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BioWare, GTN prices are insane, its time to do something


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I really wouldnt mind a 9/10ths cut of all credits in game.


And how could they fairly do that when some people have amassed fortunes using real money to buy CM items to sell on the GTN. Culling the credits in any unfair way would be an excellent way for people who’ve invested lots of money (the whales) to walk away from the game or stop spending. Which is the last thing Bioware wants from its biggest money making device.

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It is impossible to buy anything for free to play and pref players from GTN, prices are literally insane and overpriced, a single chest armour pack costs like 3m and more. My sub will be end in a few days so I will be unable to play this game due to credits limit,,


When your up to a point were the credit cap prevent you from buying the stuff that you want, that mean you've reached the point we're you must become a paying customers.


And SWtOR is a MMO that really do not have you requiring to buy anything. You can earn everything just buy doing even veteran dungeon. The only reason to buy anything is for appearance purpose. Even boosting another character is hella fats since you can just farm items for him on your current main.

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Some insane person just bought literally ALL hypercrate.

And ppl are calling to trade it for 900m, it's really fun to watch the chaos.


hypercrates being roughly 1b on all servers and selling very quickly they are one of the best options to buy if you are planning on transfer between servers and want to move more than credit cap and they are a good investment as their price is stable/increasing

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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And how could they fairly do that when some people have amassed fortunes using real money to buy CM items to sell on the GTN. Culling the credits in any unfair way would be an excellent way for people who’ve invested lots of money (the whales) to walk away from the game or stop spending. Which is the last thing Bioware wants from its biggest money making device.


If all they would do is reduce the amount of zeros I fail to see how that would ruin people. A billion is now 100m, etc. Bring it all back in line.

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hypercrates being roughly 1b on all servers and selling very quickly they are one of the best options to buy if you are planning on transfer between servers and want to move more than credit cap and they are a good investment as their price is stable/increasing


It was 700m 3 weeks ago. I bought two. There is always at least 2 pages of hypercrates on the gtn.


Someone bought them all, with the cost of >900m credit per crate. People were yelling WTB in gen chat like crazy, this not normal and smelled of market manipulation instead of our usual gtn inflation. This is bad.

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If all they would do is reduce the amount of zeros I fail to see how that would ruin people. A billion is now 100m, etc. Bring it all back in line.


This is a bad idea. The inflation is not due to the zeros themselves, it's due to how broken the economy is, which is due to many complicated reason that many people have said it in the post (credit sellers, how easy it is to make credit in game now etc.) Just look at real life countries that did the "reduce the zeros" thing, it almost never went well unless the country actually improve their economy. Turning Credit to New Credit won't solve the problem at all. Worse of all, it will make things even more expansive.

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This is a bad idea. The inflation is not due to the zeros themselves, it's due to how broken the economy is, which is due to many complicated reason that many people have said it in the post (credit sellers, how easy it is to make credit in game now etc.) Just look at real life countries that did the "reduce the zeros" thing, it almost never went well unless the country actually improve their economy. Turning Credit to New Credit won't solve the problem at all. Worse of all, it will make things even more expansive.


The inflation is due to the amount of credits in circulation with nothing to sink those credits into. If you lowered the amount of credits in the game heroic 2+ credit farms may be worth doing again lol.


And since a lot of items are now being sold over the head of the GTN in private trade there is 0 gtn tax on that.

Edited by Wolvel
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If all they would do is reduce the amount of zeros I fail to see how that would ruin people. A billion is now 100m, etc. Bring it all back in line.


Are they also going to go through every credit reward in the game and vendor sale and drop to take off one zero?


What happens if you have 1000 credits as a new player and then you have 100 after but the first thing you kill gives you 1000 credits? Obviously it is a useless and unfair reduction.


But what about if you have 100 million credits and it becomes 10 million from removing one zero? That’s a massive amount of time and credits gone. The same as if you’ve 1 billion credits that becomes a 100 million.


I can tell you if they did this a lot of people who’ve spent many 100s or thousands of dollars to get those credits would leave in revolt.


Not to mention people like myself who spent 1000s hours crafting to make credits. We would also leave and you’d have no crafters left in the game and much less players.


Both groups leaving would be bad for everyone left because lack of supply is a major driving factor for inflation triggers.


I think you should consider all aspects and learn a bit about economics before suggesting such a destructive idea.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Having gambling products at all is just gross.


100% agree with this. Especially when BioWare won’t publish the odds of getting specific items with any of the RNG in this game.

I thought some countries in the EU had implemented rules/laws requiring games to publish RNG odds? Or haven’t they come into affect yet?

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100% agree with this. Especially when BioWare won’t publish the odds of getting specific items with any of the RNG in this game.

I thought some countries in the EU had implemented rules/laws requiring games to publish RNG odds? Or haven’t they come into affect yet?


