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Everything posted by Odinmo

  1. I mean, technically anything is possible with the force. There is a tale of a force user who could use the force to keep themselves eternally youthful, living for centuries before their final "death." So what would chronological age have to do with anything? Valkorion was over a thousand, Yoda lived to be 900+, though look as good, he did not. All throughout the history of Star Wars, eternal physical youth is a trivial accomplishment for basic science, to say nothing of the force. It's just not plastered all over the canon because it would trivialize just about everything, and us mortals would find it difficult (by and large, not all of us) to relate to humanoids who simply "stretch out with their feelings..." and never age. So Senya's physical age is irrelevant. The only thing that forbids a romance is her own statement of: "I really...would rather not." Well that's fine. Not like we don't have plenty of other romanceable options.
  2. So...design a client "mode" where if the customer's PC has sufficient RAM available, just load EVERYTHING into memory and then handle it on demand. Load an entire planet and everything all at once, then just sync up with whatever the server says is supposed to be happening in that specific area. Sounds simple enough in principle...
  3. Well, only the purely mediocre and snowflake participation trophy players couldn't complete the minimum required, which was as Silver Rank in their desired roles. I earned Gold rank for all roles, and Endless Proven Healer as well. Heck, I even taught "classes" on how to do it in my guild, and my half-blind end-stage glaucoma girlfriend managed to achieve the Proven Healer title after only an hours worth of attempts. If players in the community truly are that horrible at playing the game and can't even muster a modicum of effort, then I say let them rot among the rest of their weak and pathetic ilk.
  4. When I grew up, games like this didn't exist. They barely existed within the imagination of table-top Game Masters, and that was before the existence of Forums, Twitter, and long before even Streaming was a technical possibility. This last generation has seen the result of what the digital information age has wrought; a vast expanse of freely available information, both signal and noise, both useful and useless, for a myriad of reasons. It was inevitable that greed and profit-seekers would weave themselves into this fabric, as it's all they've done for thousands upon thousands of years since the onset of agrarian humanity. None of these behaviors or systems will change until they are forced to, as all our woes are tied into the infrastructure upon which they are all built: Capitalism. The "Golden Age" of entertainment died out long ago, just as it was destined to once exploitation for profit took over, as it always will. Thankfully, there is a digital ledger of history which cannot be erased, and the fantastic efforts invested by artists, writers, and systems engineers will forever be memorialized for future history-buffs to revisit, providing tens of thousands of hours of enjoyment via historical reference.
  5. Came back to the game after a 4 year hiatus Dusted off a few toons and maxed them out Rolled a few new ones and maxed them out Caught up on all the content I missed and enjoyed most of it except Makeb. Makeb sucked. Made a quarter-billion credits and realized how ridiculous that was, considering when I quit I had less than 2 million... And all of it in 3 months of subbed-play. I'll test out 7.0, and if I don't like it, I'll just go back into the stasis chamber for a few more years, perhaps to come out, perhaps not. There are plenty of other entertainment alternatives on the horizon.
  6. Should just get rid of money entirely and take the Path of Exile route. The only "currency" that exists are actual items that represent mobs looted or quest rewards. Then folks would have to decide what they want to trade for, based upon need. What is a "Billionaire" going to need? Probably nothing, so they would have no need to trade. In the end, it's not the currency, but the choice-fuel it represents. I don't care whether it's credits or space ship parts, or bantha fodder. Will any of it let me purchase that shiny lightsaber?
  7. I just cloak out of combat. And if it bugs, I just re-cloak (Tactical), or just run away and leave my companion to fight the mobs. Then once I'm far enough away, right before my companion dies, I just put them on follow. Companion instantly "zips" right to me and the mobs they were fighting reset. Boom, instant unwanted combat evasion. If yer clever, you can actually "sling-shot" past multiple mob groups that you don't want to fight, in this way. Helps if your a class that can't just vanish from combat.
