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Picking 2nd Class Can Switch Your Faction!


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One of my guild members ran into a new bug. They were on their Mercenary (Imperial) and picked Smuggler (Republic) for their 2nd combat style. At that point they had not completed Chapter 3 of the Smuggler story. They queued for GSF and started tweaking their new abilities. They got a GSF pop and completed the match. When they returned they were trapped on the opposite faction. We've run some tests:




Maybe it's something you have been working towards that snook into the live server a bit too early? Could be interesting as a character customisation and I do like the idea that Smugglers and Agents could move between both Fleets :)


They have submitted an in-game ticket but I wanted to mention it in the forums as well in case it happens to more people. Community Team please help my guild member as they are kinda stuck in limbo since they can't interact with the rest of our guild in-game.


Edit: It's happened to another guild member as well! Definitely different person/account.

Edited by UlaVii
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Thank you for posting this with such detailed info and screenshots, hopefully Bioware will see this and look into it. Hard to deny it's an issue now with so many people having ran into it and the screenshots you've got here. Losing access to your starship and not being able to heal players you're grouped with is kind of a big deal, so it really needs to be addressed even if it's just a PSA to stop switching combat styles until this is fixed.


In the meantime, as I've asked in the other threads as well, can you check the sub status on these players? Are they recently resubbed or preferred/F2P? Another player mentioned they were able to create new characters that weren't affected by this issue and it was only their older characters that were affected, do you know if that's the case here as well?


Sorry to bombard you with questions, I'm just hoping maybe if we gather some more information, Bioware will have an easier time figuring out what's actually going on here once they do start investigating it (if they haven't already).

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In the meantime, as I've asked in the other threads as well, can you check the sub status on these players? Are they recently resubbed or preferred/F2P? Another player mentioned they were able to create new characters that weren't affected by this issue and it was only their older characters that were affected, do you know if that's the case here as well?

This affected both guild member's main characters that had been created well before patch 7. One is a sub and the other hasn't replied yet.

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This seems pretty game breaking. Thanks for all the detail!


Can they interact with mission terminals on the “wrong” fleet? Because it would be interesting to see whether the planetary heroic missions are the pub or imp ones. Also check which terminals they can use on Odessen, the pub dome or imp dome. Also check missions that are the same names on both sides like the GSF missions and the Veteran FP weekly.

Edited by phalczen
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can you check the sub status on these players? Are they recently resubbed or preferred/F2P?

They were both subs before and after patch 7 although I'm not sure either will remain for long with both their main characters trapped in limbo :(

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They were both subs before and after patch 7 although I'm not sure either will remain for long with both their main characters trapped in limbo :(


I think the question is more how long before? Were they subs for a while or just in the few days leading up to 7.0? One of the people that encountered this mentioned that they resubbed a few days before the patch and characters created after they subbed, even if those characters were created before the patch, aren't affected. Just older character from before they resubbed.


It just makes me wonder if Bioware maybe ran some eligibility check for the second combat style, since it's sub-locked, and people who subbed after that check are having their older characters affected by this. That'd be a weird way to do things so this is a spitball guess, but that's all we can do until Bioware responds to this and looks into it.

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lol I had a feeling this would happen when they first announced the styles given how deeply woven the code probably is for factions and where they can go. Fleet pass is likely directly tied to what class you are so using it as a imp class even though you're a pub story toon it doesn't surprise me that it bugged out and sends you to imp fleet.


This probably wouldn't be an issue if they maintained the tags for the old base classes, but since those are gone and only the advanced classes exist.....here we are I guess.

Edited by Raansu
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Let them try gquitting, and joining a republic guild. Let them post a screenshot or a quick video, most guilds auto invite once you ask for a guild on pubside.

They got a reply from CS saying to do a repair install and then to press CTRL-U twice to reload the interface. They have to do it to advance the ticket. The backup plan is to invite them to our Rep guild while they wait for a working solution.

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The guild member who first reported this to me has magically appeared back on Imp side. He said he did nothing to advance the story and hasn't logged in until now.


He can do everything on Imp side again although his Combat Style is locked to Gunslinger and he can't switch back to Bounty Hunter. He can access the BH personal starship. He has no option to pickup the quest to choose a 2nd spec (again).

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