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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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This much, I do agree with.


I understand I'll be told "It was not meant to be a sandbox, etc"........but I will always wish that was the case.


However, I still love to play the game. Still hooked on it. I just.....wish it was more open.


WoW is not a sandbox game either but it has an open feel to it, thats where TOR failed.

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by all means, of course a game that went live 10 days ago should have as much zoneage as a game thats been out for a decade. you are so right.


that's of course leaving out the fact that coruscant itself can fit in ALL wow cities in all wow expansions in just one go, and still have left space.


these people apparently havent seen coruscant. zones hahaha . its so huge that you could live in it.

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so you are basically :




here for trying to turn swtor into wow, because blizzard has changed wow from what you want it to be.


thank you for proving all of my arguments/propositions in below thread.





How in the hell did you get that I was trying to turn Star Wars into WoW?


Is this some kind of self-promotion for a thread you've replied in or something? You have spun this thing completely around 180 degrees. I'm not sure I can even wrap my head around what exactly you're trying to say here ... truly I can't.


I want Star Wars to be Star Wars. WoW can stay WoW.

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I want Star Wars to be Star Wars. WoW can stay WoW.


that's good to hear. but, you are in the suspicious demographic - you left wow because of pandas, simplification.


such people have been unanimously wanting swtor to be made a hardcore progressive geargrindfest since 2 weeks now. of course, that is if you dont count the beta forum.


Don't forget the empty player cities and buildings that choke up the land scape.


player cities were empty only after lucasarts' smedley killed the game by poking soe to turn swg into wow. damn him forever.


before, player cities were, well, cities.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


When you put it like that I love WoW :). SWTOR ain't that bad either. :)

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This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way, right away. Ya, I think I got your point.


If you want daylight, go to Taris.

If you want night, go to Nar Shadaa.

If you want a sunset, go outside.

If you want to run up to a mountain and then climb it, go outside.


Other than that, strap on your lightsaber, load your blaster pistol and go do something productive in the gaming community other than crying about the lack of sunsets in a video game.


Well said. Your signature made me LoL too.

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Not to beat ya up here, but how do the instanced areas really effect you? Instead of seeing other people jumping around you ship and etc or a bunch of fellow SW's or whatever your class is, all AFK by the entry of your ship, which I would find hugely annoying...Also having to sit there and wait for the boss to respawn with other people (which not all places are instanced) for the objective of a key quest...


There is no loading time when you walk in those instanced areas...I just dont see how it cant be anything but benefictial



So I need to sit through 4 loading screens per trip? is that really beneficial? Really?

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This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way, right away. Ya, I think I got your point.


If you want daylight, go to Taris.

If you want night, go to Nar Shadaa.

If you want a sunset, go outside.

If you want to run up to a mountain and then climb it, go outside.


Other than that, strap on your lightsaber, load your blaster pistol and go do something productive in the gaming community other than crying about the lack of sunsets in a video game.


It's amazing how people defend this game's lack of atmosphere. Haha.

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see, sefrix, the problem is, you respect their opinion,




they dont respect yours or anyone else's.


for them, the game HAS to be as they want it - basically, what blizzard kicked out of wow, has to be included in this game.


because ........ well ......... thats how THEY want it.


and then que all the rationalizations about what a mmo should be - it should be like wow !!


I want my MMO to be like Ultima Online. Not WoW. But by all means, continue generalizing and stereotyping all of us. Maybe you can post some more links to a thread you've posted in to show us how serious you are!


Right now, I feel like I did when I played Ultima Online for the first time. I'm excited, I'm having fun and that's what it's all about, right?


WoW died for me because of their butchering of its lore, the disintegration of community interaction and the lack of focus on the game in and of itself.


Stop generalizing! Not everyone compares their game experiences to WoW.

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Only when you get to the very edge of the map. In this game you die of exhaustion at the edge of a zone.


Thats not entirely true, i was heading to what looked like a city at the top of the map, looked open, was able to ride that way then BAM i'm about to die... lame

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that's good to hear. but, you are in the suspicious demographic - you left wow because of pandas, simplification.


such people have been unanimously wanting swtor to be made a hardcore progressive geargrindfest since 2 weeks now. of course, that is if you dont count the beta forum.



I didn't leave "because of pandas." Read my last post to know why I left WoW. The Pandas just solidified my decision to never go back.

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see, sefrix, the problem is, you respect their opinion,




they dont respect yours or anyone else's.


for them, the game HAS to be as they want it - basically, what blizzard kicked out of wow, has to be included in this game.


because ........ well ......... thats how THEY want it.


and then que all the rationalizations about what a mmo should be - it should be like wow !!


Ah but then it would just be a WoW clone :eek:

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I "understand" what the OP is referring too. Not saying I agree.