The EU are discussing the, and some countries had made actions against it, ironically because of Star Wars BF II, but mostly those "punishment" were fines that meant nothing to a huge corporation like EA lol


Japan has laws to regulate these kind of "loot box" system. Even though the law is really about regulating all advertisements that might mislead the costumers, but because how big their gaming market is, they actually made a few additions to the details of the law so that it can deal with the game looting system better and make it less possible that the corporation use "odds" to mislead customers. Basically the company has to list exactly what the odds are in details so customers know exactly the odds they have when they want a specific thing*. It's not a "ban" but at least they do something about it.


*For example, they has to list the exact chance of getting a platinum, a gold, a silver, a bronze, a title, a emote etc. when opening a cartel pack and the exact enhancement you get from opening x numbers of cartel packs, not just a vague "higher chance" and "good chance".


PS: Hypercrates are back in gtn with a shocking 99.7m-1b lol

Edited by eabevella
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PS: Hypercrates are back in gtn with a shocking 99.7m-1b lol


It's barely 20 million more than before they disappeared.


The inflation on those is because they stopped the referral program. They shot from 700m to 950m in no time.


Honestly just not worth the money to gamble anymore, if you're lucky you get 1 item worth 200m or something...

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It's barely 20 million more than before they disappeared.


The inflation on those is because they stopped the referral program. They shot from 700m to 950m in no time.


Honestly just not worth the money to gamble anymore, if you're lucky you get 1 item worth 200m or something...


I was only starting to try those when the price was 700m less than a month ago.

It was fun because I got many decos and some interesting armor and tunings, and it felt like what I got was worthy of the 700m paid even though I never got anything really expensive lol. But with 1b? That's not fun any more.

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Over 7,600 views of this thread, over 140 posts, and no comment from Bioware.


Kindness would suggest they're spending a reaaaaaallly long time assessing community sentiment on the issue, and cynicism says they're staying mum because they've zero plans to change anything.


Either way, I think forum goers would appreciate a response, either in the form of:

"We are currently evaluating the issue"


"We don't have any plans to change the current system"


Not responding just means this thread will go on forever until we've talked ourselves into circles for so long the thread is killed off because it's just festering on the forums not doing thing.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I believe that there is no real problem here to solve. The issue is being kept alive by players who want stuff from GTN that is NOT necessary to play the game, just cosmetic stuff. But these players don't want to spend the real-life money other players spent. They don't want to spend the real-life time playing the game - over several years - that the other players spent.


They want shiny stuff, they want them now, and they want them just handed to them without spending money or effort.


I believe that there is no real problem here to solve.

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I believe that there is no real problem here to solve. The issue is being kept alive by players who want stuff from GTN that is NOT necessary to play the game, just cosmetic stuff. But these players don't want to spend the real-life money other players spent. They don't want to spend the real-life time playing the game - over several years - that the other players spent.


They want shiny stuff, they want them now, and they want them just handed to them without spending money or effort.


I believe that there is no real problem here to solve.


This is exactly how I feel about it.

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I believe that there is no real problem here to solve. The issue is being kept alive by players who want stuff from GTN that is NOT necessary to play the game, just cosmetic stuff. But these players don't want to spend the real-life money other players spent. They don't want to spend the real-life time playing the game - over several years - that the other players spent.


They want shiny stuff, they want them now, and they want them just handed to them without spending money or effort.


I believe that there is no real problem here to solve.


Sure except gold augs are 700m. Which is only 300m off gtn credit cap. That seems normal. If you where to full augment yourself in gold augs you would need multiple times more then player credit cap. Yea that seems normal and very healthy.

Edited by Wolvel
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bioware said they will introduce changes to the economy to address the inflation in the expansion


I believe that there is no real problem here to solve. The issue is being kept alive by players who want stuff from GTN that is NOT necessary to play the game, just cosmetic stuff. But these players don't want to spend the real-life money other players spent. They don't want to spend the real-life time playing the game - over several years - that the other players spent.


They want shiny stuff, they want them now, and they want them just handed to them without spending money or effort.


I believe that there is no real problem here to solve.


people want cartel market items but don't want to use their own cartel coins to buy them but they also want to dictate the price that those items cost, as you say the availability of these items and their cost on gtn aren't a problem but the inflation is an issue

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Sure except gold augs are 700m. Which is only 300m off gtn credit cap. That seems normal. If you where to full augment yourself in gold augs you would need multiple times more then player credit cap. Yea that seems normal and very healthy.


What are we discussing again? I thought it was game economy inflation making the vast majority of items out of reach for free-to-play and preferred players. I don't know why free-to-play or preferred would need gold augments. As far as I now the only content gold augments may be considered a need in is ranked PvP which free-to-play and preferred players are restricted from participating in.

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I have spent a lot of time playing this game over the years which is how I accumulated the credits I have. Should BW unilaterally reduce their value, it'd certainly motivate me to leave the game for good.


It is a different matter if they were to introduce optional credit sinks; I'd then still have control over how I use my money.

Edited by mike_carton
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