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Are you still having fun in SWTOR or ?


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Anyway, I've been feeling like I'm playing another game now. I'm basically just doing GSF because it's less repetitive and the rewards are 10x better than solo stuff.


Not exactly why I played SWTOR in the first place.

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I am having a blast watching casuals cry...


So, basically admitting that you're just a troll?


I don't see this game doing very well if all the casuals lose interest in it, but as long as you're having a blast that's what matters!


The thing with being "casual" is it's a misleading term.. my playing 2+ hours each day on average for 3 years is only casual in the sense that I don't drool over the game being made more difficult for most players. Content is a slog, gear and conquest is a grind, companions are nerfed, and rewards aren't worth the effort now. I'm hardly a casual player but I'm exactly the player you are trying to provoke.

Edited by red_onion
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I loved this game so much, more than those who continue to defend it today (I have 10 chars at level 75, 2 at 80, and another 6 at low level + 65 million credits made last year in 2 months of playing) , despite having the active sub i uninstalled the game for 2 reasons:

1) the bioware/EA and all the others have betrayed the players, this game is no longer supported, in fact the expansion was not an expansion but only an expansion that will be finished in 2 years, same thing will happen with the future operation .. furthermore, whatever is done will no longer be brilliant;

2) they destroyed the gearing system because it took too long to do it, they thought: better concentrate on the barbie market, there will always be someone willing to pay us for it.

Bottom line it's time for this game to end (I never thought I'd write this 5 years ago) and someone else to create a new but supported, modern and worthy star wars mmo.

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Clarifying for the record as I misremembered. I did not get 306 item drops playing Echoes of Oblivion. I got the 306 gear upgrading on fleet. What surprised me is I upgraded 270 gear directly to 306. I was expecting to do the buying grind of getting 272 then 274 etc. as previous characters, but when I upgraded a 270 item it went right to 306. Then I played Echoes. I was excited for that I associated it with Echoes; hence why I thought it was item drops. Still happy to get 306 gear. I had no issues with Spirit of Vengeance except for those infamous rooms and hallways where it's always been a problem. Died in those places then triumphed. It's rare I get by them without dying at least once, but that's Spirit of Vengeance. The important thing is it can be finished. Edited by Hadsil
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I'm having a blast tbh. Finally get that upgrade or that exact piece feels a lot more rewarding than it did in 6.0. Maybe it's the mountain of gear and mods we got thrown our way that turned 6.x in to more of an inventory management game than anything else imo. But it feels a lot cleaner. And I've been running a lot of content that I haven't in ages. Your KP's and EV's on hm, some story mode ops, gsf, heroics, world bosses, nefras. It all has some place in the new system.


The implants now having the set bonuses also make it easier to share among alts. Though I wish they weren't so damn expensive on the tech frags. Got a pair of 330's on my main but I've got a pretty long list of alt characters that want different implants, so not "set bonus" for them yet sadly.

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I loved this game so much, more than those who continue to defend it today (I have 10 chars at level 75, 2 at 80, and another 6 at low level + 65 million credits made last year in 2 months of playing)


You certainly have your right to an opinion, but let's not pretend that it matters more than others' because you loved it so much more than them. We've all poured significant time and money into this game, and have every right to voice our opinion of it, be it positive or negative.

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My biggest dislike is that, with the reduction in the number of heroics/daily areas up for conquest in a week, there are more players concentrated in those places. I don't know if it's because there are so many old returning players or the botching of this release has everybody just HANGRY all the time, but I'm getting sick of people butting into my fights.


One douchebag on Onderon kept following me, waiting for me to start a fight, then jumping in and fighting with me. I didn't think there was "kill stealing" per se in this game, and my characters are perfectly able of taking down a trash mob quickly without losing very much health (even with the obvious nerfing of our companions, but that's a vent for another day). This genius on Onderon wasn't even really *helping* me; the last fight, he aggro'd a second mob then DIED, leaving me and Lana to take down like 10 randos. I left the planet after that.


