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As usual, small guilds get screwed.


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I haven't done the side planetary story missions on all toons, so thanks for the reminder. At least some of them were fun. But it will still take hours on end to collect 100k points, and in couple of months, what happens once we've passed those and no longer have story missions to do? Do we just grind weeklies till infinity? :eek:

Also, this will kill most small guilds. Many will probably merge. The total demand for flagships will drop. Economy problem solved? <- I don't really believe this, but if that was behind some of the reasoning for the decisions taken .. well... time will tell.


Yeah, nothing like having to go back to old planets for planetary missions you get NOTHING but a few credits for just to reach 100k CQ points.


Seriously I don't mind the rest of the update but this is what's going to make me just not bother playing at some point.

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Yeah, nothing like having to go back to old planets for planetary missions you get NOTHING but a few credits for just to reach 100k CQ points.


Seriously I don't mind the rest of the update but this is what's going to make me just not bother playing at some point.


Listen, I'm with you on the changes to conquest in 7.0. I'm reminded of the initial conquest changes and how there were a few months where I stopped doing conquest altogether until they made it rewarding again. I'm hoping some adjustments will be made going forward so it gets back closer to pre-7.0. They should have left GSF alone in 7.0 and should strongly consider bringing back crafting for conquest since it doesn't really serve any other purpose in 7.0 gearing. Then they should find adequate replacements for the objectives that no longer exist. There is still a lot of old content that is mostly ignored (i.e. GSI missions) and there is room for positive changes to be made with event objectives.


But those old planetary story missions are often pretty quick and easy. While their mission rewards are nothing special, it is something that we can use to help our small guilds.


Just created this topic in the suggestion forum: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10008639#post10008639

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4 daily missions on section X is all 100k+ conquest.



How are you getting 100k+ doing Section X? I got 50,259 points from it when I did it Friday. And, yes, I did all of the missions, including the Area. And I'm pretty sure I did all of the bonus missions, as well.

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if you go to place's like: Oricon,Iokath,section X or CZ-198 you get fast more conquest points since that are all daily missions planets more and have also a reputation vendor and system so thats also extra conquest points bonus you earn.


Reputation is a big conquest boost.. like 43k with the 150% SH bonus. But Oricon, Iokath, Sec X, CZ... I maxed out my reputation in all those places years ago. I do get reputation points from the Seasons Twi'lek for the Shadow Syndicate but not from those planets or their dailies. Running any one of those planets isn't going to get me to 100k and CZ is the only fast one as it takes about ten minutes. Also reputation is once per day, not helpful with more than seven alts max.


I'm also forced to do more content.. Oricon isn't going to get me to 100k, so maybe I go to Yavin too... and I hit conquest halfway through Yavin.. but now I have to finish the weekly or else it gets reset so I can't carry anything over to the following week to finish... that's more time invested either to finish the weekly or because I don't have any points carryover.


Section X takes entirely too long, you won't see me wasting time there. Black Hole is doable but still not getting me anywhere near 100k. And even if I did run the content that you think is sufficient, it only works once per day; once you rack up those kills and get the initial points, there's less points available to the next toon. I didn't mind running some of the weeklies IN ADDITION to the "low level planets" but it's not just low level planets, it's any planet heroics... it's the same whether I run Ord, Tatooine, or even Voss as far as points from kills and points from heroics (although Voss at least has reputation, also maxed out).


I did still manage to get 100k from the Gree event (rep also maxed out) but again, that only works once because once the kill enemies 1/2 are done there's a 12k point deficit. Maybe you get lucky and get the kill droids bonus (which would be easy now with kill sharing as you can just help out on a heroic, at least).


I ran all the Ord heroics and Coruscant heroics once this week, killed all the enemies.. just barely got to 50k. That's poor use of time especially if I have to combine them with running Section X just to hit 100k on a single toon.

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How are you getting 100k+ doing Section X? I got 50,259 points from it when I did it Friday. And, yes, I did all of the missions, including the Area. And I'm pretty sure I did all of the bonus missions, as well.


They aren't.

They're also counting the rep that they clearly haven't max'd out yet.


While the rep and the cq from the weekly wouldn't quite reach 100k, it'd be close enough to finish off with some other random stuff, like placing deco in your stronghold or giving gifts to your companion.


Still, section x is generally at least 30 minutes on a good day on imp side.

I rarely do that on pub side because the mission in the middle of the map takes so much longer than anything imp side.

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How are you getting 100k+ doing Section X? I got 50,259 points from it when I did it Friday. And, yes, I did all of the missions, including the Area. And I'm pretty sure I did all of the bonus missions, as well.


i have the conquest lvl 1 guild perk on.

it give's 10% more conquest points you earn.


They aren't.

