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Itemization in 7.0


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Hi everyone,




What is happening with Tech Fragments?

  • Tech Fragments will remain, and will still be able to be spent on Tacticals, Cosmetics, Augment Components, and Kai Zykken’s offerings.


Will the achievements currently categorized under "Spoils of War", the Equipment Sets and Tactical Items also be moved to the Feats of Strength category or will they still be achievable in 7.0?

  • The Spoils of War equipment sets will no longer drop from content nor be able to be directly purchased from a vendor. As a result, the achievements will be moved to the Feats of Strength category. The sets will still be obtainable via Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items box.


What will happen to all the armor sets being sold by vendors in the supplies section of the fleet in exchange for tech fragments and credits?

  • They will not be available for direct purchase, but will be available in Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items Box






So Will the Kai Zykken get a quicker turn around on his sellable items? Will the list increase in size? Why are they just gonna be sold in his Unique Item Box? So we will be relying on RNG with the Unique Item Box to try and finish a set? I thought RNG was going bye bye? Will the class requirements be removed for armors? Why haven't we seen the vendor's released for armor sets from the Galactic Command Crates? We got the speeder and pet vendor. Why no vendor for the armors? It was promised to us in a dev post back when Galactic Command got switched to Renown.

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Mindlessly running HM Hammer Station/Red Reaper for max level gear was broken, and everyone, including BW, knows it.




At 6.0 launch, I feel like BWA saw people getting 306 in a couple hours doing RR/HS, and just said "Welp.... if we fix it, they're going to rage."

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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'Clarification on gear ratings

What is the max gear level?

In the 7.0 release, players can upgrade up to level 330 via Legacy Master Mode Operations. The max obtainable gear level for all modes will rise over time throughout the expansion.'


you clearly haven't read the post.



336 will be the max gear confirmed by biochris, the ceiling will infact rise for all modes but max will be 336, not only isnt there a harder difficulty than NiM so they cant add more IR but as said it was confirmed by one of the devs




so yes i did read the post and saw conversations on discord, max gear will be 336, modded gear will be 334 and 336 or just 336, every1 will have access to 334 and 336 will be gatekeepeed to MM R4 only, in the worst case scenario

Edited by ebinhovdloca
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At 6.0 launch, I feel like BWA saw people getting 306 in a couple hours doing RR/HS, and just said "Welp.... if we fix it, they're going to rage."

You are conflating separate issues.


This can be fixed without giving raiders unfair gear advantages.

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336 will be the max gear confirmed by biochris, the ceiling will infact rise for all modes but max will be 336, not only isnt there a harder difficulty than NiM so they cant add more IR but as said it was confirmed by one of the devs




so yes i did read the post and saw conversations on discord, max gear will be 336, modded gear will be 334 and 336 or just 336, every1 will have access to 334 and 336 will be gatekeepeed to MM R4 only, in the worst case scenario


You claimed in the post, and if its not in the post it should be. A discord screenshot is not BW communicating to the community ON THIS POST. This still doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Throughout most the expansion there will be a gear chase and the BIS will constantly move up until it hits it cap - even at cap it will still be BIS. Stop claiming otherwise - you are wrong.


*edit - /spit

Edited by Phaedruss
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You claimed in the post, and if its not in the post it should be. A discord screenshot is not BW communicating to the community ON THIS POST. This still doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Throughout most the expansion there will be a gear chase and the BIS will constantly move up until it hits it cap - even at cap it will still be BIS. Stop claiming otherwise - you are wrong.

i am not the one complaining, in fact you are, i also never said 336 was confirmed to be the highest gear on the post, i just said 336 will be the highest gear, BiS wont move past 336 there also isnt a timeline so no1 knows when 336(MM R4) will come out, 7.0 is gonna launch only with 330 and no1 will even have access to modded gear

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You are conflating separate issues.


This can be fixed without giving raiders unfair gear advantages.


Don't drag me into your nonsense. I'm just commenting my thoughts on someone else's post.


We get it. You're against merit-based gearing, and you want a participation trophy for doing faceroll content.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Where is the vendor for command crate shells?

  • These will be available for purchase on a vendor with 7.0’s launch for 3,500 Tech Fragments and 500,000 Credits.


Having seen this on the PTS with the clarification that it's 3500 Tech Fragments per piece of each of these sets, this is absolute insanity. This would actually be a great credit sink if the Tech Fragment cost were more reasonable, but 3500 per piece when Tech Fragment acquisition is being slashed as it is (due to Renown rank ups going away) is crazy. I have no issue with 500,000 credits per piece, we need more credit sinks, but it should be like 500 TF per piece, to add up to 3500 per set. Not 3500 per piece.