But EVERYWHERE I am playing now, Imp or Pubside, I can't get through a fight without griefers. I'm considering only playing in PVP instances. At least I'll get a few rage-releasing hits on a jerk and if they kill me, hey, they can get the credit for it. :mad:

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It has been years and years since I've looked forward to logging in as much as I do now. In particular, PvP has never been so much fun.


Also, I couldn't resist responding to this:



But EVERYWHERE I am playing now, Imp or Pubside, I can't get through a fight without griefers. I'm considering only playing in PVP instances. At least I'll get a few rage-releasing hits on a jerk and if they kill me, hey, they can get the credit for it. :mad:


You know, I've played exclusively in PvP instances since they were created. And it's always been the case that, on the rare cases I run into players from the opposing faction, they nearly always ignore me. The only real exception to this is events like the Rakghoul event and the pirate event.


It's even more so this way now. I think most of the people in PvP zones are just trying to complete their missions in peace and quiet lol.

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No, and it seems from Keith’s recent post, he doesn’t have any plans to reintroduce the fun back into the game. They are doubling down on their stupid vision to ruin the game for me and many others. Which only leaves one option. Stop paying and playing for this game.


10 years subscription, only missed a month when I got married. Sad that the 10th anniversary has made me quit :(


And no, you can’t have my stuff, I already gave it to Tora.

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no, sub is done in 1 day and will not be renewing.

Kinda hard to support and fund a game with

my money when the Dev's can't even support

and fix their broken product. Unanswered bugs,

tedious grinds and hyped up "patch" not

expansion was very underwhelming. Maybe i will

come back when bio starts caring about the

community again so might be awhile.

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No, and it seems from Keith’s recent post, he doesn’t have any plans to reintroduce the fun back into the game. They are doubling down on their stupid vision to ruin the game for me and many others. Which only leaves one option. Stop paying and playing for this game.


10 years subscription, only missed a month when I got married. Sad that the 10th anniversary has made me quit :(


And no, you can’t have my stuff, I already gave it to Tora.


I agree, Keith is an selfish ***** with no vision to the game. Ignorant and subborn to see that 7.0 is the greatest fail in SWTORs history.

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....but still having fun because of the people


To be fair, this right here really is the problem, it's not having fun in SWTOR with friends because of SWTOR, it's having fun in SWTOR because of friends.

And watching paint dry is probably more fun ....

Yeah, I feel the same. I've been playing since late 2017, and I've been sub'd on and off. Every time I could afford to, I was supporting this game.


Up until now, I've never felt the need to post in the forum. Every expansion until now I found was OK, or good, and even liked some of them. I haven't mind things changing, things being removed or replaced, because they were always (and this is only my opinion, based on my playstyle, not forcing it on anybody), being replaced with something that was equally as good, or at least acceptable, that in time managed to become the new norm. But this time I find it different.


Everything feels restrictive, and I feel like I'm being punished playing more than the allocated 5 toons (the resource cap thing) and wanting to play content that is different from the narrow selection of the week.


I'm predominantly a solo player. I don't do Ops, I never liked PvP, only did it to progress in GS1, and I'm not doing it in GS2. I never particularly liked the GF FPs, maybe we'd run some with my guildies off the GF, did my Story FP, and that is it in that department. I enjoy GSF and welcomed that it started popping with it being added in GS, but I can't be playing that all the time.


So I did my story, finished it on all 8 classes, did some heroics, leveled my alts, participated in the events, crafted and decorated my SH. I used to play 4-6 hrs a day, every day with some few exceptions, and vacation times. I've also had some full days playing, 12+ hrs on a weekend for example. I loved the game.


Conquest has always been a big part of my gameplay, I loved the rewards, the sense of accomplishment, and our guild has an amazing internal rewards system that adequately rewards effort, so I did my best, and put 10+ characters through conquest every week. The changes to conquest are a big deal for me. I'm not even allowed to choose the activity I want to do, in order to CQ, or if I do, I feel like I'm wasting my time and efforts. So I have to force myself to like the choices being made for me.