I hit Tat for the first time last night and it made me smile when I entered Anchorhead, I haven’t been there since SWG where I would stand by the shuttle port and advertise for slicing or sitting in the Cantina watching someone level their entertainer.


I thought it was cool that you could take a speeder and cross Tat seeing the Skywalker ranch, Jaba's palace, Obi'Wan's home, the Sarlacc......but that was a different game.


You can try to compare SWTOR to WOW or to SWG, but it’s a DIFFERENT game. If you like that kind of game, then go back to it….not that you can go back to SWG….that’s long gone.


SWTOR is new and it’s different, because it’s NOT WOW. Many are here because it’s not WoW. I for one am here because…..it’s not WoW (burnt out after 5 years) and I get to swing a light saber.


Love SWTOR for what it is and will become or hate it and leave, but please, stop telling us what parts of it need to be like WoW…..we don’t want it to be like WoW or we all wouldn’t be here.


Thank you, this is exactly how I feel. Do not try to turn SWTOR into a wow clone. Instead choose the game you like and go play it.

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Sir.... You are an idiot.. The area you cover in this game is no smaller than what you cover in WOW.. The only difference is.. SWTOR has numerous planets that you have to travel to and from. WOW just combined there crap into two continents... I have done my share of questing in WOW.. I have done more darn running around in this game by far... Thank gawd Bioware gave us sprint and speeders early on... When i started playing WOW u did not get crap till.. like lvl 60.. well i think u got a stupid slow mount at 40? cannot remember... Vanilla wow and the today's activision WOW are like nite and day.. As i think about it.. If you compare swtor zone size to WOW launch size.. Swtor is larger.. kind of stupid to compare it too todays WOW.. Since wow has had a zillion patches and numerous areas added..
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It's amazing how people defend this game's lack of atmosphere. Haha.


I'm not defending its lack of atmosphere. I'm simply stating that if you are playing MMO games for sunsets and mountain climbing, you're doing it wrong.


Simple logic really.



However, my question to you is; If the game lacks what you want, why are you still here?

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I played wow for 5 years yes the world is open


But I haven't set foot out of storm wind for months

You venture out and it gets boring fast

You queue for randoms and lfr and battle grounds

Without having to move anywhere the open world

Rarely gets used at lvl cap

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I want my MMO to be like Ultima Online. Not WoW. But by all means, continue generalizing and stereotyping all of us. Maybe you can post some more links to a thread you've posted in to show us how serious you are!


oooh i can steretoype alright. very easily too - you came out as an aspirant of the first and least successful of mmo gaming formats - mmo in an open pvp world. ultima online had had never took off. other than being the first, and having some success until mmo genre came to being, had ultima online been any successful, we would be mmos with its traits around. we arent. age of conan open world pvp has been a major flop. it just doesnt work.


WoW died for me because of their butchering of its lore, the disintegration of community interaction and the lack of focus on the game in and of itself.


Stop generalizing! Not everyone compares their game experiences to WoW.


yeah you actually are the follower of a more niche and long dead format. thats very bad - since there is no way that any game will repeat that format. you wont find the format in ultima in any other game that exists either.

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I'm not defending its lack of atmosphere. I'm simply stating that if you are playing MMO games for sunsets and mountain climbing, you're doing it wrong.


Simple logic really.



However, my question to you is; If the game lacks what you want, why are you still here?


Is it possible to be this ignorant? Noone is playing for sunsets and atmospheric effects, but it's part of what makes the gameworld immersive. According to your "logic", you shouldn't have trees or mountains either because noone interacts with them in the game anyway.




Amazing how stupid people make themselves look just to blindly defend this game at all costs.

Edited by Astron_
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I read 17 pages of this thread and I just want to say... you want a true open-world MMO... go play Ultima Online. It's the only MMO I can think of off the top of my head that I have played that comes close to a true open-world experience. You can literally walk from one end of Britannia to the other and see no signs of instancing or sharding. You can buy a ship and travel across the entire ocean with no signs of instancing, sharding, or fatigue.


Granted you'll have to get used to the 2D isometric presentation... but if your looking for a true open-world MMO... look no further than Ultima Online. A game that is 15 years old I might add...

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I stopped reading this thread back on page 4.


If WOW suddenly added a whole new section to say, Durotar, people would go, "doubbayuteaeff mate, where did this come from?"

In wow, when you look at the horizon, there is no true feeling of distance.


In TOR each and every planet can add entirely new and entirely massive zones completely within the realm of immersion since when you look at the horizon the way bioware has done it, gives the impression of a truly huge planet. They could quadruple the size of Tatooine or create dynamic exploration zones that are 100 miles huge and empty save for resources.


Wow can only add new continents and zones.



The potential for expansion of every planet to massive zones exist. The way the game has been setup is very future thinking towards expansion.


Chill and take the Longview. Enjoy the game and help be part of its growing into even more awesome by having a sub.

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