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Just tried ranked for the 1st time


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It amuses me when the people who tell new players that they aren’t ready for ranked and they need to go practice turn around and say that regs don’t matter. In case folks haven’t noticed, there’s literally no middle ground between ranked and regs. Your valor level is 25? Come on in! No one takes a cue from The Prince of Egypt to tell these poor players that they’re “playing with the big boys now”.


The fact is the only way to get good at ranked is to play ranked. And unfortunately that means getting your balls kicked in repeatedly until you learn. But people do learn. It’s just that the toxic ‘l2p’ elements don’t want to let people take the time to learn. They just want everyone to come in and automatically be PvP Jesus.

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Yes full 306 with purple 286 augs - set I use is established foothold. I'm guessing they saw my valour was only 32 and immediately thought the worst.....hey I don't make the rules Bioware says I can que at 25. They should bracket the valour for ranked. I'm sure years ago you had to be valour 90 to even enter ranked?


Before removing pvp gear the only requirement was to have 2018 expertise, which was really just to stop the trolls from queuing naked.


Valor 25 is definitely too low though.

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You would think there was millions of real life dollars on the line for some people the way they go on toxic rants and stuff in ranked. I'm so tired of it.


Everyone has a right to play ranked. Period.


Do throwers have a right to play ranked? Because essentially an unprepared player that continuously takes no action to be more prepared is exactly that. A thrower who ruins the game for the other 7 players in the game.


Now I'm not saying all new players shouldn't que ranked. I'm just saying after a couple games and it's obvious that you are in way over your head, you should go back to regs and practice. Don't keep queing just to spite the "toxic ranked bully" who is just stating the obvious.

Edited by septru
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Yes full 306 with purple 286 augs - set I use is established foothold. I'm guessing they saw my valour was only 32 and immediately thought the worst.....hey I don't make the rules Bioware says I can que at 25. They should bracket the valour for ranked. I'm sure years ago you had to be valour 90 to even enter ranked?


Again, I didn't say anything to you in that game, but I did assume you would be bad for the following reasons.


1. I assume anyone that I don't recognize is bad, sometimes this assumption is wrong of course (alts I don't recognize, etc), but it's usually not

2. If it's a sniper I don't recognize, it's nearly guaranteed that they're bad because of how difficult sniper is to play in ranked

3. Established foothold is a good set bonus in ranked for experienced snipers only, and usually only against certain compositions. Get repositioning

4. You had a weird engi tactical I think, don't remember what it was, but I'm pretty sure it's not the preferred pvp engi tactical.

5. Full accuracy. Not bad strictly speaking, but most pvp snipers only use 105% accuracy. Seeing 110 accuracy, I assume it's a pve player that didn't bother to customize gear for pvp.


I didn't even look at valor. There are people with valor 90+ with 500 elo, and there are top 3 players that make new alts all the time. It's hard to make any assumptions from it.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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The fact is the only way to get good at ranked is to play ranked. And unfortunately that means getting your balls kicked in repeatedly until you learn. But people do learn.


So how exactly is a player like that supposed to learn? Seriously. What is getting globalled 100 times in a row supposed to teach a new player? Are they just supposed to wake up the next day and not get globalled?


No one is asking people to be experts before they que for ranked. But you need to have some idea of what is going on. Otherwise there is no way any player is going to learn how to swim when they are throw off the deep end. That's what regs teaches. The fundamentals. The basics.

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So how exactly is a player like that supposed to learn? Seriously. What is getting globalled 100 times in a row supposed to teach a new player? Are they just supposed to wake up the next day and not get globalled?


No one is asking people to be experts before they que for ranked. But you need to have some idea of what is going on. Otherwise there is no way any player is going to learn how to swim when they are throw off the deep end. That's what regs teaches. The fundamentals. The basics.


It's similar to the farm system in baseball or why NFL teams usually try not to start their top draft pick QB until they've had awhile to learn the speed of the game. Getting tossed into the fray when you aren't ready doesn't give you the opportunity to learn.


two ways to learn without jumping in to queue when you aren't ready:

1) try watching some streams of players that play ranked. Kogass plays mostly jugg/guardian but he does a ton of solo ranked and can show the benefits of learning to manage cooldowns and kite vs just trying to do raw damage: https://www.twitch.tv/kogass_


2) ask the most active pvp guilds on your server if they ever do challenges or kickball games and if you can join. This honestly could be a good litmus test in another way: if everyone outright dismisses you it might be a sign that you're not even ready for that level of play.