The reason this was done, from what I've read is in an attempt to solve the economy issue. And it is my own opinion that the 6.0 crafting has a lot more to do with price increase than the conquest rewards. I mean yeah, sure, conquest has produced 6B credits in game (afair), but far more than 6B has passed through my account from selling T11 crafted goods on the GTN in the past year alone. Are we saying that I got all the moneyz in the game? No. It's a chain reaction and restricting resources, increasing the difficulty and time needed to collect and/or make them, only makes them more expensive. And ofc if 1 heal stim is costing 1 mil, you're gonna increase the price on whatever you're selling, to be able to afford it.


But I digress... All of the above is said to illustrate my personal point of view that the amount of effort required in 7.0 to do some basic things like conquest and gearing is far greater than the rewards provided, and I'm questioning the need to put myself through it. And we have 6.0 to compare it to, so this only makes things worse. Perhaps if we could have all of the dailies and all heroics back, and were free to choose from them, it would make things less bitter.


The solo play has become a total slog, the grind and the tunneling and monotone repetitiveness of the very few things available per week is anything but fun. I guess if you don't do conquest, this point will be "whatever" for you.


If the intention was to make us play slower and achieve less, then I guess mission is accomplished?

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Now that I'm paying a bit more attention to it, I noticed I'm not getting any gear drops at all. My characters are level 75 to start since 7.0 launched. Before 7.0 I'd get gear drops with 99% of them useless due to below my current rating playing since Fallen Empire. Only from Spirit of Vengeance would I get an item I can upgrade to, a 278 to a 280 for example. Now not even Spirit of Vengeance is giving me gear drops. I knew about the need to upgrade gear at Fleet for 7.0, but I thought that meant for the elite gear. I was still expecting random loot gear drops doing Story.


Ok that is significantly annoying to me. It doesn't hurt me at the moment. Most of my current characters have already upgraded for Spirit of Vengeance minimum 278. For the two who haven't I have enough tech fragments to do so when the time comes saving on cost with a few items in inventory. It does mean I can't expect better loot gear drops in the future. I haven't done the new Story content yet due to my quirks on how I play. In my current rotation of characters I'm either catching up to finishing Enclave on Prime characters or doing Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne on Secondary characters. I have to hope what I currently have is high enough when I do get to my Primes to do the new story.


I'm not rage quitting over this, but it is a concern. I've also concluded what ever nerf they did to Companions, putting them on Tank is now useless. Enemies come to me anyway. They work alright on Heal, but I need the kolto tanks more often on boss fights than I used to. I can agree with everyone who says they made the game harder, but for me in Story Mode it's not Spirit of Vengeance on launch hard.

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Story always drops junk. If you want to gear through FP, you'll need to do at least Veteran, preferably MM. But that was before 7.0. Currently I don't know what it drops with the 320+ gear introduced into the game, but if it still drops your current iRating+x, in time you will be able to upgrade it.
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I've had some fun being able to add sniper as a combat style to my old PT, and I have been enjoying the convenience of loadouts. Aside from that though I'm certainly having less fun overall, and besides being able to mix and match combat styles with origin stories, most classes/specs are less fun than they were before. So many of the removed skills/abilities just feel nonsensical. My PT was more fun like a year after launch than it is after 10 years of work done to it. Same for my Shadow.


Leveling is just a terrible experience. I made a new Agent as a Scoundrel/Commando, just got to level 50 the other day and the whole thing just felt so slow. Like I was being drip fed a skill or ability here and there, but was mostly being starved. The earlier levels saw that I basically had no resources and had to spam the basic attack at times. Even at 50 my toolkit feels so incomplete. Some characters I was in the process of leveling before 7.0 just lost stuff that they won't get back for 15-20 levels. I can't think of any positive change to the leveling experience.


I feel no incentive to get gear right now either. It's not fun, feels as if it's going to take forever, and I'm still sitting here wondering what I'm even supposed to do with it when I get it? It doesn't feel like there is anything to do except get gear for the sake of getting it.


I want to play the game, but I feel like I'm having to look for things to do so that I can keep playing rather than having a lot on my plate, which is the opposite of how it should be so soon after the release of an "expansion".

