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Well that was quick.


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The whole situation looks like a very bad joke. Likely someone from BW will be reading forums.


So I am talking to you now.


I have been a subscriber for some while, I would even buy cartel coins occasionally to get some CM armor sets I want. This being said... 7.0 is a disaster, but no for me - for you. I have got other games to play and will happily pay for something else, not SWTOR in its current state. I may be a minority (or not so much), so you are surely free to make what you want of this. Take care.

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the whole situation looks like a very bad joke. Likely someone from bw will be reading forums.


So i am talking to you now.


I have been a subscriber for some while, i would even buy cartel coins occasionally to get some cm armor sets i want. This being said... 7.0 is a disaster, but no for me - for you. I have got other games to play and will happily pay for something else, not swtor in its current state. I may be a minority (or not so much), so you are surely free to make what you want of this. Take care.



spot on !

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they spent the majority of time redoing stupid ****.


i honestly could stand the game for about 20 minutes. Could not even do the first quest. Combat felt so weird.


It was supposed to be an EXPANSION, not a DETRACTION...


7.0 removes good elements, takes away from the game, it doesnt add anything but those 2 hours of content.


This game issues have never been the fantasy or who knows, its stupid bioware spending time doing systems that no one cares about later, instead of focusing on giving out CONTENT....




Expansions should just be as 6.0 was, plus the story, fps, ops, elements.


This is trash, for real.... half my skillbar is gone. Why the hell should my sith lord feel weaker now?


Besides the new UI is absolutely comboluted trash.


Just here to drop the obligatory I told you so to the dev reading the forums. The only thing you had to do in this game is add more content for people to do. Literally no one asked you to reinvent the wheel.


Once you get around to fixing this mess, go ahead and make the class stories repeatable as well. Class story, ROTHC, SOR are easily the best parts of this game. Then again I'm sure the reason you don't is so people make a new character and buy new cartel market items for it. Whatever.


I'll check back in a year or two and see whether or not you've put out this dumpster fire. 😂

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Remember the live stream announcing the "expansion" when -eric constantly referred to it as "lots" and insinuated that they would deliver a lot of stuff to us upon launch. His definition of lots is obviously a lot different than mine.


Just like "soon"

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Are they just going to get more trickle down content over the year? We have been doing it that way for years. I would prefer a huge expansion that does do that, but i half expect it to be little bits at a time again Edited by kirorx
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Remember the live stream announcing the "expansion" when -eric constantly referred to it as "lots" and insinuated that they would deliver a lot of stuff to us upon launch. His definition of lots is obviously a lot different than mine.


LOTS: Little Other Than Screwed-up

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Remember the live stream announcing the "expansion" when -eric constantly referred to it as "lots" and insinuated that they would deliver a lot of stuff to us upon launch. His definition of lots is obviously a lot different than mine.


I don't even know what Eric even does anymore....This game barely has any form of communication with its players on the forums or any of its social media pages and I don't think he even comments at all on reddit anymore. Maybe they are all on that super secret discord people talk about all the time? lol

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Not sure if I qualify as a 100% white knight, but I did tell people to chill and wait, and speaking for myself, here I am, in the here and the now, saying I'm not disappointed with 7.0.


I'm not disappointed. I would be if I expected it to be good and it turned out awful. I expected it to be awful and it is mostly awful.

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I haven't officially played the game yet, just logged in and looked around. It takes getting used to the new layout. I do appreciate being able to change combat styles since for a couple of characters I was not enjoying the play. I switched my main Bounty Hunter to Mercenary. I noticed a few of his original Power Tech abilities were gone.


Switching to Mercenary I couldn't get his abilities onto my quickbar until I found them already loaded in another quick bar array I scrolled through. Compared to my other Bounty Hunter who is a Mercenary I don't recall if any of the Mercenary abilities are missing, but I was able to get a new quickbar array I was happy to use. I appreciate I get a free comparable off-hand weapon to go with my new combat style. I was worried how I would get one.


