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Introducing Legendary Items


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Hi everyone,


Here is an inside look into an update coming to gearing in 7.0. Legendary Items is a new way to customize the play style of your character! Expect to see some of these in an upcoming PTS patch coming in the very near future.



Just read through the article - this seems like a great change :)

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So what happens to set bonus gear in 7.0? Existing in tandem?


What happens to tacticals?


Will we be able to have multiple active set bonuses active to create player agency similarly to what tacticals gave us, and what we would have had in 6.0 if gear sets were set to 3/6 piece bonuses instead of 4/6?

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As I mentioned in the other thread, will there be any responses to the stuff that's on the PTS now in addition these new updates? Because there's a lot of concerns about the current state of certain classes and a lot of bugs and question marks and ambiguities that have been completely ignored for almost 3 weeks at this point. What's the purpose of the PTS at this point if you guys aren't engaging with it? Why should we put in that effort if you won't?
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Does this mean we won't be able to use DvL XP armor to level from 75-80?


Starting in 7.0, you now only gain these bonuses on Legendary Items and not sets. By having these appear on single item slots, you will have greater customization of the bonuses you receive. We will be able to provide a broader range of options, including some older fan favorites. When we get closer to testing out Legendary Items, we will be asking the community about their favorite set bonuses from previous game updates, and incorporating many of them into the initial 7.0 batch of Legendaries. More on that to come!


So according to the article it sounds as like there will be many set bonuses and you can help pick which ones

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So what happens to set bonus gear in 7.0? Existing in tandem?


What happens to tacticals?


Will we be able to have multiple active set bonuses active to create player agency similarly to what tacticals gave us, and what we would have had in 6.0 if gear sets were set to 3/6 piece bonuses instead of 4/6?


the article was clear that the old set bonus gear will only be in effect until you hit lvl 76. Now all set bonues will be on those 3 legendary item slots and you can have 2 equipped making it so you can have 2 set bonues

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Does this mean we won't be able to use DvL XP armor to level from 75-80?

this guy asking the important questions here.


If you are a returning player, you will find that your current set bonuses will be deactivated upon reaching level 76.

Negating our Victorious Pioneer armor bonus past level 76 so we have to get a new +EXP% Legendary item


Victorious Pioneer set bonus:

(3) Increases experience gained by 25%

(5) Increases experience gained by an additional 15% (40% Total)

(7) Increases experience gained by an additional 10% (50% Total)

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How do Legendary Items work?


Players will be able to equip two Legendary Items at a time. Each piece of Legendary gear will have a unique effect that will enhance and improve various playstyles, and affect your stats in the same manner that gear does today. Implants will have a greater focus on utility improvements, while Earpieces will be more skewed towards improving Combat Style power and effectiveness. No more needing to stack multiple pieces of gear in order to get a set bonus’s effect since it will be rolled into a single Legendary Item!


:mad:(( I feel this will unbalance some classes. Say Operatives Mer or sniper that have HIGH as F#@K utility)



What about current gear?


Rather than having to collect up to six pieces of armor for a Legendary affix, you can focus on obtaining one or two. Being freed from the restriction of set bonuses will also allow you the freedom to mix and match armor to your heart’s content, allowing you to customize your characters more than ever before and without losing the effects and abilities you were accustomed to having previously.


:mad:(Set bonus just being transferred to Legendary? or Legendary''' pieces are just the new 6 set bonus? and all else are 2,4 set? from my reading set bonuses are just going to implant and ear pieces, rest are just shells with armor, mod, enhancements sprinkle in a 2 or 4 set?) This does not feel legendary its a replacement. IN My OPINION of course.

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Please add me to the list of people concerned about the Victorious Pioneer's XP bonus set! Don't break this the way you broke the Antiviral Kits!


I honestly don't know what to say about this Legendary system as proposed tying 2/4/6 piece bonuses to the Earpiece/Implants. It seems like such a radical turn for the game when I thought Spoils of War worked pretty well. It's so different I don't even have a gut feeling about whether its good, bad, or neutral for the game.


Additionally, given the existence of the so-called cosmetic tacticals, like the ones from Feast of Prosperity and All Worlds Swoop Rally, I have to wonder whats going to happen with ALL tacticals, especially since they appeared to still be working when I tested them on the previous iteration of PTS. (And I'm aware of what Mr. Schmidt said in the EPC interview regarding them.)