They're also counting the rep that they clearly haven't max'd out yet.

i have also the boost reputation lvl 1 guild perk on that give me more reputation points.

and thats why i not go for max reputation fast like some other players are doing since it can be usefull for things like that also.


Reputation is a big conquest boost.. like 43k with the 150% SH bonus. But Oricon, Iokath, Sec X, CZ... I maxed out my reputation in all those places years ago. I do get reputation points from the Seasons Twi'lek for the Shadow Syndicate but not from those planets or their dailies. Running any one of those planets isn't going to get me to 100k and CZ is the only fast one as it takes about ten minutes. Also reputation is once per day, not helpful with more than seven alts max.

thats why i split it more.

if i take 1 char to the daily planet for reputation points conquest mission.

and i use the others for heroic's on some diffrend planets then i split the conquest rewards also.

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many people max'd out rep from CZ / section x / oricron / ossus / iokath quite a long time ago and that rep isn't available.


There is a new rep that started with 7.0, so if that's the last one that these players can get, that's great, but it'll only last for so long.

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i have the conquest lvl 1 guild perk on.

it give's 10% more conquest points you earn.


It's more than that. I checked, and my small guild also has that perk on, and Section X netted me (I just ran it, this time on a non-stealth character, in case that was the difference) 56,971 points. And 24k of that was advancing reputation!

Either you have some other perk running from somewhere, or people are getting different amounts of conquest points from the same content for some inexplicable reason.


(Maybe your reputation bonus made the difference? ???)

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With having to get 100K in CQ points for the guild rewards and actually LESS points available now (like 5 bomber runs in GSF went from 88K to 33K points) how do you expect small guilds to gather the encryptions at a level they did before? Oh that's right - you don't care because if our guild is not Kort, Steel Court, TEO, Crimson Order, etc., then you don't really give a flip about what happens to us.


I can attest to this. I have 2 guilds, I'm the only member since my former members quit and never returned to the game after 5.10. When I returned to play last December, I was able to complete conquest on both guilds including the final week where we had to have 100k points. I completed Imperial side with 7 alts & my main for 2.2mil. 1.5mil with 5 on the Republic side.


Last night, I completed the Imp side with 4 characters and did nothing on the Republic side. I don't have the time to spend 10 hours a day grinding, especially when they removed things like weeklies from worlds on the list. The reduction of points awarded have seriously hurt conquest in their drive to slow down players so they will spend more time grinding.


Their short term fix will have long term consequences. They believe by slowing all players down to grind endlessly will keep them playing. They could not be more wrong in their belief. The only thing that keeps players playing and involved in this game (as well as other) is content. Since BioWare only releases new content every 2 to 3 years, there is no incentive to play after completing the newest content, especially when it's an hour long or less.


Conquest is now more stressful and a lot less fun to do. It is now a job. Especially when they've tied all of it to legacy where you have to wait 24 hours for it to reset to do the world missions on the list. And please, don't tell me you can do the 3 FPs and get the points! It still falls short (in most cases) of the goal if you don't do at least 1 or 2 planetary missions.


They need to remove these from being bound to legacy so that each alt on a player's account can have access to accomplishing the goal. Before, it wasn't such a problem, now it is a major roadblock to completing it. So, I have to cycle between Pub & Emp every week. This is a major problem as I enjoy playing both sides equally. I cannot do that now thanks to BioWare's shortsightedness in how they purposefully limited how we can achieve our goals set forth by their "new and improved" conquest points! Welcome to your 2nd job or 3rd if you actually have 2 IRL!


Good job BioWare. You've really screwed then entire player base that enjoys playing conquest! What's next? When does the other shoe drop in your attempt to get us to play longer with ancient outdated quests this game has to offer?

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4 toons instead of 10 to get to 500k conquest for my pub side guild on Tulak Hord.



I liked it better the other way.


Considering how many iterations of conquest there have been so far, ANY of the other versions were better than this.


Darev is 100% right again


And people defending this change obviously aren’t Altaholics like the rest of us who see problems with it. The current system makes you want to play conquest less and care about conquest less. How is that good for the game? How is that good for your guild or player retention. It’s not! We already have people quitting over all the other dumbarse changes, we don’t need anymore to make even more people leave or not care about playing as much.

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So I can grind 2-3 hours a day 7 days a week focusing just on CQ to get encryptions for all 16 of my toons. Yay! Way to make the game more fun BW.


And Ellie is right too. Im glad youre here sticking up for the little guys. Imagine how bad it is for people who have 30-100 Alts and were used to getting the majority through each week. This must seem like a massive betrayal.

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Story gives about 70k but that will only work for one week. Leveling up companions is 17k a day (it used to be 25k).


