 286 irating so not even 306 rating, which is well.... last expansion's top gears lmao?

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The only place you will get 330 drops is wearing 330 in a MM operation.


I always wondered, why on earth someone would bother doing Nim for a high item level drop, if she/he already proved with the team (and contrary to popular belief, you have to carry your weight in a nightmare operation, or you will be booted) they are perfectly capable to nail the ops... in a lower ilvl gear than what they recive

I guess I will never understand this mentality, I will do the hardest content for the highest gear to do... the said content easier? Again. Wich not really holds any meaningfull challange since I already done it, just with lower level gear. :rak_confused:

Edited by Nikhael
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I always wondered, why on earth someone would bother doing Nim for a high item level drop, if she/he already proved with the team (and contrary to popular belief, you have to carry your weight in a nightmare operation, or you will be booted) they are perfectly capable to nail the ops... in a lower ilvl gear than what they recive

I guess I will never understand this mentality, I will do the hardest content for the highest gear to do... the said content easier? Again. Wich not really holds any meaningfull challange since I already done it, just with lower level gear. :rak_confused:


For a start you'd need the viewpoint of someone who actually did NiM operations at a time when they were not trivialised.


Contrary to what you imply, a challenging boss has you dying and wiping many many many times and is not enjoyable. Sure that first kill you carried your weight and it took 250 wipes. Hence the extreme relief when the team finally gets the challenge done.


The enjoyable part is having a team you want to be with, seeing the mechanics of the fight being done with competence and killing the boss.


You don't look forward to another kill requiring 250 wipes.


And it doesn't suddenly become 1 shot killable just because you killed it one time either.

Edited by Gyronamics
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7.0 was a big middle finger to casuals and solo players which is the majority I think that play this game. 6.0 gearing was perfectly fine, everybody got the gear and finished their alts it worked.


7.0 is bad for most people regardless your play style.


If you are already a hardcore player, no one will wait for you to slowly gear up. You either grind Nefra like everyone else or get left behind. Good luck if you think that kind of grinding is braindead and boring.


If you are casual players, congratulations, you are ****ed. Solo and Vet FP players only deserve crap green gears with stats all wrong. SM players are pathetic weaklings who don't even deserve crap green gears beyond 322..


Is Bioware even paying attention to the way their grotesquely elitist gear system is making the vast majority of their customers feel?


This is exactly how it feels if you are anything but a hardcore raider.


It feels like you're a third class citizen and your gear path is exceedingly limited (and takes a few hours to 100% cap out on.) Garbage.

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Is Bioware even paying attention to the way their grotesquely elitist gear system is making the vast majority of their customers feel?


This is exactly how it feels if you are anything but a hardcore raider.


It feels like you're a third class citizen and your gear path is exceedingly limited (and takes a few hours to 100% cap out on.) Garbage.


Hi. Some of my guild mates are hardcore raiders and they just unsubscribed and moved to other games. Why? They have 100% operations achievements plus all their characters geared in 330 top to bottom. At this point, they just got bored, there was nothing for them to do anymore.


I'm not speaking for everyone or on anyone's behalf, but what will happen when all hardcore raiders will achieve everything that is achievable and have all the their BiS gear? Will HM/NiM operations become an obsolete part of the game, just like uprisings? Will the gearing system change, to alow casuals access to more difficult content?

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We are all in 330 gear with no effort? Far from it, I think. My average item level is currently 323. The only 330 gear I have are the implants. The RNG monster has been a pain.


Gear for some slots frustratingly refuse to drop. Since 7.0 I've never seen drops for bracers, gloves, boots, relics, or off-hands. These slots are occupied by 320 to 326 greens. Before yesterday I would have included main hands and ear pieces, but a 320 blue main hand dropped last night in a vet mode OPS, second boss followed by a 326 Rakatan ear piece upgrade on the third, replacing a 326 green ear piece. The first boss dropped another 320 blue chest piece downgrade. The fourth boss dropped another 326 Rakatan implant downgrade. The Internet went down on the way to the fifth boss.


Common drops from bosses and weekly crates have been duplicate or downgrade chest pieces, belts or implants. Until the 7.0.1 patch, weekly crates were sometimes empty.

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Common drops from bosses and weekly crates have been duplicate or downgrade chest pieces, belts or implants. Until the 7.0.1 patch, weekly crates were sometimes empty.


Weekly crates are only good for alts.

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