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GSF Has a Problem


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As to people blowing up upon entry, some do that so that they can use a striker, bomber, scout and gunship all in the same battle.


I lost a close GSF once and we thought someone on the team was dogging it. Next fight I was against them and it turned out they just sucked at GSF with low-level ships.

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There is a learning curve with GSF. Here is how it goes...


1) new ... 2000-7000k dmg

2) not so new....10k dmg

3) moderately experienced .... 15-20k dmg

4) experienced ... 30-50k dmg

5) elite .. 50-100k dmg


I actually had no idea what I was missing until the first GS. Since, I have taken my lumps but have learned more about GSF. I am not "elite" but, not until recently, have I been able to pull some 75k dmg matches. Not consistent, so still "experienced".


Point is... you going to get *** kicked initially. Its like every other aspect of the game....get better if you want to compete.

Edited by Nickodemous
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Giving the better half of players on those scoreboards the benefit of the doubt, that still leaves an alarming number of feeders and AFKers. It's frustrating when you're trying your best to win, but throwers bring down the rest of the team.


Even if all of them were brand new GSF players, there's nothing spurring on those players to try to improve, much less take matches seriously. Losses count toward the weekly, so victory means very little. Just queue up, fly around, press some buttons, and BAM, you'll have yourself a nice weekly crate in no time.


If throwing matches doesn't explain the numbers on those scoreboards, then lack of motivation certainly does. I'm not sure requiring wins would be a good solution though because players would just queue up hoping to get carried and then abandon the match the second things start to look ugly.


Perhaps if they increase the number of wins required to complete the weekly, it might make more players want to try to win. Wins counting as 3 points, and losses still counting as 1 point.


IMO, the 2:1 ratio is fine. When they started requiring wins to progress dailies and weeklies in Warzones, many PUG players just stopped queuing altogether. Right now, I'd rather risk having a bad teammate than waiting forever for pops.

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I actually had no idea what I was missing until the first GS. Since, I have taken my lumps but have learned more about GSF. I am not "elite" but, not until recently, have I been able to pull some 75k dmg matches. Not consistent, so still "experienced".


Point is... you going to get *** kicked initially. Its like every other aspect of the game....get better if you want to compete.


That's been my exact experience. I never really tried it until the first GS, but have grown very attached to this playstyle. I wouldn't consider myself an "elite" either, but with things as bad as they are recently, I've pulled off some crazy numbers as well.


Somehow managed 25 kills, 0 deaths, and 99k damage in a single deathmatch(SS). It doesn't feel as good because it only happened due to half the opposing team being clueless or throwing, but at least it's efficient at progressing MVP achievements.


On the other hand, if those same kind of players end up on your own team, you have no chance at winning. I'm sure a handful of them aren't actually throwers, and genuinely are in the learning curve phase. I may have been overcritical in some of my scoreboard labeling, but I'd still argue the ones doing sub-3k damage and 5% hit are either not even trying, or need to practice more in tutorial mode before queueing.

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If you think this is bad, you should try PVP warzones, where ppl in Ancient Hypergate stand below the spawn and do nothing or you have ppl that literally write in chat before the match starts


"Let's lose this one quickly".


And I'm like TF?!


Not to mention that my Anni Mara did more healing than the Sorc healer himself in one warzone.

After 9 hours spent in warzones to get weekly's done with zero gear from four gear crates, I started playing GSF.

I'm not good at it, I got my ship upgraded, I deal above 10k dmg on average, I'm no thrower, but at least I'm trying to help my team. I had 7 kills and 10 assists in one match, nothing to brag about I guess but for someone who started playing GSF, I wouldn't say it's bad. At least I'm trying and that's what matters.

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With everyone scrambling for gear upgrades and completing galactic season objectives, a lot of players who typically don't play GSF are joining matches to obtain the rewards. The trouble is, matches are now overwhelmingly being decided based on which team has more throwers on it.


