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New inventory literally hurts the eyes of people


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Pictured below, old inventory vs new inventory side by side, I took this from reddit. It is crazy left image is the original, right one the """improved""" version.





Heh, I showed that pic to my friend who doesn't play and he literally said "the new one looks better".


Then I had to explain to him that the one on the left wasn't the new one.


And then he laughed.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but there is a medical term for this that I suspect is at play here called "tryphophobia" (warning: the pictures may cause discomfort to some). It's more common than people think, and many people don't realize they suffer from it. However, almost any UI/UX engineer *should* be aware of it -- it's just not acceptable IMO to make this design error in 2022 and it should be immediately fixed....


Guys, please do yourselves a favour and don't click that link! - even if you don't have it, you will after seeing some of the images. I was unable to erase them from my mind for months at an end! it's nothing to be curious about, it's just pure awfulness and has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It is a completely different issue!


My hope is that, if this topic gets big enough, someone with decision power will take notice, and maybe show us player base some mercy and revert back the old UI. As multiple someones said in this thread - it is not an improvement, rather the opposite.


This issue also makes me question if the devs play their own game?

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Guys, please do yourselves a favour and don't click that link! - even if you don't have it, you will after seeing some of the images. I was unable to erase them from my mind for months at an end! it's nothing to be curious about, it's just pure awfulness and has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It is a completely different issue!


My hope is that, if this topic gets big enough, someone with decision power will take notice, and maybe show us player base some mercy and revert back the old UI. As multiple someones said in this thread - it is not an improvement, rather the opposite.


This issue also makes me question if the devs play their own game?


I'm really sorry. My only goal here was to validate that this is a "real" thing and not just people being overly sensitive. But it is very much the issue for me, because it's something I deal with and it's why I can't personally look at the inventory screen...


edited to add: please don't click the link if you think this is even remotely an issue for you. That's a fair point and I tried to warn, but it wasn't enough. But again, the gaps in the rounded rectangles create a "honeycombing" effect that if you deal with this issue, you will instantly react to and feel quesy from...

Edited by Joonbeams
one more thing
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Haven't been chiming in much on the forums because it seems like we just get what they give us; or we get things we didn't even ask them to do a lot of the time... as if we wanted the changes?


I think the Inventory in particular was something that didn't need changing. It looked fine the way it was. Needless change. Aesthetically, this is much, much, much worse looking. Makes the game interface feel like it's in Beta or a Mobile game rather than an AAA studio supported mmorpg.


There are def things I don't like... but this in particular (among general UI changes) def' is something they should simply change back the way it was.

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I'm not a huge fan of the new UI in general, but for the most part it is pretty okay . . . except for the new inventory UI. I hate it. It is a literal eyesore, and actually makes it harder to discern the contents of your inventory. Please change it Bioware!
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I generally like the new UI layout. Takes some getting used to but in the long run i tink it's better. But the grid in the inventory is really bad i.m.o.

I much prefer the thin hairlines of the old inventory.


Maybe I just need some more time with the new inventory. I haven’t noticed it causing any eye strain, but I find it much harder to read and find things. I think it’s the narrower cells and wider column spacing.


I also have a harder time reading the equipment layout. Before, I was always trying to decide which slot was main versus offhand. Now, I need to remember what is each and every slot (other than chest and legs).

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I also dislike the look of the inventory.


I wish so much that our inventory, cargo hold and legacy bank were set up like the GTN with a search function, then we wouldnt have to sift through so much trash.


The new grid like boxes make it hard to tell if the spot is filled or not; it is just odd looking

Edited by kirorx
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Heh, I showed that pic to my friend who doesn't play and he literally said "the new one looks better".


Then I had to explain to him that the one on the left wasn't the new one.


And then he laughed.


Looking at them side by side is pretty funny. The new one looks like it was made by someone using ms paint at the last minute.

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This is what it is like using the inventory in the game now.


Yes! The new Inventory UI is hideous and a strain to look at. Baffling that they thought it was a good idea to have those huge, space-wasting, eye-distracting gaps between the inventory boxes, let alone with bright high-contrast borders.

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Looking at them side by side is pretty funny. The new one looks like it was made by someone using ms paint at the last minute.


It isn't the only thing that does.


The new blank white class icons in the character selection screen look like MS Paint... from 1997

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I played for a while and had to open my inventory and PAIN!!!


I am prone to migraines. Looking at certain colors that contrast with others in a certain way literally hurts my eyes to the point that my head joins in. Yesterday was one of those days and today I'm DREADING logging into the game!


I battled a FOUR HOUR MIGRAINE after logging out, no thanks to the inventory and cargo bays. I run a guild! I cannot log out like this and just not log back in. I can't do that to my guild...but I'm seriously considering quitting because I cannot harm myself to play a game that is now broken beyond belief.

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I've played many different MMO type games. The current 'look' of the inventory window is similar to some others.

I don't know why they changed it, and I can't say that I like it, but I will bet that I won't even notice in a few weeks. 🤔


I'd also point out that the 'tabs' are much easier to see now. 🙂


I will.


It's physically painful to look at.


I spent four hours battling a migraine yesterday brought on by this...it's pure bantha you-know-what!

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The new "UI" looks slightly better than the greyscale placeholder Pantheon is using.




And Pantheon isn't a live game out of beta stages. SWTOR is.

And Pantheon devs actually listen to the players when they tell them something isn't working. SWTOR devs don't.


There's a HUGE difference between Pantheon and SWTOR and one of them is more important than the other. (Hint, it's not that it's not yet live...)

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Do you want to know the funniest thing about the UI changes?


All they had to do was add a search function...


Typical bioware: Overthinking the problem and reinventing the wheel for the worse out of undeserved hubris


Yep. And possibly a little bit of boredom on the part of the graphics designers. But if they were that bored, why the heck didn't they go and add to the opening cinematic to make it look more believable? The movement of the ships in the opening cinematic of the expansion (where we see Arn's ship getting attacked) is laughable at best!

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I played for a while and had to open my inventory and PAIN!!!


I am prone to migraines. Looking at certain colors that contrast with others in a certain way literally hurts my eyes to the point that my head joins in. Yesterday was one of those days and today I'm DREADING logging into the game!


I battled a FOUR HOUR MIGRAINE after logging out, no thanks to the inventory and cargo bays. I run a guild! I cannot log out like this and just not log back in. I can't do that to my guild...but I'm seriously considering quitting because I cannot harm myself to play a game that is now broken beyond belief.

This makes me sad to read, I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I suggest leaving a brief (so you don't have to be in-game long) message for your guild about what you're dealing with, maybe ask someone you trust to take over, at least for the time being. I'm sure they will understand. You should not have to deal with a migraine to play a game for fun. :( You could also try chatting with who you need to through discord or something so you can explain it to them and figure things out without needing to be in-game, if there are details you feel will take more time to hash out. Or maybe send a DM on the forums if there's somebody in the guild you know who uses them. Anything so you can avoid that migraine again, just ludicrous to be dealing with that over a video game. This studio has a lot of apologizing to do.

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