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The single most annoying gameplay loop added to the game


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I want to keep this short and sweet.

In my decade of playing this game, no content has been so thoroughly boring as the combat loop of killing standard enemies just to have another wave respawn and repeat the process until the game feels like it has adequately wasted your time. It was a major bore during the KOTFE story with the skytroopers, and continued in the Echoes of Oblivion during Onslaught. This needs to be addressed before SWTOR story content slowly morphs into nazi zombies.

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I just cloak out of combat.

And if it bugs, I just re-cloak (Tactical), or just run away and leave my companion to fight the mobs.

Then once I'm far enough away, right before my companion dies, I just put them on follow.

Companion instantly "zips" right to me and the mobs they were fighting reset.

Boom, instant unwanted combat evasion.


If yer clever, you can actually "sling-shot" past multiple mob groups that you don't want to fight, in this way.

Helps if your a class that can't just vanish from combat.

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I just cloak out of combat.

And if it bugs, I just re-cloak (Tactical), or just run away and leave my companion to fight the mobs.

Then once I'm far enough away, right before my companion dies, I just put them on follow.

Companion instantly "zips" right to me and the mobs they were fighting reset.

Boom, instant unwanted combat evasion.


If yer clever, you can actually "sling-shot" past multiple mob groups that you don't want to fight, in this way.

Helps if your a class that can't just vanish from combat.


Won’t be doing that with the 7.0 changes ;)

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For me, one step above slogging through trash mobs is traversing geometry that serves no purpose other than to stuff those trash mobs somewhere.


There's a reason why so many maps of so many class story instances look like a cow intestines, looping back on themselves. It's to make a short distance much longer so those mobs have somewhere to be. The final irritation is when you've cleared the instance, the class story quest has been updated for whatever you needed to do, and instead of "Use your ship's holocommunicator" it's "escape to your ship" or something like that, meaning the class story doesn't finalize until you've physically traveled back all that distance to exit the area to your starship rather than just fast traveling to it.


And don't consume an xp token when your class story reaches Hoth or Alderaan. You'll spend far more time traveling overland than you'll ever get xp for killing things.


At the same time, I appreciate that overland geometry is there. I love traveling through Pennsylvania in the fall (Voss) and Colorado (Alderaan) and just looking around and exploring, that's a reason why I like Skyrim so much, but when I'm focused on a task, especially on my 200th-something toon and I'm not in the mood to sight-see, I want to get from A to B. That's the goal.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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For me, one step above slogging through trash mobs is traversing geometry that serves no purpose other than to stuff those trash mobs somewhere.


There's a reason why so many maps of so many class story instances look like a cow intestines, looping back on themselves. It's to make a short distance much longer so those mobs have somewhere to be. The final irritation is when you've cleared the instance, the class story quest has been updated for whatever you needed to do, and instead of "Use your ship's holocommunicator" it's "escape to your ship" or something like that, meaning the class story doesn't finalize until you've physically traveled back all that distance to exit the area to your starship rather than just fast traveling to it.


And don't consume an xp token when your class story reaches Hoth or Alderaan. You'll spend far more time traveling overland than you'll ever get xp for killing things.


At the same time, I appreciate that overland geometry is there. I love traveling through Pennsylvania in the fall (Voss) and Colorado (Alderaan) and just looking around and exploring, that's a reason why I like Skyrim so much, but when I'm focused on a task, especially on my 200th-something toon and I'm not in the mood to sight-see, I want to get from A to B. That's the goal.


What you don't realize is that "Quick Travel" is a relatively new addition. It was always the way that you had to travel to every point on the map to unlock taxi's or you had to fly your ship to get from planet to planet. There was no click on the map and go from place to place. You had to travel there either on foot, by speeder or fly your spaceship.


The original story is written that way and can not be changed. So you still must "Use your ship to Fly to x" or walk all the way out of a zone to trip the Trigger for the mission.


You have it easy now. Before you had to discover every taxi before you could use them. Now they are ALL on the map and you don't need to have traveled overland there first.

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There is this one spot when your doing Mek Shaw dock's where I always get that lovely repeat mob run. I counted 40 mobs one time, wave after wave after wave of the same group of mobs.


It just shows the lack of programing and design skill of the BW dev's.


We complain about the GRIND, that there are TOO MANY MOBS. So what do they do to fix it.