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In response to your signature 7.0 is not the worst expansion in history. WoW's WOD was. Yet to see anything worse


With that said I will be having fun once they fix companions


Lol... to be honest i liked WOD way more than Craplands... i think Shadowlands is way worse than WOD.. at least on WOD it was still Warcraft.

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Story always drops junk. If you want to gear through FP, you'll need to do at least Veteran, preferably MM. But that was before 7.0. Currently I don't know what it drops with the 320+ gear introduced into the game, but if it still drops your current iRating+x, in time you will be able to upgrade it.


Before 7.0 Story dropped gear, and once in a while I got lucky to get something better than what I had which was received through Conquest. Upgrading at Fleet to do Spirit of Vengeance, that flashpoint in story mode would drop better gear. That allowed me to put the gear I purchased into my legacy cargo for other characters and save me tech fragments for when they upgrade to play Spirit of Vengeance. Rinse and repeat for each character until 7.0 arrived. Playing Spirit of Vengeance after 7.0 there were no gear drops.

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Story always drops junk. If you want to gear through FP, you'll need to do at least Veteran, preferably MM. But that was before 7.0. Currently I don't know what it drops with the 320+ gear introduced into the game, but if it still drops your current iRating+x, in time you will be able to upgrade it.


You would still get SOME upgrades from completing story missions with renown. And you used to get gear crates in KotFE/KotET if you were 75 too.


Now we get absolutely nothing (although I'm not sure what we get from Chapters, I'm not in game to check).

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I meant Story Flashpoints, not class or chapter story, sorry for the confusion. I was replying to this post:



Now that I'm paying a bit more attention to it, I noticed I'm not getting any gear drops at all. My characters are level 75 to start since 7.0 launched. Before 7.0 I'd get gear drops with 99% of them useless due to below my current rating playing since Fallen Empire. Only from Spirit of Vengeance would I get an item I can upgrade to, a 278 to a 280 for example. Now not even Spirit of Vengeance is giving me gear drops. I knew about the need to upgrade gear at Fleet for 7.0, but I thought that meant for the elite gear. I was still expecting random loot gear drops doing Story.


Ok that is significantly annoying to me. It doesn't hurt me at the moment. Most of my current characters have already upgraded for Spirit of Vengeance minimum 278. For the two who haven't I have enough tech fragments to do so when the time comes saving on cost with a few items in inventory. It does mean I can't expect better loot gear drops in the future. I haven't done the new Story content yet due to my quirks on how I play. In my current rotation of characters I'm either catching up to finishing Enclave on Prime characters or doing Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne on Secondary characters. I have to hope what I currently have is high enough when I do get to my Primes to do the new story.


I'm not rage quitting over this, but it is a concern. I've also concluded what ever nerf they did to Companions, putting them on Tank is now useless. Enemies come to me anyway. They work alright on Heal, but I need the kolto tanks more often on boss fights than I used to. I can agree with everyone who says they made the game harder, but for me in Story Mode it's not Spirit of Vengeance on launch hard.


Otherwise yes, the KOTET/FE and Onslaught do drop some handy crates with a significant bump in iRating, as well as the new storyline dropping the 312-318, which are almost instantly obsolete as you can buy a full set of 320s after getting your first character through Conquest. I did upgrade one earpiece to 324, tho still haven't gotten my implant and I don't know much about afterwards. I guess I'll find out in ~16 days

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I do feel ripped off with the change to exp. I'm one of the people that paid cartel coins for exp gain when you open up Y in order to get to 300 faster, for multiple characters.

Now it's gone, and where's my refund?

When I buy anything, I want to get my money's worth, whether it's a piece of furniture (if I buy a chair, I don't want it to break the first time I sit in it), or a car (I don't want it to stop running a mile from the dealership), or a game. I don't want to stop enjoying something due to repetitive content or unusable items. There is still enough content to keep me hanging on, but it is borderline.


Part of it is wanting things to stay recognizable but getting some new story type things as well.

What was the story (From Jedi Knight perspective) ?


