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So Your Rolled Empire....Why?


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It seems there is about a 3:1 margin of people choosing to roll Empire of Republic in this game. My question is to all of you Empire folks....why did you choose the dark side?


Because the Jedi Code conflicts with my being.


Proper Code seen below.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.

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I've always related to the Sith - their power through passion, although it can end up being evil, really shows the flaws (and positives) in humanity. In my opinion, the Jedi's serenity and denying emotions like fear and anger is dehumanizing oneself and, ultimately, just as bad as the 'evil' Empire.


And I loved it in Episode VI where Palpatine says (in my opinion, in disgust, "Take back your... jedi weapon." Because he doesn't need it, because he knows that true power comes from the Force. (Yeah, I was either going to go with Palpatine-esque or Yoda-esque, IE Inquisitor or Consular, and I picked Inquisitor.).


(Also, in the Empire, the higher-ups are all evil but you get a lot of good people lower down. In the Republic, the higher-ups are all good but you get a lot of evil people lower down. It's very interesting.).


Edit: Oh, and my character has his reactions based on the first Doctor from the 2005 reboot - sarcasm and righteous anger. He's mostly lightside, but he's still climbing up from neutral because so many people deserved execution so far. T_T


(Not even Light I yet, still neutral. xD)

Edited by Flyceratops
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Because my first two characters were Republic and I wanted to mix it up a bit.


Oh, and Dark Side =/= Empire. My IA is sorta Greyish still, while my Trooper (my main) is now all veiny and orange-eyed.


This has to be one of the more stupid implementations done by BW. The veiny grey skin and orange eyes were a sign of the taint of the dark side. As the dark side is a part of the Force...It makes no sense a non-force user could be physically altered by the force. Jabba the Hutt wasnt veiny, grey and orange eyed. Nor was a number of other very evil individuals that were not force-sensitive.

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It seems there is about a 3:1 margin of people choosing to roll Empire over Republic in this game. My question is to all of you Empire folks....why did you choose the dark side?


Here is your error: "why did you choose the dark side" .


You view the empire as evil, but the empire is the true form of freedom.


I view the jedi order as a dictatorship upon the galaxy, they control the republic, all they want is power.


Sith should rule too, then the republic will have peace.


Remember: Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace

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Here is your error: "why did you choose the dark side" .


You view the empire as evil, but the empire is the true form of freedom.


I view the jedi order as a dictatorship upon the galaxy, they control the republic, all they want is power.


Sith should rule too, then the republic will have peace.


Remember: Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace


Wise words.

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