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It's not so much an ego as it is a predisposition against ranked. Think of it this way. A lot of people read on the forums how ranked is so toxic, so that when they go into ranked as a new player they are already expect toxicity. So they immediately ignore anything you say as toxic.


In reality, however, a lot of new players that que ranked are not ready for ranked. So when someone says "you need gear before you que ranked" or "you're not good enough. go practice in regs" they immediately ignore what is said as toxicity, when in reality it is just the truth. That's why you see a lot of new players say stuff like "this is my game too! I pay my sub" or "you're a bully so I'm going to ignore you" or just "no you're bad!"


"Ranked is toxic"



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Also, we should say solo ranked isn't like the top tier form of PVP by a long shot. I'm certainly not a bad player and I hate the game mode and rarely play it. Group ranked or even the rare regs where you get multiple premades q'ed against each other are way more fun than solo ranked. Solos just have too many downsides to be fun sometimes. Whether it's getting grouped constantly with/against really toxic players, or multiboxers throwing matches, or just really, really bad players, it's hard to string together enough games to make it fun much less an accurate measure of skill. Unless you put in hundreds of games the rating just doesn't mean a whole lot given the lack of population and the random bads/leavers/bots throwing games.
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Again, I didn't say anything to you in that game, but I did assume you would be bad for the following reasons.


1. I assume anyone that I don't recognize is bad, sometimes this assumption is wrong of course (alts I don't recognize, etc), but it's usually not

2. If it's a sniper I don't recognize, it's nearly guaranteed that they're bad because of how difficult sniper is to play in ranked

3. Established foothold is a good set bonus in ranked for experienced snipers only, and usually only against certain compositions. Get repositioning

4. You had a weird engi tactical I think, don't remember what it was, but I'm pretty sure it's not the preferred pvp engi tactical.

5. Full accuracy. Not bad strictly speaking, but most pvp snipers only use 105% accuracy. Seeing 110 accuracy, I assume it's a pve player that didn't bother to customize gear for pvp.


I didn't even look at valor. There are people with valor 90+ with 500 elo, and there are top 3 players that make new alts all the time. It's hard to make any assumptions from it.


No probs and I do take your point re the accuracy (and do know this so my bad). The tac I was using is Ruthless Interrogation (re ticks Inter Probe & Elec railgun does 75% more dmg)

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to be fair (and this was my point), a couple weeks ago, I capped the east node in OPG. the other team had the west node. stealth (shadow?) came up and stood on the node with me. I had the red buff. so I left the node to disable the other team's node. the shadow followed me to the other node. I saw him behind me when I was halfway there, and said "fool! why did you leave the node?" he said, "one more for the list!" and he put me on ignore. it's the same ****, different day. it doesn't matter whether you're a reg star, a yolo boi, a casual reg player, or a GS bot, there's always that relationship where someone has no business being where they are and they pucker their bum holes and raise their hackles the second anyone says anything remotely aggressive to them after they just screwed up.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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So a sniper claims to understand his class and playing as a sniper gets globaled? I'm sorry but I have seen the worst snipers in regs still know how to use entrench. I would suggest playing Jugg tank or something for your first ranked game...Even if you don't know what you are doing at least you won't die instantly. That way you can at least survive long enough to get some practice?
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Also, we should say solo ranked isn't like the top tier form of PVP by a long shot. I'm certainly not a bad player and I hate the game mode and rarely play it. Group ranked or even the rare regs where you get multiple premades q'ed against each other are way more fun than solo ranked. Solos just have too many downsides to be fun sometimes. Whether it's getting grouped constantly with/against really toxic players, or multiboxers throwing matches, or just really, really bad players, it's hard to string together enough games to make it fun much less an accurate measure of skill. Unless you put in hundreds of games the rating just doesn't mean a whole lot given the lack of population and the random bads/leavers/bots throwing games.


Gotta love the hilarious class stacking feature that solos involves. Almost always gona have 3 mercs on 1 team or 2 ops on the other. I don't know much about coding but imagine if there was a way to separate the classes to prevent class stacking. I'm sure it could be done but that has nothing to do with cartel market so doubtful anything like that will ever happen.

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My experience as a new player after 100 games (102 or 103...something like that):


Ranked as a game mode: It is thrilling. I get the jitters EVERRY SINGLE TIME when I go into a match, but I have way more fun, even when I lose than I do in regs (which is far more often than I would like). The games are fast, the map rotation is better, and the players are not NEARLY as toxic as one would think.


