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First real failure of an expansion in Swtor


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I wasnt able to participate on PTS, but i see its even worse than it was reported.


New inventory along with character sheet got new UI and it is a failure on several levels, inventory seems to be highlighting everything even if its empty and hurts my and other ppls eyes as ive seen in the other forum posts.

Borrowed Inventory image for comparison.

Also changing inventory from being wide with better access and view of currencies and other tabs to this tall tower-like abomination is just bad decision across the board.


Character Sheet itself is now much worse due to the actual important numbers being hidden in a popup while we are given some random "damage, survivability, support" numbers.


Ability Tree no matter how you look at it, every class loses abilities that are part of the feel for that class. Some worse then others but without fail every class loses abilities to your pruning Biow.


New User Interface for some reason character sheet, inventory - everything with the new ugly, eye-hurting UI is not considered Secondary Window by the Interface Editor, meaning that we are unable to lock those windows in place and from alt to alt i find myself constantly unsure when my windows are.


->bonus for me who has all Secondary Windows locked, Legacy Tab got moved out of its pre-7.0 coordinates and now its half buried in the corner of my screen - unless ofc i go through the effort to unlock every secondary window again just to check my cheevos.


Pop-up Tooltip now shows as faded/bleached no matter what i hover over.


Cooldown Text is so much less visible now, im not sure if there was a color changewith 7.0, but now during the fights its near impossible to check the timers when they are near running out.


Operation Frame numbers font has been changed and is now even brighter than it was back in 5.0 having similar effect on my eyes as the ugly new inventory, making it harder to check ops frame numbers in the heat of the fights.


Activities window is now missing the ability to get toogle keybind in preferences - the most used thing on par with conquest tab and you just remove any ability for us to have keybind for its opening - this just feels like you at Biow throwing stick at my feet.


Cover Bar(quickbar) on snipers and gunslingers isnt working anymore for some reason, it just wont show up when crouching in cover.


Gearing system is really convoluted and overall downgrade across the board when compared with clear progression we had in 6.0. What is up with you gatekeeping new set bonuses behind 80lvl-only quest where you force us to go through 100 activities before we can even see the set bonus implant vendor? Gearing system in 7.0 is completely bad to the core - even more so with us not having ability to actually mod our gear - dont tell me itll come in 7.1 because right now stat balance is completely off - i cant even get close to numbers i wish for and the modable gear in 7.1 will be only for NIM raiders anyway. Gearing in 7.0 is a total bust imo.


If i find some other bastardized stuff ill update this post.


Final thoughts on 7.0 the worst expansion(reduction more like) in Swtor history. The number of things that got changed, ruined or pruned away is too much. I have no idea why postpone this for two months when even in six months it prob wouldnt be worthy of release. Story was decent but pretty much meh - and this was 10 year anniversary, personally i expected more in terms of story and its length - at least same as we got in 6.0.


In the end i would be happy if this whole expansion was rolled back and tossed out completely as if it never happened. 6.0 was the true golden age for this game and i wish to get back to it, not being forced to spin my wheels in this muddy puddle called 7.0 expansion.

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When reviewing some of the changes made to the game and systems, sometimes it feels like they weren't even done by professionals.


Were college kids with no experience working, in the games industry or otherwise, hired? Who worked on the UI changes?


The original 1.0 classes took millions of dollars to develop, test, and refine over time. Their redesign, a fundamental shift away from the past 10 years, feels like it was done with a couple of people who didn't even understand all the specs and how they work and interact, let alone how to evolve them into something largely different from the last decade or refine them in the context of the PVE game's many mechanics. I haven't tried any PVP WZs or arenas yet, but I'd be surprised if there aren't problems adapting all the class spec changes into the maps and how they function.


Leveling has been changed for the worse. Endgame has been changed for the worse. Gearing most definitely is the worst system SWTOR has ever had. Combat has been changed for the worse. Group finder, both while leveling and at endgame, has been changed for the worse - folks this week can't even queue for a FP until level 50, if leveling. Set bonuses are often uninspired and lack any depth (3% general damage increase, etc.). Entire game modes that maintain groups of subscribers have been changed or affected for the worse.


I can note a few things that are better, primarily cosmetic in nature (Alliance crate armors in collections, 5.x Command system drops available as bound-to-legacy gear, weapons in Outfit Designer had it happened), but they'd be next to dozens of things that are far worse that affect core gameplay.


It's sincerely baffling how Keith, who's led the SWTOR team for years now and made, in my view, a successful initial effort in getting the game back on the right track after Ben Irving's departure, on a relatively tight budget, oversaw this.


Onslaught/6.0 was generally a quality product. It was even pretty large by SWTOR standards, if you consider the Ossus update was initially planned as being part of it but ended up releasing earlier. Ossus was probably the most welcome daily zone put in the game since Oricon, and, as a planet, maybe even overall since the 2.x era. After years of instanced hallways in KotXX, the game felt like SWTOR again, complete with datacrons, funny achievements, world bosses, an Operation, a variety of quests that utilized approaches and systems from what SWTOR's leveling planets used to do so well in variety, etc. This continued with Mek-Sha and Onderon, and the addition of a good FP and a new Operation when 6.0 launched.


How did the same Keith oversee 7.0? What the h*** happened?