See the compiled screenshots of scoreboards below, taken at the end of several matches. I scrolled to the bottom of each scoreboard and cropped out the players with the lowest number of kills(names omitted). The performance of almost every player listed can be considered extremely low effort, but many are blatant examples of throwing, or at least suspicious.




"Feeding" is when someone self-destructs immediately after they spawn, or lets enemy ships kill them easily so that the match finishes faster. Losses still count toward the daily and weekly, so it's a quick and easy way to get those missions done with zero consequences.


Even taking into account that some players are new to GSF, skipped the tutorial, using raw non-upgraded ships, and have no idea what they're doing, it doesn't explain how bad these numbers are. Getting under 6k damage and below 15% accuracy is beyond horrendous. The only excuse for low damage is if they were guarding a CP the entire time, in which case their objective points should be in the hundreds.


It's clear that a lot of players are joining matches, losing on purpose to progress the weekly, and have no interest in playing GSF at all.


Idk what do you expect with current gearing? GSF players are still getting special treatment regarding conquest AND now gearing too. Haven't checked myself, but people who play GSF said it's a lot faster and cheaper to gear up through GSF than any other game mode.


You guys are getting free conquest points by participating only: you don't need any gear to enter GSF (unlike pve or pvp), you don't need level a 80 character to play (unlike people who want to do ops). You are not limited to play one type of a match or one type of ship for a full week unlike ALL pve players (heroics, dailies and fps included).


You are still getting all this special treatment from the devs and you are whining? Geesh... some people. :mad:


Yet all this practically free gear people get from GSF won't make them better players in pve. Now when everyone can see everyone else's dps in starparse, it's quite sad to see people in 326 gear rating doing less damage as a dps than a tank with 320 rating. Maybe these people should stay away from pve until they learn to play? Because we all know people learn to play running around in their stronghold instead of actually playing, right? :rak_02:

Edited by DeannaVoyager
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it's always the same:


1.) hell yeah. matches pop up so often. must be a dream

2.) damn these new players are soooo bad i don't have fun

3.) insulting via chat, cry in forums

4.) rewards are cut off, ppl won't queue again

5.) no pop ups anymore

6.) cry in general chat for ppl to queue and try to convince ppl to play that mode.


maybe try a different strategy.

if you see some ppl underperforming, get in contact with them nicely.

invite them to a voicechat, explain some basics and help them to have fun

playing that mode and get better. gsf in a group is always better and more fun.

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What's the point of master mode flashpoints if you get better gear doing nothing in GSF? I don't see throwers or afk players being a concern for long tho, once they are finished with gearing you won't see them again.
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What's the point of master mode flashpoints if you get better gear doing nothing in GSF.

They promised us GSF weekly will require certain number of medals to complete so even if you can do it by 4 losses it would still require you to actually contribute since throwers never get any medals. This promised change would be a good solution to prevent throws and AFK while still allowing losses to count towards weekly, but as many of their promises, it never happened.

Edited by black_pyros
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They promised us GSF weekly will require certain number of medals to complete so even if you can do it by 4 losses it would still require you to actually contribute since throwers never get any medals. This promised change would be a good solution to prevent throws and AFK while still allowing losses to count towards weekly, but as many of their promises, it never happened.


Well frankly they shouldn't have to nerf GSF. They should just make other activities as rewarding as GSF is.

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They promised us GSF weekly will require certain number of medals to complete so even if you can do it by 4 losses it would still require you to actually contribute since throwers never get any medals. This promised change would be a good solution to prevent throws and AFK while still allowing losses to count towards weekly, but as many of their promises, it never happened.


Maybe you confused the weekly with the Galactic Seasons objective that requires medals.

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Maybe you confused the weekly with the Galactic Seasons objective that requires medals.


Yep, except that was broken (because of course).


I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if people actually vote kicked the afk'ers but for some reason people don't. It's infuriating.

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I scrolled to the bottom of each scoreboard and cropped out the players with the lowest number of kills(names omitted).


