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1.5m subs, best in launch history


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WoW is killing itself. It doesn't need any help.


Swtor is a lie, there is only wow.


Through wow, I gain pandas.


Through pandas, my chains are broken.


The pandas shall free me.


Why are people so mad about pandas anyways? Pandas have been in warcraft since LONG before WoW was even an idea.

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


You lost all credibility as soon as you said War's launch was smooth. YOU NEVER played it at launch, that or you were the single person out of a million that had a good experience.


I was so eager to play WAR and unfortunately had to give the game up after only a month. Horrible in game hitching, broken pvp mechanics, no end game at launch and constant server shutdowns and resets.


Anyone who says WAR's launch is even remotely close to as stable as SWTOR's is simply being dishonest for the sake of argument.

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Why are people so mad about pandas anyways? Pandas have been in warcraft since LONG before WoW was even an idea.


Thats not the point. The point is that they are adding a new expansion for kids. Panda movies, and games are for kids. So pandas in WoW is for kids.

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This game has blown all other MMOs in history out of the water with 1.5m subs at launch. This game is fantastic and will continue to grow. Yes it has some bugs, I triggered the Kira bug which has yet to be retro fixed on my JK but I'm now greatly enjoying my sith warrior. It needs more polish but so far for launch this game has massive amounts of content.


For all the folks who have hit 50, wait for the rest of us to catch up and stop complaining there is nothing to do since you rushed to 50. We warned you not to do this, not to complain when you get there but yet you still do. You knew you'd be waiting, you do need people to do stuff at 50 right, you do realize this? This game has more end game content than any other MMO in history at launch, and still you 10%ers complain.


Did you play WoW, and power lvl to cap at their launch with only one or two raids at the end for about 9 months with nothing else to do? And you guys complain about SWTOR? How in the heck did you guys last in WoW at launch when end game was so pitiful in that game for months on end?


Get a grip and do something else, roll another character, get in on the market, or perhaps do something in real life? It will take me at least a year to play all the class story lines with work, don't know how you guys have so much time on your hands.


Oh, if you don't know what a 10%er is, well they're folks that have more time on their hands, way too much time on their hands compared to the other 90% of humanity.


OFC it has, it's been hyped to death with misinformation and is probably the biggest ip ever. Lets see how many are here in 3 months time then 6 months time and then a year. Not many me thinks.

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You lost all credibility as soon as you said War's launch was smooth. YOU NEVER played it at launch, that or you were the single person out of a million that had a good experience.


I was so eager to play WAR and unfortunately had to give the game up after only a month. Horrible in game hitching, broken pvp mechanics, no end game at launch and constant server shutdowns and resets.


Anyone who says WAR's launch is even remotely close to as stable as SWTOR's is simply being dishonest for the sake of argument.


WAR's launch wasn't really that bad....I took a week vacation to play it and had no problems.


The biggest problem WAR's launch had was character responsiveness, which this game also has. The only thing in your post that actually happened at launch was a bit of Hitching and the AOE imbalance.

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While I'm having fun with the game, touting numbers at this point is useless (unless you're an Electronic Arts investor I guess).


Funcom had 750.000 subs on the first month with Age of Conan and Mythic had 1 million with Warhammer Online, look how that worked out for them.


Let's worry about numbers when they actually matter, right now they're meaningless.

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They aren't mad.


They just hate WoW because they weren't good at it.






#2 geared tank on Ravenholdt when I quit last spring. Your logic is embarassing; hell *I* feel embarassed for you. I mean, really... everyone who hates WoW is/was bad at it? Really? That's what you're going with: 'you quit because you sucK'..?


WoW has been the same treadmill since the end of BC -- run instances, grind badges, raid occassionally, PvP only in designated areas, etc. It's played-out.


But, really, if it is such an immersive experience, WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING RIGHT NOW, TIAA? Time's a-wastin'! There are heroics to grind! Gotta keep that gearscore up or everyone will hate you! Hurry! HURRY!

Edited by AJediKnight
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Saw somewhere on this post someone said aion and rift had bugs too at launch.You cannot compare the amount of bugs those games had to this at lauch. compared to swtor, rift and aion had practically no bugs. truth be told u could play rift from 1 to 50 with seeing little to no bugs, swtor on the other hand... i see bugs daily doesnt matter if they are gaming breaking or not they are still bugs. people who say "yea my body is glowing green well after i was healed is a bug but who cares it isnt game breaking" are part of the reason these bugs arent getting fixed and im sorry the issues with ability lag or just not coming out if u press it too much IS game breaking especially for Melee classes. Last thing, ppl bashing player for complaining but fail the realize the ONLY reason they complain is bcz they want this game to be great if they didnt care they would just unsub and no waste thier time on forums like i know a couple ppl who are just unsubing and didnt post not 1 thing in forums. Edited by Doomsaga
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WAR's launch wasn't really that bad....I took a week vacation to play it and had no problems.


