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Everyone get your backsides on PTS!


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Have you tested and provided said feed back in the pts forum or are you just going on what others are saying?


I have...and have provided feedback there...as if anymore is needed..perhaps posts with hundreds of replys is not enough? What is the point of more feedback when it feels BW is delibreratly gutting some force-users classes?


For a matter of fact I have been playing almost exclusively for 6 years all Guardian/Jugg and Sentinel/Mara disciplines PvP and PvE wise. As I and many other have said classes are unplayable and gutted and anybody with half a brain can look at the combat style choices for lvl 50 and above and see that the DPS Jugg/Guaridian loses two of its most important defenses/utility skills. Not to mention the class overall feels weak. In PvP there would be a slaughter....putting aside Ranked where DPS Jugg is one of the weakest classes....with those changes this is going to be the weakest class even in unrakned warzones.


Yes the rotations are there and feel better now, but they are not my main gripe with the styles. No good def, no cc immunity, while the dps numbers are not the highest...even if the idea was to make the class a glass-cannon it is not done even remotely good. Unimaginative...this is the word.


Sorry but I have no intention of sugar-coating some cosmetic changes, whereas the Jugg most important defense and utility skills are lacking. The class was supposed to be buffed not nerfed to the ground in comparison with other classes. How about those Operative changes eh?? How about them?? Can anybody come and say how much the class lost compared to other classes....or how much other classes lost compared to dps jugg and for some part mara/sentinel?


This combined with the ridiculous gear lock and grind behind OPS which are boring and ez, but needlessly time-consuming and the meager amount of story content, the worst level sync i have ever seen and the horrible stats disperse (really BW...do you even play your game) that comes with it has overflowed my cup of patience for this ongoing debacle of sinking this game with laughable decisions.

Edited by ExarSun
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Spent 1 hour on the PTS today and found numerous bugs. Actually found more bugs than I thought I would (which was a shock). I’m glad they’ve postponed the expansion, if they’d released this unpolished mess next week, I think it may have sunk under the weight of the bugs alone. That’s before you even look at the changes many of us hate.

I implore any who can test to please do so and make detailed bug reports. Maybe they can squash some of them before 15th February.

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I have spent aprox 6 hrs on pts so far. Not overly impressed. But its not finished so i take what i see with a grain of salt. Lack of char copy makes it a lil difficult to make a decent comparison. and its a pain to level thru Dk again just to get my ship. so i can do the higher content. As for the devs..they arent making this game for the players to enjoy..they are making the game for players to stay on the treadmill.
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Rock hard pass. I have better things to do with my time than to test out stuff for free. All for any feedback to be ignored and never realized. Fool me once ....




Also they are testing new character experience right now and I have no desire to ever play another character at this point, considering that every 7.0 change will make it already impossible to play the characters I already have.

Edited by Pricia
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Spent 1 hour on the PTS today and found numerous bugs. Actually found more bugs than I thought I would (which was a shock). I’m glad they’ve postponed the expansion, if they’d released this unpolished mess next week, I think it may have sunk under the weight of the bugs alone. That’s before you even look at the changes many of us hate.

I implore any who can test to please do so and make detailed bug reports. Maybe they can squash some of them before 15th February.


I had the same impression. I rolled up two 80s, geared one, set up a house and a legacy, did some czerka dailies and heroics (noted that there's little point to doing those now - maybe those Aquatic Resource Matrix things?), got some crew skills up over 600, made sure my legacy has a comfortable few hundred mill, and leveled a character on Tython. Secondary quests that happen automatically seem to have been removed - that's going to affect conquests and the economy I guess but whatever.


A Tython bug I had reported just a few weeks ago has since been fixed. While I like the character creator, the animations are cool, it's buggy (the bugs I saw have been mentioned in a swtorista videos as well, they aren't secrets, the bearded women one would be a meme if it was released), the outfitter is still a little buggy, some character screens still say WIP (work in progress). And where is VALOR - I can't get a response on that question and it's missing from where it used to be on the UI screens that aren't marked WIP anymore.