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To add on to the ability tree.....the entire design is just confusing as hell. If I was a new player I would have no idea that I'm supposed to pick one thing out of the list because there is no indication to do so. Its just this weird tree with lines that are supposed to indicate some kind of link, but even as someone that knew how it function's its layout is still all sorts of confusing.
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I cancelled my accounts yesterday. I will check back in 6 months. I WILL NOT PAY FOR THIS CRAPTASM. Hopefully the ubisoft/massive open world star wars MMO is still under robust development. This one may be done.


SWG spent years rolling back the NGE, and eventually got to where they were making progress again. Then they lost their license as this game effectively killed it. I see history repeating itself.

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Definitely causing people to unsubscribe. What’s interesting is the Steam numbers are going up or staying steady and the feed back on steam is more positive than these official forums, reddit, Twitter or even the gaming media reviews.

I guess we now know who their target audience was with this disaster of an expansion. It was all the free to play - preferred merry go round noobs on steam who they hope will spend money on the CM. It obviously wasn’t the loyal subscriber base that’s stuck around paying their wages and shareholder dividends for that last 10 years. I’m eagerly waiting to see what happens in 60 days when those numbers plummet.

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Definitely causing people to unsubscribe. What’s interesting is the Steam numbers are going up or staying steady and the feed back on steam is more positive than these official forums, reddit, Twitter or even the gaming media reviews.

I guess we now know who their target audience was with this disaster of an expansion. It was all the free to play - preferred merry go round noobs on steam who they hope will spend money on the CM. It obviously wasn’t the loyal subscriber base that’s stuck around paying their wages and shareholder dividends for that last 10 years. I’m eagerly waiting to see what happens in 60 days when those numbers plummet.


Wont really know the impact until next month with steamcharts and peoples subs start running out of time.

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Wont really know the impact until next month with steamcharts and peoples subs start running out of time.


My thoughts exactly. I think in 30-60 days those charts will show a drastic decrease in player numbers.

Probably lower than before the expansion launched.

That’s when BioWare will announce a new direction and that “they’ve listened to the players feedback”.

Do you think they’ll do to Kieth what they did to Ben? Give him a raise and move him to run another game :rolleyes:

BioWare and EA are a weird company where people seem to be able to fail upwards instead facing consequences for poor decisions.

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My thoughts exactly. I think in 30-60 days those charts will show a drastic decrease in player numbers.



This. In a burst of enthusiasm I bought the CE and got another 30 days sub. So now I'm waiting out 40 days until my sub is done.


I'm hoping SWTOR does something to fix this expansion .... or, more appropriately, "contraction" ... but I'm not holding out hope.

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This. In a burst of enthusiasm I bought the CE and got another 30 days sub. So now I'm waiting out 40 days until my sub is done.


I'm hoping SWTOR does something to fix this expansion .... or, more appropriately, "contraction" ... but I'm not holding out hope.


I wouldn’t hold out hope. BioWares past behaviour would suggest they won’t and even if they do, it will take 2 years. On a bright note, it seems FFXIV will be starting free trials up again on the 22nd. So we can at least test that before paying for it.

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The worse changes for the game I have EVER seen since ive been playing this game, which has been like 8-9 years.


I think the biggest thing that's annoying me now is the sheer silence from BioWare. The devs/community manager NEEDS to say something, anything at all. They need to give us some kind of road map and a deeper level of communication of what they truly plan on doing going forward.

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I think the biggest thing that's annoying me now is the sheer silence from BioWare. The devs/community manager NEEDS to say something, anything at all. They need to give us some kind of road map and a deeper level of communication of what they truly plan on doing going forward.


But we all know they will do what they always do and stay in their cone of silence and maybe march Jackie out to divert attention occasionally.


I was hoping those game news reddit posts would garner a reaction from BioWare. But 600 up votes doesn’t seem to be enough.


Maybe a change.org petition is the way to accelerate the process?

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This. Are they non-plussed or indifferent?


I'm suspecting inderiferent.


They’ve always gone silent when the **** hits the fan. It’s their standard operating procedure. I doubt anything different will happen this time. Pretty sure it’s in their disaster recovery manual to stay silent and go down with the ship.

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They’ve always gone silent when the **** hits the fan. It’s their standard operating procedure. I doubt anything different will happen this time. Pretty sure it’s in their disaster recovery manual to stay silent and go down with the ship.


But its never been this bad. I've been around for every major update and there's always complaints about certain things. The worst at the time was the galactic command, but even then it was nothing like the reaction of 7.0. The amount of disdain for 7.0 has been worse than any other update for this game that I've seen ever either in game, forums, reddit etc....

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But its never been this bad. I've been around for every major update and there's always complaints about certain things. The worst at the time was the galactic command, but even then it was nothing like the reaction of 7.0. The amount of disdain for 7.0 has been worse than any other update for this game that I've seen ever either in game, forums, reddit etc....


I don’t know. Do you remember the anger at Ben Irving after 5.0?. That was pretty bad and they stayed silent for 2 months. Then announced he was leaving swtor.

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I don’t know. Do you remember the anger at Ben Irving after 5.0?. That was pretty bad and they stayed silent for 2 months. Then announced he was leaving swtor.


true 5.0 was bad but like raansu said, 7.0 is way worse, atleast 5.0 had the whole KotET chapters at launch.

this time nothing will safe them , even all the white knights / swtor defenders are quiet as hell lol.

this game is done....not now not tomorrow but i think it'll happen this year...

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