Kills are only one aspect. You highlighted people with over 20k damage or having a bunch of assists. You are as much of what is wrong about GSF as the AFKers and the fact you use "Sus" is proof of your toxicity. I would wager you never once bothered to look at the OBJECTIVE stat...you know, doing the things that WIN THE GOD DAMN MATCHES like defending...look at that one with over 600 POINTS! that person did more to win than YOU did and you do not even understand why...


Also, all it takes is one single "team" of people that DONT work together to royally Eff up the stats of a Gunship by either constantly dragging the enemy out of range, or not doing anything to protect them.


Get pissed at Bioware for making GSF such a large part of getting CONQUEST points, because that is the thing that caused it to skyrocket, not seasons...and who has not already figured out that gear progression is actually pointless because of the scaling *****how? There is no difference in power between IR anymore, the battles take almost the exact same amount of time outside of OPS and PvP and the overwhelming majority of players do not do those 2 things. Its all about conquest points.

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Kills are only one aspect. You highlighted people with over 20k damage or having a bunch of assists. You are as much of what is wrong about GSF as the AFKers and the fact you use "Sus" is proof of your toxicity. I would wager you never once bothered to look at the OBJECTIVE stat...you know, doing the things that WIN THE gosh darn MATCHES like defending...look at that one with over 600 POINTS! that person did more to win than YOU did and you do not even understand why...


Also, all it takes is one single "team" of people that DONT work together to royally Eff up the stats of a Gunship by either constantly dragging the enemy out of range, or not doing anything to protect them.


Get pissed at Bioware for making GSF such a large part of getting CONQUEST points, because that is the thing that caused it to skyrocket, not seasons...and who has not already figured out that gear progression is actually pointless because of the scaling *****how? There is no difference in power between IR anymore, the battles take almost the exact same amount of time outside of OPS and PvP and the overwhelming majority of players do not do those 2 things. Its all about conquest points.


There is so much truth in this statement. Kills are only a part of GSF, especially in Domination matches.


Also by getting assists, your helping your team just as much as the person who happens to get the last shot in.


Looking just at the number of kills should never be the only thing someone looks at. Personally I look at all of the stats to determine how someone did (especially Objective points in Domination matches), and even that won't give you a full picture if they're a leech or not. Watching them fly is the only way to determine that. Low damage doesn't automatically mean leech, but could be someone new to the game mode.

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There is so much truth in this statement. Kills are only a part of GSF, especially in Domination matches.


Also by getting assists, your helping your team just as much as the person who happens to get the last shot in.


Looking just at the number of kills should never be the only thing someone looks at. Personally I look at all of the stats to determine how someone did (especially Objective points in Domination matches), and even that won't give you a full picture if they're a leech or not. Watching them fly is the only way to determine that. Low damage doesn't automatically mean leech, but could be someone new to the game mode.


It's usually pretty easy to tell the difference. Did someone fire 500 shots and only land a few? They're probably new.


Did someone only fire 20 - 30 shots in the entire time the game went on? They're probably leeching, especially if they died a lot.


Did two people from the same guild self destruct for a combined total of 31 and then call you a slur when you said to report them? Safe bet they were doing it on purpose.


Here's an example of obvious leeches along with people who were probably trying: https://i.imgur.com/9KiwZzM.png


I censored the names of the probable leeches and self-destructors/throwers. It's remarkably easy to tell the difference if you know what to look for.



it's always the same:


1.) hell yeah. matches pop up so often. must be a dream

2.) damn these new players are soooo bad i don't have fun

3.) insulting via chat, cry in forums

4.) rewards are cut off, ppl won't queue again

5.) no pop ups anymore

6.) cry in general chat for ppl to queue and try to convince ppl to play that mode.


maybe try a different strategy.

if you see some ppl underperforming, get in contact with them nicely.

invite them to a voicechat, explain some basics and help them to have fun

playing that mode and get better. gsf in a group is always better and more fun.


I can't speak for everyone obviously but in general the GSF community is better about this than, say, the ranked community. We're small and we know we're small so the best players generally want to help others out.