What I really want to test is PVP (and conquests which I normally bang out through group queues).

Edited by Savej
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Spent 1 hour on the PTS today and found numerous bugs. Actually found more bugs than I thought I would (which was a shock). I’m glad they’ve postponed the expansion, if they’d released this unpolished mess next week, I think it may have sunk under the weight of the bugs alone. That’s before you even look at the changes many of us hate.

I implore any who can test to please do so and make detailed bug reports. Maybe they can squash some of them before 15th February.


I've been testing low level stuff. They don't seem to be finished with changing quest rewards. At least I assume they aren't finished. I can't believe they would intentionally strip quests of gear rewards on purpose...


On live, the starter planet quests have 13 armor pieces that make up two sets with uncommon or unique styles. On test, we get only 5 armor pieces which represent 2 item levels of the same partial set. I tried to do the heroics before I got my companion and got melted because I was nearly naked at lvl 11. At lvl 14 I'm still nearly naked, but at least Vette can heal my squishy ***.


If they really intend to go live without giving even one complete armor set by the end of doing every single quest on the starter planets, I want to know why! Are they intending for us to loot the rest? Didn't work as an assassin spec since most drops are medium or heavy. Are we supposed to be dependent on the vendors that sell white gear?

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Ok, i am on PTS, lv 1.


So you want me to level a new character class by doing again all what i went through for my 5 accounts .... and enjoy to do it again in 2 months ....


Not sur i should because that will for sur push be away of the game in 2 months, but i will try anyway

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Ok, i am on PTS, lv 1.


So you want me to level a new character class by doing again all what i went through for my 5 accounts .... and enjoy to do it again in 2 months ....


Not sur i should because that will for sur push be away of the game in 2 months, but i will try anyway


There should be a PTS droid will get you to the fleet go to Combat Training and it will LvL you to 80 and give you credits to gear up. Then hit up supplies and get the 318 from the PTS vendor.

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There should be a PTS droid will get you to the fleet go to Combat Training and it will LvL you to 80 and give you credits to gear up. Then hit up supplies and get the 318 from the PTS vendor.


i found the the combat training, and would go further but for an unknow reason none of my keybinding works on PTS.

(and yes i recreated fully the keybindings i have on live). I cant mount unless i use the mouse, cant use the Quicktravel, or spring unless its with the mouse.


I removed all keybinds for the starfighters tabs, still the same. If this starts like this, and cant use any KB this will be a very long hell to try to play the game with only the mouse.

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k i am geard 318, and sage telekinetiks with no change at all from live

I guess i need to do the class story to see all the changes ?


k without a guide explaining either if i have to start lv 1 to find all the difference, or go to 80 to play wih all the differences, so far at lv 80 my game is the exact reflect of live, excepted when i want to see the combat proficiency and then, i understand absolutely nothing. I see lots of skills and passives, and if i try to see the two others its locked.


why am i creating a female sage with a beard while i choose the hairs ?

Also the new hairs looks wrong - if you wanted to give the feeling of movement of those, just give up, its really strange and even non comic. Just let them go down on the neck - Also i choose the most white colour hairs, i think the result is totally different.



Also on pts the bars 5 and 6 are unsuable. Does this mean we will have less bar on live too ?


the verticality of the new inventory is visually disturbing with the flashy blue (not everyone has still good eyes). I hate to have it stick with my outfit. I already had to deal the blue UI and now you put it everywhere on my screen.


To access to a second proficiency it says : you must complete your act 3 mission before you are able to select a second combat style. Ok can you clarify a bit please ? means to complete the chapter 3 ? or 3 missions of the chapter 1 ? and sorry but i am a bit lost there.

Once i am eligible, does that mean that the second combat style will replace the original ? or that i will have a mix of the two combat style ? what will happens to the passives ? For example, what will happens if i choose the shadow style as a the second combat style ?


Previewing new pieces of armor is broken for the head. If i try to see my head for a circlet for example, and want to see it more close to me, i can only see the waist from close, beause the paper doll do not move vertically


Trying to resist the urge to leave swtor for good because my experience on the pts is horrible, but if you want us to test the PTS give us a guide that is not outdated and is working please.

