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Is SWTOR even a MMO?


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I call for a mod closure of this thread. It has devolved into a bunch of us trying to reason with a troll that is, apparently, a WoW-fanboi


Especially after telling me he can compare WoW to SWTOR but we cannot compare WoW with EQ1


Thread is no longer constructive

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I never said WoW dwarfed SWTOR in terms of overall size, I was simply saying their "zones" are partitioned differently.


But please, put words in my mouth to make me look worse. Or go back and read my posts to get the truth. Either way you've already made yourself look bad.


I WILL say that every zone in WoW has a lot more character and unique feel than the planets of SWTOR.


I understand what you're saying now but I think it got lost in translation somewhere. The human mind is a funny thing.



Anyway. I think we can agree on a lot of things and I, Like I believe you, are trying to stay respectful and reasonable but it irks me for people to expect to have EVERYTHING that is in WoW in this game at launch. We would be waiting a long time for the game and on top of that, the HDD space would be through the roof. I'm already taking up 50 GBs on my HDD for this game until my new gaming computer parts come next week (stupid UPS...they're sitting there right now.....and I'm Boot Camped on my Mac) I would have hated to make my Windows Partition even bigger than it is now.

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Yes, it is. Sorry its not exactly like the ones you have played before, thats called "Doing something new".


Quite and I for one love it. I group with a small circle of people and PUG only when in the mood. This game has enough story content I can play with my sidekicks until my group or the mood to PUG are there.


Could not be happier with the system unless at some point they add in the ability to fall to Sith or cross over into the Jedi to the game and switch alliegences for a hit on XP. If at some point they add in multiple threaded single player storylines that would rock as well.


Hats off Devs.

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It's not an mmorpg.


It's a morpg


Seems like everyone in these forums has no knowledge at all.


Does anyone know the word massive and it's meaning when it comes to mmorpgs.Of course u dont.


Massive means big open world that is so big u can get lost in it and u have tons of things to do in this world.


Well starwars it's not a world it's a bunch of instances that kills the world massive.

So no it's not an mmorpg it's a singleplayer game wich plays only online just like diablo 3 in order to reduce piracy.Got it?

The worst part is that they demand u to pay for this multiplayer game in which im totaly negative.


Now say thank to god that u learned something in your misserable knowledge and celebrate with a cookie.

"Massively" is an adjective for multiplayer. There are multiplayer games, and there are "Massively mutliplayer" games. But you already knew this. And the reason you posted this drivel above is because you were just trying to sound ridiculous.


Feel free to not respond and dig your hole deeper.

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They need to do rid of the different instances of worlds, between Tatoonie 1 and 2, i only saw 1 republic person.



I rolled on a pvp server and since playing the game i've killed one person outside of warzones?


I'm unaware if theres another main city other than the imperial fleet, but that's not exactly attackable by the republic. Why isn't it?

Your first issue is you rolled Empire on a PVP server. Roll Republic on a PVP server if you like World PVP.


Second, have you been to the imperial fleet? There's about a dozen battleships with countless smaller ships. How do you propose an enemy trooper would even make it to the imperial fleet, be allowed to land, and disembark from there ship freely?

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Widespread critical acclaim for being the first fully-voiced MMO in history != new. Got it.




I really like the theatrics, but theyre not new.


Honestly, I would rather have more gameplay then video to watch, but thats just my opinion.

Edited by brokensoldier
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It's not massive.Read my post above to learn something


So me going to the Imperial Fleet and seeing people all over doesn't make it massive?

Playing a warzone with 15 other people doesn't make it massive?

The fact some areas have so many people they chose to phase them to reduce lag doesn't make it massive?


Your logic astounds me

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Does anyone know the word massive and it's meaning when it comes to mmorpgs.Of course u dont.


Massive means big open world that is so big u can get lost in it and u have tons of things to do in this world.


Strange, that's not what dictionary.com says. I can't find anything in Webster about massive meaning 'big open world' either. Pray tell, where did you get your definition from?

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It's not an mmorpg.


It's a morpg


Seems like everyone in these forums has no knowledge at all.


Does anyone know the word massive and it's meaning when it comes to mmorpgs.Of course u dont.


