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Galactic Seasons - Season 2 Updates


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The problem I'm noticing is that if the weeklies will be divided between the free players and the subscribers. I'm a perpetual subscriber but that the free players might feel left out in the process. What kind of ratio is being done to ensure that free players aren't being left out. I should also note that there are a lot of players who don't like the weeklies because of how difficult it is to get a team together for those Ops that are required to do in order to complete it. There are quite a few weeklies I skip over because of how difficult it is to get a random or guild team together for them.


Scum and Villainy, Terror From Beyond are just two examples. How about adding more weeklies that allow players to run multiple SM Star Fortresses and Flashpoints. Everything seems to be built on Veteran Mode, which puts a lot of players off.


On four of my five accounts (all pref) I never group with anybody, always solo, so never touched the GS weeklies, and on my fifth account (sub) the only way I did any weeklies was in a back-handed way when I grouped with my guild for ops, but rarely, rarely, did I satisfy the weeklies on that. If I can't solo them, I avoid them.

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I have been saying some of these things in various threads, and am interested to see how it plays out. Sounds like it will be better than what we have now, since I often log in, and am unable to complete any POs for multiple days out of the week, even with rerolls.


Also, I guess this is intended to eliminate the need for rerolls?

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I have been saying some of these things in various threads, and am interested to see how it plays out. Sounds like it will be better than what we have now, since I often log in, and am unable to complete any POs for multiple days out of the week, even with rerolls.


Also, I guess this is intended to eliminate the need for rerolls?


I love the idea of no rerolls... but we need a bigger pool of missions. Give people more options than 10 missions if they have to do 7 to get full credit. At least with rerolls you had a bigger chance of getting something you like and actually want to bother you.


I can tell already that it's going to be very frustrating for me.

Edited by Pricia
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* Maybe I'm reading this wrong. You said, "there will only be 1 Daily Priority Objective which will simply consist of Earn Personal Conquest Experience.” If a mission doesn't give us GS points, don't put it on the GS tab. That's misleading and confusing. Daily missions can give us conquest XP but they should also progress us at least a little bit up the GS levels.


Yup, you did read that wrong. The Daily PO will award GS points. The objective to earn those GS points is to get some Conquest points. Probably something you do anyway.

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Because it takes away the daily PO's that you could receive and clear without the need of a group. When you use a level 10 alt as the log in character each day, because of the level, there are only 4 daily PO's that are in the available pool. Home world kills, Capital world kills, PVP, and GSF. With 1 reroll, even if you start with PVP and GSF, you will get a kill count daily. So at the very minimum, you know you would be able to obtain 29 points per week.


There are going to be 10 weekly PO's. Do you really think that all 10 of them are going to be group content? These are the solo PVE daily PO's for this week, Distant Outer Rim week.

  • Defeat [75] Enemies across “Distant Outer Rim'' planets (Belsavis, Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine).
  • Defeat [75] Insectoids across Tatooine.
  • Complete [3] Heroic missions across “Distant Outer Rim” planets (Belsavis, Hoth, or Tatooine).
  • Complete [4] Daily Missions across “Distant Outer Rim” planets (Rishi or Section X).
  • Defeat [75] non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython.
  • Defeat [75] non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.


Obviously we do not know what the priority objectives will be in Season 2. They will certainly be different as the theme is going to be different, but we can assume that at least 4 of the weekly PO's will be group content (PVP, GSF, OPs, and FPs). That leaves 6 solo PVE PO's, of which there are 6 in the above list. You specifically mentioned the two low level daily PO's. We also do not know the points structure for S2, but let us also extrapolate from the existing structure.


  • Defeat [300] non-player opponents across Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, or Tython.
  • Defeat [300] non-player opponents across Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.


Assume 300 kills as that is 4x the amount of the current daily. That means you still have two weekly PO's to do, plus the daily log in points, and the daily PO points, for a total of:


8 + 12(2) + 3(7) = 53 points per week


Or, if phalczen's estimates are correct:


8 + 9(2) + 2(7) = 40 points per week


Of course, there is a lot we still do not know, but it is highly unlikely that all 10 of the weekly PO's will be group content. I still fail to see how knowing what you have upfront is worse than playing a daily guessing game.

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I'm not a fan of some weeklies.


I'll never do operations. Those are all out for me.