To anyone who's looking for help, I have resources in my signature. The unofficial community discord server is a great place to ask questions and learn the game mode. There are no stupid questions and we're happy to help you learn.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Here's an example of obvious leeches along with people who were probably trying: https://i.imgur.com/9KiwZzM.png


Yes, that screenshot is far more accurate for someone AFKing, or leeching than in the OP.


I always start out a GSF with instructions on how to vote kick someone flagged for AFKing now, because I have yet to do a GSF since 7.0 hit that did not have at least 1, mostly 2 and the most I saw...was 5. Yeah, almost half the team. AFK, not including actual leechers mind you.


I dont mind noobs at all, we were all noobs once.

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Yes, that screenshot is far more accurate for someone AFKing, or leeching than in the OP.


I always start out a GSF with instructions on how to vote kick someone flagged for AFKing now, because I have yet to do a GSF since 7.0 hit that did not have at least 1, mostly 2 and the most I saw...was 5. Yeah, almost half the team. AFK, not including actual leechers mind you.


I dont mind noobs at all, we were all noobs once.


Ditto. Lots of noobs, but that's ok. The people who are just leeching piss me off!

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I'm still not a great pilot, been playing gsf on and off for around a year now and can only say that I've been struggling at first to do even 1k dmg. And that was me trying. Unfortunatly mosts pilots don't hold still so they can be shot at in leisure.

Now I sometimes do 50-60 dmg , but still not consistently.


Gsf doesn't come to everyone naturally. So those ppl doing mabe 400 dmg or even 0 dmg might be trying as well.

Don't think being called a leech or a thrower is helping them to improve, some might just go afk in protest or just quit playing all together.


Not talking about those that actually just hide behind a rock and don't move, they should just be kicked.


Even no dmg and lot's of selfdestructs can happen because ppl just accidently hit a rock, happened to me at first as well, still does ocasionally.

If it's 34 deaths though that seems to be a bit excessive.


Also calling everyone who is guarding a satellite a leech, not helping either. Seen that in some matches.

Some might have just decided to guard cause they feel it's the only thing they are capable of atm.

I know that's what I did when I first started playing. If there are too many ppl guarding, I wish it could be communicated in a normal way without just accusing everyone of leeching.


Also now that I've been playing more gsf again I noticed that some pilots rather than being killed by me rather selfdestruct, just to be vindictive and to deny me a kill. Talked about it with a guildy and seems this is quite common, think this is also a crappy thing to do.

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I'm still not a great pilot, been playing gsf on and off for around a year now and can only say that I've been struggling at first to do even 1k dmg. And that was me trying. Unfortunatly mosts pilots don't hold still so they can be shot at in leisure.

Now I sometimes do 50-60 dmg , but still not consistently.


There are resources in my signature that can help. If you look at nothing else, look at the

. Even a very bad player should be easily able to hit 10k damage after just a couple of weeks. And, as mentioned above, it's not difficult to tell the difference between someone who is trying and someone who isn't.


Gsf doesn't come to everyone naturally. So those ppl doing mabe 400 dmg or even 0 dmg might be trying as well.

Don't think being called a leech or a thrower is helping them to improve, some might just go afk in protest or just quit playing all together.


Not talking about those that actually just hide behind a rock and don't move, they should just be kicked.


Even no dmg and lot's of selfdestructs can happen because ppl just accidently hit a rock, happened to me at first as well, still does ocasionally.

If it's 34 deaths though that seems to be a bit excessive.


Again, it's not hard to tell the difference. In the screenshot I linked, you can see quite clearly that the people I said were throwing (that is, SDing on purpose) did not really try to play. It's not just about damage, it's about number of shots fired as well as positioning. That one's harder to tell from a scoreboard, but I promise you that I have a general idea of where both teams are located throughout a match. I know when someone's trying, and they weren't.


There was someone there with a comparable stat line who was trying, and I'm fine with that.


Also calling everyone who is guarding a satellite a leech, not helping either. Seen that in some matches.