Toxicity: It is toxic, perhaps more so than regs, but so far no one has told me to end myself or made any RL threats. It comes down to flagging (which is obnoxious), "you're terrible" or "our Sentinel is trash" or "I'm reporting you for 'throwing'" (that was my 2nd or 3rd game...not since) and, honestly, I think I have received each comment only once. While I am "trash" I am endeavoring to learn. After each round I reflect on what I did wrong, or attempt to repeat what I did right. More and more I feel as though I am less and less the reason we lose when my team loses...and more and more I feel like I am making a meaningful contribution when we win. I even have MVP votes. Not sure if those are trolling or genuine votes of approval, but I have them.


What is not toxic: "How do you die in seconds?" "You literally took your life in damage!" Those are honest, and real complaints. I made a bad error in judgment and it cost us, unfortunately. When I explained, another player replied, "you don't need to do that when you're low on health." The next round I did not make that same mistake, but we still lost. Another: "Don't get cucked like that, please" (an early game) and "You need to live longer" or something like, "Try this, and then this...and remember this." There is no need to take any of these as toxic. There is one player, I shall not name, who is a touch aloof on the forums, but in game is helpful, and respectful. This individual dispenses advice...and that's it. When this person offered me personal advice, we won the next round (and the match). It could have been part luck, but it worked. This player is SO good that I have not witnessed a loss from that person, even when watching streams.


Skill: I do believe there is absolutely skill involved even though there are very few players involved in it. One does tend to see a lot of the same names in queue, but I note that certain players always seem to survive longer, do more damage, handle more intense situations, and know the reason for failure or success by knowledge and situational awareness.


It's weird, but I don't even get upset when I lose. It's just a lot more fun than regs, imo. It is fun, a lot of hard work, and I DO care about failing my teammates, but as someone who is a good ranked player told me, "the only way to get better at ranked is to do ranked." Maybe after this season I will decide that I cannot improve, that I am hopeless as a ranked player...who knows? What I have realized is something another very good ranked player told me, "keep your nose down and keep grinding." Good advice, imo. Anyway, that's a new player's perspective on ranked.

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Do throwers have a right to play ranked? Because essentially an unprepared player that continuously takes no action to be more prepared is exactly that. A thrower who ruins the game for the other 7 players in the game.


Now I'm not saying all new players shouldn't que ranked. I'm just saying after a couple games and it's obvious that you are in way over your head, you should go back to regs and practice. Don't keep queing just to spite the "toxic ranked bully" who is just stating the obvious.


What some don't understand is sometimes a player who isn't God almighty, can be the declared first target of the opposing team and gets flattened first , gets instantly yelled at for being bad or loosing on purpose but is just trying to play. I'm not saying anyone's hands need to be held but people really need to rethink words and actions sometimes.


BTW...The irony is the most toxic ones are usually the ones who also win trade.

Edited by YaddleTwo
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Ranked is a cruel game mode because it is just arenas. Arenas and proper 8v8 WZs may as well be two completely different things. Arenas are all about focus fire. The team picks a victim at the start and that target gets ruthlessly gangked until he runs out of defensives and explodes. In WZs, there's less preparation before a match and when a team does bother talking about tactics, they're talking about objectives and not focusing down a single named individual.


What I'm getting at is that 8v8 warzones do not prepare you for arenas at all. Only arenas can prepare you for arenas. If you go play lowbies, 7/8 matches will be arenas due to the smaller number of people in queue. Get experience there. Play dozens of arenas. Play hundreds, even!


For getting experience in ranked, I recommend playing an operative or an assassin. Being in stealth means the enemy team can't just shoot for you, right away. You choose when you come into combat and you choose when you leave. You can choose to come into a fight after everyone else has, meaning after the enemy team has already started fighting an alternate target. If you load into an arena while already in stealth, they can't even mark you until after the fight starts.

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Ranked can be a cruel game mode but it can also be very fun and rewarding. I have stayed out because I prefer dps juggs/guardians but, recently, Prum posted (sorry, can't remember thread) some vids for a dps jugg. I honestly had no idea saber ward could be bypassed while stunned (use during white bar), my spec was jacked, oh....and I preferred a different dps tactical. After experimenting, my mobility has improved significantly, I have another cc breaker, two speed boosts for kiting, and my dps output has improved significantly.


My point here is do your research. Really take the time to learn, not only your class, but all the others. Even if you think you are ready, like I was, dig deeper. It will help in the long run.