If TF are used for Legendaries and other more relevant things, the credit sink aspect of these shells goes away since a lot less people will be willing to blow all of their TF on these shells instead of using them on those other things.

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i am not the one complaining, in fact you are, i also never said 336 was confirmed to be the highest gear on the post, i just said 336 will be the highest gear, BiS wont move past 336 there also isnt a timeline so no1 knows when 336(MM R4) will come out, 7.0 is gonna launch only with 330 and no1 will even have access to modded gear


No you said 'you obviously didn't read the post'... There was nothing about the max gear level on any of the Dev posts on this forum. Which still doesn't change that you are wrong. You claiming that 'look at launch none of us will have BIS' is dumb. No duh... Thats pretty given with the new op being delayed. Once the op is released they will start doing a gear chase, you keep denying it and expecting us to buy 'look at the start we will all be equal, and then i will be better than you. Stop complaining, its not like that even though it is.'



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No you said 'you obviously didn't read the post'... There was nothing about the max gear level on any of the Dev posts on this forum. Which still doesn't change that you are wrong. You claiming that 'look at launch none of us will have BIS' is dumb. No duh... Thats pretty given with the new op being delayed. Once the op is released they will start doing a gear chase, you keep denying it and expecting us to buy 'look at the start we will all be equal, and then i will be better than you. Stop complaining, its not like that even though it is.'




you are assuming my positions that i never said and yes its clear that u didnt read the post cause you mentioned that an unfair advantage raiders would have is modded gear even tho on the post its said every1 will have modded gear, i never said that because u didnt know max gear was 336 u didnt read the post, ur many posts confirm u didnt read the post as u didnt even knew that modded gear would become available to every1, gear has nothing to do with skill as i mentioned multiple times, every player will do a "gear chase" thats what grinding is

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you are assuming my positions that i never said and yes its clear that u didnt read the post cause you mentioned that an unfair advantage raiders would have is modded gear even tho on the post its said every1 will have modded gear, i never said that because u didnt know max gear was 336 u didnt read the post, ur many posts confirm u didnt read the post as u didnt even knew that modded gear would become available to every1, gear has nothing to do with skill as i mentioned multiple times, every player will do a "gear chase" thats what grinding is


Dummmmb da dummmb dumb dummmmmmmmmmmmb!



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Raiders either need unfair gear advantages, or they don't.


If they don't, then they don't need better gear.


It's simple.


Those of you defending this are clearly stating you need unfair advantages.


I explained that in another thread, in which you have also posted. So I'm sure you read it, and are choosing to ignore it, in order to continue your crusade repeating the same talking points in every thread.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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There's far to much idiocy in this thread for me to respond to it all, but I'll say this: If you're upset because you're a solo player and won't be able to get the max level gear, you can complain all you like, but it won't change things.


7.0 was the anomaly, not the norm. For most of this game's history, if you wanted the best gear in the game, you had to do the hardest content in the game. And for the record, NIM Operations and Ranked PVP are the hardest content in the game. 99% of the population will likely never touch this content. It's the same for any other MMO.


There needs to be an incentive to do the hardest content in the game, and that incentive is to get the best gear in the game. You want those bragging rights? You wanna strut around fleet wearing the best of the best? Earn it. If you think that's elitism, it's not. It's meritocracy. You have to earn what you want.


Mindlessly running HM Hammer Station/Red Reaper for max level gear was broken, and everyone, including BW, knows it. Did you really feel like you accomplished something getting max level gear doing low-level content in 7.0? No, you didn't. It was a hollow, empty accomplishment, because you didn't really earn it.


You want the max level gear? Join a guild, join a raid group. Start learning the HM mechanics first and work your way through the HM Ops. Your guild/group will help you with this. Learn your class/rotation. I see so many players blame their bad performance on their gear. 99.999% of the time, it's not their gear, it's their ability that's holding them back. You'll likely need to break old habits and do things in a way you haven't done before. It will be hard, but necessary. When your skill and knowledge of mechanics allows you to get through HM, then it's time to step up to NIM. And NIM will curb stomp your recently inflated ego back down to nothing... and that's when the real progression begins. Good Luck.