The high level World Bosses, like the Section X or Voss, where you need certain requirements will be annoying with pugs and people who are low level trying to do them. (I can see this being a weekly PO due to the next Seasons companion being a Hunter of sorts. And then everyone is going to have to knock that out Tues or Wed otherwise groups will be harder to get for them as the week rolls on.


I don't mind 1-2 PVP or GSF matches for the daily. For a weekly you are at the mercy for the Queue to pop. There were days it took over an hour to get matches. Late night especially. I'm not in favor of those weeklies


If it was the Black hole, Onderon, Ossus, or Oricon weeklies, fine.


If you want to add in a weekly for the other starter planets and heroics, that would a GREAT IDEA. Like do all the Balmorra heroics, or all the Tatooine ones.


What about crafters, I'm not one, but how about a crafting one?


Add to that resource gatherers. Why not making the player goto though 5 planets and find gathering nodes and gather the resources.


How about a weekly over a certain number of Space Missions, the rail missions. I can see many people liking to do them.

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I'm going to wait to see what the objectives are before passing judgment here, but I'm cautiously optimistic that this is what I was hoping for in terms of changes. The focus on weeklies over dailies doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I always felt like having just a set list that we could pick and choose from for the various objectives would be better than just giving us 2 at random and only giving us a single reroll. Having it set up this way and removing the RNG aspect should hopefully be a positive thing, so long as all types of players are included in the weekly objectives.
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I wish it was just tied to XP/Renown. I've played other games with season passes and its just easier when you get XP for any activity so people could play what they liked while grinding away the season pass. Easier to manage and figure out how much grinding you have to do to keep pace or catch up or even get ahead. If someone wants to finish the season in a week grinding 24hrs day, let them. Just my opinion.
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The change to focus on weeklies is all fine and dandy, but only as long as they offer more opportunities for non-PvPers who also don't play Operations and such.


It would be great if it included something for people who play PvE mostly alone or in small groups, as that group currently has very few options. Heroics don't cut it (also who wants to do the same heroic for millionth time).


Something like "complete X story missions" or "complete X normal planetary missions", or even "kill 5000 PvE enemies" would do fine.


The best thing would be to have something like a "combined objective" that would say something like "Complete two normal planetary missions, one story mission, one heroic, and one flashpoint." Or somesuch.

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So, obviously the whole story is about what the weekly objectives will be. Because everything else - especially the so-called Daily Objective - is now trivial. (*) So, naturally, there's nothing in the post at all about the Weekly Objectives.


(*) Log in once a day, defeat a random mob for 10 Conquest Points, and you've done the Daily Objective on that server.

Why would you possibly assume that the daily objective would be only 10 CP?


Since there will be 10 weekly PO's available each week, and likely at least 4 of them will be devoted to group content (PVP, GSF, OPs, FPs), that will likely mean that someone who wants to play completely solo will likely only be able to complete 6 of the weekly PO's.

Which will be, admittedly, 6 more than in Season 1. ;)


Although I really don't see why these are so hated anyway. I'm usually not too fond of doing those myself, but the few PVP or GSF matches needed for the weekly went by quite quickly and were actually not that bad, especially GSF. The only weeklies I never did were the OPs, it's something I've just never done in all these almost 10 years, apart from some miserable wipes trying to kill The Eyeless during one of the rakghoul events years ago. Even the few times I bothered to try, only one day the queue actually showed some matches, but someone always jumped off before it could come to anything.

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Obviously it will depend on what these weeklies are. If for instance they are ones that people don’t like and you can’t change them, theres going to be player push back.


Can you give us a preliminary idea of the weeklies so we get an idea of what to expect.


This would be nice. I am one that you are not going to get me to do something I do not like no matter what you do and lucky for me I only need 1 more token to get the stronghold for the Republic fleet and all the other stuff I have yet to see anything I like or need so unless there is something different (cough) the stronghold is the only thing I want .

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Priority Objectives are no longer randomized


Choose any 7 Weekly structure

To give a larger net of flexibility in Priority Objective options, players will only need to complete 7 out of the 10 Weekly Priority Objectives. Once a player has completed their chosen 7 Weekly Priority Objectives, the other 3 will then become locked out for the remainder of the week. We want to provide players a way to earn as many Galactic Season Points as possible each week, while being able to participate in Objectives they find the most appealing.