Are amplifiers going away?

Edited by phalczen
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Need more info.


- set bonuses did not depend on stats. Having a set bonus linked to a stat item might end up being tricky - hopefully the item stats will go with the set bonus' spec though.


- a bit worried about the "upgrading" part. I'm glad the items will be relatively easy to get, but no word about how to upgrade them is.... concerning. I'm guessing there will be some op drops or something, which would stink. I hope you make it possible to grind for soloers, even if it takes a while to get one item.


Overall I'm a little bit worried about this - I mean, just looking at the set items we get in conquest reward quests, it's pretty clear that the devs have no idea about what set bonus is actually the best for each class - the only classes that have been getting the appropriate sets in those drops have been my operatives/scoundrels and assassins/shadows. That's it. Everyone else has been getting completely useless drops.


My advice? Look at current spec guides on Google and pick the bonuses for the recommended sets per class.


I do like the idea though, will just have to see how it's implemented...

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So lets see if I got this right....


"A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away"

"It all Began.... When Armor made it's BIG Change..."

In 4.0, we collected Armoring mods to make our custom Armor Sets. "The Force was With Us, And All Was Good"


THEN in 6.0, "There was a Disruption in the Force" and those Armor Sets were Deactivated, made into very expensive pieces of vendor trash, so that you could...

Collect NEW Armor pieces to custom make your Armor Sets.


NOW in 7.0.....

Once again "The Force Has a Will of it's Own" and our Armor Sets will be Deactivated making these also into very expensive pieces of vendor trash just so that we can once again.....

Collect not Armor or Mods but rather NEW! "Legendary Items" to make our Custom Armor Sets with now.....


So how long before these "Legendary Items" get Deactivated and "Are Forced" into the next round of very expensive vendor trash.....

Edited by denavin
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I expect this will be used as a new credit sink. Im fine with that as long as there’s no gambling mechanics involved like with amplifiers.


I'm do not believe the credit sink without "gambling mechanics" would go over to well. A straight up credit sink means those who have billions get near instant, zero effort upgrades. Every time they have changed the gearing system in the past, they have implemented a zero sum method to make sure everyone was starting out on equal footing.


It is highly probable that a new currency will be introduced. One that you acquire over time playing the game.

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I really am looking forward to this update!

This new legendary system also sounds really fun. But on a different note related to it, I am not a hardcore player and I really love the more "silly" or "fun" gear sets. Like 'The Victors' set or, 'The Taskmaster' gear set. Ooh! 'The entertainer' is also really really fun! So with this update, I hope those sets and ones like them are kept and transferred into legendary versions. I'd really really hate to lose my sonic themed character. She's so fun to play!! :)

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Set bonuses as they stand today will be gradually phased out. If you are a returning player, you will find that your current set bonuses will be deactivated upon reaching level 76.


Why 76 and not 79? If we are not getting any proper gear until 80, we should be allowed to use our current gear until then, including the DvL XP set, that we acquired through a lot of grinding & replaying old content.

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What about current gear?


Rather than having to collect up to six pieces of armor for a Legendary affix, you can focus on obtaining one or two. Being freed from the restriction of set bonuses will also allow you the freedom to mix and match armor to your heart’s content, allowing you to customize your characters more than ever before and without losing the effects and abilities you were accustomed to having previously.


:mad:(Set bonus just being transferred to Legendary? or Legendary''' pieces are just the new 6 set bonus? and all else are 2,4 set? from my reading set bonuses are just going to implant and ear pieces, rest are just shells with armor, mod, enhancements sprinkle in a 2 or 4 set?) This does not feel legendary its a replacement. IN My OPINION of course.


I don't really have a problem with set bonuses being on implants and ear - doesn't matter where the bonus is, as long as I have it. BUT i agree with this red text and disagree with the original info post. We already have "the freedom to mix and match armor to your heart’s content" since you can put any modification to your gear AND you can use outfit designer to look like whatever you want anyway. Getting rid of gear sets in WoW was displeasing to that community (although for reasons which do not apply for swtor) and in swtor it's meaningless at best (unless you plan to make us use gear without freely swappable mods... but that would be crazy, right?).

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