Edited by Eilenda
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k i am geard 318, and sage telekinetiks with no change at all from live

I guess i need to do the class story to see all the changes ?


k without a guide explaining either if i have to start lv 1 to find all the difference, or go to 80 to play wih all the differences, so far at lv 80 my game is the exact reflect of live, excepted when i want to see the combat proficiency and then, i understand absolutely nothing. I see lots of skills and passives, and if i try to see the two others its locked.


why am i creating a female sage with a beard while i choose the hairs ?

Also the new hairs looks wrong - if you wanted to give the feeling of movement of those, just give up, its really strange and even non comic. Just let them go down on the neck - Also i choose the most white colour hairs, i think the result is totally different.



Also on pts the bars 5 and 6 are unsuable. Does this mean we will have less bar on live too ?


the verticality of the new inventory is visually disturbing with the flashy blue (not everyone has still good eyes). I hate to have it stick with my outfit. I already had to deal the blue UI and now you put it everywhere on my screen.


To access to a second proficiency it says : you must complete your act 3 mission before you are able to select a second combat style. Ok can you clarify a bit please ? means to complete the chapter 3 ? or 3 missions of the chapter 1 ? and sorry but i am a bit lost there.

Once i am eligible, does that mean that the second combat style will replace the original ? or that i will have a mix of the two combat style ? what will happens to the passives ? For example, what will happens if i choose the shadow style as a the second combat style ?


Trying to resist the urge to leave swtor for good because my experience on the pts is horrible, but if you want us to test the PTS give us a guide that is not outdated and is working please.


Chapter 3 means the last Chapter of your story which happens in Corellia.

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k i am geard 318, and sage telekinetiks with no change at all from live

I guess i need to do the class story to see all the changes ?


k without a guide explaining either if i have to start lv 1 to find all the difference, or go to 80 to play wih all the differences, so far at lv 80 my game is the exact reflect of live, excepted when i want to see the combat proficiency and then, i understand absolutely nothing. I see lots of skills and passives, and if i try to see the two others its locked.


why am i creating a female sage with a beard while i choose the hairs ?

Also the new hairs looks wrong - if you wanted to give the feeling of movement of those, just give up, its really strange and even non comic. Just let them go down on the neck - Also i choose the most white colour hairs, i think the result is totally different.



Also on pts the bars 5 and 6 are unsuable. Does this mean we will have less bar on live too ?


the verticality of the new inventory is visually disturbing with the flashy blue (not everyone has still good eyes). I hate to have it stick with my outfit. I already had to deal the blue UI and now you put it everywhere on my screen.


To access to a second proficiency it says : you must complete your act 3 mission before you are able to select a second combat style. Ok can you clarify a bit please ? means to complete the chapter 3 ? or 3 missions of the chapter 1 ? and sorry but i am a bit lost there.

Once i am eligible, does that mean that the second combat style will replace the original ? or that i will have a mix of the two combat style ? what will happens to the passives ? For example, what will happens if i choose the shadow style as a the second combat style ?


Previewing new pieces of armor is broken for the head. If i try to see my head for a circlet for example, and want to see it more close to me, i can only see the waist from close, beause the paper doll do not move vertically


Trying to resist the urge to leave swtor for good because my experience on the pts is horrible, but if you want us to test the PTS give us a guide that is not outdated and is working please.


lol did anyone else notice that thread about the female beards has been removed? :D

Edited by SaerethDL
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k thanks. Then i will wait and test if i like and understand the changes. I will not do 3 chapters on a pts character.


There is a lot of little bugs that i found and i think that since after all the time passed, they should not be there at all.


Its not my voice that will change anything. I tested for long the game at start and some years and that was s discouraging that i almost left the game for good.


So will just patient. I still dont understand the how to of the new combat, its not clear at all for me. Probably gran'ma brain not functionning:P and at 70 i am not very fond of re doing my 3 chapters, to redo them again when it will go on live. This is not what i call fun.


Sorry to let you down on testing

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