I really hope this means I can ignore any weekly that has anything to do with Veteran Flashpoints via the Group Finder and continue to ignore any weekly that has anything to do with OPs! If it does mean this, the change is excellent and is a good compromise to mine (and others) suggestion of a drop down list :)

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The number of dailies or weeklies isn't the issue since some people might do them all in one marathon whilst others might only have 7 play windows a week of only an hour each in their otherwise committed and busy lives (caring commitments, kids, charity, work, treatment for health issues, sleep!, other games!, etc.)


Forcing people to play content they don't want to in order to satisfy point scoring rates that minimises the time it takes to complete GS is the problem. Many of us bought and/or subscribe to the game so anyone not wanting to play a category of content should not be forced to also take longer to achieve GS goals despite the fact they may spend more time in the gameworld and spend more real money in CM.


People play solo for any number of valid reasons that BW should recognise and accommodate. If I have a poor data connection or a less capable PC/GPU that makes PVP/GSF unplayable then why should I be forced through that experience to avoid not scoring GS points or else forgo it and be forced to take longer to complete GS and potentially spend longer in the game per week/month/season than I would otherwise have time for or want to?

Similarly I might not find it easy to do Ops due to amount of time I can play at any given time.


So if you're truly trying to facilitate players being to play at their leisure for something that many of them pay for then you have to give them the freedom to play any kind of content they enjoy to complete the reward goals you set at the same rate as anyone else playing different content. Anyone can choose to take longer but no one should be forced to from a philosophy of "If you don't like certain content well sucks to be you".


So set however many daily and weekly POs as you want BUT allow every player to achieve the max weekly GS points however they like, whether it's:

All solo

All group

All PvP

All FP (solo story, undermanned/fully manned vet/master)

All Ops

All Uprisings

All open world across the galaxy (slaughter on diff planets each day)

All heroics (diff planet each day)

All exploration and bonus missions (diff planet each day)

All story (Original story, elements of expansions, chapters of KOT FE/ET, etc)


Or any mix of the above.


Put another way, you say that we can score a max of 80 pts a week for example; we get 8 for logging in 4 days out of 7 and then pick up 72 more using whatever combo we like. Perhaps some harder group content might score more points per PO as long as your metrics are showing that it takes a decent amount of time, that way speed-running FPs/OPs thru exploits and group stealthing isn't rewarded unduly when the time to complete solo content might be unavoidably longer due to lower kill rates and more travelling.

Edited by Zorii_Bliss
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The plan has potential, but we don't have enough information to form accurate opinions. I like that I will be able to get the dailies done while playing story. That's what I'm here for, after all!


How many conquest points to we need to achieve the daily?

How many of the 10 weeklies are comfortably solo'd?

How much of a time commitment are we looking at to achieve 7 weeklies?

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How many of the 10 weeklies are comfortably solo'd?

This is the only question I need answers too.

If it turns out that more than half the weeklies are an attempt to force us into ****** group content again then it's a terrible plan. There should be enough weekly PO options to allow us to choose those we prefer to play the most. This means stuff for soloers, stuff for can-do-with-one-real-life-friend/partner/spouse-who-also-plays-swtor (allowing us to do FPs without the use of groupfinder for example) and stuff for those who love the random/organised larger group content.

Whilst the idea seems good (as I said previously) maybe it should be 5 out of 10 weeklies to allow for more choice of suitable/enjoyable weeklies?

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would love to hear your initial thoughts on the proposed changes coming to Season 2 before we move into broader testing in a later PTS phase.


Thanks again for your continued feedback! [/color]


This is an egregious design flaw and galactic seasons will not be participating in my fall or winter except a bit of cashing in some of my cartel coins just to get the fleet apartment note that I am staying subscribed but not playing on purpose as a vote against this design of Galactic seasons and I don't like it 1 bit. Now I'm going to start to sing if you don't know me by now by simply red and hope that you get it. Founder.

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Sounds promising - my concern would be around the length of each of the weekly objectives.


The dailies were usually a nice length but I did find that I'd do my conquest stuff each day or week and little else due to the time involved.


Also it would be nice if we had a better indication of how long the season was as we progressed...my worry was that i HAD TO DO the dailies and weeklies without fail or I'd leave myself a very small window to catch up or complete the 100 levels....in the end I had weeks to spare....I'd like to have been in better control of that...maybe a graphic that could show how many days I needed to complete and how many days I had left available to me.