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Ranked can be a cruel game mode but it can also be very fun and rewarding. I have stayed out because I prefer dps juggs/guardians but, recently, Prum posted (sorry, can't remember thread) some vids for a dps jugg. I honestly had no idea saber ward could be bypassed while stunned (use during white bar), my spec was jacked, oh....and I preferred a different dps tactical. After experimenting, my mobility has improved significantly, I have another cc breaker, two speed boosts for kiting, and my dps output has improved significantly.


My point here is do your research. Really take the time to learn, not only your class, but all the others. Even if you think you are ready, like I was, dig deeper. It will help in the long run.


It's still not fun as DPS jugg regardless. The class is not meant to be played the way solo forces you to play it, unless you are lucky to get a heal game but running around and kiting is not fun to play as jugg.

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No one wants unprepared players in ranked. Often these unprepared players kill the ranked que. No one wants to play games that are decided out of spawn.


I agree that players should prepare themselves when getting into ranked, but this isn't where the frustration from ranked players come from. When I got into ranked I had a full set bonus, tactical, augments and stim, valor rank over 50 yet I kept getting told to stop queuing and kill myself. A lot of ranked players simply care more about raising their elo then they do accomodating new players and that's ok, but let's call it what it is: It is bullying and it is selfish, and it isn't about new players being unprepared.


Big thanks to those who do help out new players who are clearly struggling.

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What I'm getting at is that 8v8 warzones do not prepare you for arenas at all. Only arenas can prepare you for arenas. If you go play lowbies, 7/8 matches will be arenas due to the smaller number of people in queue. Get experience there. Play dozens of arenas. Play hundreds, even!


I get what you mean about lowbies being the place where arenas pop, so it might be reasonable that that's where you should go to practice arenas. but the balance in lowbies is extremely bad. I feel like an absolute god in lowbies most of the time (before the bracket squish). even after the bracket squish, the absolute trash I can carry on my 66-74 toons beggers description. lowbie is a piss poor place to prepare for arenas. you're much better off ignoring objectives in WZs and inviting 1v2 and 1v3 situations where you practice rolling cds and kiting. honestly, you'd be better off slapping a training dummy and maxing your burst than farming lowbie arenas.

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So how exactly is a player like that supposed to learn? Seriously. What is getting globalled 100 times in a row supposed to teach a new player? Are they just supposed to wake up the next day and not get globalled?


No one is asking people to be experts before they que for ranked. But you need to have some idea of what is going on. Otherwise there is no way any player is going to learn how to swim when they are throw off the deep end. That's what regs teaches. The fundamentals. The basics.


The only way for them to know what's going on is to play ranked. Yeah they might get globalled. Then the next game they adjust and know to use defensives quicker. You won't get that experience inside a regular war zone. I queued my first warzone since coming back yesterday and was 2nd in damage and only had one death with zero gear and a generic tactical. There's not much to learn from there. The basics and fundamentals come from leveling and gearing. The basic pvp fundamentals come from grinding to Valor 25. The experience to survive and operate in a coordinated environment only comes from said environment.


Quit blaming others for losses and gate-keeping solo queue, your only hurting the community. People in a low pop game need to be inviting and give advice. Or just play team ranked when they don't want deal with random groups. But I guess it's just easier to put the blame on others and be toxic to try and keep people out.

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The only way for them to know what's going on is to play ranked. Yeah they might get globalled. Then the next game they adjust and know to use defensives quicker. You won't get that experience inside a regular war zone. I queued my first warzone since coming back yesterday and was 2nd in damage and only had one death with zero gear and a generic tactical. There's not much to learn from there. The basics and fundamentals come from leveling and gearing. The basic pvp fundamentals come from grinding to Valor 25. The experience to survive and operate in a coordinated environment only comes from said environment.


Hey man. Congradz on getting 2nd highest damage. Most of the players I'm talking about, can't get 2nd highest damage. For these players regs actually does provide a place to learn.


And no. You can't learn how to play ranked in leveling (story), grinding for gear (flashpoints), and grinding for valor 25 (2 hrs). That's a laughable joke.

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It's still not fun as DPS jugg regardless. The class is not meant to be played the way solo forces you to play it, unless you are lucky to get a heal game but running around and kiting is not fun to play as jugg.


While I do not disagree, I would like to check it out and see how it performs. A high/guardian kiting is kinda laughable but it is what it is. So does one work with what the class has got or just not play at all? Like I said, the guides Prum provided were beneficial and I would like to see how they perform regardless.

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