I did have one major disappointment. I wanted to upgrade my gear to 278+ for when I do Spirit of Vengeance. However, when I buy the unknown secondhand weapon I only get the shield as if I was still a Powertech. That's really annoying. Hopefully having the second hand weapon be the only gear lower than 278 won't be a problem. I do have a few missions to do before I reach Spirit of Vengeance, so hopefully I'll get a better weapon as a drop before then. I don't care if it's green; it just needs to be at least 278. I play in Story Mode, and that's enough.


I do like the old music being back. I thought at some point after the new music after an update they alternated between the two, but I was mistaken. There's part of the new music I did like, so I was hearing different parts of it at times which was why I liked and didn't like it depending which part was played when I logged in. Now that the true old music is back I can ear remember the difference and know I prefer the old music.

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I did have one major disappointment. I wanted to upgrade my gear to 278+ for when I do Spirit of Vengeance. However, when I buy the unknown secondhand weapon I only get the shield as if I was still a Powertech. That's really annoying. Hopefully having the second hand weapon be the only gear lower than 278 won't be a problem. I do have a few missions to do before I reach Spirit of Vengeance, so hopefully I'll get a better weapon as a drop before then. I don't care if it's green; it just needs to be at least 278. I play in Story Mode, and that's enough.


Did you switch your loot preference by clicking your character portrait?

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This is preposterous!!!


The story took me a little over an hour. I thought i had just finished the prologue of the expansion story content. I just couldn't believe I had already finished the story. It's ridiculous. Really.... I'm completely disgusted by the lack of regard for the players on the part of BW.


I have been with the game since before launch. I stuck with the game through the 4.0/5.0 content drought but this is too much. I'll go play anything else but this. 7.0 has less cpntent than the Ossus update. It makes 4.0 and 5.0 look like real expansions....


GG Bioware. You won. You can go work on another project. It won't take long for people to have the same reaction as most of us and just pull the plugs on our subs.


You were warned. Everyone told you: Don't mess this up for 7.0 cause it's your last chance...


Anyways, in the end, i think i'm just sad cause my favorite game in the last 10 years is now dead to me... so much time and effort and even love to our characters...Distaste, disgust, sadness, deception is what were left with...


Ciao bye :( :( :(

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LMAO wow, they certainly made it sound like it was a lot more than it was didn't they? This can't be called an expansion, I'm sorry. Onslaught was disappointingly short, this took it to the next level. If they can't deliver on actual expansion sized releases, they should just call them content updates from now on and stop labeling them as expansions.
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So i stupidly bought the digital pack instead of just resubbing for a month so I could see the story with the new expansion. I am a story person and have done the rest of the story in SWTOR so came back just to see more of Darth Malgus and find out what he is up to. I logged in my Sorcerer and proceeded to go through the story only to find out after the solo flashpoint that was the end...though I wasn't sure and no one in general chat would confirm it. Coming here I am guessing I was right and that was it. I didn't even get to find out what Darth Malgus was up to really! And I did pay for Legend of the Sith but have a bad feeling to see the rest of it (hopefully they add more) I will end up having to resub as it will be a different update and that just makes me more upset. Bad form Devs, I have seen larger content updates from much smaller dev teams. There is so much hype with the new SW series lately I would think this game could be a real money maker but not if this is what they consider an expansion worth of content. :(
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I feel so bad right now. I came back in november for the expansion and was fine with "We can't release it in december" and now I'm still subbed and it feels like .. empty and sad like Ziost.


Thanks to my friends and guild I had fun with for some weeks, but this isn't worth it. The conquest change is a huge point for making it even worse.



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The real depressing thing is watching other games have botched launches where devs and publishers doubled down and reforged a redemption story, while this game languishes slowly circling around the drain in the post-KOTFE/KOTET phase...


the difference there is probably that for instance, FF is SE IP, so they know they live and die by its success, and were hence motivated to fix the game... while it more and more feels like EA plans for SW to soon be a license fee of the past.