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Choose any 7 Weekly structure

To give a larger net of flexibility in Priority Objective options, players will only need to complete 7 out of the 10 Weekly Priority Objectives. Once a player has completed their chosen 7 Weekly Priority Objectives, the other 3 will then become locked out for the remainder of the week. We want to provide players a way to earn as many Galactic Season Points as possible each week, while being able to participate in Objectives they find the most appealing.



One Question will it be possible to make an option (like a button in the settings or the seasons tab) to complete the other 3 also if you like to do ist?

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to be honest, i like the dailies more ... i like having the option per day as to what i do for dailies , aka being able to refresh them per day ... currently the weeklies can only be refreshed 1x per week (big downside)


Me too, I don't see this as an improvement considering I have not done a single weekly at all. All this will mean to me, is I won't progress at all in season two.


As for so called feedback, funny this is not what I was seeing been asked for at all.:mad:


Will any of these weeklies be solo friendly? and no, don't count SF or WZ's as solo friendly at all.

Edited by Daxisaclone
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This is the only question I need answers too.

If it turns out that more than half the weeklies are an attempt to force us into ****** group content again then it's a terrible plan. There should be enough weekly PO options to allow us to choose those we prefer to play the most. This means stuff for soloers, stuff for can-do-with-one-real-life-friend/partner/spouse-who-also-plays-swtor (allowing us to do FPs without the use of groupfinder for example) and stuff for those who love the random/organised larger group content.

Whilst the idea seems good (as I said previously) maybe it should be 5 out of 10 weeklies to allow for more choice of suitable/enjoyable weeklies?


It won't be, simple truth is that if you have to do 7/10 weeklies, then the only way would be to do in-game stuff you just don't want to do. As then 10 would have to be a mix of both solo and group, either way player(s) will have to do stuff they don't want to do.


Anyway as I have said many times to other players, no one has to partake in GS, so guess I just won't be next season. While it's clear you can work a limited way though as a solo player, not to any degree that make it worth doing, not for solo players like me.

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Now I fear GS 2 will be a grind of distasteful pvp (taste is on the taste buds of the beholder) and group content.

Actual Weeklies are all pvp or group oriented. Please, make sure there is some pve solo in there!.


I hate pvp, and pvp players hate me because I'm bad at pvp..

Operations are not what I like to do and takes way to much time (in many case).

GSF is the only weekly I would do, and only on Satele Shan I could do it (enough people to start a match), and some times on The Forge. I could probably do a daily GSF twice on Malgus, but that's it (could be a timezone issue)

Can't do group content with the guild on The Leviathan (main server atm) because the time I log in on week days Frenchies are sleeping (apparently this is a thing)


Some suggestions for weeklies: (pretty much the same as the actual daily PO, but could be daily numbers x5 or x7

- Complete X number of heroics. Planets can be themed with the Conquest for a given week (outer rim, core worlds, etc)

- Kill x number of npc. Can be themed with the conquest.

- Complete x daily missions.

... And why not a Complete X story missions, for the newer players (or the althaholic like me who love the class stories...) (any of the missions also available for conquest with Missions: Story Time)

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Now I fear GS 2 will be a grind of distasteful pvp (taste is on the taste buds of the beholder) and group content.

Actual Weeklies are all pvp or group oriented. Please, make sure there is some pve solo in there!.


I hate pvp, and pvp players hate me because I'm bad at pvp..

Operations are not what I like to do and takes way to much time (in many case).

GSF is the only weekly I would do, and only on Satele Shan I could do it (enough people to start a match), and some times on The Forge. I could probably do a daily GSF twice on Malgus, but that's it (could be a timezone issue)

Can't do group content with the guild on The Leviathan (main server atm) because the time I log in on week days Frenchies are sleeping (apparently this is a thing)


Some suggestions for weeklies: (pretty much the same as the actual daily PO, but could be daily numbers x5 or x7

- Complete X number of heroics. Planets can be themed with the Conquest for a given week (outer rim, core worlds, etc)

- Kill x number of npc. Can be themed with the conquest.

- Complete x daily missions.

... And why not a Complete X story missions, for the newer players (or the althaholic like me who love the class stories...) (any of the missions also available for conquest with Missions: Story Time)


They could add the weekly like Black Hole, CZ, etc as a weekly since doing the weekly requires 5 or more of the dailies.

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