I mean, it's fine when you have one character, but for those of us who have more.. it stinks. This week is going to be fine, but next week it's going to be really hard.


I’ve been working three characters just past the eternal expansions when 7.0 dropped. I’ve been feeling the pinch of conquest both requiring more points and activities paying off less. I’m not happy diverting my playtime from advancing my storyline to zipping around the galaxy, balancing CQ payoffs across characters and dailies.


I’d be fine with either the reduced payoff OR needing more points. Both is wearing thin, and it’s only been a week.

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My guild has 5 members and we’ve hit 10 Million cq points with no problem just bybdoing crafting, story and star fighter


But not everyone wants to spam Star fighter or craft. Plus it’s not just about the guild hitting the CQ total, it’s about getting your Alts through.

Sure it’s easy to to get 1-5 done with no problems. What about when you have 50 and could do that each week before 7.0 released. Now it’s probably impossible to do.

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They wanted to get rid of the money influx from all the conquest stuff. Their approach was carpet bombing the entire area. Wonderfully done, will not fix the economy really, either. Having played for 5 months I really enjoyed the game, could support the small guild I'm in with flagship plans. And now? I'm being railroaded by some designer's idea of how the game has to be. This starts to feel like a slog. Why should I put up with that?


Note: Many reputation things done already (items! decos!), PvP & starship entirely out of question (done PvP many years before WoW even existed, seen and heard it all, thanks), and I'd rather play Rez, if (played the original on the Dreamcast, what a blast!). Story? Maybe, but only if I feel like. What is left doesn't leave too many options really.


It is a game, and this "Railroad of the Sith" thing strips you of many things if you want to stay sane, still.

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The game has become such a dull and boring grind, outside the class stories this game has very little to offer other than frustration and a lot of time wasted. When a game deliberately waste your time you should walk away.


The game offers no attractive gameplay for new platers, all you will be told is "oh they nerfed this, they nerfed that" it tells me the game is much worse than it was before.


Legacy, Alignment, gear, conquest, social and so on, why should i have to grind more than the players before me? give me one good reason or i'll simply find another game to play.

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It's more than that. I checked, and my small guild also has that perk on, and Section X netted me (I just ran it, this time on a non-stealth character, in case that was the difference) 56,971 points. And 24k of that was advancing reputation!

Either you have some other perk running from somewhere, or people are getting different amounts of conquest points from the same content for some inexplicable reason.


(Maybe your reputation bonus made the difference? ???)


on the rep side is it this:

the total bonus points i get are:+54.999996185303%

so thats maybe all from the 5% extra guild perk i all get.

and my guild give's also +10.90% rep bonus

sorry the guild perk lvl 1 was 5% my mistake i cant play and type on the pc the same time.


in my imp side its:

is the +54.999996185303% also the same with the guild perk lvl 1 on.

but my guild on the imp side give's +11.20% rep bonus also


and since also both my imp and rep guild also have the Conquest 10% more conquest points guild perk on.


and here is the reason from the developer post why there have make it also 100k.


What we have seen throughout 6.0 was that the rate of Conquest completion was not contributing to these facets in a healthy manner. It was increasing the rate of acquisition for what should be long term goals for players


its a long therm what there are doing and thats the reason why there have double it from 50k to 100k

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That 100k take up most of my weekend playtime to achieve and that is only a single character.


This week has been hectic for me. I only had Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, and this morning (Monday) to get 6 characters over the 100k for conquest. 2 with one guild I'm part of and 4 for my Imp side guild that I was able to get 570k and complete Conquest. Last week, before 7.0, I was able to get 11 Imp and 7 Pub characters completed using the old system well over 100k. I'll never be able to do that again. I now have to alternate between my Pub and Imp guild to get conquests done. I'm the only one in the guild...this new system really nerfed my ability to have the quality of life for conquest completely into the ground.

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And 24k of that was advancing reputation!


This should have been about 42+k with 150% Stronghold bonus. That's what I get, and I'm unsure of the amount added from our guild bonus (don't want to log in now to find out, but I can share later if you're interested).


I believe the reputation boost only boosts the amount of reputation you get (400 vs 440 Rep with a 10% boost), which, if you're not in a hurry to max out, I'd personally not use - make the Advancement Reputation CQ objective last for as long as possible.


The Conquest boost is what will give you more conquest points for the same objective.


Another quick Rep Advancement is if you don't have the one from doing ship battles started from the personal ship (sorry, I never remembered the name) - Search for the mission Jabiim Escort on Imp/Midnight Freedom on Rep - it's daily repeatable and only 3 minute something. It grants a green rep item - so it's sure to advance you very slowly.


The problem is, we can only do the Rep Advancement 7 times (assuming you haven't maxed out on everything already). So that's 2.5 character's per week, and with some Influencer/Benefactor, these are 3.x alts per week.