They Add more MOBS in EVERY group just to increase the GRIND.


Because TOO MANY MOBS apparently was not annoying enough, so they added MORE.

Edited by denavin
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For the Class stories when you finish an area instead of travelling all the way back to the taxi you can go to your stronghold, then ship, exit ship, and use the taxi in the first area you arrived to get to the next quest area. It also works if the story requires you to go back to the first area to confer with your main quest giver. It takes a little time to load stronghold and ship screens, but it is overall faster than having to traverse the entire cave or building you ended the area quest and then the terrain paths fighting all the mobs.
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For the Class stories when you finish an area instead of travelling all the way back to the taxi you can go to your stronghold, then ship, exit ship, and use the taxi in the first area you arrived to get to the next quest area. It also works if the story requires you to go back to the first area to confer with your main quest giver. It takes a little time to load stronghold and ship screens, but it is overall faster than having to traverse the entire cave or building you ended the area quest and then the terrain paths fighting all the mobs.


ah yes. that was actually the number one use of SHs for me. a way to circumvent fleet pass and starship teleport CDs. :)

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No QT? THat must have been first months when I wasn't playing.. Since I started QT was a thing but you initially had to find and click on every quick travel point, just as you had to click on eveyr taxi. Now most (not all) quick travel spot are available as soon as you are in the zone.


I also remember actually having to level up for the next plant by doing all the side missions and heroics actually needing 2 or 4 people.

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I also remember actually having to level up for the next plant by doing all the side missions and heroics actually needing 2 or 4 people.


I don't remember needing heroic missions to level, but at 50 they were part of the Belsavis grind. And it was relatively easy for a healer or tank to solo some but not so much for DPS. There was one that was rough for anyone to solo cuz it has like 3 gold and 2 or 3 silver on the first pull. it's still in the current rotation. ah....good times....

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I just cloak out of combat.

And if it bugs, I just re-cloak (Tactical), or just run away and leave my companion to fight the mobs.

Then once I'm far enough away, right before my companion dies, I just put them on follow.

Companion instantly "zips" right to me and the mobs they were fighting reset.

Boom, instant unwanted combat evasion.


If yer clever, you can actually "sling-shot" past multiple mob groups that you don't want to fight, in this way.

Helps if your a class that can't just vanish from combat.

Meet KotFE Chapter 10: Anarchy in Paradise and KotFE Chapter 12: Visions in the dark in both of which the mobs see through all stealth/vanish, aggro from 17 miles away and follow you until the end of time forcing you to kill them to move on with the chapter :mad: There are others (battle chapter of KotET) but these two are the absolute worst.

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I want to keep this short and sweet.

In my decade of playing this game, no content has been so thoroughly boring as the combat loop of killing standard enemies just to have another wave respawn and repeat the process until the game feels like it has adequately wasted your time. It was a major bore during the KOTFE story with the skytroopers, and continued in the Echoes of Oblivion during Onslaught. This needs to be addressed before SWTOR story content slowly morphs into nazi zombies.


What the Dragon Age 2 three waves of three adds don't do it for you?


100% feels like sheer laziness and copy/paste.


Some Uprisings did a fairly decent change on enemy spawns. So the ability is there but yeah the DA2 loop as I call it is one of the worst traits in a BW game and it stands out like a sore thumb every time. Ruined most of the Fallen Empire expansions imo.

Edited by TheVoyant
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The problem is that without them you get morons who space-bar everything and complain that "the new content sucks I finished it in ten minutes"


do the skytroopers do anything to change that opinion? those 2 xpacks were literally just story. iirc, there wasn't even an operation or fp in one of them?

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What you don't realize is that "Quick Travel" is a relatively new addition. It was always the way that you had to travel to every point on the map to unlock taxi's or you had to fly your ship to get from planet to planet. There was no click on the map and go from place to place. You had to travel there either on foot, by speeder or fly your spaceship.


The original story is written that way and can not be changed. So you still must "Use your ship to Fly to x" or walk all the way out of a zone to trip the Trigger for the mission.


You have it easy now. Before you had to discover every taxi before you could use them. Now they are ALL on the map and you don't need to have traveled overland there first.


Except it's not. I've been playing for six years. The game's been around for ten. It's been around for the ENTIRE TIME I've played. It's not new in any sense of the word.

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