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Insane Lag Spikes on Star Forge

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Interesting findings this morning; based on the .218 octet I was seeing almost 50% packet loss at my router, can't reboot router right now as all of us are working from home and daughter is on her virtual day so the router reboot will happen later today. Logged completely out of SWTOR and still watched the ping plot with no changes,


logged back in to SWTOR and got the .233 octet and am (knocks on wood) seeing no ping issues 33ms and no PL, nothing but a couple of spikes but nothing like I was seeing yesterday or earlier this morning





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Let's break this down a bit too much. The internet is a collection of highways. To get from Point A to Point B, the signal is going to travel through several hubs. To get to point C, it may use different hubs to reach it's destination. Just because there's a 300 car pile up on the route between A and B doesn't mean you're going to hit that wreck going to C. This is demonstrated clearly in this thread by people changing where A is, with a VPN, and successfully getting to B with no issues. If the actual problem was B, it wouldn't matter where A was, there would always be an issue.


Off topic a bit... But for those of us who aren't really tech savvy. How does a VPN change your scenario of Point A and Point B?


A VPN won't necessarily change Point A, right? Point A is fixed on your physical location.

Edited by septru
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Off topic a bit... But for those of us who aren't really tech savvy. How does a VPN change your scenario of Point A and Point B?


A VPN won't necessarily change Point A, right? Point A is fixed on your physical location.


To make the example more granular, Say your PC is point A, the SWTOR server is point Z. Your packets get routed through points B - Y before reaching Z. The breakdown in this case is probably somewhere around point R, so if you can find away around that point, you're good. That's where the VPN come into play. The VPN should change the entire route once leaving your own router in your house, which would be like point C.

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I got a response from AskSpectrum on Twitter and they said this was most likely the case. Still chatting with them via DMs to see if I can actually get some information or a confirmation on this.


The best thing to do is run ping plotter yourself and send spectrum the information. You can ask them to reroute you and they can do it if they care enough. The problem is most ISPs don’t give a rats about routing to a specific game or site as long as the rest of their service is 99.99% working,


If you don’t get any satisfaction from spectrum after providing the proof of what’s happening, I can only suggest you talk with your wallet and switch providers. Spectrum probably don’t care and would prefer you to do this because swtor isn’t big enough for them to care about. Sadly, if this was happening to a bigger game like WoW, spectrum would likely be all over it in an instant to fix it for you.

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What's the popular image linking service everyone uses here?


Here is my pingplotter screenie




That’s terrible. It looks like it’s your router/modem,


Did I read somewhere that spectrum just did a software update for them? Can you get them to do a roll back on your software till they fix it?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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To make the example more granular, Say your PC is point A, the SWTOR server is point Z. Your packets get routed through points B - Y before reaching Z. The breakdown in this case is probably somewhere around point R, so if you can find away around that point, you're good. That's where the VPN come into play. The VPN should change the entire route once leaving your own router in your house, which would be like point C.


Pretty much that. Also by using a VPN, you are going off spectrums routing table to a different one. And unless the VPN also uses spectrum, you are by passing the problem altogether.


Its why I personally use the WTFast gaming VPN playing from Australia because of the all the different networks I have to pass through in the US to get to the servers. This way if there is a problem I can route around the area causing the issue. It also helps eliminate a lot of packet loss or spikes and smooths out my connection. Without it I have 10-20 random ping spikes a minute.


WTFast is different to a standard VPN too because they have so many different hops and routes you can take and dedicated to gaming only. For instance, they have 9 different router ports for Atlanta and 11 different ones for L.A.

My connection to L.A. Is usually rock solid and fast, so I pick the best speed port to L.A. and then test each Atlanta one to find the fastest and most stable port. I always avoid any that go through DC or Ashburn because they use Level3 routers there.

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Im a spectrum customer, and besides the occasional spike and the normal stalls on nar shadda, im not having any serious issues. I guess i can consider myself lucky. Im located near the Atlanta area and havent needed to use a vpn yet.


As far as spectrum themselves, i can guarantee theyre not going to go any faster to fix the issue no matter the game youre playing. Spectrum is pretty much the big kid on the street in this area. A swtor player, a wow player, a sports fan, a cooking show fan.....no matter... are going to have to wait equally for a fix.


Trust me when i say....ive wanted to switch providers...but they just dont exist. Spectrum is the best bang for the buck. I refuse to ever use AT&T ever again. The smaller providers dont have the steam to push their service to a large amount of people. Spectrum is the only choice in my area when it comes to overall performance.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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  • 4 months later...
Late to the party but okay, so it's not just me. I'll go from 40 to 80 on server lag within 2 seconds. Got disconnected 3 times in 10 minutes during the mission before the Maelstrom Prison, and frequently disconnect and have server lag on Yavin 4. I can't go a single play session without being disconnected at least once. Edited by IramUnleashed
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Happening to me too...


And I notice it's been MONTHS since this was brought up, and it's still going on. What's our sub paying for if they're not going to fix problems like this?

Lol. Obviously you didn't read much of this thread. If you had, you'd realize that 'the problem' is most likely an internet routing issue and there's nothing that BW can do about it. Sort of like blaming MickyD for the road construction in front of the drive-through. 🙂

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Lol. Obviously you didn't read much of this thread. If you had, you'd realize that 'the problem' is most likely an internet routing issue and there's nothing that BW can do about it. Sort of like blaming MickyD for the road construction in front of the drive-through. 🙂


There's a guy on this forum, name starts with an O, who is a trusted source for tech-related questions. I never see him in threads like this. Instead I see committed white knights spouting off restaurant-related metaphors and pretending they know anything about internet routing. Or saying "just use ping plotter!" as if that actually tells what's wrong. Yes, if you live in Australia, you will have bad FPS. Otherwise, it's probably something else.


Why do you think that is? Why do you think people frequently complain about getting lag in this game when they don't have that problem with any other online game? You have no answer for that, or do you? Can you answer it without using a folksy metaphor?


My answer is that lag is an inherent part of this game, that it gets worse whenever they do a patch, that it has been getting steadily worse since 2.0, that it most certainly IS the devs' fault but it's not gonna get fixed, so you either endure it or quit playing. Therefore, the reason the player named O doesn't come into these kinds of threads is because it's not a tech solution, it's a propaganda solution, which is why you're here instead.

Edited by Ardrossan
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