It used to be with a Rep Advancement and the Crafting: Gain a level that I was able to reach my weekly goal - the potential of 7 alts done in that way, and with Assign Utility Point + Companion Influencer/Benefactor I was able to do my other two alts under 70. That left me with the entire week to play and advance Story/Chapters on three other characters - something that I really enjoyed doing, or just mess around, decorating my SH or browsing the GTN.


We'll see how it goes after I finish all the new story and FP next week, but I doubt I'd be able to do even half without burning out and start to detest the whole grind.

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That 100k take up most of my weekend playtime to achieve and that is only a single character.


So my experience with CQ this week.


I reached 100k on 33 characters, I have 15k left for one, will do that easily today.


But that's the thing - I played literally 8 hours a day. This is what I did for each character


- played the story until level 80 (that got me to about 50k)

- I finished the story on 8 characters to get the GS2 FP done (that got me 70k typically)

- once done, I started two of the weeklies (three for rep toons), did half (the easy ones), logged off and finished off the next day

- the second day I finished the two weeklies and did random heroics on other planets to reach 100k

- I did Section X on one character and will never be doing that again (reo is capped)

- focused on GSF after level 80 for another character and finished the weekly on that one, and did two more GSF's on crappy ships with two other characters just to get 30k from the striker goal and finish the GS2 goal

- I got the reputation goal done three times - once turning in plans (maxed out the second time), another time using an old token in my inventory

- I maxed out on the solo blue parts yesterday morning. I'm very close to the syndicate plans cap

- most days I ended up reaching at least the first rampage goal on all heroic planets, reached rampage 2 on the weekly ones.


So, my opinion - yeah, it's a job. Without the 50k-70k points from the story, I'll manage to do 16 characters at most, and will probably reach the cap on parts after 15. So 19 guilds will miss my contribution. I'll probably be kicked from some and will have to find casual guilds.


Then each week I'll just focus on getting GS2 goals done and reach rampage 1 on heroic planets daily, then at the end of the week check which characters are in a guild that reached their goal and use my login CQ tokens on those so at least I get extra fragments until I run out of tokens.


Needless to say, it's not going to be anywhere as fun as it used to be. And once I go back to work, I guess I'll be happy to finish CQ on 4 characters... I thought 100k would be bad, with the goal changes it actually seems 10 times harder than it used to be.



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With having to get 100K in CQ points for the guild rewards and actually LESS points available now (like 5 bomber runs in GSF went from 88K to 33K points) how do you expect small guilds to gather the encryptions at a level they did before? Oh that's right - you don't care because if our guild is not Kort, Steel Court, TEO, Crimson Order, etc., then you don't really give a flip about what happens to us.


Its actually easy and totally ruins some PvPers fun by doing it!


They made the weekly GSF quest a 4 match quest and a thing you can do daily which grants over 100k conquest. Its simple really and a LOT of people are doing it, check this out. First the list. These numbers are with max stronghold bonus of 150% + Guild conquest bonus of 10% hint hint


Weekly GSF = 125,970 conquest points and can be done daily

Activity Finder Socialite 1 = 30k while 2 = over 50k

Starfighter Pilot rewards = 37,570 each


So. You can log a character in, get to fleet grab the daily and weekly on half the characters you do this with.


First character do, say, Scout GSFs. And watch that weekly. If you win your first match, do 1 more. Win or lose. If you win a second time, you popped the weekly and are done with that character. If you lose and have 2/3 points towards that weekly. Log out and bring in another character. Dont get the weekly on this one. Start doing Scout, youll hit the first activity finder and have 30k, now complete the scout pilots 5 matches and boom, you just topped this character off. Now bring back the first IF they did not finish off that Achiever by doing a Striker. Poof, 2 characters down with that weekly finishing off.


3rd character finishes off Striker AND the Activity finder 2 for over 100k, 3rd character down in 1 day and every single other conquest objective is still available for other characters.


Next day, do the same thing as above only using Bomber and Gunship. 2 days = 6 characters in GSF. Next 5 days you can do the weekly quest, 4 matches each character and just with GSF you can get 11 characters done, and seeing as how many people are now AFKing in GSF compared to pre 7.0 , its clear others caught on as well.


its a total win for you because you can do it too! Go watch some Youtube videos while you get easy conquest points. Its clearly what the developers wanted because the idea they made these changes based on people making too much money makes no sense...a NORMAL person would just lower the payouts instead of guiding us to afk pvp for easy conquest.

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They made the weekly GSF quest a 4 match quest and a thing you can do daily which grants over 100k conquest. Its simple really and a LOT of people are doing it, check this out.


BUT GSF is hit or miss. I was queued for an hour his morning and it never popped.

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