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Everything posted by Joaina

  1. I am missing Solo Kill/Deaths Ratio in the Battle Records. Maybe you find some time to add this. Cheers
  2. Call it what ever you want to call it. I am happy, when there is a call at all! But i prefer east west mid calls.
  3. I am not sure if this got reported already, or it's just a weekly cap limitation. I noticed multiple times that I still have the same amount of WZ-1 Accelerants after finishing the PVP Weekly.
  4. Huttball is fun as long both Teams play the Objective. Bioware should separate it from Regular Warzones and make it ranked.
  5. Ended my sub too. I saw many friends quit over the past years, but I kept going to support the game I actually like. Nothing remains to like. So long, and thanks for all the pointless Grind of 306 Gear.
  6. I play alone 99% of my Time and I like it, because the fun fact with most Premades is, they are only strong in Group with their Meta Setups. Catch them alone and most of them get rekt in 1v1. They can farm me 15 Times, I don't care, i'll show them the Truth when I catch them alone.
  7. Joaina


    I play Serenity/Hatred a lot. It can be fun and frustrating at the same time.
  8. I totally agree with you. HG is pure fun, but Orbs should be removed because they just confuse most players. I saw healers bringing orbs, while our Team got stomped keeping the enemy node neutral.
  9. I like the challenge playing against Premades. Sometimes it's against all odds but on the other Hand just like Snave said, you still can win against them. If you can't win, just troll them. I'm trying to separate them and force them to 1v1. Or i just burn them in Huttball for absolute no reason.
  10. Most important thing. Do not take it too serious.
  11. All that whining about the time penalty. Its brilliant! Bioware do not listen to these wimps, finally a good Mechanic in the game. Keep it up!
  12. leaving within the timer before the round starts is okay. And sooner or later you know the guilds and players who dont do the basic stuff, so you can leave before the rounds starts. i am talking about players who leave when round is active or even in late game state..
  13. I am recently playing on Darth Malgus and sad to say that leaving is a common thing on this Server. A bad deployment and in the first 60 Seconds someone starts a "Leave Parade" that keeps going until the Round is over. Sometimes stronger players join and the Team turn the cards, but mostly its a continous come and go. @DEV Team Warzone leavers should earn a Time Penalty that stacks for each leave until a 24h ban from pvp. I know sometimes you just gotta go because of whatever. But continous leaving should be punished. https://imgur.com/a/kq992EI
  14. Ich habe letztens mal an den Energiespar optionen rumgespielt und danach hat das Spiel angefangen zu ruckeln. Schau mal in den Windows Energie Optionen nach und stelle alle Einstellungen auf Vollgas falls Energiespar Optionen aktiviert sind.
  15. but i want unexpected duels in the world.
  16. well, you can do daylies on pve instances, if you need companions. But in open world pvp they just killing the duels. Specially when they are used in groups. But most important are the pvp medipacks to activate. /love
  17. 1: Activate PVP Medipaks and Adrenal Stims on pvp mirrors. 2 Deactivate companions on pvp mirrors. Thank you.
  18. Update. Ignore my previous post. i found the problem. for some reason my computer was in energy saving mode. GAME IS RUNNING FINE AGAIN YEHAA at least i have a fresh installation
  19. Hi Dev Team. I have massive frame drops in swtor and specially in warzones since tuesday patch 5.9.3a release. Monday was still fine having up to 170 frames on fleet and 40-60 frames in warzones. But tuesday eve after patching i only have 60 frames on fleet and about 10fps in warzones. I already reinstalled the game but there was no improvement. i updated GPU drivers but still low frames. Star Wars Battlefront 2 on Frostbyte Engine ist running fine on 60fps stable on max settings. System Win10 Intel I5 2500k @ 3,3 Nvidia 1050Ti 4 GB 12 GB RAM I Play this game on this Computer for 4 Years now, and never noticed any problems. Best Regards
  20. Willkommen zurück. Das ist die Positionsabfrage vom Server, die wird nur alle paar Sekunden erneuert. Also wenn ein Spieler sich zwischen den Positionsaktualisierugen bewegt bzw. Fähigkeiten benutzt wie den Machtsprint, oder die Schurkenrolle, kommt es zu visuellen Glitches, bis die neue Postion deines Ziels mit dem Server und dir als Client wieder syncronisiert ist. Das passiert besonders dann, wenn sich während der Bewegung ausser der Position auch die Höhe des Spielers verändert. Sprich, der Schurke rollt eine Rampe oder Treppen hoch, dann verschwindet der visuell im Boden, obwohl er sich ganz regulär bewegt. Das ist grade im Queshball sehr nervig, da es 3 Etagen gibt. Sicher spielen die Rechenleistung der CPU und die Qualität der Internetleitung auch noch eine kleine Rolle.
  21. Hi everyone. I am a crafter and mats farmer and i like open pvp. How about making iokath an universal mats farm planet? It would make the planet more populated, when all mats from lvl 1-10 would be available. @ pve community Before you guys enter rage mode because "farming mats farmers is evil." DO NOT GO ON PVP INSTANCES TO FARM MATS.
  22. Wollte grade mein Abo über Sofort Überweisung machen. Scheint ein allgemeines Problem mit allen Zahlungmethoden zu geben. Aber bei so etwas ist BW schnell das zu fixen.
  23. Joaina

    Open pvp

    *I am from the german forums, so please excuse my sloppy english. Hi folks. Back in the days i always enjoyed beeing flagged for PVP in the Open World. But the DEVS in all thier wisdom disabled the PVP flagging for some reason. (I guess the PVP Gear was the main reason, because pvp players always had advantage compared to pve players) But the PVP Gear has been removed and thats makes us all equal again. They have introduced Iokath but if you move there, its like having a walk alone in the Mojave Desert. I spent alot of time on Yavin 4 but now Yavin 4 is dead like all others Planets when you are in the PVP instances. Please Bioware - bring back the Open World PVP flagging . There is still potential, but it might need a bit of rework. The game engine doesnt like masses of players, but this isnt what i meant. I am basicly talking about quick duels when meeting another flagged player. Some suggestions: Only a flagged player can attack another flagged player. Back in days even unflagged players accidently could attack flagged players. And if they did and beeing in group the entire group has been flagged. Most players who accidently attacked a flagged player didnt know that they have to rest 5mins in non combat areas to unflag themselves. (I guess that was the second reason they removed the pvp flagging) Just make sure that unflagged playes cant attack until they have flagged themselves. Remove Group flagging when a groupmember attacks another flagged player. And bring a small popup window after players dead that asks to stay flagged or unflag now. I am sure many players would be happy again. I would be happy for sure. thanks for reading. have a nice day.
  24. Es wird sich niemand melden, denn kaum jemand liest noch das Forum. Ausserdem werden die etablierten PVP Gilden auf dich zukommen, wenn die der Meinung sind, dass du was kannst. Also spiel einfach PVP und schreibe hin und wieder mal in den Flotten PVP Chat das du eine PVP Gilde suchst. Da hast du bessere chancen als hier im Forum. Viel Erfolg.
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