1. you go to various planets to stop the Emperor's henchmen, & then the Emperor. & gain companions along the way

2. you go to Ilum and defeat Malgus who has betrayed the Empire.

3. you go fight against the Hutt Cartel



1. You go to various planets in SOR to find the Emperor's Henchmen & then the Emperor

2. You go to various New places In KOTOR, you eventually get your original companions back, & again fight the emperor (all 3 versions in a very hard-to-see fight)

3. You go fight Malgus who has again betrayed the Empire

4. You go to get new seasons companions and fight against the Cartel .


SO.... Repeat much?


There exists within the Lore other story potentials. Iokath had undeveloped potential.

You could also have something like the following:

Scenario: While aboard your ship you are shot down onto an uncharted planet with an uncivilized species (or remnants of a known species that were somehow lost - Rakata/ etc) You choose (dark/light) to help them out with knowledge/ technology/ use of the force to help them OR

enslave them (a la Freedon Nadd) until you are rescued/ or effect your own "rescue"...(reach out with the force to summon aide/build some technological radio of sorts to communicate).

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I meant Story Flashpoints, not class or chapter story, sorry for the confusion. I was replying to this post:





Otherwise yes, the KOTET/FE and Onslaught do drop some handy crates with a significant bump in iRating, as well as the new storyline dropping the 312-318, which are almost instantly obsolete as you can buy a full set of 320s after getting your first character through Conquest. I did upgrade one earpiece to 324, tho still haven't gotten my implant and I don't know much about afterwards. I guess I'll find out in ~16 days


Playing another character, level 75, doing Fallen Empire. I am getting gear drops but as usual below what I have. Perhaps it's the content after Eternal Throne/Iokath that changed and/or I reached level 80 playing Story Mode. I got no gear drops in Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught, Oblivion, Spirit of Vengeance, Enclave. It's junk, credits, the occasional Tech or Aquatic currency, and crafting materials bag. Once in a while it's a stronghold decoration or Companion gift. The only gear I got was one 306 as a reward for finishing Onslaught, but no gear on finishing anything else. Before 7.0 I got gear drops in these Stories and Spirit of Vengeance would give me gear above what I had.


They changed how gear drops work in Story Mode. I knew they were changing it, but I thought it meant I would only ever get green from now on and not the top ratings. Before 7.0 once in a while I got lucky to get blue or yellow gear. I can upgrade at Fleet, but for now the gear I have suffices to play the game. I'm not having old Spirit of Vengeance nightmare. Interesting enough as well so far in Fallen Empire (Story Mode) Companion tanking is working.

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Playing another character, level 75, doing Fallen Empire. I am getting gear drops but as usual below what I have. Perhaps it's the content after Eternal Throne/Iokath that changed and/or I reached level 80 playing Story Mode. I got no gear drops in Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught, Oblivion, Spirit of Vengeance, Enclave. It's junk, credits, the occasional Tech or Aquatic currency, and crafting materials bag. Once in a while it's a stronghold decoration or Companion gift. The only gear I got was one 306 as a reward for finishing Onslaught, but no gear on finishing anything else. Before 7.0 I got gear drops in these Stories and Spirit of Vengeance would give me gear above what I had.


They changed how gear drops work in Story Mode. I knew they were changing it, but I thought it meant I would only ever get green from now on and not the top ratings. Before 7.0 once in a while I got lucky to get blue or yellow gear. I can upgrade at Fleet, but for now the gear I have suffices to play the game. I'm not having old Spirit of Vengeance nightmare. Interesting enough as well so far in Fallen Empire (Story Mode) Companion tanking is working.

Well, in 6.x, while doing Story Mode FPs on a 306 gear toon, I got a plethora of 270s, sometimes a 302, or a 304, the crafting satchels and maybe a deco. So from what I can tell by reading your experience, nothing has changed.

For current gearing, I see Vulkk has made a pretty good guide, so if you feel like reading, check it out.


P.S. Both 306 and 312-320 etc, are Bound to Legacy gear, so you can transfer it freely to your other toons as they go through their stories.

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