  8. The reason for the disparity is because there is no barrier to success beyond time sinks. If success for difficult content were incentivized, in addition to having a narrow margin for error (say, 5% or less), then much like WoW, a majority of players would simply repeatedly fail the harder difficulties and never pursue them. But to incentivize difficult content requires a worthwhile incentive, and a mere title means little to most gamers these days. Plus, incentivizing skilled and coordinated play leads to the emergence of segregation and intolerance for inferiority, being defined by the disparity between the degree of available or disposable time, in addition to classic darwinist selection pressures. Only "The Best" would win, and there is a finite amount of those. This environment is not accepted within large swaths of the current mainstream society and community, being ostracized by the majority of participants with the rallied cries of "Toxicity" and "Elitism". So now we have communities laden with excessive amounts of mediocrity, and the pursuit of the inclusive bell-curved average where all participants are guaranteed rewards, divorced from any required effort or merit. Get used to it. This culture isn't going anywhere fast. In fact, it's not going anywhere at all. Stagnation and revelry within mundane mediocrity is the new norm, celebrated as progress by adherents. As history has shown, eventually the current norms will go extinct from selection pressures and be once again replaced by the time-tested merit of strife.
  9. As Solid Snake once said: "Yeah, so what?" What if those left behind don't care to catch up? If they did, wouldn't they invest the minute amount of effort to do so?🤔
  10. I don't see why BW doesn't just make ALL available companions bisexual, and romanceable by all classes and genders. Dialogue is recorded for eff-sake, and mostly gender-neutral exchanges. Just patch it out and get it over with already.
  11. Ah, the age old problem of diversified, pseudo-randomized, unfamiliar, yet compelling content...that's repeatable. The strife for infinite satiety. Not quite there yet with games, and most definitely not MMO's, but soon my friends, soon...
  12. Ah yes, the notorious Whaling video by Torulf Jernström. Yep, that pretty much sums up the entire ideology of all capitalists, especially those trying to nickel and dime. The short version is: They don't give a **** about you, just what they subvert you into spending via PsyOp level operant conditioning. This is no secret, as it's also how all power-elites control the world. Only intelligent and willful folk are immune, and even they are forced to participate if they want to avoid the secondary side-effects from the FOMO or FUD of everyone else, with many of them simply converting and joining said groups to escape direct impact by forcing others to shoulder the burden. Heh, welcome to Humanity 101 by and large. If I want something from the CM, I just buy it directly with CC's. If it's no longer available, I buy Master's Datacrons and sell them for whatever the "going rate" is, then use said credits to buy the CM thing(s) I happen to want. Beyond that? I have absolutely zero need for the massive inflationary prices for things on the GTN. I have already satisfied my convenience expenses, and after that is done, the availability of credits acquired via current standard in-game methods more than suffices.
  13. Yep, I noticed this too as of last week. Nodes that appear on the Mini-Map, but are not harvestable.
  14. They should just make all available companions romance-able after KOTET. Spend a few bucks to record some simple dialogue, and let the players go wild. Heck, make the romances impermanent so the heroes can rekindle old flames or change their minds later. Could even expand the process to include special quests to "win them over", or re-win them, etc...
  15. While they're at it, why not expand the Legacy Perk system to include the option to use other ships from our faction? I'd love to be able to fly in the X-70B, or the D5-Mantis.
  16. I, too, was once an SWG beta-tester, and I thoroughly enjoyed the game all the way up to it's first death, the NGE. But all of this; the industry, the developer community, the demographics of those who play today...this is all the end-result of culture-evolution. We live in a world where mediocrity is celebrated, incompetence is rewarded, and recognition for merely existing is an expectation. The Spartans of ancient Greece would /spit on our world today, and would also crush us in droves, if not for our fancy weaponry and cowardly authorities. But, such is the world we live in. It's a merchant's world, and the old-school breed are dying off, ever more rapidly. The only way to restore the Golden Age of the Sith is by following the rule of two, and unfortunately for us, Darth Bane hasn't been born yet.
  17. See, normally I would have agreed with those who hold this view, if I had endured this game for a decade. Unfortunately, I took a 5 year break to go play ESO, and having thoroughly enjoyed that game, I'm sure I definitely won't miss ability pruning. In ESO, you have a maximum of 12 abilities, and only 6 you can use at any given time, with 1 provisional based upon resource charging. Developing muscle-memory for weaving just those few abilities required 40hrs of practice alone. I know it may sound odd, but as a returning player to SWTOR, I definitely do NOT miss all the extra buttons I have to mash, and how I spend more time looking at cooldowns than I do enjoying the scenery.
  18. Nah, all this canon is officially dead and gone, thank you very much disney. Its unlikely that we will see another game like this again. SWG was the last of its kind.
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