Massive means big open world that is so big u can get lost in it and u have tons of things to do in this world.


Well starwars it's not a world it's a bunch of instances that kills the world massive.

So no it's not an mmorpg it's a singleplayer game wich plays only online just like diablo 3 in order to reduce piracy.Got it?

The worst part is that they demand u to pay for this multiplayer game in which im totaly negative.


Now say thank to god that u learned something in your misserable knowledge and celebrate with a cookie.


When you get off the starter area, you'll see the areas are actually extremely large. Hoth is bigger than any zone in WOW for example.

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So me going to the Imperial Fleet and seeing people all over doesn't make it massive?

Playing a warzone with 15 other people doesn't make it massive?

The fact some areas have so many people they chose to phase them to reduce lag doesn't make it massive?


Your logic astounds me



I've never seen more than 20 people together in the same place at the same time or seen a planet player count over 200. That's not really "massive" to me but hey w/e.

Edited by brokensoldier
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It's an MMO in the same way that Left 4 Dead is an MMO, which is not really. I'd describe it more as a shared single player game. Hopefully the game evolves beyond that but I think it might take a few years to get there.


Wrong, it is an MMO.


If you're questing and you don't see anyone in the open world you're either:




2)Playing at 4 in the morning.

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It's an MMO in the same way that Left 4 Dead is an MMO, which is not really. I'd describe it more as a shared single player game. Hopefully the game evolves beyond that but I think it might take a few years to get there.





Its a full fledged MMO people.....


I feel there's two camps that don't agree that its an MMO


SWG Fans

WoW Fans.



I can halfway see the SWG fan point of view


but fellow WOW fans......really? I mean seriously......How can you say that with a straight face.

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Wrong, it is an MMO.


If you're questing and you don't see anyone in the open world you're either:




2)Playing at 4 in the morning.


The point they're trying to make is that it's the least "massive" MMO they've played. So un-massive that there's more interaction with people in games that don't bother to call themselves "massive".


And I'd agree.


The starter zones are only massive because well...they're starter zones.

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I've never seen more than 20 people together in the same place at the same time or seen a planet player count over 200. That's not really "massive" to me but hey w/e.


Player count over 200


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


They sold over a million confirmed copies. A MILLION.


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


They have over two dozen servers, and that's lowballing it. More than a few are heavy load


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


The game officially released 11 days ago. The 'competition' is 6+ years old


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?

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Player count over 200


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


They sold over a million confirmed copies. A MILLION.


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


They have over two dozen servers, and that's lowballing it. More than a few are heavy load


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


The game officially released 11 days ago. The 'competition' is 6+ years old


How big, exactly, do you need something to be to consider it 'massive'?


on most WoW servers, you'd be hardpressed to find 200 people in SW/Org....not to mention the "200" on the planet, is only counting your faction. 200 in a zone is quite an impressive number actually since most WoW zones have maybe 20 people in them at most and they're all farming.

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One thing is the same from WOW...the trolls and morons on the forums exist in both worlds and games.


In both cases they state the most inflamatory stuff based on personal views that are not based in fact just to incite arguements.


The bottom line, even with the numerous issues I have seen playing, is tht is it fun to play.


Issues can be fixed/worked around/resolved over time but a game being fun can't.


So to the trolls, go back to your cave and leave us all alone.

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The point they're trying to make is that it's the least "massive" MMO they've played. So un-massive that there's more interaction with people in games that don't bother to call themselves "massive".


And I'd agree.


The starter zones are only massive because well...they're starter zones.


This I'll agree with, and your post was presented logically. Kudos


To be fair, however, they have a ton of servers and like most MMOs have the option of consolidating them at a later date. They also have the option of removing the phasing or increasing the cap before a new phase is formed

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I have no idea why we are all entertaining this.


Of all the complaints and critiques out there, the THIS IS NOT AN MMO is probobly the single most baseless, fabricated, idiotic one there is.


Everyone wants companies to do something different, but when they do there are those who will ***** and whine because it wasn't done the same.


It is an MMO - those with understanding and critical thinking skills realize this, those who do not , will not realize this.


You may not like how they implemented it; but that does not make it any less of one.

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