Some might have just decided to guard cause they feel it's the only thing they are capable of atm.

I know that's what I did when I first started playing. If there are too many ppl guarding, I wish it could be communicated in a normal way without just accusing everyone of leeching.


If you guard, you get objective points. That's not leeching. I'm thrilled when I can get anyone on my team to actually sit on a satellite. Note that you are not guarding if you are not inside the capture range, which is very small. If you are not inside the fins, you are not actively keeping the node from flipping.


Also now that I've been playing more gsf again I noticed that some pilots rather than being killed by me rather selfdestruct, just to be vindictive and to deny me a kill. Talked about it with a guildy and seems this is quite common, think this is also a crappy thing to do.


Doesn't matter. You get the assist, your team gets the point. If anything, they save you some time and let you move on to the next objective or target faster. Let them think they're denying you something if it makes them feel better.

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As many said, it's a brutal learning curve.


And as so far the problem exists, you can only fix it by having only wins count towards weekly/daily completion.


Regular PVP has that. And as a consequence, you now have regular matches that rival ranked in toxicity as people get frustrated trying to get weeklies done.


So I for one sure hope BW doesn't try to "fix" this.

Edited by aeterno
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As many said, it's a brutal learning curve.


And as so far the problem exists, you can only fix it by having only wins count towards weekly/daily completion.


Regular PVP has that. And as a consequence, you now have regular matches that rival ranked in toxicity as people get frustrated trying to get weeklies done.


So I for one sure hope BW doesn't try to "fix" this.


Unranked PvP should also count as 1 point as a loss and 2 as a win. Even if the increase was 6-8 points to complete the weekly. I'm decent at GSF but if it changes where only wins count GSF will die very quickly.

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As many said, it's a brutal learning curve.


And as so far the problem exists, you can only fix it by having only wins count towards weekly/daily completion.


Regular PVP has that. And as a consequence, you now have regular matches that rival ranked in toxicity as people get frustrated trying to get weeklies done.


So I for one sure hope BW doesn't try to "fix" this.


I'm confused... For GSF, wins count towards dailies and weeklies. In PvP, it does not. Which is why I don't bother once I've done the Galactic Season goal.

Edited by Pricia
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Anyway, today I was with 2 people who didn't even try. And they were bragging about it, saying they didn't care and would just stop once they have their 326 gear. One of them went afk in the middle and was basically afk for 80% of the match, and didn't seem to care one bit.


Next patch, 5 people in the game had 0 medals 0 damage.


Would it be too much to ask for people who don't do any damage and get no medals to get no reward or something?


7.0 ruined GSF (I'm the first one to admit I wouldn't do it as much if the rewards were not the best, but at least I'm upgrading my ships and I'm trying).

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So what exactly are you tanking your teams' chances for? You acknowledge the best gear is from raiding and the 2nd best gear from PvP, neither of which you seem that interested in. Then you go on to admit that it won't matter for your playstyle anyway (due to "scaling").


Which of us is "silly" ... The guy that thinks you should be doing the things in the game you enjoy or the guy that just goes through the motions of what he thinks the game is "forcing" him to do? Grown ups tend to make their own decisions. I wouldn't pay to play a game that "forces" me to do something I don't want to do. That would seem ... well ... silly.

That is why an adult makes decision to do things he does not like, but gives maximum efficiency, against a juvenile idiot with a ton of time and not able to tolerate any "injustice" like afk or noobs.

ps You really feel offended he call someone (not neseccary you) silly? Its farcical.

Edited by AmorphLex
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That is why an adult makes decision to do things he does not like, but gives maximum efficiency,

Maximum efficiency would be attempting to help the team win and getting the weekly done in 2 matches instead of 4 and then, I suppose, repeating on another character.


Let me know when Webster's defines "Maximum efficiency" as "taking twice as long to finish something."



ps You really feel offended he call someone (not neseccary you) silly? Its farcical.

I never said he offended me. The only thing farcical is my taking offense to your spelling of "necessary." Edited by BRKMSN
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