Here is the issue. That sounds good but does it work? The short answer is no. Content above story level has always been only for the minority. What's holding them back? It's not their gear, it's not their ability, it's a lack of desire. This system by and large doesn't work for Swtor. The reason for that is Ops are not what draws players. Solo content is.


This gear will end up being ignored. The gear is not a tempting enough carrot to encouraged most players to do harder content. It never has been. Let's be honest Swtor Ops are just not that big of a draw.


Especially with level sync, as so many of you have pointed out, they don't need that gear and obviously the thrill of the raid or the cosmetics have not been enough. So people will do the story and most will leave. We have seen this more than once.


Putting all gear available at all levels tends to keep casuals playing the game longer. This benefits everyone.

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Here is the issue. That sounds good but does it work? The short answer is no. Content above story level has always been only for the minority. What's holding them back? It's not their gear, it's not their ability, it's a lack of desire. This system by and large doesn't work for Swtor. The reason for that is Ops are not what draws players. Solo content is.


This gear will end up being ignored. The gear is not a tempting enough carrot to encouraged most players to do harder content. It never has been. Let's be honest Swtor Ops are just not that big of a draw.


Especially with level sync, as so many of you have pointed out, they don't need that gear and obviously the thrill of the raid or the cosmetics have not been enough. So people will do the story and most will leave. We have seen this more than once.


Putting all gear available at all levels tends to keep casuals playing the game longer. This benefits everyone.


its not just swtor that has a low percentage of raiding community, level sync ops is going away, i still dont understand why a "casual player" would care about gear , from what i have seen here ppl just want to be able to solo MM fps , being able to do that isnt good

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For me, personally, regarding being able to earn the best / BIS gear as a solo player...it's about the HAVING it...not the NEEDING it.


Like some rich person in Alaska flying in some ultra expensive sports car.

Can't really use it all that much on the rough roads...but it sure looks great in the garage.

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That is what I am saying, just look at this season of Destiny 2, they have had more players than ever in that nightmare that is Trials of Osiris because they made changes that let casual players into it. Overnight it took a dying game mode and made it one of the most popular game modes. I don't know why so many people thing "Progression Raiding" is so good, its an old and outdated system.


Progression raiding makes more sense the first time you do it, but this will be the 7th time for some people, and it is understandable why some people may not want to put up with it.

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its not just swtor that has a low percentage of raiding community, level sync ops is going away, i still dont understand why a "casual player" would care about gear , from what i have seen here ppl just want to be able to solo MM fps , being able to do that isnt good


No it is not just here but it is an issue. Why do casual players care about gear? Same core reason many raiders do Ops, fun and sense of accomplishment. When you say that they don't need the gear and it really won't do anything for casuals you're right.


However the issue here is perception. To the casual community, the biggest player base this looks bad. Taking away player's options always looks bad. Also having access to it extended the gear chase in a fairly painless way. Which in turn keeps them playing longer.


As to be able to solo MM fps not being good. It really isn't good or bad honestly. We've been able to do it long before Kotfe, let alone 6.0. Just like heroics are group content anymore, flashpoints aren't totally either. That honestly isn't a bad thing.


There is going to be another mass exodus over this and we're going back to the sub for expansion but don't stick around. That's how it always happens with this sort of gearing system. Ops are just not enough.

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... Why do casual players care about gear? ...


Because they do. It really doesn't matter if you understand. It's like asking why do casual players like blue? or why do they like chocolate? Sometimes people just like or care about thing because they do, and that's all there is to it.

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No it is not just here but it is an issue. Why do casual players care about gear? Same core reason many raiders do Ops, fun and sense of accomplishment. When you say that they don't need the gear and it really won't do anything for casuals you're right.


However the issue here is perception. To the casual community, the biggest player base this looks bad. Taking away player's options always looks bad. Also having access to it extended the gear chase in a fairly painless way. Which in turn keeps them playing longer.


As to be able to solo MM fps not being good. It really isn't good or bad honestly. We've been able to do it long before Kotfe, let alone 6.0. Just like heroics are group content anymore, flashpoints aren't totally either. That honestly isn't a bad thing.


There is going to be another mass exodus over this and we're going back to the sub for expansion but don't stick around. That's how it always happens with this sort of gearing system. Ops are just not enough.


heroics still give more rewards in a group( at least the bonus mission ) ppl subbing for 1 month and leaving still happened in 6.0, hell it happens in ff and wow the most successful MMORPG's there is nothing stopping ppl from just playing the new content and leaving the game, not even the 6.0 gearing system did that

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