The biggest problem WAR's launch had was character responsiveness, which this game also has. The only thing in your post that actually happened at launch was a bit of Hitching and the AOE imbalance.


^^ Your joking right? I talked to friends of mine who played that game till 6 months ago and they said it STILL has hitching problems.


I admit there is a little hitching in SWTOR (though they did improve it after Beta when I warned them it was going to be game breaking the way it was). But its not even close to as noticeable as it was in WAR.


Also I still have to say that anyone who actually played on the first day of launch and up to almost a month after that doesnt remember server crashes, rollbacks, and broken pvp mechanics; either has a really bad memory, or didnt actually play the first month.

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Saw somewhere on this post someone said aion and rift had bugs too at launch.You cannot compare the amount of bugs those games had to this at lauch. compared to swtor, rift and aion had practically no bugs. truth be told u could play rift from 1 to 50 with seeing little to no bugs, swtor on the other hand... i see bugs daily doesnt matter if they are gaming breaking or not they are still bugs. people who say "yea my body is glowing green well after i was healed is a bug but who cares it isnt game breaking" are part of the reason these bugs arent getting fixed and im sorry the issues with ability lag or just not coming out if u press it too much IS game breaking especially for Melee classes. Last thing, ppl bashing player for complaining but fail the realize the ONLY reason they complain is bcz they want this game to be great if they didnt care they would just unsub and no waste thier time on forums like i know a couple ppl who are just unsubing and didnt post not 1 thing in forums.


TOR doesn't have a single bug I would describe as game-breaking. It is buggy, yes, but a game-breaking bug would destroy this experience for me. I haven't encountered one yet.

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As I have been playing this game I have had nagging thoughts in the back of my head.......


Those thoughts are:


What about after the class story line is over? Then what?


So I have carefully started 1 of each class....early so that I can get the name I wanted for each character before we are reduced to smokzebdezaguh as a name cause every other name conceiveable is gone.


But I digresss...what about after the class story lines are over....then what....


I don't know but that is what keeps people and those saying to wait 1-3 months and then see are the ones that I fear because I just don't see what this game has to offer after running thru the class story lines.....


Unless its non stop pvp and then it will become nothing but another niche MMO on an already overcrowded field. I hope that is not the case....but the nagging thoughts are there.

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They aren't mad.


They just hate WoW because they weren't good at it.




Yeah there were, at some point, people who were bad at WoW. Then they just bought a bot to play for them. WHAT A FUN GAME.


I played WoW for years and enjoyed my time there. Swtor is just a better game. Sorry.

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All those people saying that this games going to die in 6 to 12 months your wrong .... it's going to be way quicker than that, as there's barely a months worth of content in the game.


As for the record for the biggest launch I'm guessing there going to break the record for the most subs lost at the end of the free month as well.

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All those people saying that this games going to die in 6 to 12 months your wrong .... it's going to be way quicker than that, as there's barely a months worth of content in the game.


As for the record for the biggest launch I'm guessing there going to break the record for the most subs lost at the end of the free month as well.



I just hope i get to play this single player through before i have to pay for first month, well couple of weeks to go through the campaign. I hope i get to see first opposite faction player before im done.

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I just hope i get to play this single player through before i have to pay for first month, well couple of weeks to go through the campaign. I hope i get to see first opposite faction player before im done.


You could reroll on a server with people, like I did, without complaining.


Juuuuuuuuuuust a thought.

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Warhammer had a million subs at launch and ...well...much of SWTOR was created by Mythic...


Will subs continue to grow or start to dwindle after the free month, that is the question...


I fear that they will dwindle as people get higher. SWTOR's flaws become more and more evident the higher you get and the higher the "casuals" start to get the more you will see them jumping from "Defender of the Republic!" to "Death to the Empire"...


was it a million subs or was it a million copies sold.. there is a difference. AOC was annoucing over a million sold at launch but then it turned out they were countign the copies sold to places liek walmart, BB and amazon many of which then were returned to them

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rift had the best launch in my opionion, sadly this game is lacking a lot and is too linear for me, once my 30 days are up i dont plan on resubbing unless something special catches my eye, this game just feels like a vanilla wow and if i wanted that i would go back to playing it, rift right now is the game for me its been out 8 months now and still blows all mmos out of the water
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I wish you would all stop worrying about how well the game is going to do and just play the damn game and have fun.


Can't you be excited about new games that are done well anymore, or have you become armchair Corporate Executives, constantly poring over math and statistics that are irrelevant to how much money you, yourself will make, or how well you will be doing at all.


And also absolutely irrelevant to whether or not you will be having fun with the game at hand.



Honestly, take a step back, throw cold water on your face, and then smack yourself across the face as hard as you can. Then go back to playing whatever game you enjoy, if it is SWTOR, then so be it.

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