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Everything posted by LiableArab

  1. One idea that was prevalent since they added the guild perks, specifically tax evasion, is that you can reduce the commission tax taken on transactions. To help deal with increasing pricing, they should add commission brackets, whereby; 8% can be standard for all purchases done < 10 million credits. 10-99 million will be 15%. 100-299 million will be 25%. 300million+ will be 40% fixed commission. This change will have more players switching to manual trading or credit-on-delivery mailing system. Should you wish to do trades, you should limit the value to 50 million credits per trade. This opens up the game to more scammers to participate in these schemes, "showing" the item, taking a few payments and "disconnecting". Over time, people will be frustrated and stop trusting this method of trade. Should you use in-game mail, let there be a similar commission scheme to the GTN, with additional fixed fee of 3% of the value of the credit sent, taken directly from the inventory of the sender. Should he not have the reserve, the money will not be sent and the item cannot be collected. Alternatively, if the effort is too much for the developers to proceed with the commission scheme for in-game mail, the game already has a cost for sending out mail. Simply increase this cost when attaching items and sending out money to a high figure, if it can be 20% of the value. This should last for one month only. In parallel, announce a discount on hypercrates (preferrably single packs) to allow it to be more affordable at as many people as possible. Thus increasing the number of cartel market items available on the market. This should help deal with the CM item inflation. For the crafting material inflation, it will simmer itself down with the high branches of the commission. And provide a discount for the jawa junk vendors, making the material more purchasable as well.
  2. Let them try gquitting, and joining a republic guild. Let them post a screenshot or a quick video, most guilds auto invite once you ask for a guild on pubside.
  3. I've been using Probe Tech and Quick Thinker, I have the slow roads (I kept on getting it in conquest crates, so I am at 6/7 on that lol) and I feel some improvements must be made for them to be utilizable. For Probe Tech, honestly it absorbs about 5k dmg for an ally and then kaput. With everyone capped at c. 290k hp with bolster, and people critting for 70k left and right, 5k is a bit low isn't it? Or at the very least even if after the defense screen gets absorbed, perhaps a 20% DR that remains for 6 seconds after it dissipates. Quick Thinker, as useful as it's been to have a short stun every minute 30 is not as useful. Now, if they increased the duration of said stun to 4 or 5 seconds, that would be interesting. Or even if they added a reflect to it! Slow Road, this set I had a lot of hope for before I saw the sad state of what it is. First off, 30% slow only? That barely puts a dent into a player. I feel it should root the target player, and provide at least a 60% slow for a duration of 3-5 seconds on all surrounding players. You may be thinking "oh, what overpowered changes" etc. etc. But, in order to use these sets you're essentially giving up on 6-piece set bonuses that are actually BiS for the respective classes, how many Operatives do you see with a 4-piece, or gunslingers? Absolutely none, but if they're expanded upon they can be more useful in tandem with specific play styles a certain player enjoys. "Oh, Slow Road will provide a root, how unbalanced is that" is what people will be saying, but truly, how many people will actually go for Slow Road instead of Established Foothold or Precise Targeter on Gunslinger? The number will be extremely low. I know, no one uses the 4-pieces either way, but I think they're fantastic ideas and really have potential to be support-orientated and do a good job of helping out the team.
  4. Canon-wise, Chiss have had force sensitives. They use them as "navigators", which is how they chart through the unknown regions. Generally, they are young females who serve as navigators. There have been known kidnappings of said children who have a high demand in the underworld market in the unknown regions. Generally around the end of their teenage years they lose their "Second Sight" as it is called. They use the Force to see in the immediate future, which is how they are able to navigate Chiss warships through the unknown regions. There have been rare cases of these force-sensitive children keeping their "Second Sight" past teenage years, and going on as long as possible. Truly exceptional ones, have something called "Third Sight" which is the equivalent to mind reading in the force. You could easily go further with this, but there are Force-sensitive Chiss who serve as navigators while they still have the Force. It wouldn't be completely unnatural if you were, say, kidnapped by slavers or some unknown species, sold to the slave market. You decided to begin using your hate, one way or another you escaped and ended up as a Sith. Sith Inquisitor is most likely Sith-spec that suits these Chiss, as they are not warriors.
  5. Salam, Back in the day before KOTFE/KOTET after I decked out all my starships, I'd just chill there. Use the GTN, organize my cargo hold, speak to my companions etc. There was always a feeling of immersion for SWTOR, walking around your ship, seeing Bowdaar at the kitchen, Akaavi in the bedroom waiting to get that freak on, beloved Risha. Now it's like a ghost town. I know it's probably not on the list, but I found all my companions and I'd like to be able to bring them back to my ship. I feel overwhelmed with the amount of companions I have, and preferred a simpler time. I was hoping if there's a way or any plans to at least let the ship be the way it used to be. While I'm shooting shots that no one probably cares about, being able to summon companions through the crew skills window + selecting what companions appear on it would be a nice touch back to a nostalgic SWTOR. Apologies for time wasted reading this, Best Regards.
  6. The Server is closed for the time being, no official word from Bioware as to why. This used to happen often with PoT5 & Bastion. It generally took them 10-30minutes to get back on. They never really do state the reason. Patience is key for the time being.
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