In a way, you can actually see their business logic. Those of us here since launch have proven we'll eat up whatever baloney they serve up... and the easiest way to try and cash in on the WoW exodus was with a flashy trailer. Just gamble that the word of mouth stays in the echo chamber of the existing community (good bet cos wth at large cares about this game other than that one guy at Massively) and that the newcomers offset the exodus.

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Playing since december of 2011. That was most terrible things for years. The whole patch. UI and story content killed me. Don't you have a conscience? Selling Collector Edition for 40$ ?

The story is so small, it's looks like prelude to Shadow of Revan. We just spend our time killing waves of troopers and that's it? The whole Manaan story?


I'am so sorry... © Obi-Wan *put his hood and walks away* :(:(:(

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Playing since december of 2011. That was most terrible things for years. The whole patch. UI and story content killed me. Don't you have a conscience? Selling Collector Edition for 40$ ?

The story is so small, it's looks like prelude to Shadow of Revan. We just spend our time killing waves of troopers and that's it? The whole Manaan story?


I'am so sorry... © Obi-Wan *put his hood and walks away* :(:(:(


Yeah it's pretty bad, they really shouldn't be able to label this as an expansion and get away with it. Why would you spend so much money on a crazy cinematic trailer only for the gameplay to be a couple hours, max.

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I don't understand how anyone on this forum can be disappointed.


You knew that this would happen.


We had all the info.


You could test it for yourself on the PTS.


Story was datamined and known to be about 45 minutes + time to fight trash.


What did you expect would suddenly happen?


My first warning post came right after they announced 7.0 for the first time. Everyone was blinded by the thought of swapping classes. But the info that this patch will be a downgrade was there from day one of the announcement.


Everyone had enough time to mentally prepare for 7.0. The patch is exactly as I expected it to be. All info was there. All signs were there. Why players kept believing that there would come more, and they would have secret stuff waiting for us, is beyond me. Ever since Mr. Kanneg is in charge, we get exactly what they state. Or less. Mostly less. But NEVER more.


You have exactly one possibility to show your disappointment: Stop your sub. As long as you continue paying, they don't care about your disappointment.

Edited by JattaGin
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They put all their effort into combat style changes. So that they could distinguish even more between what f2p-pref gets and subs. Hence the ability to easily switch between10 different loadouts. Which I have to say is pretty neat having set it up and used it. But its a novelty that will quickly wear off. At this point of the game cycle content is a lot more important. What will happen is that solo players will switch play stealth class (cq farming etc) and then switch to their preferred class for multiplayer content. To summarize this expansion.
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Let me just start by saying I love Swtor. I may **** talk it and bash it sometimes. I love it. Period. It is the only Star Wars IP that is from the Expanded Universe left and it's been going on for 10 years now. It is the only Star Wars game right now that offers lots of customization, tons of content and value. However...this update may have broken the camels back. And there are many reasons why. Just take a tour down the forums or spend an hour on Imperial Fleet watching General Chat (probably worst option but it's an option). I don't see Bioware going back on this and in turn. I see many people cancelling subs and quitting the game. There are those who have already done so today, but when the holdouts. The "white knights" as we call them come out of the honeymoon phase a month or two from now. They too will follow and probably either cancel their sub or just stop playing the game entirely. I played the PTS in November into January of this year after it was delayed and I and all of the people who played the PTS saw this coming. I didn't want to believe it could be this disorderly. The name of the new trailer just happens to be named "Disorder". How fitting...There is no going back from this point on and Bioware will see the poor results and will have to make some very serious decisions on the future of this game in a year or two. Personally for me? I was binge playing Mass Effect LE and playing other games before today. I am going to simply return to those and forget about Swtor till the summer. I am truly disappointed. Edited by ReveredDead
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